KENLY NEWS. Kenly, July 14.?Mr. W. T. Bailey ?pent Wednesday evening in Wilson. Quite an Informal 8tug party was srl ven at Lowell Wednesday evening In honor of Capt. Simpson. Therej was an abundance of barbecue. The following were present, Capt. Simp son, H. F. Edgerton, C. W. Edger ton. J. E. Edgerton, Z. V. Snipes and J. K. Sauls. Miss Lily Watson, of Florence, 8. C., spent Tuesday and Wednesday with Mrs. W. T. Bailey. Mrs. Will llclloweil left Thursday for Middlesex. Mr. Marshall Smith has returned to his work in Loulsburg after spend ing several days here with his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. M, A. Smith. The following returnejj Thursday night from Wrightsville, where they Jbuve been spending some time, ltony High, Tyre Hailey and Ezra Noble, j Mrs. .1. H. Klrby left Wednesday ?for Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Will Bailey, of Mid dlesex, are visiting their uncle, Mr. J. G. High, this week. Miss Ethel Hardison is spending some time in Salisbury. Little Mildred and John Parrish, from Benson, are visiting their aunt, Mrs. Dr. Hood. Mr. Custlss Perry spent last week at Wrlghtsvllle Beach. Mrs. Dr. Coleman left Wednesday -morning for Wilson. ? Messrs. W. T. llalley, C. B. Bailey and J. W. Bailey spent Wednesday In Wilson. |l Miss York came Thursday night to /nurse Mrs. Wlnstead who is very ill with typhoid fever. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Grimes, or Beasley, Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Par-I rlsh, of Benson have been the guests of Dr. and Mrs. G. A. Hood for a ?week. Mr. and Mrs. Parrish leftj Monday for Washington, I). C. nnd other points. Mr. J. B. Steele, of Caldwell Coun-1 ty, is here working among the churches and Sunday Schools in _ In terest of n method of Bible Study. Mr. Keel, from Middlesex, has re turned to our town and resumed his work with the Dennis Simmons Lum ber Co. Messrs. Rnyford Fulghum nnd' C Dud Bailey say they spent a very jpleasant day in the country Sunday. | Miss Lena Burton, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. 55. V. Snipes,1 ?returned to her home in Richmond Va., Wednesday. Mr. Harry M. Hedgepeth spent Thursday with friends here. .Mrs. D. H. Gilbreth and son, Hal,' ?returned home Tuesday from a week's visit In Goldsboro and Dud ley, N. C. | Mrs. It. T. Renfrow and Miss Ja mie McNeil spent Tuesday in Fr? ! ixnont. Mr. Robert Richardson, of New' Bern, N. C. and Capt. Simpson, of Manchester, Va., were In our town1 "Wednesday. j Mr. and Mrs. Walter Grady are the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Klr iy. HAPPENINGS AT CLAYTON. Miss AlfiDel Denton, of Raleigh. Is lh9 guest of Mrs. Will Weathers this -week. I Col. Ashley Home spent Monday In Ra'olgh on biisintss I Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Debnam, of SeJuia, were the guests of the family ? of I?r. J. A. Griffin Sunday. | Mr. IMuar Heddingfield, of Raleigh, arrived Tuesday to spend his vaca tion with his parents here. j Mr. Chas R. Stott, of Archer, spent Monday in tjie city on business. | Mr. Ed Edinundson, candidate for Register of Deeds from Polenta section, was in the city Tuesday. j Mr. Millard Mial, Democratic Can didate for Clerk of the Court of Wake County, was in the city for several hours Tuesday. Quite a number of our people went on the Southern's Excursion to Ashe ? ville Tuesday. ? Mr. G. A. Smith, of tUf Bethesda tsettion. was In town Monday for r several hours buying goods. | ( Deputy Sheriff A. M. Sanders, of 2 ?Smithfield, was in the city Tues- t day. . 11 The Pythian Orphanage will be 1 completed this week. It is a hand- s some structure situated on tj?e sou- c thern side of the city and is an ? /.deal place for an orphanage. G?e of our townsmen, Mr. Robt. V Wall and Miss Chloe Grey John-'? eon, of Garner, were married Tues- d day morning In Raleigh at the hope v of Rev. L. F. Johnson, pastor of the 1 'Christian church of that place, the s ceremony being performed by Mr. a Johnson. Only a few Intimate rela- T tlves and friends were present to 1 witness the happy event. Immediate- a ly after the ceremony the happy s ?jouple left for a northern bridal tour.'c The bride Is the accomplished (laugh-11 tor of Mr. W. D. Johnson, of Gar- c tier, while the groom in a highly es- I :?emed business man of our city, be- < ing secretary and treasurfr of the f Clayton oil Mills. i PLEASANT PLAIN ITEMS. Crops In this section have Improved greatly for the last two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Hose visited relatives near Princeton Saturday. night and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Wlggs visited Mrs. Wlggs' parents. Mr. and Mrs.' VV. R. Wall. Sunday. M:*. O. P. Hose had green peas for dinner Wednesday, the 11th. The wheat crop In this section was tolerably good this year. We are glad the vocal unV>n Is near. It Is at Carter's Chapel the fifth Sunday. Rev. L. M. Mitchell preached here Sunday. We are sorry Mrs. Mary Batten continues to be sick. July 12, 1910. For Clerk and Register. As I have seen a name appear in the columns of The Herald for clerk of the superior court, the man needs no Introduction, he is young, amiable, and w-ell qualified. That man Is Albert M. Noble, of Smith field. And also I would like to say that I heartily endorse the candidacy of Mr. Alonzo Barber for the nominat ion of Register of Deeds. He is a good Democrat and Is thoroughly qualified for the position. We ueed a ticket composed of the best,! and If the two men mentioned above be nominated, that part of the . ticket will be clear. WALTON J. ALFORD. Smlthfleld, No. 1, July 12, 1910. I Candidate For Surveyor. I wish to state to my friends that I will be In the convention for re nomination for surveyor. I appreciate what they have dpne foi me In the past, and if they see fit to give me the nomination I promise to serve the people and the party as heretofore. If defeated for nomination there will be no hard feeling toward anyone. I will be a Democrat and work to elect the ticket. Yours to serve as ever. T. R. FULGHUM. Announcement. I wish to announce to the Demo-/ cratic voters of Johnston County| that J am a candidate subject to the( action of the Democratic County/ Convention at Smlthfleld, on August 3rd, for the office of treasurer. If nominated and elected I will faithfully perform all the duties of 1 the office to the best of my ability. 1 Respectfully submitted, W. L. STANCIL. 1 Clayton, N. C. July 11th, 1910,. I ???? , For Treasurer. j I wish to endorse the nomination of 1 a man for the above position that < we have all time for four years and > has proved to be the man fitted for i the position, a worthy man, a man i that was ready to wait on any one i who called at his office, knowing no s man politically, In his office he was ) accommodating and courteous to all.11 A. cripple in both hands and one 1 toot and as you all know a self- < made man, having nothing to start s with and no father to help, or en- i courage, his father having been kill- ( t?d In the war when he was 7 years' nld. He had to work out his educa- ( Ion by dry days work and above all s lis only way of making a living. 1 rherefore we would especially en-j ?ourage the farmer In every way c :>ossible. This man is Alex Wiggs, of I Pine Level. Let us nominate him \ ind we will be proud of It for he l s. and always has, been a Demo.crat.l rUougli some of his people and neigh jors have strayed, yet he still clings o the party. A. M. BARNES. Archer, R. F. D. No. 1. ! J I Picnic At Antloch. ' j There will be a Sunday School pic- c ilc at Antioch Baptist church, ? )neal's township, on Friday, August r :6th. Everybody Is cordially Invited t o attend with well filled baskets. c ^here will be good speaking by prom- j nent speakers and good singing by j, everal different choirs. Come ono t ome all and enjoy the day. f W. O. HOCUTT, Secretary. ? b Napoleon's Grit. k-as of the unconquerable, never-sav lie kind, the kind that you need most then you have a bad cold, cough or ung disease. Suppose trocfees, cough yrups, cod liver oil or doctors have II failed, don't lose heart or hope, rake Dr. King's New Discovery. Sat sfaotion Is guaranteed when used for my throat or lung trouble. It has aved thousands of hopeb -s suffer T8. It masters stubborn colds, obsti late toughs, hemorrhages, lagrlppe, roup, asthma, hay fever and whoop ng cough and Is the most safe and ?ortaln remedy for all bronchial af eetions. DOc $1.00. Trial bottle free it Hood Bros. Noble for Clerk. On August 3rd. the Democrats of Johnston County will meet In Smith Held to nominate candidates for the Legislature and County offices. For Clerk of the Court, Mr. A. M. Noble, of Smlthfleld, has announced himself as a candidate, and I believe that the Democrats of Johnston Coun ty cannot find a man better qualified to fill this Important office than Mr Noble. It Is for the following reasons as well as many others why I believe that the Democrats should nominate Mr. Noble to succeed Mr. Stevens as Clerk of the Court. Mr. Noble believes In rotation of office and 1 believe that is one of t ie sc.and principles upon which De mocracy stands. If one man Is con tinued In power, Interest In politics is decreased and the influence and strength of the party grows less and less lach year and sooner or later It will die. For success new blood must be infused In the party. Mr. Stevens has been in office twen ty years. The Democrats of John ston County have been good to him. It is for the interest of the party that we have a change. We need new men in office. The success of the party demands it. Give us No ble. Mr. Noble has also declared in fa vor of salaries. Where this plan has been followed a great amount of money has been turned Into the coun ty treasury. I believe that the of ficers In Johnston County should be placed on a salary equal to the work and responsibility that devolves upon them, and several hundreds of dollars will each year go to the County treas ury from the county offices. The Democratic party in Johnston County needs strong young men to carry on the fight and keep the old county in the Democratic column where she belongs to always remain Give us Noble for Clerk, and strong men for the other offices and we will carry Johnston County by the largest Democratic majority of recent years. Everybody come to the Convention and vote for Ntfble. JOHN IIOCKADAY. Four Oaks, N. C., July 11, 1910. Ashley Home For the House. To the Editors: The nomination in Wake of that noble and honorable gentleman of the Did school, and in Durham of its proud old war-horse of Democracy,' both gentlemen and Democrats of the highest type?men of affairs? to represent their respective coun ties in the next General Assembly,1 1 take the privilege of suggesting to the voters of Johnston County a man for one of our Legislators, a man equally equipped and qualified as the gentlemen above referred to. I have in mind Hon. Ashley Home, of Clay ton, a business man, a farmer, a bank er, a mill man, a soldier in time of war, a general in time of peace; a man of mature years, broad and va *ied experience, deep thought and safer judgment ;a man whose coun-| iel and judgment would be sought iy the leaders in the Legislature, and \ man wUo would co-operate with Ftatile, Carr, and other Democratic ^aptains to keep the "old ship of slate" in her true course. I think| t would be specially fitting to send 3ol. Home to the Legislature of 191.1 to be In company with Battle, 3arr and others in making that ses sion cf the legislature memorable in listory. Johnston ought to follow the lead >f Wake and Durham, an^ by honor ng one ot her most honorable and vorthy so'.s, honor herself and our jeloved state. P. H. BROOKS. July 13, 1910. Grimes For Sheriff. klr. Editor: Through the columns of your paper wish to speak to the Democrats of 'ohnston County In regard to our andldate for sheriff. It is a pleas- ' ire to me to have the opportunity to ecommend a man of spotless charac-j er and fully competent of any offi ial business in the sheriff's office.] have known him from boyhood and le is a man that the county will bej iroud of. So let us meet in Smith-] leld on the day of convention and lomlnate VV. F. Crimes and he will: ie elected by a large majority. WALTER T. WHITTINGTON. Angier. No. 1, Bx. 27, July 11. | I How can the baby grow strong if the nursing mother is pale and delicate? Scott's Emulsion makes themother "strong and well; increase* and en* riches the baby's food, | Edmundson for Register of Deeds. Mr: Editor: Of all the gentlemen suggested for Register of Deeds, all most excellent ; men. tills scribe Is fully convinced from all the surroundings that Mr. E. 8. Edmundson Is the surest and safest to nominate. For with his nomination victory Is assured from the start. He Is sound to the core, competent, courteous to the most humble, and always has been. he Is one of the most popular young men in all this section; If he has any enemy no whisper of it has ev-j er come to the ears of the people. H" will add more votes and add more strength to the ticket than any oth er man that has been suggested. The lest Informed in Pleasant Grove township, a Republican stronghold, tell us he will surely, if nominated, carry the township and add many votes to the whole ticket; his nomi nation will create enthusiasm and bring out the full Democratic strength in this neck of the county. He is fully competent to conduct the busi ness of the office satisfactorily to all. Give us Mr. Edmundson for Register of Deeds and there will be no such word as failure in the coming election. We believe he is the man and ask the Democrats to nominate him on August 3rd. Respectfully, F. T. BOOKER. t Announcement. 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Clerk of the Superior Court of John ston county, subject to the Dem-1 ocratic Convention. I am in favor of rotation ia office. If it ii an honor to hold a public office, let others shara the honor; if it is a burden lit others share the burden. I am strongly in favor of put-' ting the public officers on sala ries commensurate with the re sponsibilities and labor devolving upon them. Very Respectfully, A. M. NOBLE. Announcement. I take this method of announcing to the voters of Johnston county that ^ I am a candidate for the nomination of sheriff subject to the action of the Democraic Convention. ELI S. TURLINGTON. | Weak Throat?Weak Lungs Cold after cold; cough after cough! Troubled with this taking-cold habit? Better break it up. We have great confidence in Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for this work. No medicine like it for weak throats and weak.lungs. Ask your doctor for his opinion. He knows all about it. His approval is valuable. Follow his advice at all times. No alcohol in this cough medicine. /. C. Aye> Co.,LoweljKi Always keep a good laxative in the house. Take a dose when yourcoldfirstcomeson. What is the best kixative for this? Ayer's Pills. Ask your doctor his opinion. Lwt him decide A COUNTY CONVENTION. Of Democrats Will Be Held At Smithfield. N. C., Wednseday, August 3, 1910. All the Democrats of Johnston County are earnestly requested lo meet in Smithfield "Wednes day. August 3. 1910. for the pur Dose of nominating candidates for the Legislature and county offi cers for the ensuing terms. The townships will meet at their respective voting places on Saturday, Julv 30. 1910. at 3 p. m. to nominate township offi cers. Every Democrat is earnestly re ciacsted to attend these conven tions. Remember the dates and come. C. W. RiailARDSOX. Chairman Dem. Ex. Com. \ li. II. ALLRED. Secretary. IT PAYS TO USE GRAN tham's worm and stock pow-, ders. Good for your chickens, j hogs, horses, cows and mules. None better. IF YOU WANT YOUR GUN OR RE volver repaired take it to the Smlthfie'd Garage and Machine Co. I HAVE A GOOD SUPPLY OF Ni trate of soda and top dresser in stock. W. M. SANDERS. | SEE OUR NEW LINE OF PICTURE moulding and oval picture frames ! COTTER HARDWARE CO. WANTED SAW MILL HANDS AND log cutters at our band saw mill at Linden, N. C., on the Raleigh & Southport Railway. Apply to Sup erintendent at mill or office at Fayetteville. LITTLE RIVER LUM BER CO. I WISH TO BUY A FEW BUSHELS I of peas. W. M. SANDERS. WE HAVE ALL HEIGHTS IN ELL ' wood fence. COTTER HARD WARE CO. I HAVE SOME FINE MINORCA chickens for sale. Reasonable pri ces. Write before too late. W. D. DEBNAM, Selma, N. C. SEE OUR NEW LINE OF PICTURE moulding and oval picture frame? COTTER HARDWARE CO. IF YOU WANT NEW RUBBER tires put on your buggy or baby carriage, take It to the Smlthfleld Garage & Machine Co. V E HAVE ALL HEIGHTS IN ELL wood fence. COTTER HARD WARE CO. IF THOSE WHO CAN PEACHES will save the seed, they can get one cent a pound for them by bringing them to J. W. Setzer, Smlthfleld, N. C., any time afte? September 1st. SEE OUR NEW LINE OF PICTURE moulding and oval picture frames COTTER HARDWARE CO. TOBACCO FARMERS! OUp GRAO lng rooms are now open, and If you have any tobacco cured and want It graded we will be glad to han dle It for you and we will advance you some money on It. If you should bring any tobacco in the next two weeks, try to get here on Saturday. We will be here on that day. SKINNER & PATTERSON, Smithfield, N. C. WE HAVE ALL HEIGHTS IN ELL wood fence. COTTER HARD WARE CO. I SALE | j SPIERS' SUMMER SALE f [jj Everything Reduced for Cash H{ Beginning Monday, July 18th. fit ||l Children's 35c dresses 29c 2.00 ....1.59 |HP Ladies' 1.50 1.29 |M 2.50 1.89 I- 4 00 3 38 4.00 Coat Suits ....3.38 5.00 " " 3.89 6.00 " " ....4.33 7.50 " " ....5.89 " 1.00 Shirtwaists 79 1.50 " 1.23 12%c dress ginghams 9Vic 10c " " 7%c Job lot " " 6c 50c window curtain goods 39c ??_ - - ."5c window curtain goods 21< 20c ....17c JA 15c .... 12o III 30c silks 23c ftt 35c 27c 40c 33c IS 50c .38c fil 10c percales 7V&c #JA 12%c 9%c 10c suitings 8c H| 12??c 10c AH lac 11c 1SJ 5c laces 4c III 7V&c 6c 4ft 10c " 7^c IS? JOBS IN EMBROIDERY J5? 12 Vac bleaching 10c BP LADIES' TRIMMED DATS REGULAR PRICE $2.00 OR OVER, 1-2 PRICE [!{ A cash discount of 10 per cent will be allowed on all IJJ purchases of 50c. or more when not otherwise reduced. JH We are forced to sell at these prices for cash only, as in #|| many instances they are less than cost. A\ Make your investment now- Buy up your Staples and other /fi Needed Goods for the Fall. 10 per cent saved for three ja months is equal to 40 per cent annual interest, a big saving. ij{ SPIERS BROTHERS g