IHlISje ,SmitljfirU> Mcralfc. ' ? ... - - ' "? 7 ? vQl 29 SM1THFIELD, N. C., FRIDAY, JUNE 24, 1910 Number 17 ? -?? - ' ' ? - * ?. ? ? ?? ? - _ - EDUCATION SMITHFIELD?UNITED AND ONWARD PROGRESS CLEVELAND TOWNSHIP NOTES. Approaching Marriage. Mr. R. M. Myatt Struck by Lightning. Con dition of the Crops. Personal and Other News of This Progressive Section Reported by Our Regular Correspondent. I Polenta, June 1'..?Th"re wl'.l be preaching at Oaiiland Sunday morn ing and night by the pastor, Rev. T. H. Spence, of Smlthfield. Mr. Adram Lassiter, of Davidson College, was In the neighborhood last Sunday. He Is a Johnstonian but has been at Qavldson for the past three years studying for the ministry. He will enter the Seminary at Rich mond, Va., in the fall and spend a year, after which he will be ready to enter into his life work. Mr. Las siter is a hard student and is destin ed to become a useful minister of the Gospel. Cleveland township Democratic con vention will be held at the Shelter at 4 o'clock Saturday afternoon, June 25th. Let all Democrats attend.' Gas lights are being Installed in Oakland church. This will avoid worry in fixing the lamps, etc., and will prove quite convenient, as well as give better lights. Our farmers are blue over the out look for the cotton crop. The stand is exceedingly poor, and it continues to die, lice are now at work on it, and when they get through with it, there will certainly not be very little over half a stand; the weed is the smallest for many years past. The corn crop is poor also, but is improv ing. The wheat crop is fairly good, though nothing extra. The tobacco crop will not come up to former years, and will be short; the acreage is only about half ot last year. On next Wednesday morning Mr. Geo. Pool, of Raleigh, will lead to the hymeneal altar Miss Bertha Jones, of this section. Miss Jones, the daughter of Mr. Z. T. Jones, is popular and quite a favorite. Mr. Pool is a merchant of Raleigh, a former Johnstonite, and popular in his adopted home. Rev. Mr. Spence! will officiate. In advance we tender hearty congratulations. In connection with their ginnery the farming and Mercantile Co., wllll this year run a threshing machine, This will prove a great convenience tc the neighborhood, especially will it be since our farmers are sowing more grain than formerly, and the Indica tion is that they will continue to in crease the acreage yearly. The above company continues to make im provements and to add to their al ready large business facilities. Oakland Cemetery is now enclosed with a beautiful iron picket fence, vhich adds wonderfully to its appear once, and demonstrates to the world that our people who have loved ones sleeping in it, have not forgotten them, but love their memory. To the committee who raised tho funds wherewith to build the fence, Mrs. E. N. Hooker ajid Miss Alice Edmundson, an to the purchasing and managing committi e, Messrs J. W. My att, and E. S. Edmundson and Itev. Mr. Spence, we all owe a debt of gratitude. The neighborhood also did nobly in helping to put up the fence and c^ean up the cemetery. It is now one of the most beautiful in all the country.. On Monday evening Mr. R. M. Hy att was struck by lightning, and for a while wa3 unconscious. He, with fte rest of those working on the farm, had Just entered the barn shelter, having been driven thither by a threatened shower, when he was struck. The mule he had was also struck, and it was thought for a while was killed. The barn was also set on fire, and but for the presence of the farm hands, who worked heroic* ally to extinguish the flames, the barn would have been burned to tha ground. Mr. Myatt was taken to the house, Dr. Hooks called in, and he was soon resuscitated, and we are glad to report is now doing well. Let us all be thankful that no more dam age was done than wss. It was a narrow escape. The little child cf Mr. J. C. Price, which has been qui'e tick for the past several months, is tnuch better. Mrs. Susan Tomlinson, who was during last week taken ill, is im proving. Mr. W. T. Adam* and family, of Smlthfield, spent Eunday on a visit to Mr. F. T. Booker and family. Mrs. Kate Stroad, of Chapel Hill. THE WEEK'S NEWS IN BENSON.' Many Matters of Local and Personal Importance Briefly Told By The Hirald's Regular Correspondent. Benson, June 22.?Mr. B. A. Grant and family returned from Newton Grove Tuesday where they have beeu spending several days with relatives. Mr. J. S. Stewart, of Dunn, was a visitor on our streets yesterday. Mrs. Bettie Sur'.es, wife of our townsman, Oscar Surles, was operat ed on for appendicitis Tuesday at the Wilson Sanatorium. Mr. M. T. firitt and wife left yes terday for Wrightsville Beach where they will spend several days, Mr. Britt taking in the Bankers' Asso ciation while there. They w ill re turn next week. Dr. H. H. Utley and family left Monday for Wrightsville Beach. While there Dr. Utley will attend the meeting of the State Medical Society. Miss Nannie Underwood, of Smith field, is visiting at the home of Mr. J. H. Rose. The many friends of Dr. W. H. Rowland are glad to see him on the streets again after a few days ill ness. Mr. Jesse McLamb spent last Sun day and Monday in and around Clay ton. Miss Bettie Adams, of Four Oaks, was here a few days this week the guest of Mrs. Inez Peacock. Mr. Wa'tcn Johnson, of the Spilo na section, spent a few days here re cently visiting his brother-in-law, Mr. E. F. Moore. Mr. J. E. Wall left Sunday for] Richmond where he has accepted a position as traveling salesman for the Richmond Hardware Company, i Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Stevens spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Stevens' father, Mr. R. M. Stevens, in Ele I vation township. Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Sherod visited friends in Dunn Sunday. Mr. A. T. Lassiter who has recent ly returned from Davidson College, has been at the home of his brother in-law, Mr. Rodger Langdon, for a few days. He left Tuesday for West Virginia, where he will be engaged in Mission work during the summer months. Drs. W. T. Martin and F. T. Moore attended services in Dunn Sunday. HOLT'S MILL ITEMS. Holt's Mill, Near Princeton, June 22.?Misses Vara Taylor and Viola Creech returned home Sunday after spending several days with Mrs. Wooten at Holt's Mill. Mr. Thad W. Johnson and daugh ter, Ba, spent Thursday night at Mr. W. B. Johnson's, near Smith field. Mr. N. L. Sullivan, 01 wayne < County, visited friends in this section Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Chellie Oliver spent a few days last week with her daughter, Mrs. J. E. Pittman. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Pittman spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mrs. John Pearce. Mr. Charlie Talton went to Selma Saturday afternoon returning Mon day. Master James Massey, of Neuse Island, spent Saturday night and [ Sunday with his uncle, Mr. J. E. | Pittman. Misses Pearl Warren, Rena and Ila Johnson and Mrs. Wooten at tended church at Princeton Sunday morning and night. Miss Edna Pittman spent a few days last week with her great grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lang ley. Mrs. J. E. Pittman spent Sunday with her uncle, Mr. Jim Oliver. Mr. Bob Warren visited friends and relatives in Wayne County Sat urday night and Sunday. Mr. L. E. Toler and family spent Sunday at Mr. Sam Toler's near Oakland. Mr. Charlie Massey, of Neuse Is land, and Miss 7.ora Pittman spent Saturday night and Sunday visiting t Miss Ida Holloman, near Pine Level. is on a visit to her parents, Mr. and | Mrs. J. P. Edmundson. Mr. J. W. Myatt is cutting his {wheat this week. He has on his I plantation one hundred acres, and notwithstanding the recent rains dam aged it to some extent, he believes he will get at least 35 bushels per acre. I HAPPENINGS AT CLAYTON. Some of the Week's Events Briefly Told by The Herald's Regular Correspondent. Clayton, June 22.?Miss Uluer Beal is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Will H. MeCul!ers, this week. Sir. Douglass KUingtou, from the University of Pennsylvania, is at home for a few days. Quite a number of our people went up to Raleigh Sunday afternoon to see the wreck of freight cars at Walnut Creek near Raleigh. The local freight In shifting cars at Clayton Cotton Mills here Monday morning caused a derailment of three cars, thus causing a delay of traffic for a few hours. Fortunately no one was hurt and practically no dam age was done. Mrs. John W. Massey is having her new residence on Main Street paint ed this week. We are glad to report that Mrs. Joseph Hinton is improving after several days illness. Mr. Chas 'Medlin, of Ar-her, was in the city for a few hours Tuesday. Little Miss Clell Branham, of Ral eigh, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. J. I. Barnes, this week. Dr. Battle A. Hocutt left Tuesday for Wrightsville Beach, where he wiM spend several days in attendance up on tTie North Carolina Medical Soci ety. Mr. L. M. Barnes went up to Ral eigh Tuesday 'afternoon on business. Miss Mildred Barbour has return ed from Gaffney, S. C., where she has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Sam L. Fort. The work of repairing and enlarg ing the passenger station here is go ing on rapidly. Mr. Chas. R. Stott, of near Wen dell, was in the city Wednesday on business. Festus Perry, white, was arrested in Goldsboro Monday, afternoon charged with the larceny of a horse and buggy and the burning of the barn of Mr. B. Hobgood near Garner Sunday night. He came through Clayton early Monday morning going towards Wilson's Mills and was seen by several people, in around town with the horse and buggy. In the fire Mr. Hobgood lost three mules an a cow while another horse and mule were badly burned, besides feed and implements. Mr. Hobgood was also badly but not seriously burned In attempting to rescue his stock. Per ry was p'aced in Jail in Raleigh to await a hearing July 1st. STONE'S CREEK NOTES. Stone's Creek, June 22.?Mrs. E. W. Marler and Luther passed through our section Sunday. We are Informed that Mr. J. T. Rose left Saturday morning for Bal timore. Mr. Edgar Barfield visited Mr. Joe Tart Sunday. Rev. Mr. Ellington filled his regu lar appointment Saturday and Sunday at Hood's Grove. His sermon Sun day was principally to the young peo ple and was enjoyed by all. Mr. Arthur Rose spent Sunday in the Meadow Hill section. The mudturtles of our section are sunning of late. We are sorry to hear that Mr. Wil liam H. Marler. of Glenmore, is on the sick list this week. The Sunday-school of New Zealand is doing good work of late. GLENMORE ITEMS. Glenmore, June 22.?Mr. L. D. Hayes is home now from Baltimore . to spend a few days with his father< I who has been sick for some time. We are pleased to know that Mr. Hay wood Hayes is improving now. Mrs. R.E . Lee and daughter spent Sunday at Mr. W. R. Snead's. Miss India George spent Sunday at Mr. Rufus Sanders'. Messrs Lester Massengill and W. B. Beasely were in this community Sun \ day. Miss Carrie Everett, of Dunn, after spending a few days with Miss Lizzie Sanders, left Monday for Raleigh. The crops of this section are badly damaged on account of so much rain. We are in favor of good schools, good roads and Mr. W. F. Grimes for sheriff. The vices of sloth are only to be shaken off by occupation.?Seneca. I AT THE CAPITAL OF BEULAH. Local and Personal Notes Reported By The Herald's Regular Corres pondent. Kenly, June 22.?Judge Stevens, ofj Smithfield, spent Monday at the I home of Mr. H. F. Edgerton. Mr. H. F. Edgerton spent Tuesday night at home. ! Miss Eva Lucas returned to her home in Wilson Thursday after! spending several days with Mrs. R. H. Alford. Eric Ue!l and Hubert Bailey, of Wakefield, spent a few days this week with Mrs. W. T. Bailey. Mrs. R. H. A'ford left Monday for the Sanatorium in Wilson for treat ment. V Mr. and Mrs. Paul Grady anil little son, of Lexington, Va., are spending a few days with Mr. Grady's father, Dr. J. C. Grady. Mr. R. H. Alford and Master C. R. went to Wilson Tuesday to be with Mrs. Alford. Mr. Jack Aycock left Monday for Black Creek where he will spend a j few days. Miss Eva High and Miss Nina Dar den spent Sunday in the Pleasant Grove section. Miss Mary Revell spent Friday with her slst'?r, Mrs. L. Z. Woodard. Mr. Will Hollowe'l and Mr. L. V. Grady, of Middlesex, spent Sunday in town with friends and relatives. Mr. Sigma Lewis, of Middlesex, spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. Ronie High. Mrs. S. J. Darden left Tuesday for Raleigh. Mr. Wilborn Massey, of Princeton, was in town Sunday to call on ? friends. He says: "You remember J those peaches?" Well, some of us do. The four towns Kenly, Elm City, Fremont and Pikeville have organized an ameteur baseball league. They will furnish some very interesting games later on. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bowman re turned from a visit in Wadesboro, Monday afternoon accompanied by their cousin, Miss Ilaric Griggs. ' Misses Bertie and Lola Wiggs who have been visiting Miss Ethel Hardi son, returned to their home in Selma Monday. Mrs. J. R. Sauls returned Tuesday | morning from Richmond, where she has been in the hospital for some time. Mr. C. F. Carter, who has had charge of the Dennis Simmons Lum ber Co. Commissionary, has accepted a position with Hamilton Brown Shou Co. Mr. Tom McGowan relieved him to- a few days. Mr. C. C. Chase, cf Middlesex, has charge now. Mr. Ned McGowan was in our town visiting friends Wednesday and Thursday. Miss Nellie Richardson, of Selma, is visiting Miss Rena Edgerton. Mr. E. G. Muse, of Durham, was in our town to-day. Mr. Jarvis Edgerton left Tuesday I on train No. 89 for Richmond.(?) BETHEL AND ROUND ABOUT. Bethel, Near Four Oaks, June 22.? | The farmers are very busy with their j crops in this section. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Leo visited their father, Mr. Jerry Lee, Sunday. Mr. Blake Thomas, who is leading ! a choir at the Allen School House, filled his regular appointment Sun day. Messrs. Robert and Bill Lee made a flying trip to the Allen Crossroads section Sunday. Mrs. Meally Lee visited her son, Mr. G. W. Lee, Sunday. Mrs. G. R. Massengill visited her mother-in-law, Mrs. Mary Massengill, Sunday. Mr. Samuel Moore and family vis ited his brother, Mr. Alvin Moore, Sunday. Mrs. Callie Lee returned home Sun day after a few .days visit to her aunt, Mrs. Mary Moore. Rev. Jlmmio Jemigan filled his regular appointment at Mr. N. D. Blackman's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Hockaday vis ited Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Massengill Sunday. Mr. J. I. Lee Is very busy cutting wheat now-a-days. Mr. W. B. Massengill and little son, Fulton, visited his brother, Mr. G. R. Massengill, Sunday. Heaven never helps the men who will no: act.?Sophocles. SELMA NEWS OF PAST WEEK. Items of Interest Reported for The Herald By Its Regular Correspon dent. Selma. June 23.?We regret to have to announce the death of Mr. D. T. Massey which happened on last Sun day night whether by accident or de-j sign is not known but it looked more like It was a case of suicide than any thing else. He was a good farmer and leaves a largo family. His wife died about two years ago. Peace to his ashes. Work has been begun on J)r. Per son's stores on Pollock street by Mr. W. J. Jacobs.the contractor. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Greeu have re turned from a visit to Washington, D. C. Messrs. W. B. Roberts and C. A. Corbett, of the Selma Supply Co., and W. T. Woodard, of the Selma Mercantile Co., have formed a part nership under the name of Roberts, Corbett & Woodard. Tho new com pany has been Incorporated with a capital of $25,000, $8,000 being paid in. They will do a general mercan tile business and as they are very clever young men will undoubtedly get their share of the business. Mr. Loomis D. Debnam, cashier of the Bank of Selma, is at Wrightsvllle Reach attending the session of the N. C. Rankers' Association, which met Wednesday night with an old Johnston County boy as Its President. Mr. John O. Ellington, son of Ex-Sheriff Jesse T. Ellington. Dr. R. J. Noble went to Wrights vllle Beach Tuesday to attend the meeting of the N. C. State Medical Association, of which he is now an honorary member, having been a mem ber since May, 1878. After a mem bership of thirty years he is made an honorary member. Urs. J. B. Person, Geo. D. Vlck and John W. Futrell, Esq., went down Wednesday to attend the meeting of the Medical Soo.e'y. Mrs. Geo. T. Noel, of Roanoke Ra pids, Is here on a visit to her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Hood. Mr. Zollle Griffin has returned to his post as night operator of the tel ephone Co., after a long and serious Illness from being accidentally shot in the foot. Glad to have him back. BAKER'S MILL NEWS. Baker's Mil!, June 21.?Tlie far mers around here say that the crops have been damaged a great deal by so much rain. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lee, of near Trinceton, spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mrs. Lee's parents. Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Wilkins. Mr. John Woodard, of near Pink ney. visited his father, Mr. Willis Woodard, last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Talton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Fields. We are sorry to note that Mr. Willi Woodard is on the sick list. On account of Rev. Mr. Everett be ing sick, Rev. J. W. Wi'kins filled his place at Pleasant Hill Sunday. Mrs. David Best spent Sunday with Mr. Daniel Overman. Mrs. J. W. Baker and little girl, Eulah, spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Alex Aycock. Some of our people attended church at Pleasant Hill Sunday. Mr. J. M. Rose made a business trip to Goldsboro Thursday. Mr. Andie Pearce and Miss Carrie Edfurdson of Wayne County, pasBed through our section Sunday. Mr. D. G. Edgerton of near Pink ney passed through our section Tues day. The people around here are about through harvesting their grain and are listening for the hum of the threshers. Bloomer Girls at Selma. __ Selma, June 22.?The most Interes tng game of ball of the season will be played here next Monday afternoo June 27, between the Western Bloom er Girls and the Selma team. Those who have never seen girls play a t.rofesaional game of baseball may ex pi?ct to be Interested. The biggest cowd is expected that ever witness en a game of ball in this section. Rev. M. C. Plyler, an aged Metho dist minister, who has b?en residing in Charlotte for the past severa years, died there list Sunday. H< was in his 82nd year. *k?M s IN AND AROUND FOUR OAKS. Some of the Week's Happening* Gathered and Reported by Our Regular Correspondent. Death of a child. Four Oaks, June 22.?Mayor Bar bour, of Benson passed through Sat urday afternoon enroute for his fa ther's, Mr. R. C. Barbour. Miss Annie Ihrle Pou returned to hor home In Smlthfleld Friday after noon. after a visit to Miss Ruth Ad i ami. Mrs. Lucy Benson, of Se'ma. 19 j visiting relatives In and around town. Mr. Ransom Sanders and sister, Miss Ruth, of Smlthfleld, were guests of Mr. B. B. Adams' family part of last week. Mr. C. I. Pierce spent Saturday night here with his sister, Mrs. W. | R. Keen. Mr. and Mrs. Burt Barefoot enter* tained a number of friends and relatives Sunday. W. E. Barbour visited In Selma Friday afternoon and evening. Mrs. Walter- House left Saturday to visit relatives and friends in Spring Hope and adjoining country. Rev. T. B. Justice, of Benson, fill ed his regular appointment here Sun day afternoon and evening. Dr. J. H. Stanley is at Wri?htsvllle Beach for a few days this week at tending a meeting of the Stato Med j leal Society. Mr. Walter Klrsh. of Norfolk, Va., was here Wednesday. Mr. B. N. Welch, of Goldsboro, was here Tuesday looking after the In terests of tue Johnston Harvester Company. ^lolin Albert, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Strickland died Saturday, June 18. He was born March 11, 1900. Al bert was a very bright boy and loved by all who knew him. ? ?_. McLAMB'S STORE ITEMS. lun.son. Route 2, June 21.?Rev. Miles Nay!or preached an able and instructive sermon at Trinity last Sunday. V. Barefoot filled his regular ap? polntment at Ook Grove last Sun? day. The ice cream supper at Mr. M. F. Ijjolley's last Saturday night was very gocnl. All had a fine time. Mr. Ira Lee has the best cotton ic this section. Mr. Rastux Lee is on the sick list this week. The Sunday School will be or ganized at Trinity next Sunday at 2 F. M. Tht re will be a debating club or* canized at Oak Grove Saturday night, June ICth. There will be preaching at Trinity Saturday at 4 P. M.,.and Sunday at " I'. M. June the 25th and 26th. Benson baptist Philathea Reception. Uenson, Juno 21.?One of the most enJoyab!o-toclal events of the season ?a.( u reception given by the Phila thea dps? of the Benson Baptist church complimentary to the Buraca class at th>' High School Hall last Friday night. Miss WilUe Duncan met the guests as they came. After all had arrived, fruit punch v.as served, Miss Jewel Hall prvsid'ng at the bowl. In the "Penny" contest Dr. W. T. Martin and Miss Beatrice Goodrich won the prize. After several games were played the guests were invited upstairs where delicious cream and cake was serve*. Those pivsent were: Misses Vel ma Brady, Willie Duncan, Alma Bra dy, Jewel Hall, Leola Smith, Maude Hall. Beatrice Goodrich, Mattie Smith, Bessie Johnson, Mary Jernl g ? da Boone, Mr. and Mrs. L. Gilbert, Mis. Fred Wall, Rev. and Mrs. T. B. Justice. Messrs. Ira Farmer, Claude ? Canaday, Julius Hodges, Howard : Weeks, Busbee Pope, Junius War i ren, Ralph Canaday. C. G. Jernigan, ? C. P. Page, C. C. Jernigan, Harvey ; Ryals, Glenn Pope, Harvey Creech, A. ? Parri; h and Dr. W. T. Martin. the wee, Sma' hours the guests departed, declaring that they had ' spent a most pleasant evening. ! 1 1 I have always thought the actions ? of men the best Interpreters of thela thoughts.?Locke. #