?K m itljfif 11> flefali). Pric* On. Ooll.r Per Vw "TRUE TO OURSELVES, OUR COUNTRY AND OUR OOO." 9,^,. Cop,? Cent< VOL. 28 SMITHFIELD, N. C., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1910 Number 50 TAIL OF COMET MAY REACH US. French Astronomers Ditcuu the Ef fect If it l? Composed of Poleonou* Gatas. Not Much Alarm Shown But, Phyalologiet Says, If the Gaa Entered Our Lung* Prtiaeic AcJd Would be Generated With Fatal Effect. A special correspondent WTttlng to The New York Times from Paris ' says: The possibility of disaster befalling the earth and its Inhabitants through the extraordinary proximity of Hal ley's comet in April Is seriously! discussed by French astronomers. ! Although none of them admits that there is really any cause of appre I hension, nearly all are in doubt as to whether the comet's gaseous tail may not come in contact with the earth's atmosphere. The question, then, of very great importance is whether the tail con slsts of poisonous gases. The theory is general that one of Its constitu ents is cyanide of potassium in gas eous form. I)r. Guillauine Digourdan of the Academy of Sciences says: "The comet's atmosphere may tou- always glad to see Charlie. Mr. Stigma Lewis, of Middlesex, stopped with his aunt. Mr*, .loltn 0. High Saturday. Mrs. Millard Hales, of VVendi II, bits been spending ,i few days with her sister. Mrs. W. r llalley. Miss Katie Woodall, of -' iilthfieid, spent Sund tv v. (it lr r sisti r, Mr#. Oscar Ayco< k. Prof. S. (1. .'oUii.ns s p< i)t Friday and Saturday lit ?.oM.;l>oi i Mr. George Sasser and wife, of The Wells Grocery Co.. Wilson, is spending a few days with Mrs. Wi ley Howell. Miss Lela Dees, of near Princeton, and Miss Woodard. of the Pine Le vel section, spent Saturday and Sun day with Miss Woodani's sister, Mrs. Alvin Hodge. Messrs. J. C. Casper & Bro., have bought out the Kenly Grocery Co., and consolidated it with their mar ket and are doing business at the store of the Kenly Grocery Co. We are sorry to note among our sick Mr. R. A. Hales' child and Mrs. J. C. Grady, who are very sick. Rev. T. H. Spence filled his regu lar appointments at the Presbyterian church Sunday A joint debate between the young ladies and gentleman of the High [ School will take place Friday even ing. Subject: Resolved, That Men of Thought are Doing More for our I Country that Men of Action. The public is invited. Plans have about been completed to have a public debate here Faster Monday between our High School and Benson High School. There will be a meeting of the Sunday School teachers of the differ cnt Sunday Schools Thursday even ing at Mrs. H. T. Renfrow's. Our new policeman, Mr. Jesse Jones, made a raid on the blind ti gers last Saturday evening, the re sults of which Gray Atkinson, color- ( ed, Is under bond for his appearance in court next Saturday morning and the chances bid fair for him to have the answer in a higher court and do service on our county roads. Thieves entered the houses of j Mr. Jim Davis and Mr. J. S. Standi.! one night last week, taking about ' $00.00 from Mr. Standi. A strong clue was discovered and one Jim Hlnnant, colored, made tracks and is wanted here now Kenly, Feb 9th. REPORTER. , Senator John W. Daniel has been returned to Washington by the State of Virginia, for the fifth term of si* years each. His new term will begin on March 4th, 1911. His re-; I election was without opposition, if I we do not count the complimentary vote by the Republicans for Mr. j Slemp. Senator Daniel is representa- ( tivo of all that Is good In the old time statesmanship, and in him V'ir ' ginia has a man who is worthy of | all the honors his State can heap [upon him Charlotte Chronicle. CLAYTON NEWS NOTES. Mr. Matthew W. Wall, of Selma, spent Sunday with relative* and friends here. Miss Swannanoa Home spent Tues day in the Capitol city shopping;. . Messrs. W. L. Standi and Luther ' M. Barnes spent Sunday with rela tives at their ?ld home at Archer. Mrs. T. A. Hranham, of Raleigh, I was here Sunday, the guest of her sister, Mrs. John I. Barnes.. Mr. Charlte Gulley, of Durham, was in town Saturday to the delight of his many friends. Rev. George B. Starling returned Monday from Mt. Zlon where he con ducted services Sunday. Representative Walter Myatt was in town Tuesday on business. Messrs. J. G. Barbour & Son have (begun the erection of three hand some brick stores on Main Street next to the Clayton Buggy "and Fur niture Co. Mr. George W. Ellis, one | of the best contractors In Kastern I Carolina, and our townsman, has the ! contract for the work and Is pushing it rapidly on. Messrs. York & Cobb, of Green ville, N. C... who have contracted to build the Pythian Orphanage at this place have commenced active oper ations. They have a full corps of men at work and the material is coming in every day in car load lots. They promise to have the build ing ready for occupancy by the 15th of June, 1910. Mr. R. H. Gower Is completing his new store In West Clayton. The carpenters are giving It the finish ing touches and will have it ready for the West Clayton Grocery Co., in a few days. We understand that Is the firm name of the new business that will be conducted htere. Mr. R. 1). Knott, of Knightsdale. was here Monday buying material for a new residence which he 1% erecting < r or curred in our county. A man In mid dle life, who had reared a fiiiily of six children?all grown and residing in Texas?to die in a prison cell with out a relative to stand by hmi in the dark hour, and o**eu after d? ath had set its seal upon him. n>. one to claim the lifeless :iod:\ e ituinlv paints a picture that makes a lark blot on the civilization of o stood by him night and day until the end came.?Watauga Demo'-rat i - - ?