SPENCER TRASK. THE BANKER ? 'itt? Story About th? Naming of L?t? Finincif't Country Homo. H,s*n? er 1 rusk. rvivull)' klllitl iu a mm -ml nilllKKiu 11ear froton. \ . llle llCIIil Of I III- ueHltll.Y hilllkllltl I il?e of Spetner lis?k \ ?'o . Ill New ^?rk. whh'li for uinn> years m'lfit as file titlMIH l?l lllieill of tile IHle l^llecll \ fc-foris III Ainerliii He ivu* all ei |?>ueiit ?if i-i'. ?ervutiw tn..hi:mi inein iiitl hhk imii-ii 111 Hrookiyu mi Hejm. |\ IM-4 VYIieu tie mid tt illiatn K Vrau< is parted company li> I wi ui* fiilli Uih] Hie present firm ul Spencer TVask & Co. with tieorge Poster I'eu body. now head of Hie Carnegie fouu dtlloD. Air. 1 rank married in |s74 Mias Kale Nichols, who has won fume by Iter l?M>jiih anil novelettes. Their summer (toiue at Saratoga. Viidilo, U one of Cke show places of the Empire State Sir "had been hi poor health since the ?dearth of his two dnughter* its years ?fen and last summer lost an eye In an automobile accident. Ur. irnsk was graduated Rt Hrtnn ?mi In lHtfti and was a member of the Metropolitan. Union League. City. Cal omel. Automobile of America, Tuxedo. Mvrm* and National Arts club, lie had been director In many railroads and was originally connected with Thomas Kdlson In the development of electric lighting. He was president of ?br Kdlson Light and I'ower system ?nsDj* y?r? Mr. Trask's tastes and habits were ?domestic. Yadtlo is located near ^araloga on the avenue leading from KiratuKa lake. In this handsome coun i*iy neat he took great prlilo jml spent a considerable portion of his time there tn the enjoyment of his rural comforts ami in the entertainment of his friends. The estate embraces about 601) acres. I and the grounds are given especial dis tinction by their inclosure of a chain of small lakes In and out among these and through ?be surrounding woods are beautiful ?Irires which Mr. Trusk threw open to the public and helped to make Sar atoga a delightful and fashionable summer resort. A pretty story surrounds the nntnliiK of Yaddo. A little child visiting the Mtate before a name had been selected for it paused 111 front of n pool of wa ?or and gazed at Its reflection there. Then the little one stretched out It* Viands toward the |kk>1 and exclaimed, ""Saddo, Yaddo!" It was the child's ?way of sayintf "shadow." Mr. Trusk was so pleased with this that he nameil tlie estate Yaddo. The original mansion 011 the estate ??raa destroyed by Are In 1891, and Its d?*tmctlon entailed the loss of many valuable personal effects which could ?M tie replaced. On the site of the destroyed building he erected a mora modern and far more handsome edi fice. which is today one of the Hi 'St country residences In the state of New York WO PRICE ON GORDON'S HEAD War Department Denies Senator's Con nection With Lincoln Conspiracy. Specillc denial Is made at the war def>? rtnient In ??f??r a careful examination of the records of *Jie story published to the effect that ?n connection with the alleged partici pation In the conspiracy to kill Presi dent Lincoln a reward of $10,0tX) had ever Iwen offered for the capture of Colonel James Gordon, recently ap pointed by the governor of Mississippi So succeed the lute Senator McLaurln. When the matter was brought to the attention of the officials of the war department a search of the records was instituted. The records contain all notices of rewards offered In cou ?ertion with tile assassination of Lin coln Nowhere was the name of Colo nel Gordou found. Therefore ;b* offi cials declare that there was no basis1 Tor 1 be story published concerning him. AIRSHIPS TO ATTACK BOAT. Feature of the Aviation Meet at Lo* Angeles, Cal. Tin Importance of an airship In time tot war may be demonstrated by a might attack of dirigibles uu a vessel off the harbor of L*>s Augeles, Cal., ?luring the aviation meet this month, from the 10th to the 20th. Aeronauts have volunteered to make Abe attack, and the revenne cutter Perry is said to be available as the object of the t?omb hurling- Thedlrlgl blr? will go out to sea for a concerted Attack on the Perry, which will under take to evade the air craft by the use mt searchlights. Rest Room For Street Car Men. The I'lttsburg Hallways company has Irt a contract to I). T. Illffle to erect a second story addition to the present ?ISce building of the company at Ifrankstown avenue and Collier street, around which the ilomewood car Imms of the company are located. This addition will be 20 by 216 feet In slie aiMl Is being erected for the use of the conductors and motormen who report tar <1 ul y at the Ilomewood barns and ?will cost about $12,000. There will be ?dressing rooms, shower baths and a {gymnasium provided by the Railways ?omi>any for the use of Its employees Sn the new space. A Maharajah's Shorthorns. To a tnaharajah In India have been ^hipped four of the largest cows bred Id Great Britain. The order for these Cows specified tbat they should stand Ave feet four inches at the shoulder and measure fourteen feet from the Mp of tbe nose to the end of the bony gmrt of tbe tall. The agents took six* Imi months to find these cows In quiries In Italy and Switzerland were Hmwcressfni. and ther were Anally se <*af?ri In the midlands and Yorkshire. Vhej are ail Ht mhorua A 50 cent bottle of Scott's Emulsion given in half-teaspoon doses four times a day, mixed in its bottle, will last a year-old baby near ly a month, and four bot tles over three mom! , j and will make the bab strong and well and wih j lay the foundation for a healthy, robust boy or FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS Send 10c., name of paper and this ad. for uur Iteautiful Savings Batik and Child's Sketch (took. Kach bank contains a Good Lock Penny. SCOTT & BOWNE, 409 Pea/I Stmt. N. Y. ???????? MORTGAGK SALE OF LAND. Uy virtue of the authority contain ed in a certain mortgage deed exe cuted to mo on the 19th day of Jan uary, 1909, by Z. R. Jones and wife, Susan Jones, and duly registered in the Registry of Johnston county, book II. No. 10, pago 77, 1 shall sell at public auction for cash at the court houso door I11 Smlthfleld, N. C., on Friday, February 4, 1910, the follow Ing described tract of laud lylnK and being In Heulah township, Johnston county, N. C., and defined as fol lows, to-wit: Beginning at a stake on the run of Great branch at the point where Little river road crosses the said branch, thence with center of said road 8. (J'/4 E. 82 poles to a stake corner of lot no. 6, thence with the line of lot No. t> due East 51 poles to a rock or stake, thence N. 1 K. 4S 4 0 poles to a rock, corner on right of way of Railroad, thence with right of way of said railroad 55 poles to the Ureal branch to the beginning, containing 37 acres more or less, being a part of Ell Jones' estate. For a better description reference Is here made to a deed from W. F. Gerald to C. W. Edgerton, recorded in Hook Z. No. 7 page 18. Also the following personal property to-wit: One bay horse mule, one black horse mule, one two-horse Hack noy wagon, all farming Implements of every kind. Time of sale 12 o'clock M. This January 4, 1910. H. F. EDGERTON, Mortgagee. COTTER UNDERWOOD CO. carry he best line of Harness sold in Smlthfleld. See us and save money. FARM FOR SALE?50 acres good land in Bentonville township on public road and rural route. One horse crop cleared. Convenient to churches and scnools. Six room residence, barn, stables. etc. Healthy and desirable. Price very low and terms very reasonable. Address S. S. HOLT, Atty. SEE COTTER UNDERWOOD CO. for fine furniture. I IF YOU WANT GOOD DRY PINE wood see SIMON D. JONES. Any length furnished on short notice. COTTER-UNDERWOOD CO. have on hand some nice mules and hors es for sale. I WANT 1000 BUSHELS PEAS?Any variety. Highest market price paid for them. SIMON R. JONES. IF YOU WANT A NICE surrey or top buggy it will pay you to see Cotter-Underwood Co. There are some who would rather raise a hue and cry every day than a crop once a year.?Dallas News. ARE YOU SATISFIED WITH YOUR STOMACH? Do you want ? better one one that won't belch km, or turn aour,o< feel heavy or make you feel muerabie? MIONA Cures indigestion It relieves stomach distress in five minutes. It turns old, unsatisfactory, rebellious stomachs into new ones, ever ready to digest the beaiti | est oed. We guarantee Mi-o-na tab lets to cure stomach diseese. Money back if they fail. 50 Cents a Large Box } HOOD BROS. FOR THE BEST LINE OF flour told In Smlhfield see Cotter-Underwood Company. Charley Alford Dead. -Wo regret* to leaTfT "of he deah of Mr. D. Alford, of Lucama, which occurt-d Tuesday. Kor many years he has been A. C. L. Agent at Lu cama. In 1897 he worked for awhile in The Herald office and made friends here by his courteous und affable manner and kindly disposition. He is a brother of Mr. R. H. Alford, Cashier of the Hank of Keniy. He was about 36 years old and leaves a widow and two small children. The llaitimore and Ohio Railroad Company las completed Its bridge a? cross the Susquehanna river at Frenchtown, near Port Deposit, Md. The bridge is 7000 feet long and is one of the most Important In the country. It cost two and a half mil lion dollars. During Its construction 17 men were killed and 85 were in jured. Census Director Durand has written to the supervisors of census telling them that In some sections where the colored people predominate, ne groes may be appointed as enumer ators to take the census of their own race. The United States will send five war ships to the Argentine Republic to take part In the centennial cele bration of that country next May. ABOUT HYOMEI. A Bottle Costs Only 50 Cents?A Complete Outfit Including, Inhaler $1.00 When Hyomei Is guaranteed to. cure catarrh or your money back, what is your answer? Are you satisfied with your con dition, or do you want to rid your- ^ self forever of vile catarrh, with its humiliating symptoms, such as hawk ing. spitting,.blowing and bad breath? liyoLjel is a simple, antiscptlc medicine, that you breathe through a small pocket inhaler over the parts affected. , It is made of Australian eucalyp tus mixed with other germ killing and membrane soothing antiseptics. Get a complete outfit today. It only costs |1.00, and contains every thing necessary to cure any ordinary case of catarrh. Extra bottles, if needed, 50c. Hyomel Is the best remedy in the world for sore throat, coughs and colds, croup and bronchitis. It gives wonderful relief in two minutes. For sale by druggists everywhere and by Hood Bros. who guarantee it. A Current Expense. Americans pay $1,200,000,000 a year for something they can't define ?electricity. Hut they will not wor ry about the dictionary as long as the current Is in good order.?St. Louis Globe Democrat. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is not a common every-day cough mix ture. It is a meritorious remery for all the troublesome and dangerous complications resulting from cold in the head, throat, chest or lungs. S' Id by Hcod Bros. Itch cured in 30 minutes by Wool ford's Sanitary I^otion. Never fails. Sold by HOOD BROS., Druggists. Mr. Rockefeller and Mr. Carnegie are both making unprecedented rec ords, but at the end of 1909 Mr. Rockefeller had given away $181,760, 162, as against Mr. Carnegie's $162, 000,000. Together they have distribut ed In the form of free gifts $343,760, 162. INSURANCE taat protects your life?not in come only. Gowan's Preparation in the home insures against pneu monia, colds, croup, soreness in Jungs and throat ny destroying Inflammation and congestion. External and penetrating. All Druggists. $1.00, 50c., 25c. In sure today. Mayor's Court Proceedings. ? ' The only ? case to be tried before his Honor Mayor Wellons, during the past week, was Town of Smithfleld vs. Fred Sanders, wherein the de fendant was charged with an affray with one Handy Allen. Sanders was found guilty and fined $10.00 and taxed with the costs of the case, to wit $3.95. It is becoming a well established > fact, that it costs to break the law I In Smithfleld these days. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of Tlio Kind You llave Always Bought, and which bat been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of ? and has been made under his per /j/* y ? 8onal supervision since its infancy. Allow no oue to deceive you iu this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trilie with and endanger the health of Infants and Children?Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhwa and Wind Colic- It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regidates the Stomach and liowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea?The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THl CCNTAUH COMPANY. TT MURRAY STRCCT, MtW YORK CITY. ^ ir ?? ^ ?r 5r ir ?- %- *- ??Sr e- ?? 5- 3^ s Look LOOK Look I 0/ ? ? 'f* ^ We have moved our stock of goods to the C. C. Lee ?? *7 Building and now ask our patrons and friends to call JL ? there where they will always find a complete stock of i Hardware at reasonable prices. Please remember us JL when in need of anytning in our line. 5? T Thanking one and all for their patronage in the past and desiring a continuance of the same, we are, ?? };i Yours for business, 1 ft* s THE MASSENGILL 5 ?! HARDWARE CO. $ v*/ Four Oaks, - - - - N. C. W vM, .vi THE : NO. A. McKAY MFG. CO., Dunn, N. C. Machinists, Iron aud brass Foun ders, Castings of all kl"?ds. We make the best Swing Saw Machine In the ?vorld for the price. OLD "ACHIN 2RY MADE OOOD AS NEW. High <rade wor!-. guaranteed. Agents for the leading makes of Machinery. ' Good stock of machine supplies al ways on hand. Agents for the celebrated Farquhar Machinery. Agents for the Desmond Injector and Phillip Steel Split Pul I leys. START RIGHT! Start the New Year Right by placing in your home A NEW HOME Sewing Machine If you want needles for the machine you have send 30 cents in postage stamps for one dozen of them. By buy ing a dozen at a time you get assorted sizes. J. M. BEATY, Smithfield. N. C. kill the COUCH and cure the luncs w,th Dr. King's New Discovery FOB Colds8 .rfgfe. AND All THROAT AND lung TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OR MONEY REFUNDED. 3! E55555555555 i 55E555525555!! jjj There is Real Economy S (I) > [I) }!{ In Business Stationery jS! VI; , W ^ "Perhaps the letter is the most personal tyjj (|) of all things which men use. A man writes (I) what he would say if he could meet his IV \l/ correspondent face to face." Everyman w III should take a pride in his business station- }S| lit er^f carriec h*s messages and thoughts S Sj to those whom he wishes to interest. ^ Ml The importance of neatly printed station- ^ (() ery is apparent to every man who stops to think \$) That is the kind we turn out. Try us with an order for the New Year. M| We are well equipped in every particular. We can show the best assorted |M K stock of stationery to be found in any small town in the state. ? If you want Note Heads, Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Statements, Envelopes, JK Ml Posters, Cards, Folders, Receipt Books, or anything in our line, you can B M| get it done quickly, accurately, and neatly. i BEATY & LASSITER I JS SMITHF1ELD, N. C. 2

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