itoyfei I Baking Powder ? Absolutely Pure Renders the food more wholesome and su \ perior in lightness and flavor. The only baking powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar. ? fm CbmA ?r { COUNTY > I CORRESPONDENCE J W The Week's Happenings Told by Tho % # Herald's Regulsr Correspondents ^ EMIT NOTES. The Watkins Sunday school met yesterday with a good attendance. Miss Daisy Hales is visiting the Misses llocutt this week. A good many of our people are gone to Wendell today to the Jr. picnic. Miss iiattie Atkinson has opened a millinery store at Emit. Mr. J. C. Snipes has gone to Zeb ulon. The Emit debating society is get ling along nicely now. The query for Thursday night is: Resolved, That the works of Nature are more wonderful and beautiful than the works of Art. We are glad to hear that Mrs. J. W. Corbett is some better. Tho farmers of this Eectlon are lusy getting ready to plant cottou this week. Mr. Vernon Bell fell a few days ago and hurt his knee very badly. Mr. Hurt Lowry is about tho oldest man in our community and can do right much work yet. H. E. J. April 12. ? * ? MASSEY CHAPEL ITEMS. Most of the farmers in this sec tion arc through planting corn and are ready to sow com ii Mr. H. J. Thompson wife vis ited at the home of Mr. It. V. Oliver Sunday. Misses Hortence and Salli" Pierce spent Saturday night and Sunday with Miss Sal lie Wiggs. Miss Ktta Oliver is visiting rela tives near Fork of Creek this week. Mr. B. I. Peedin and wife speut Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Eonzo Daughtry. Mr. Arthur Wiggs was In this sec tion Sunday. Mr. Ezekiel Creech and family spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Willie Starling. Miss Sallie Oliver visited Miss Bet tif> Peedin last Sunday. Mr. N. G. Wiggs and family spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Sir. J. W. Wiggs. Misses Jeneva Peedin, Kezzie Peedin, Rosa Woodard visited Miss Sallie Oliver last Friday. Mrs. Ella Starling spent Saturday afternoon with Mrs. R. V. Oliver Mrs. Sallie Massengill spent last week with her brother, Mr. David Thompson. Mr. Willie Oliver spent Saturday night and Sunday ; t his father's, Mr. R. V. Oliver. Mr. William Massey passed through our vicinity Monday. Mr. Pat Wiggs spent Sunday with Mr. Eddie Oliver. Mr. Charlie Wiggs visited the home of Mr. Simon Peirce Sunday. Master Robert Oliver visited at the home of Mr. H. F. Peedin Sun day. Miss Carletta Creech spent Friday night with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Willie Starling. Mr. Preston Wiggs and family spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Nathan Wiggs. Mr. Daniel Capps and wife spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wilklns. SUGAR PLUM. April 12, 1909. Words to Freeze the Soul. "Your son has consumption. His case is hopeless." These appalling words were spoken to Geo. E. Blev ens. a leading merchant of Spring II' Id, N. C., by two expert doctors ? one a Inns specialist. Then was shown the wonderful power of Dr. King's New Discovery. "After three weeks use," writes Mr. Blevens, "he was as well as ever. I would not take all the money in the world for what it did for my boy." Infallible for Coughs and Colds, its the safest surest cure of desperate Lung dis eases on earth. 50c. and tl. Hood Bros, guarantee satisfaction. Trial bottle free. FOUR OAKS NOTES. Mr. J. W. Hollowell and Mr. Hale, of Selnia, spent Monday night in town. Mr. Chas. Helrce spent Easter in Fremont nnd Kenly. Mr. J. ii. Adams spent Haster in Ureensboro. Mr. W. E. Harbour spent Saturday night and Sunday in Selma. There was au Easter Egg hunt given by Methodist and Baptist churches here Monday which was a delight to the youngsters. Mr. "Curly" Harper was in tow A Monday. Rev. Mr. Starling filled his regular appointment here Sunday morning and evening, and preached the funer al of Mr. BUI Benson's baby at Cor inth in the afternoon. Elder W. B. Williams, of Elm City, preached in Primitive Baptist church here Monday. Some of our young people went to Holt's pond Monday for their an nual Easter picnic, and report a very pleasant time. "Ye village school of long ago," a play by home talent at Corinth school house Wednesday night, (28). Benefit of Mission work. Don't miss this grand production. Mr. Dalton Bee has bought out market and made several changes. He is doing nice business. There is being a good bit of im provement made in the looks of our town, such as extension of streets, new buildiugs, etc. Camp No. 13931, of Modern Wood men of America, was instituted here the 8tl>, with a good many charter members. HELLO BILL. April 14, 1909. PEARCE'S SCHOOL HOUSE DOTS. Farmers in our section have just comenced planting cotton. Mrs. J. T. Creech, who has been seriously ill, we are glad to note, is slowly improving. Miss Eva Wellons, of Selma, is visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. C. W. Wellons, this week. Miss Stella Fitzgerald visited in Kenly last week. Mr. Oscar Hinnant was in Pine Level Sunday afternoon. Clifton Pearce spent Sunday in Ilains X Roads section. Mrs. Hassey Corbett, of Ayden, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Wellons, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Coltrain at tended church at Pine Level Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Fitzgerald spent Sunday with their sister, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Godwin. Mr. Clyde Pearce attended Micro Sunday school Sunday. Mr. J. D. Pearce made a business trip to Selma Monday. Prof. Stanbury, of Trinity College, preached an excellent sermon at Zlon Sunday. A little girl has arrived at the home of Mr. Fletcher Bagley. OLD BOB. BUFFALO NOTES. The farmers of this section are very busy planting cotton. We are glad to know that singing started at Corbett school house last Sunday. Rev. Mr. Royal filled his appoint ment at Live Oak and Thanksgiving last Saturday and Sunday. While Mr. W. H. Brown was sing ing at Friendship last Saturday, April 10th, his kitchen and smoke house were burned. HORACE. "I'd Rather Die, Doctor, than have my feet cut off," salil M. L. Bingham, of Princeville, 111. 'But you'll die from gangrene (which had eaten away eight toes) If you don't," said all doctors. Instead, he used Bucklen's Arnica Salve till wholly cured. Its cures of Eczema. Fever Sores, Bolls, Burns and Piles as tound the world. 25c. at Hood Bros. MONEY TO LOAN. Come to see me. John A. Narron, , Attorney, Smlthfleld, N. C. I Dress material* are sold by weight in Japac. WENDELL NOTES. Mr. W. W. Crews, of Oxford, is here to spend Easter and look after bis business interests here. Miss Rena Richardson, of Peace Institute, is spending Easter with in r mother, Mrs. M. H. Richardson. Miss Lizie Richardson, of Atlantic Christian College, is home for the Easter holidays. Mr. G. G. Cupp left for his home In Johnstown, Pa., Friday night. He will be away for about ten days. Mr. VV. R. Nowell, who has a po sition with W. H. King Drug Co., in Raleigh, came down Saturday to spend Sunday with his parents. He returned Monday but will be back here in a few days to take his old Job with Wendell Drug Co. The Wendell Telephone Co. has lephone poles up in town and will begin 'm hiring wire and placing 'phones in a short time. It will be a great convenient e to the town and surrounding country. Easter was quite an interesting day here. ' Dr. Brewer, of Wake Forest College, delivered an address to the Jr. O. U. A. M. at the Academy in the morning. In the a'ternoon the Juniors presented a flag to the school l'rof. Z. V. Judd, County Superinten dent, making the presentation speech and Rev. W. C. Nowell the speech of acceptance for the school. The flag was then raised with appropriate cer emonies. We then had a game of base ball and a bear dance. At night the school presented a play the proceeds of which were to go to the school library. BOB. BRASWELL STORE ITEMS. Mr. Council Warrick and family spent Saturday night and Sunday at the home of Mr. J. M. Oliver near Princeton, Mr. James Creech and family spent Sunday with Mr. Charlie War rick. Mr. Fred Stucky was in our sec tion Sunday. Mr. Alex Braswell and wife spent Saturday night and Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Sam Worley. Mr. Charlie Creech and wife spent Saturday night at the home of Mr. C. G. Creech. Mr. N. H. Adams and family spent Sunday at Selma. There will be services at the Brown school house next third Sun day afternoon at 3 o'clock. Miss Nora Creech spent Sunday at Mr. J. C. Adams'. Mr. Monroe Bras well and wife spent Saturday night and Sunday at the home of Mr, Alex Braswell. Mr. George Adams, of Four Oaks, spent last Thursday night with his daughter, Mrs. Jullia Braswell. Mr. D. M. Braswell went to Prin ceton Friday. W. M. B. MICRO DOTS. People around here are planting their crops and making great prepa ration for tobacco. The ser-ico at the Baptist church was greatly enjoyed by all who were present Sunday night. Mr. Millard Holland and Mr. Joe Bowens, of this section, attended the Easter entertainment at Rains X Roads Sunday night. We aro glad to know that our Sun day school Is improving. We are very sorry to note that the Baraca teacher of our Sunday school is quite sick. We are glad to know that Miss I.ydie Smi'h was able to be with us Sunday after being on the sick list for about six months. She is improv ing now and we are very glad to have her in our Sunday schools. Mr. Lester Smith spent last Satur day night with Mr. Wade Holland. Miss Lllie Hopkins spent last Sat urday night and Sunday with her friends in this section. Mr. Clarence Watson has just re turned from Goldsboro after spend ing about two weeks. Mr. L. P. Pittman and wife visit ed Mr. G. H. Jones and wife Sunday afternoon. Mr. Ruffin Hales and family, of Micro, spent a few days with their parents last week. Lots of young people met at Mr. J. H. Pittman's Saturday night and had a nice candy party which was enjoyed by all. Mr. Lesley Pittman and Mr. Noah Pittman and Willie Britt spent last Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Cambell. Rev. and Mrs. W. C. Royal, of Micro, was visiting in Kenly last Monday. Mr. A. B. Montgomery left last week for his home in tho Bailey sec tion. Mr. C. L. Batten, of Micro, spent last Monday night with Mr. Leonard Pace, who Is quite sick. P. M. C. We have several more Turner's Almanacs for 1909 which we are anxious to give away. We give one free to every subscriber who pays up to 1910. DEATH TO MOSQUITOES. Campaign Against Them and Flies Started In the South. New Orleans, La., April II.?The entire South has enacted uniform laws against the mosquito and the house fly as undesirable pests, who, under no circumstances, will be per mitted to survive inhabited commu nities. Health officers have not for gotten the lesson taught them In 1905 when yellow fever prevailed. So, all over the South, In the vil lages as well as in the cities, health officers are opening an early cam paign against the disseminators of deadly diseases, the mosquito and the house fly. While the mosquito spreads yellow fever the house fly disseminates malaria, typhoid fever and several other deadly diseases. Under the direction of Dr. J. S. White, Marine Hospital surgeon, who fought out yellow fever In 1905, a regular set of laws and precautions have been devised. These are the same in all Southern cities and states. ASTHMA VANISHES. So dowi Catarrh, Croup, Hay Fever and Bronchitis. Hyomel is a confidence creator. The first time you breathe in this powerful yet soothing, antiseptic air, you will know that It has marvelous curative virtue. There is nothing dis agreable about Hyomel. It Is a very pleasant and prompt remedy for cat arrh, colds, asthma, croup, bronchitis, , etc. If your head is so stuffed with mu cus that you cannot breathe a par ticle of air through your nostrils, Hyomel will open them up and give relief in five minutes. Why will sensible people suffer longer, why will they wheeze and hawk and spit and smother, when Mood Bros., will guarantee Hyomel to Cure or money back. $1.00 is all Hood Bros., ask for a complete out fit. "I have used Hyomei for hay fever, and can pronounce it the best relief for this trouble that 1 ever tried or heard of. I have had this malady for years, and have doctored and us ed many remedies, but Hyomei is far ahead of any of the others, and has my hearty endorsement."?Mrs. \1. S. Martin, Cassopolis, Mich. HOOD BROS. MI-ONA Cures indigestion It relieves stomach misery, bout stom ach, belchiug, and cures all stomach dis ease or money back. Large box of tab lets 60 cents. Druggists in all towns. $10.00 REWARD?A reward of $10.00 for the arrest of William Hen ry Gatling, a light ginger-cake color ed negro, about 21 or 25 years old, about 5 feet 8 inches tall and weighs about 180 pounds. Has broad fore head and has mole on back of head in edge of hair. Has been living on farm of W. & V. Eason, about two miles from Smithfield. He eloped Saturday night, April 3, 11)09, with the 15 year-old daughter of Will Lyons, (iirl weighs about 165 pounds dark, has fine head of hair and very white teeth. Catling left his wife and one child behind. A warrant has been Issued for him and I will gladly give a reward of J 10.00 for his arrest. WILL LYONS. Smithfield, N. C., April 5. LAND SALE. North Carolina, Johnston County. In The Superior Court. L. B. Richardson, vs. Maurice B. Saunders and wife Anna N. Saunders. By virtue of an order of the Su perior Court of Johnston county, made in this cause, at the March term, 1909, I will, on Monday, the 3rd day of May, 1909, at twelve o'clock, M., at the Court House door in Smithfield, sell to the highest bid der, for cash the following describ ed tract of land, lying and being in Johnston county, in Beulah town ship, and situate on Little river, and adjoining the lands of J. S. Deans, Abner Ilinnant, the Mary Baker lands and others; and bounded on the East by Little river, on the South by the lands of J. S. Deans, on the West by the lands of Abner Hinnant, and on the North by the lands of Mary Baker, containing six ty (60) acres more or less. This land is sold under the judg ment of the Superior court of John ston County. This the 30th day of March, 1909. E. S. ABELL, Commissioner. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. The partnership heretofore exist ing between M. M. Baker and J. B. Mozlngo under the firm name of Baker & Mozingo, Is this day dis solved by mutual consent, M. M. Bak er purchasing the entire Interest of J. B. Mozingo. A11 obligations of said firm will be settled by M. M. Baker who will continue the busi ness. This 19th day of March, 1909. M. M. BAKER. J. B. MOZINGO, Four Oaks, North Carolina. Headquarters For ?? Heavy and Staple Groceries, General Merchandise, High Grade Fertilizers, Buggies and Wagons, Furniture, Coffins and Caskets. . . Compare our prices before jcu buy. Cotter-Underwood Company Smithfield. N. C. We Have Them! Cole Combination Planters, Guano Distributors, Hoosier Corn Drills, Deere Corn Planters, Cox Planter?, Cox Distributors, K P. Distributors, Led beter one seed Combination Planters, Syracuse Chilled Plows and all kinds of farming tools. Paints and Oils of all hinds. Furniture! Furniture!! Our Furniture store is full of well selected goods at lowest prices. Latest styles and designs in Mattings, Rugs, Art Squares, Pictures, Etc. We can frame any size picture yi.u have. Yours obediently, Hall Hardware Company, Benson. N. C. % fl . , I *j Something Every House Keeper in the County is nj Jfl interested in at Cotter-Underwood Company's [sm Jf; Furniture Store. All the ladies in the County of ffj are respectfully invited to call and see it. ... Q X No Hot Air About This Proposition A straight out and out business opportunity which is found by the pub lic only occasionally. The NEWEST of the NEW in spring Clothing? The Choicest of the best in fabrics?The SNAPPIEST of the SNAPPY in style?The most MODERATE of the POPULAR in price? Our "Better Clothes" For Men and Young Men, Comprises all the Qualities of the higher priced models and have not the extravagance in price. The new spring colorc?Bronzes, Greens, Slates, Daubes, Browns, in fancy striped materials?pretty enough for the King. Host of the Coats are made in the new dip-front, single-breast styles. They have fancy cuffs and fancy pocetks. Collars are made wide to give them a snappy attractive appearance. Trousers are made peg top, with side-buckles and belt loops. And the Price is Only $10.00 We've got them cheaper and we've got them better, but we respectfully call your attention to our TEN-DOLLAR "BETTER CLOTHES." Guilty & Guilty, cloyN?g; Legal Blanks at Herald Office j&SjgF A Modern Water System FairbanKs-Morse Domestic Outfits CWe the moat reliable and economical water aupplr for farm or suburban homes. No more fear of fire. No pump handle and water carrying drudgery if yon 1 own a rairDanns-.Morse ouim. Always ready to ? J supply >n abundance of water for your stock, garden and domestic use. The fact does more chores than three men at one third one man's pay. Operates oo gas. gasoline, kerosene or distillate. Cut out ccmfUtt advrriiutu nt and smd for Pumping Catalog So. Il'/I 855 ^ Fairbanks, Morse 6 Co. CHICAGO, - - ILL. *

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