r i' Creech-Langdon and Langdon-Johnson. Benson, Dec. 20.—On last Wednes , afternoon, December 13th, at Mr. ^'b. Barbour’s, at 3:30 o’clock, the beautiful marriage of Miss Lula Mae Creech and Mr. William J. Langdon took place in the presence of a host f relatives and friends. The waiters were, Miss Victoria Langdon and j{r. J. Hubert Johnson; Miss Lucy Langdon and Mr. Carl Parrish; Miss Lillie Coats and Mr. Victor Penny; jLss Martha Stephenson and Mr. Mien Johnson; Miss Lula Johnson and Mr. Zennie Clifton. The bride was daintily dressed in a blue fur-trimmed suit which was very attractive. The groom was dressed in a neat blue serge suit and the waiters carried the same color. The groom and waiters were met by Mrs. Charlie Lassiter and was assisted with their wraps, and then shown to the sitting room where the crowd gathered by the fire side, where they interested each oth er telling jokes until time for the ceremony. Then they marched into the beautifully decorated parlor, and tnere Miss Creech and Mr. Langdon joined hands in wedlock, and were announced man and wife. The couples then marched back to the sitting room where the bride and groom were heartily congratulated and the many presents were presented. The party then drove to the home of the groom’s father, Mr. J. M. Langdon, and was met and ushered to the cloak room, then to the parlor where a fire side conversation was much enjoyed until the beautiful supper was serv ed by Mr. and Mrs. James C. Lang don. Shortly alter supper, the couples marched from the parlor into the sitting room where Miss Victoria Langdon became the bride of Mr. J. Hubert Johnson. Then they went to the parlor, the bride and groom re ceiving many congratulations. The bride was dressed in a white plush trimmed suit; the groom was dressed in blue serge, the waiters carrying the same color. Music was greatly enjoyed, besides other numerous en joyments. The hour, eleven o’clock, came all too soon for the departure of the guests who started to their many different homes, declaring the afternoon had been well spent, and may God bless the brides and grooms in choosing their companions; also may blessings be sent to Rev. Dock Johnson for performing11 the ceremo nies. REPORTER. NOTICE. The undersigned having qualified as Administrator, D. B. N., on the estate of Mary Holt, deceased, here by notifies all persons having claims against said estate to present the same to me duly verified on or before the 29th day of December, 1917, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; and all persons in debted to said estate will make imme diate payment. This 22nd day of December, 191G. WILL H. LASSITER, Admr., D. B. N. RAY & COCKERHAM, Attorneys. SALE OF VALUABLE LANDS. By virtue of a Mortgage Deed exe cuted by W. H. Dunston and Ruth Bunston, his wife, to D. H. McCullers, on November 18, 1912, and duly reg istered in the Register of Deeds Of fice of Johnston County, in Book N. page 207—security, four bonds—default having been made in the payment of said bonds, and one of said bonds having bee'n transferred and consigned to Sam T. Honeycutt anfi I". K. Ellington, the undersigned will offer for sale at public outcry, to the highest bidder for cash, at the f ourt House door of Johnston County, ^mithfield, N. C., at 12 o’clock, on Monday, 29th day of January, 1917, the following described lots and tracts °t land, situate in Clayton township and dscribed as follows: MRST, is a town lot in the town of Clayton, beginning at a stake on .,neil ®t., runs thence N. 45 degrees, W. 210 feet; thence S. 45 degrees, W. it> feet to a stake in A. Creech line; thence said A. Creech line to Oneil street 210 feet; thence up said Oneil street 70 feet to the beginning, con taining 245-726 of an acre, more or ®ss, and as the land bought of A. Creech and wife by deed dated Decem «*p> x’T *899 and registered in Book f °‘ Deeds, on page 73 and urther as the place Dunston and wife now reside. SECOND TRACT: Beginning at a ln Hardy Harris’ line, now J. «• lurley, runs thence N. 30, E. 28.65 q aiI?s to Sam’s Creek; thence down »ams Creek to the Clayton road; ence with said road to the begin hg, containing fifty-four (54) acres, ore or less, and known as Lot No. cm the landg gold by c Creech, ecutor of S. Creech and deeded to ]’• “• Dunston, December 17, 1902, otl . acres sold to Joe Moore and yardacre t°r colored people’s grave This December 26, 1916. D. H. McCULLERS, Mortgagee. SAM T. HONEYCUTT and F. K. ELLINGTON, — Assignees of Mortgagee. 1 ARM FOR RENT—I HAVE A arr? 5°r rent» 30 acres cleared, bood for corn, cotton and tobacco! NPry n° J’ Alford, Smithfield, G., Route No. 1. NOTICE OF SALE. North Carolina, Johnston County, the Superior Court, December Term, 1916. Joseph E. Lassiter, ■vs. William C. Lassiter. Rosclla Lassiter, et als. Under and by virtue of the author ity contained in a decree of the Su perior Court in the above entitled cause the undersigned commissioner will offer for sale, for cash, to the highest bidder at the Court House door in the town of Smithfield, on Monday, January 15th, 1917, at 12 o’clock M., the following described property, to-wit: Begins at a pine (formerly) Car rol Langdon’s corner and runs with his line N. 190 poles to a black gum (formerly) Willis Sanders corner, now W. C. Langdon’s corner; thence E. 59 poles to a stake in Z. L. Le May’s line S. 20, E. 200 poles to a stake; thence W. 122 poles to the be ginning, containing 111% acres, more or less. The same being the land deeded to W. R. Snead by R. A. Johnson and wife as will be seen by reference to Book “Y” No. 5, at page 84, also Book “H” No. 7 at page 273 °f the Registry of Johnston County. This is a valuable piece of land and is situated in a good community. This December 14, 1916. E. J. WELLONS, Commissioner. WELLONS & WELLONS, Attorneys. SALE OF LIZZIE COTTON MILL STOCK. In order to wind up the estate of Alexander Munns, the undersigned, surviving executor, will offer for sale, at public auction, FOR CASH, at the Court House door in the town of Smithfield, N. C., on Tuesday, Jan uary 16th, 1917, at 12 o’clock, M., eight (8) shares of the capital stock of the Lizzie Cotton Mills, being cer tificate No. 126 for five shares, and certificate No. 210 for three shares, standing in the name of Alex. Munns. This December 15, 1916. DR. L. A. MUNNS, Surviving Executor Alex. Munns. FREDERICK H. BROOKS, Attorney. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER MORTGAGE. Under and by virtue of the author ity contained in a certain mortgage deed executed on the 14th day of Oc tober, 1915, by A. F. Woodard to S. S. Holt, the same being duly recorded in the Registry of Johnston County, in Book No. 7 at page 154, and the same having been later transferred to J. H. Kirkman by the said S. S. Holt for value; the terms and con ditions of the said mortgage deed having been broken and default in the payment of the bond secured by the same having been made; the un dersigned will, on Saturday, Decem ber 23rd, 1916, at the Court House door, in the town of Smithfield, N. C., at 12 o’clock M., expose to sale to the highest bidder for Cash, the fol lowing described tracts or parcels of land, viz: FIRST TRACT: Beginning at a black gum near the bridge across Bawdy Swamp and runs S. 50, W. 48 poles to a stake; thence E. 30 poles to a stake; thence S. 162 poles to a stake; thence E. 54 poles to a black gum in the run of the swamp; thsnee up the run of the swamp to the be ginning, containing 50 acres, more or less. SECOND TRACT: Adjoins the above, begins at a gum in run of swamp, Brown’s corner, and runs with said run to the mouth of Davis’ Mill branch; hence in run of said branch to a stake in old tram road; thence N. with road to a stake in A. G. Woodard’s line; thence with Woodard’s line to the beginning, con aining 42 % acres. The above described lands are sit uate in Boon Hill township, Johnston County, North Carolina. This November 22, 1916. S. S. HOLT, Mortgagee. J. H. KIRKMAN Transferee of Mortgagee. CREECH & POU, Atorneys. This sale is postponed until De cember 30th, at 12 M. CREECH & POU, Attorneys. SALE OF VALUABLE FARM. Whereas, by agreement entered in to on January 12th, 1915, W. M. San ders and F. H. Brooks leased to J. G. Register the farm herinafter describ ed, for a term of five years for nine thousand pounds of good middling lint cotton, and agreed at end of pe riod, if rents were paid, to make deed to said J. G. Register conveying said land in fee-simple; And, whereas, said J. G. Register has failed to make his payments of rent, and has requested said W. M. Sanders and F. H. Brooks to make sale of said premises; Therefore, the said W. M. Sanders and F. H. Broods, will offer for sale at public auction, at the Court House door in the town of Smithfield, N. C., on Saturday, January 27th, 1917, at 12 o’clock M., the following tract of land in Banner township, Johnston County, adjoining the lands of Ves ter Tart, Joe Barefoot, John Q. Beas ley and others, being the lands inher ited from the estate of Elijah Par ker, deceased, and described as fol lows, viz: Beginning1 at a stake, v ester tarts corner, and runs North to John Quincy Beasley’s line; thence South to Joe Barefoot’s line; thence East to W. F. Wood’s line; thence West to the beginning, containing twenty-four (24) acres, more or less, and convey ed to W. M. Sanders and F. H. Brooks by C. F. Neighbors, Mortga gee, by deed dated January 11th, 1914, and recorded in Book “Z” No. 7, page 534, Registry of Johnston County. Satisfactory terms can be made, if not convenient to pay CASH. This December 26th, 1916. W. M. SANDERS and F. H. BROOKS. NOTICE OF SALE. North Carolina, Johnston County, In the Superior Court, Before the Clerk, December 14th, 1916. Mrs. Pattie Johnson and husband, William H. Johnson, Willie L. Ste vens, Floyd P. Stevens and Vesper L. Stevens. rs. Elizabeth Harrison and husband, Cleo Harrison, Clyde V. Stevens, et als. Under and by virtue of authority contained in a decree made and en tered in the action entitled as above the undersigned commissioner will otFer for sale, for cash, on the prem ises. on Wednesday, January 17th, 1917, at or about 11 o’clock A. M., the following described lands lying and being situate in Pleasant Grove town ship, State and County aforesaid, and adjoining the lands of Thad Stevens, W. D. Avera, H. T. Gerard and others and known as the home place of the late Albert Stevens, which lands have been sub-divided into three tracts, more particularly described as fol lows: Lot INo. 1, beginning at a stake, Thad Stevens’ corner, and runs N. 10, E. y chains to a stake, corner of Lot No. 2; thence N. 85, W. 32.64 chains to a stake in W. B. Godwin’s line; thence S. 15, W. 3.30 chains to a stake, formerly a pine, Thadeus Stevens; thence S. 74, E. 32.96 chains to the beginning, containing twenty and one-tenth (20 1-10) acres, more or less. Lot No. 2, begining at a stake in the run of Mill Branch, H. T. Ger rard’s corner, and runs S. 85, E. 6 chains to a stake, W. B. Godwin’s corner; thence S. 58, E. 10.70 chains to a stake, W. B. Godwin’s corner; thence S. 15, W. 5.84 chains to a stake, corner of Lot No. 1; thence S. 85, E. 32.64 chains to a stake, corner of Lot No. 1; thence N. 10, E. 16.82 chains to a red oak, W. D. Avera’s corner; thence N. 85, W. 47.76 chains to a stake in the run of Mill Branch; thence down the run of said branch about 6.30 chains to the beginning, containing sixty-six and three-fifths acres (66 3-5), more or less. Lot No. 3, beginning at a stake in the run of Mill Branch, a corner of Lot No. 2, and runs S. 85, E. 29.36 chains to a pine stump, Will D. Avera’s corner; thence N. 5, E. 17.50 chains to a stake, Gower’s corner; thence about S. 87, W. 29 chains to a stake, H. T. Garrard’s corner in the run of Mill Branch; thence down the run of said branch about 12.46 chains to the beginning, containing forty three and seven-tenths (43.7) acres, more or less. This December 14th, 1916. E. J. WELLONS, Commissioner. WELLONS & WELLONS, Attorneys. NOTICE OF SALE. North Carolina, Johnston County, In the Superior Court, December Term, 1916. J. J. Godwin vs. J. T. Colyer and wife, Eula M. Colyer. Under and by virtue of authority contained in a judgment of the Su perior Court made and entered dur ing December Term, 1916, the under signed commissioner will offer for sale, for cash, to the highest bidder, on the premises, on Monday, January 15th, 1917, at or about 12 o’clock M., the following described tracts or par cel of land lying and being situate in the County and State aforesaid, Oneals township: Lot No. 3, beginning at a stake in Worley Creech’s line and runs with said line S. 39%, E. 27 poles to a persimmon tree; thence S. 70, W. 174 poles to two hickorys on the bank of Little River; thence up the run of Little River to a hickory to a cor ner of Lot No. 2, in the division of the lands of Elwood Colyer, deceased; thence with said line N. 70, E. 169.8 poles to the beginning, containing 28 acres. Lot Nos. 4 and 5, beginning at a hickory on the bank of Little River, corner of Lot No. 3, and runs with said line N. 70, E. 174 poles to a stake in Worley Creech’s line; thence with said line to the run of Isaac Branch; thence up the run of said branch to a stake, Morris Godwin’s corner; thence with an old ditch and a line of marked trees to a hickory on ' Little River; thence up the run of said river to the beginning, contain- j ing 56 acres. This December 14th, 1916. E. J. WELLONS, I Commissioner. WELLONS & WELLONS, Attorneys. NOTICE OF SALE. North Carolina, Johnston County, In the Superior Court, December Term, 1916. Gaston Pittman vs. J. T. Colyer and w.fe, Eula M. Colyer. Under and by virtue of authority contained in a judgment of the Su perior Court in the action entitled as above, the undersigned commissioner will offer for sale, for cash, to the highest bidder, on the premises, on Monday, January 15th, 1917, at or about 11:30 o’clock A. M., the fol lowing described property situate in Oneals township,‘State and County aforesaid, and more particularly de-' scribed as follows: Beginning at a black gun on Isaac , Branch and runs an agreed line of, marked trees to the old cart path; : thence as the crossing the branch to a led cak; thence S. 5, W. 9.2 poles to a stake, Jones’ corner; thence as .*aid line West 55 poles to a post oak (dead) and stake; thence as Jones’ Lne South 94 poles to a stake, form erly a pine tree, S. 63, W. 38 poles ti a blazed pine on Isaac’s Branch as it meanders to the beginning, con taining 42 acres, more or less. This December 14th, 1916. E. J. WELLONS, ! TT7T,T Commissioner. WELLONS & WELLONS, Attorneys. NOTICE OF MORTGAGED LAND SALE. By virtue of the authority contain ed in a mortgage deed made by Hen derson and Annie Sanders to The Austin-Stephenson Co., and recorded in the Registry of Johnston County in Book “G" No. 13, page 245, the conditions of the said mortgage hav ing been broken, the above named Mortgagee will offer for sale, at the Court House door, in the town of Smithfield, on Monday, January 15th, 1917, the following described real estate: Being the undivided interests of Henderson and Annie Sanders in the lands of Wesley Bell, deceased, and described as follows: Beginning in the run of Poplar Branch and running South with A. J. Ellis’ line 203 poles to a maple; thence to Booth Barber’s corner, East 163 4-5 poles; thence North with Booth Barber’s line 76 2-5 poles to Poplar Branch; thence along said branch to the beginning, containing 222 acres (excepting from the operation of this mortgage 18% acres sold to Allen Sanders, 44% acres sold to Wm. Holt, and 35 acres sold to Moses Barfield), leaving in the tract 125 acres, more or less. This sale is made to sell only the undivided interests of Henderson and Annie Sanders as above mentioned. Terms: Cash. Time: 12 o’clock. AUSTIN-STEPHENSON CO„ Mortgagee. LEON G. STEVENS, Attorney. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND UN DER ORDER OF COURT. Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Johnston Coun ty, North Carolina, made in the spe cial proceeding: entitled A. F. Bar bour, Administrator of P. M. Harper, vs. Bunyan Harper and others, the undersigned commissioner, appoint ed by the court, will, on Monday, Jan uary 22nd, 1917, at 12 o’clock M., at the Court House door in Smithfield, Johnston County, North Carolina, of fer for sale to the highest biddei for cash those two certain tracts of land lying and being in Elevation town ship, Johnston County, North Caroli na, and more particularly described as follows: FIRST TRACT: Bounded on the North by the lands of Ellie Harper; bounded on the West by the lands of W. J. Heath and wife; bounded on the South by the lands of G. L. Barbour; and bounded on the East by the lands of Major Barbour, and containing ten (10) acres, more or less. • SECOND TRACT: Beginning at a pine stump, R. E. Barbour’s corner, and runs S. (5, W. 9 chains to a stake, Major Barbour’s corner; thence S. 85, W. 2 5-100 chains to a stake; thence N. 5, E. 9 chains to a stake in the field; thence N. 85, E. 3 10-100 chains to the beginning, containing two and seven-tenths (2 7-10) acres, more or less. Time of sale, Monday, January 22, 1917, at 12 o’clock, M. Place of sale, Court House door, Smithfield, N. C. Terms of sale, Cash. This 20th day of December, 1916. EZRA PARKER, Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND FOR PARTITION. State of North Carolina, County of Johnston, In the Superior Court. Mary Frances Worley, and Husband, N. W. Worley, Edie Catharine Hughes, and Husband, N. L. Hughes; Ophelia Starling and Hus band, R. D. Starling, Geneva Bras well, and Husband, G. E. Braswell, and Car Bailey Little. vs. William Henry Little, Earnest Little, Gladys Little, and Hattie Little. By reason of a ten per cent bid having been placed on first tract of land by Marshall Holloman, I will, on December 30th, 1916, in front of the Bank of Pine Level, in the town of Pine Level, Johnston County and State of North Carolina, between the hours of 12 M., and 2 o’clock P. M., offer for sale the following tract of land to-wit: “Beginning at a stake on the road, W. H. and Marshall Holloman’s cor ner, and runs with said road North 81, East 80 poles; thence North 85, i East 77 poles; thence North 03, East 30 poles to a stake, at or near the bridge across Little Creek, T. T. Oli i ver, deceased, corner; thence with | said Oliver’s line South 65% poles to l a stake; thence South 98%, West 180 poles to a pine, W. H. Holloman’s | corner; thence with said Holloman’s | line North 1%, East 40 poles to the | beginning, and containing 56% acres, ! less 8 acres heretofore conveyed to ! Ellis Little. The bid will start at $2,200.00. This December 12th, 1916. R. L. RAY, Commissioner. _-_. NOTICE. The undersigned having qualified as Administrator on the estate of P. M. Harper, deceased, hereby notifies all persons having claims against said estate to present the same to me duly verified on or before the 1st day of December, 1917, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; i and all persons indebted to said es tate will make immediate payment, j This 28th day of November, 1916. A. F. BARBOUR, Administrator. EZRA PARKER, Attorney. NOTICE. The undersigned having qualified as Administrator on the estate of John P. Barbour, deceased, hereby notifies all persons having claims against said estate to present the same to me duly verified on or before the 1st day of December, 1917, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; and all persons indebted to said estate will make immediate payment. This 23rd day of November, 1916. R. U. BARBOUR, Administrator. EZRA PARKER, Attorney. NOTICE OF RE-SALE. North Carolina, Johnston County, In the Superior Court, Before the Clerk. R. A. Edwards, Ella Howell, Vara Howell, et als, vs. Rhoda Edwards, Lola Edwards, Frank Edwards, Katie Edwards, et als. Whereas, the undersigned commis sioner, did on Monday, November 20th, 191G, by virtue of the authority contained in a decree of the Superior Court in the above entitled cause, of fer for sale, at public outcry, the hereinafter described tracts and par cels of land situate in Boon Hill town ship, and whereas the last and high est bidder for said land has been since raised according to law and a bona-fide offer of ten per cent increase of said bid has been made to said commissioner, and said sum of ten per cent of the first purchase price has been deposited as a guarantee of good faith, said lands will be re-sold on Monday, January 1st, 1917, at 12 o’clock M., at the Court House door in the town of Smithfield, for Cash, to the highest bidder, which lands are more particularly described as fol lows : That tract of land lying in Boon Hill township, formerly belonging to the late Capt. Chas. Edwards, and beginning at a black gum on the South side of the run of Moccasin Swamp in Holt’s Mill pond at the moutn of Yelverton’s Branch, and runs thence up the run of said swamp in the Mill pond to a black gum or tree near the head of said Holt’s Mill Pond, W. P. Raiford’s comer; thence S. 15, W. 184 poles to a stake, W. M. Warren’s corner, just below the old dam of Warren’s Mill Pond; thence S. 76.5, E. 20.88 poles to a pine on a ditch, Yelverton’s ' Branch; thence down the branch as it meanders to the beginning, containing eighty-one (81) acres, more or less. Also three houses and lots in Boon Hill township, Johnston County, on the North side of the Midland Rail road near Princeton, and adjoins Joy ner Station, the three houses being at present occupied by R. A. Edwards, Ed. West, and Mary Edwards, the same being the property conveyed to Edward Howell in a Sheriff’s Deed in a sale for taxes against Capt. Charlie Edwards, in deed dated June 29th, 1914, and recorded in the Registry of Johnston County in Book “1” No. 13, at page 48. This December 14th, 1916. E. J. WELLONS, Commissioner. WELLONS & WELLONS, Attorneys. SALE OF LAND FOR DIVISION. North Carolina, Johnston County, Before the Clerk. Jas. W. Rhodes, Nathan B. Rhodes and others, vs. Millard Rhodes and Others, Heirs at law of William Rhodes, Deceased. Pursuant to an order issued in the above entitled cause, the undersigned Commissioner will offer for sale at the Court House door, in the town of Smithfield, on Monday, January 22, 1917, at 12 o’clock M., to the highest bidder, for cash, the following de scribed lands: Being all of Lot No. 1 in the division of the lands of Jas. H. Rhodes and wife, recorded in Land Book 4, page 326 in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of John ston County, and allotted in said di vision, to William Rhodes, now de ceased, and described as follows: Beginning at a stake on North bank of Hannah’s Creek, comer of Dot No. 4, E. Rhodes’ division, runs N. 16.75 chains to a stake; thence W. 31 chains to a stake in run of Little Swamp; thence down the swamp as it meanders to Hannah’s Creek; thence down said creek to the beginning, containing 42 acres. This sale is made for a division of proceeds among the heirs at law of William Rhodes, deceased. This 19th day of December, 1916. S. S. HOLT, Commissioner. SALE OF MORTGAGE LAND. By virtue of the power and author ity contained in a certain mortgage deed executed by H. W. Johnson to T. L. Gerald, on 2nd day of March, 1916, and recorded in the Registry of Johnston County, on the 6th of March, 1916, default having been made in the payment of said mortgage and notes, the following described real estate will be sold to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door, Smith field, N. C., on Monday, January 8th, 1917, at 12 o’clock: Beginning at a maple in B. John son line, L. L. Jernigan corner, and runs with said line S. 4 Vis, W. 137 poles to a stake; thence N. 6%, W. 10 poles to a stake in the center of the Smithfield and Fayetteville road; thence with said road S. 41, W. 8 6-10 poles to a stake; thence N. 55, W. 33 poles to a stake; thence N. 1, E. 116 poles to a stake in B. Johnson line in Dismal; thence with said Dis mal E. 58 poles to the beginning, con taining 39 acres, more or less. Time of sale, Monday, January 8th, 1917, at 12 o’clock. Place of sale, Court House door, Smithfield, N. C. Terms of sale, Cash. This December 4th, 1916. T. L. GERALD, Mortgagee. NOTICE. By virtue of a power of sale con tained in a Mortgage executed to me by E. E. Farmer, December 27, 1913, and duly recorded, I will sell at the Court House door in Smithfield, John ston County, N. C., between 12 and 2 o’clock P. M., on Monday, January 29, 1917, the following described property: One tract of land situate in Selma township, Johnston County, N. C., ad joining the lands of J. G. Raper, John Wm. Brown, Jas. McCall, Dock Col lier, containing 135% acres, more or less, known as the John Brown Place, on the Haman Road, conveyed to E. E. Farmer by Thos. Haller by deed re corded in the Johnston County Reg istry. Terms Cash. This December 20, 1916. S. R. FARMER, Mortgagee. I OJC* V £lil NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND FOR PARTITION. Under and by the virtue of an or der of sale of the Superior Court in the Special Proceeding entitled R. F. Dail et als vs. Letha Boykin, the undersigned commissioner will ex pose for sale on Saturday, December 30th, 1916, at the Court House door in Smithfield, N. C., Johnston County for cash to the highest bidder, the fol lowing tract or parcel of land: Adjoining the lands of James C. Raper, Thomas Brown, Edwin Farm er and others, as follows: Beginning at a stake in Thomas Brown’s corner; thence N. 8, E. 114 poles to a stake in Thomas Brown’s line; thence N. 66, W. 60 poles to a pine in J. C. Raper’s line; thence S. 1%, W. 72 poles to a stake in the road; thence S. 64, W. 11 poles to a stake; thence S. 12, E. 17 poles to a stump; thence S. 78, W. 5 poles to a dogwood; thence S. 1%, W. 29 poles to a stake; thence S. 84, E. 56 poles to the beginning, containing 45 acres, more or less. Being that land con veyed to D. M. Boykin for his life, remainder to Flora, Maud, Ellen, and Letha Boykin in fee-simple forever, as recorded in the Registry of John ston County in Book No. 9, page 371. This sale is made subjected to con firmation of the Court. Time of sale, 12 o’clock noon, De cember 30th, 1916. Terms of sale, Cash. Place of sale, Court House door in Smithfield, N .C. LEON G. STEVENS, Commissioner. SALE OF VALUABLE LAND. By virtue of authority in a judg ment of the Superior Court of John ston County, in a Special Proceeding entitled N. T. Ryals, Admr. of Benj. Hudson, deceased, vs. Sarah Hudson, widow, Cenia Hudson, et als, the un dersigned commissioners, named in said proceedings, will sell at Public Auction for cash to the highest bid der, before the Post Office door in Benson, N. C., at 12:00 M., on Satur day, the 6th day of January, 1917, the following described property, to-wit: That tract of land allotted to Cenia Hudson in the division of the lands of Ben Hudson, deceased, being Lot No. 8, in said division, and described as follows: Beginning at Dismal Creek Canal, Pearl Hudson’s corner, and runs as her line N. 8, E. 53 chains to a stake, her corner in Ransom Ray nor’s line; thence as his line N. 83, W. 4.50 chains to a stake, A. Dora Webb’s corner in Raynor’s line; thence as Webb’s line S. 3, W. 50 chains to Dismal Creek Canal; thence up the said canal to the beginning, and containing twenty-three and one half acres, more or less. See Land Book No. 5, page 379, Clerk’s Office of Johnston County. Sale is made for assets to pay debts, and for other purposes set out in the petition filed in the above cause. This 4th day of December, 1916. J. R. BARBOUR, N. T. RYALS, Commissioners. NOTICE OF SALE. By virtue of the powers in a certain deed of mortgage executed by William Hodges and Lena Hodges 24th day of September, 1909, and registered in Book “1” No. 10, page 147, records of the office of the Register of Deeds for Johnston County, default having been made in the bond secured by said mortgage, the undersigned will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, at the Court House door of Johnston County, at Smithfield, N. C., at 12 o’clock M., on the 31st day of Janu ary, 1917, the following described tract of land: Lying and being on Rocky Branch in Clayton township, and is bounded on the North by the lands of Monroe Jones and Caleb Penny, on the East by the lands of Ransom Penny, on the South by the lands of Ransom Penny, and on the West by the lands of B. Jones. The same being the tract of land devised to Richard Penny by his uncle Asbury Penny, as by reference to the will of Asbury Penny recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Su perior Court of Johnston County, North Carolina, containing eighty two acres (82) more or less, and fur ther known as the tract of land con veyed to D. H. McCullers by deed from Ed. S. Abell, Commissioner, dated February 17, 1909, and recorded in Book “Z” No. 7, page 114, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Johnston County. JONES & BAILEY, Attorneys. MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND. By virtue of power and authority contained in a certain mortgage deed executed by Z. D. Oliver and wife, Bertha Oliver, with bonds of even date to Junius Peterson, on the ‘23rd day of October, 1915, and recorded in the Registry of Johnston County, on the 28th day of October, 1915, in Book No. 7, page 168, default having been made in the settlement of said mortgage and bonds of even date, I will offer for sale to the highest bid der, for cash, at the Court House door Smithfield, N. C., Johnston County, on Monday, the 21st day of January, 1917, the following described property, to-wit: Being all of Lot No. 8 in Block “I” in the town of Smithfield, John ston County, N. C. Place of Sale, Court House door. Terms of Sale, Cash. Time of Sale, Monday, January 21, 1917, at 12 o’clock. JUNIUS PETERSON, Mortgagee. W. M. SANDERS, Transferee of Mortgagee. December 20, 1916. NOTICE. The undersigned having qualified as Administratrix on the estate of John Pulley, deceased, hereby notifies all persons having claims against said estate to present the same to me duly verified on or before the 21st day of November, 1917, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; and all persons indebted to said estate will make immediate payment. This 21st day of November, 1916. MRS. MATTIE J. PULLEY, Administratrix. ABELL & WARD, Attorneys.

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