DEADLOCK of great armies. Distinct Gains Being Recorded by Belligerents Only in Rumania as New Year Dawns. Much Talk of Peace But No Basis Found. War Map in Main Theatres Shows at Numerous Points Material Changes in the Lines as They Stood a Year Ago. The following review of the war news for the closing day of the old year was published in yesterday's Columbia State: The dawn of 1917 finds the bellig erent armies, temporarily at least, virtually deadlocked everywhere ex cept in Rumania. It finds also in the air a suggestion by the Teutonic al lies that they are ready to discuss peace but no basis for the ending of hostilities has yet been advanced by them and the entente allies have sig nified their determination to continue fighting until their oft-repeated de sires are complied with. The war map in the mam theatres of the war at the commencement of the New Yaar shows at numerous points material changes in the lines as they stood a year ago. On the front in France the Germans in the Somme region have been driven back by the French over fronts of considerable size hile the Germans in the Verdun sector made notable gains towards the fortress but later lost a part of the terrian through a French counter offensive; the Italians have advanced their line on the east closer toward Trieste and the entente allies operat ing from Saloniki have placed the Servians on their native soil again and also have pushed forward their lines at various points in Macedonia. A great drive begun in June by the Russian general Brussiloff from the Pinsk marshes to the Carpathians was successful in clearing the Vol hynian fortress triangle of the Aus tro-Germans and in the capture of much terrain in Galicia and Bukowina. Half of Rumania which entered the war in August on the side of en tente now is in the hands of the Teu tonic allies. The sweep of the Russians through the Caucasian region and Turkish Armenia has compelled the Turks to yield much territory while in the south the British in their ad vance to give up their strategic base at Kut-el-Amara and are being held to a virtual standstill by the Otto man forces. Aside from Rumania there is little activity on any of the fronts except by the artillery. On the Moldavian Transylvania front of the Rumanian theatre, the Teutons, rein forced, still are making progress in their drive which apparently has as its object the effecting of a junction with their troops moving north into Moldavia. Additional points have been taken from the Russians and Ruma nians on both sides of the Oituz val ley and in the Putna and Zobala val leys. Meanwhile Field Marshal von Mackensen's army continues pushing into the country from the mountains to the Danube. The eastern flank has thrown back the Russians from the Braila bridgehead while in Dobrudja the Teutonic line has been driven closer to Matchin, across the river from Braila. Here the rivers have been forced to give a point of support east of the town. Advices from Athens say the French, British and Russian minis ters have signed a note demanding the reduction of the Greek forces ex cept in Peloponnesus to a size neces sary only for police duty, the release of political prisoners and apologies to the allied ministers and flags. Took A Whiskey Still. On last Saturday, Deputy Collec tor J. P. Stell, and H. G. Gurley and Deputy Marshal George F. Moore and posseman B. Lfl Jones went to the home of Mr. Dempsey Daughtry, about four miles South of Pine Level, where they captured a whiskey still. In the barn they found a thirty-five gallon copper still, complete with cap and worm, funnels, quart pots, doubling keg and four gallons of low wines. In the wash house were fer nicnters and mash sticks. About three hundred yards from the dwelling was the place where the still had been operated. Mr. Daughtry will have a hearing Wednesday before Dr. R. J. Noble, the United States Commission er, at Selma. The Uruguayan Congress is con sidering the establishment of a mili tary aviation school. (J EN ERA L NEWS ITEMS. American publishers arc up in arms against what they allege to be the news print paper trust. This trust, they declare, is driving small weak publishers out df business and goug ing richer ones for extortionate prices for paper. The publishers want the federal trade commission or some other branch of the government to take drastic and immediate steps to remedy the situation. * * * It has been confirmed that Lieuten ant Harteaux, of France, brought down on the 26th of December his fifteenth enemy airplane. This hap pened over Vaux Wood. On the same day Sublieutenant Guynemer brought down at a point east of Misery his twenty-fourth German airplane, and on December 27 he vanquished his twenty-fifth air enemy a little to the south of Maisonette, in France. * * * With the new year it is calculated thut 400 passenger trains will dis appear from the British railway time table, says a London dispatch. Many of the remaining trains will run more slowly and with a larger number of stops. Long distance non-stop ex presses will be as rare as they were thirty years ago. The London Daily News says, so far as comfort and speed are concerned, the clock will be put back a quarter of a century. If If H A London dispatch says that at a meeting of the Rumanian consolidated oil fields, William W. Rutherford, member of parliament from Liver pool, said that probably the value of the oil fields destroyed by the allies in the Rumanian retreat amounted to $150,000,000. It was a wholesale de struction, he remarked, carried on by a British military mission acting un der the instructions of headquarters. This work, he added, rendered the property and stock utterly useless to the foe. The oil wells of German companies met a similar fate, he said. * * * Announcement is made in the Ber lin newspapers that the Order of Merit has been conferred on Captain Valentiner, captain of a German sub marine for sinking 128 ships of a to tal tonnage of 282,000. Included among the boats sunk are a French gunboat, a troop transport, four steamships loaded with war material and a French submarine convoying 14 coal steamers. Capt. Valentiner has had numerous engagements with armed hostile ships, capturing two on which guns were mounted. It was his submarine which shelled Funchal, Ma deira Islands, early last month, and sank in the Funchal Harbor the French gunboat Surprise and the steamships Dacia and Kanguroo. CAT SKINS VALUABLE. Growing Scarcity of Furs Has Created Demand for Them. Minneapolis Journal. Business seers decry a dark cloud gathering over the future of the black cat. Generations ago a black cat with nine white hairs in the end of her tail was in for a bad time, for she was believed to be a disguised witch. But today, with or without the nine white hairs in her conclusion, the black cat is playing in hard luck, for the fur trade has found that her hide is worth $2, and is prepared to give it. As the hide has to be untimely rlpned from the cat the transaction i? an unpleasant one from the point of v'ew of the animal. Ir. fact, the growing scarcity of furs has brought into prominence and value the fur of all other colors of cats. Eastern fur dealers are adver tising for cat skins and paying good prices. A common skin brings 15 cents, maltese hides bring $1 and solid black skins are worth $2. The skins are worked up into merchantable goods and few can tell them from the more costly furs. One New York mer chant has bought in recent months 15,000 skins, and could use more. It is estimated that at least 15,000,000 cats in the country could be marketed with general benefit. For one thing, the birds would get a far better chance for their lives. The cat is a quite general favorite, but there are times when, owing to her ideas on the matter of the plac ing of the voice, her popularity wanes considerably. Her life suffers then somewhat from the hazards of exist ence, and now the values placed on her outer covering are likely to in crease these hazards considerably. PEACE PROPOSAL IS REJECTED. Entente Allies Will Not Consider the Proposition, Declaring It Empty anil Devoid of Meaning. Reply Charges Germany and Austria With Starting the Trouble and Says There Can Be No Peace Without Reparation. As was to be expected, the Entente Allies have rejected Germany's peace proposal. The following was sent out from Paris Saturday and published in Sunday's daily papers: In reply to the proffer by Germany and her allies for a peace conference, the entente allies, in a collective* note, declare that they "refuse to consider a proposrl which is empty and insin cere." The note was handed to the American ambassador, ? William Graves Sharp, today by Premier Briand, and was made public simul taneously in London and Paris. The entente allied governments in sist that no peace is possible as long as they have not secured reparation for violated rights and liberties and the free? existence of small states and have not brought about a settlement of the future security of the world. The note declares that the proposal of the central powers is not an offer of peace, but a "war manoeuvre." It is declared to be founded on "cal culated misinterpretation of the char acter of the struggle in the past, the present and the future." The note does not specifically out line the definite war aims of any of the entente governments, cxcept Bel gium. Before the war, it is pointed out, Belgium asked for nothing but to live in harmony with her neighbors. Assailed in spite of the treaties guar anteeing her inviolability, Belgium the note says* has takeji up arms to defend her independence and her neutrality violated by Germany. Belgium's aim, which is declared to be the only aim of her king and government, is described as "the re establishment of peace and justice. But they only desire peace which would aspure to their country legiti mate reparation, guarantees and safe guards for the future." The note, which is the joint act of Belgium, France, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, Montenegro, Portugal, Ruma nia, Russia and Servia, declares that the present strife was desired, pro voked and declared by Germany and Austria-Hungary, and that Germany made no effort to bring about a pacific solution of the trouble between Servia and Austria-Hungary, as did Great Britain, France and Russia. A peace concluded upon the Ger man idea would be only to the ad vantage of the central powers, says the note, while disasters caused by the war demand penalties, reparation and guarantees. The German overtures are describ ed as a calculated attempt to force the future course of the war and to end it by imposing a German peace. The overtures also are said to have been designed to have the effect of in timidating neutral public opinion as well as of stiffening opinin in the cen tral powers "worn out by economic pressure and crushed by the supreme effort which has been imposed upon their inhabitants." "Finally," it is aserted, "these over tures attempt to justify in advance in the eyes of the world, a new series of crimes ? submarine warfare, de portations, forced labor and forced enlistment of the inhabitants against their own countries and violations of neutrality." Board of Education Meets. The County Board of Education met in regular session Monday, with all members present. The greatest work of the day was that of apportioning the school fund. The sum of $29,380 was apportioned to white schools, and $5,320 to the colored schools; $3,160 was reserved for building purposes. County Health Board Meets. The County Board of Health met in regular session here yesterday and elected Dr. J. C. Grady and Dr. B. A. Hocutt to succeed themselves as mem bers of the Board, their term of of fice having expired with the closing year. Next Monday, January 8th, is the regular time for electing a County Health Officer. Finland is investigating conditions surrounding the employment of wo men and children in bobbin factories in Viborg and Lahti?. | YEAR TO BRING GREAT DEFICIT.! ? I To Be .Many Millions Short in Juno, 1918, Mr. MoAdoo, Secretary of the Treasury Estir- *es That Congress .Must Raise Sum of $379,000,000. Washington, Dec. 31. ? Secretary MoAdoo estimated tonight that un der existing revenue laws the govern ment's dcficit on Juno 30, 1918, will be $279,000,000 and that in ordor to meet this condition and give the treasury the necessary working bal ance of $100,000,000 congress will have to raise $.'579,000,000 additional revenue during the coming fiscal year. The secretary takes it for granted that bonds will be issued for $184, 250,000 to reimburse the general fund for $102,418,000, estimated ex penditures for the Mexican border pa trol up to June 30, 1917, and for $21, 838,000, estimated expenditures for the Alaskan railway to June 30, 1918. This would leave $194,817,000 to be raised by taxation. "The wealth and resources of the country are so great," Mr. MoAdoo said, "that it will not be difficult to raise this amount (approximately $200,000,000) by internal taxation, which can be distributed in such a way as not to bear heavily or un justly upen anybody. "Congress has already authorized the issue of bonds to provide the $50, 000,000 authorized for a merchant marine and the $20,000,000 author ized for a nitrate plant. I presume that bonds will bo authorized by the congress for the $25,000,000 required for the purchase of the Danish West Indies. "There is not included in the fore going anything for an omnibus pub lic buildings bill. "I earnestly hope that even as to some of the items which are included in the estimates, material reductions and savings may be effected." The secretary prefaced his com ment with the statement that it was not for the treasury department to prepare revenue measures and that what he said merely expressed his personal views. He said he opposed bond issues to meet currert expendi tures but that it was proper to issue bonds for such permanent invest ments as the Alaska railroad and pur chase of the Danish West Indies as well as for extraordinary expendi tures due to national emergencies. The Misses Bailey Entertain. Kenly, N. C., Dec. 30.-- The Kenly "Social Circle" was delightfully en tertained Thursday evening by Misses Allie and Beulah Bailey, at a Leap Year Party. Each gyest on arrival was served with punch by Misses Mil dred Harden and Alma Lee Bailey. During the evening progressive con versation furnished entertainment as did also the impersonation by the young men of the mannnerisms pe culiar to the young ladies and vice versa. After bidding for their part ners the young men were escorted in to the dining room where delicious re freshments were served which consist ed of fruit whips served in orange halves with fruit cake. Those enjoying the Misses Bailey's hospitality were Mr. Larry Barnes with Miss Marie Kirby; Mr. Marvin Revell with Miss Gladys Kirby; Mr. Howard Edgerton with Miss Eaye Barnes; Mr. Rudolph Kirby with Miss Inez Edgerton; Mr. Yates Ed gerton with Miss Gladys Jerome; Mr. Claud Edgerton with Miss Eunice Je rome; Mr. Ben Wellons, of Smithfield, with Miss Lillian Edgerton; Mr. Jesse Sauls with Miss Grace Jerome; Mr. Tyra Bailey with Miss Brownie Ez zell, of Dunn; Mr. Bud Bailey with Miss Frances Hales; Mr. Roney High with Miss Irene Parker, of Rocky Mount; Mr. Dobbin Bailey with Miss Agnes Hales; Mr. Addie Flowers, Mr. Howard Grady and Mr. Ralph Hales. Killed Some Fine Porkers. Mr. W. E. Parker, of Oneals town ship, killed two pigs a few days ago, out of a three-acre lot ? never penned at all ? which weighed 370 and 430 pounds respectively. These pigs were not thorough-breds at all. They were bought for ten cents per pound on foot and were 14^4 months old when killed. Mr. Parker says that if the Duroc Jerseys will beat these he is ready to give 12 Mj cents a pound for two to put in the same lot. Of the 43.000 persons employed in the Swiss hotels, it seems strange that only 30,000 are Swiss. MI CH MORE WHEAT PLANTED. ! liig Increase in Acreage in Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi and Other Southern States. Commenting on the report of the United States Agricultural Depart ment on the area of winter wheat sown this year in comparison with last year, says a Washington dispatch, President Harrison, of the Southern Railway Company, said: "The figures show a gratifying tendency in the direction of crop di versification. In every Southern State traversed by Southern Railway lines, except Kentucky and Tennessee, the acreage reported this year shows a substantial increase over last year. Kentucky shows a decrease and the acreage in Tennessee, is the same as last year. The largst increases are shown in Georgia, Alabama and Miss issippi ? States into which the cotton boll weevil has spread. Georgia and Alabama show increases of 13 per cent over last year, while Mississippi, which has heretofore grown little wheat, shows an increase of 157 per cent. "These increases in wheat acreage are in line with increases in other crops and with increasing the number and improving the quality of farm an imals in the South and show that Southern farmers are making real progress in 'the way of producing, as far as possible, everything consumed on the farm and of having other things besides cotton and tobacco for sale." IIOW UNCLE SAM GOT 11IS NAME Nearly Every Nation Has Been Given Some Familiar Designation. (Kansas City Star.) A nickname is not always applied to a person, but sometimes to na tions. In fact, nearly every nation has some sort of nickname. Two of the most important ones are England and the United States. For many generations England has been nicknamed John Bull. John Bull means beefy, brawny and ob stinate. It is a popular personifica tion of the English people. He is represented as a bluff, corpulent, irascrible old fellow, clad in leather breeches and top boots, and carrying a stout oaken cudgel. The nickname is derived from Dr. Arbuthnot's sa tire, entitled The History of John Bull, a political skit on the subject of the Spanish succession, first pub lished in 1712, and afterwards re printed complete in Pope's Miscel lany in 1728. Arbuthnot thus describes John Bull. "In the main he was an honest, plain-dealing fellow, choleric, bold and of very inconstant temper. Very apt to quarrel with his best friends, especially if they pretended to gov ern him. If you flattered him you might lead him as a child." But with less distinction is Uncle Sam the type of an American and the tutelary genius of the United 'States. The phrase Uncle Sam arose during the War of 1812. An army contractor named Elbert Anderson had a store yard at a small town on the Hudson. A government inspec tor named Samuel Wilson, who was always called Uncle Sam, superin tended the examination of the cup plies, and when they were possed each cask, box or package was mark ed "E. A. ? U. S.," the initials of the contractor and of the United States The man whose duty it was to mark the casks, being asked what the let ters meant, replied that they stood for Elbert Anderson and Uncle Sam, The story was retold, printed and spread throughout the Army and the country. Death Near Smithfield. Mrs. John R. Jones died last Sat urday morninpr at her home at the Eldridtre place near Smithfield. Her death was unexpected. She was bur ied Sunday afternoon at the Gay graveyard near Bethesda church. The funeral was preached by Rev. John E. Lanir. She leaves her husband and several children. She was the mother of thirteen children, the youngest beinpr only a few hours old. We ex tend sympathies to the family and friends. A Danish nerve specialist place? convalescent patients on top of s piano so that they may be benefited by its vibration as it is played. JUSTICE WILLIAM JOHNSON. Famous South Carolina Judge Who Was Appointed Justice of the Unit ed States Supreme Court by Presi dent Jefferaon at the Age of 33. (Washington Post.) William Johnson, the first justice of 'he Supreme Court of the United States to oppose the practice of per mitting the Chief Justice to act as the organ of the court, was born in Charleston, S. C., December 27, 1771, and died in Brooklyn, N. Y., August 11, 1834. In the early decades of the govern ment of the United States conflicts between the executive and judicial de partments were somewhat frequent and were attended by the expression of intense feeling. Thomas Jefferson, third President of the United States, had many quarrels with the Supreme Court :\nd denounced that body as an instrument of tyranny on certain oc casions. He had a very bitter difference with Chief Justice Marshall, which was not so strange in view of the wide dif ference of political sentiment between the two gentlemen, but on another occasion the action of a justice of the court was so displeasing to the Presi dent that the matter became the .ob ject of a controversy in which the justice replied with great heat to the charges that were made against him in the name of the administration by Caesar A. Rodney, then United States Attorney General. This justice was William Johnson, of South Carolina, who had been ap pointed to the Supreme Court near the close of President Jefferson's first administration, and who served through the administrations of Presi dents Madison, Monroe and John Quincey Adams and the first admin istration of President Jackson. Justice Johnson in his views was a very mild federalist, but he rarely approved of the strong national ideas of constitutional interpretation of Chief Justice Marshall, and shrank from the extreme views of Justice Story. Justice Johnson's father, William, removed from New York to Charles ton, S. C., and is said to have been the first who "set the ball of revolution rolling" in that State. The son, Wil liam, after graduating at Princeton with the highest honors of his class, studied law, was admitted to the bar, was elected to represent Charleston in the State legislature and was chosen speaker of the House. He became judge of the court of common pleas and at the age of 33 was appointed by President Jefferson i an associate justice of the United States Supreme Court. Four years , later an incident occurred which I brought him into antagonism with the President. The collector of the port of , Charleston, acting under the authori ty of the embargo act and the in i structions of the President of the United States through the Secretary ' of the Treasury, which prohibited ves 1 sels from carrying goods from Ameri I can ports, refused clearance to the ' five ships. ' Some doubt arose as to the right of i Pitiident to give such an order, and i it was agreed to submit the matter ? to Justice Johnson, on a motion for a i mandamus to the collector directing ? him to issue such clearances. To the ? surprise of the administration Justice 1 Johnson decided that the mandamus should issue, declaring that the Presi ' dent's order was without warrant in law. President Jefferson thereupon re ferred all the proceedings in the man damus to the Attorney General, Cae sar A. Rodney, who prepared an elab orate statement attacking Justice Johnson, and insisting that the exe cutive department must of necessity be independent of the judicial. Jus tice Johnson replied vigorously, and the controversy was continued in the press. Years afterward, when the nullifi cation agitation arose in South Caro lina, Justice Johnson, finding himself opposed to the views of the majority in his own State, sought to insure neutrality of his position by removing to Pennsylvania. For many years Chief Justice Marshall voiced the decisions of the "ourt, but Justice Johnson was the first to break in upon this practice and to restore the ancient habit of seriatim opinions, wherever there was any marked difference of opinion. A movement is on foot to build a cotton miil in Zebulon.