~"~1 COTTON PRICES ARE BETTER. Recovery from Recent I.ow levels Carried Further. November Exports Larger. After a break in the option list of about $25 a bale in less than a month, it is not strange that cotton has dis played recovering: tendencies. From a high level of JlVs cents in the last week of November the May and July deliveries dropped to around 16 Vi cents on December 21, but have since rallied some 150 points, or approxi mately $7 a bale. Similarly, spot mid dling uplands at New York, which got down to 10.20 on last week's slump, has gone back to 17.40 cents, thus re gaining $0 o ita recent loss of $23 a bale. There J as been no recurrence of the great bull speculation which fea tured the November advance and no one is now talking of 25 cents for the staple, but pressure of liquidation has been replaced by good buying from various sources, though reactionary tendencies developed in the late trad ing. Notwithstanding the recent dras tic shakedown, however, prices ex perienced an extensive net rise during the year just ending, the prevailing quotation for spot at this center being fully $25 a bale higher than at the dose of 1915. Belated returns of November ex ports disclose a considerable increase over those in the corresponding pe riod of the previous year, 738,000 bales comparing with 524,000, while the value of the outgo was $72,000, 000, against less than $32,000,000. Shipments for the eleven months end ed with November, however, were smaller than in 1915, being 0,207,000 bales, against 7,800,000. Yet the 1 igh er prices made the money return $467,496,000, against $381,909,000, ac cording to the official figures. ? Dun's Review. LOWER JOHNSTON ITEMS. The school at Poplar Grove will open again Monday, January 1, 1917. Misses Maggie Smith, of Maxton, and Lola Maie Lee, from near New ton Grove, teachers at Poplar Grove, are spending the holidays at their re spective homes. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Matthews and daughter, Lizzie, of Angicr, spent Christmas in Lower Johnston. Miss Lessie Lee, who is teaching school near Blackmail's Cross Roads, spent the holidays at her home. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Lee, of Newton Grove, spent Monday with their pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Lee. Messrs. Leon and Jesse Wilson, of Sampson, spent Monday in this sec tion. Miss Katy Lee, who is teaching near Smithfield, spent the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Lee. Mr. Frank Matthews and Miss Dessie Guy, of near Angier, were guests at the home of Mr. Geo. P. Lee's, Sunday and Monday. Messrs. H. P. Johnson and N. Y. Lee, of Dunn, were in this section Wednesday. Miss Lessie Jones, of Smithfield, was the guest of Misses Lessie and Katy Lee last week. Mr. John M. Tart and sister, Miss Sybil, spent Christmas with Misses Eva and Merdie Denning. We v.re sorry to say that Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Gilbert, who for many years have been living in this commu nity, have moved within a few miles of Benson. We regret to lose them, but hope for them much success in their new home. Mr. Gilbert gave us a call during the holidays. Miss Naomi Morgan, who is teach ing in Sampson, spent the holidays with her mother, Mrs. J. W. Morgan. Mrs. Senia Wilson, of near Shady Grove, spent a few days recently in this part of Johnston. Mr. I saac Jernigan, of Selma, is spending a few days with his brother, Mr. Millard Jernigan. Miss Prilla Gilbert, who is teaching near Angier, spent a few hours in this section recently. Messrs. Charlie and Ransom John son attended the entertainment and box supper, given at Rock Hill, near Blackman's Grve, Friday night, De cember 22nd. M iss Mary Johnson entertained a number of her friends Monday night. Many interesting games were played which every one seemed to enjoy so well that the time for parting came all too soon. JACK. December 30, 1916. Old Time Fiddlers' Convention. Angier, Dec. 30. ? Tnere will be an old ' time Fiddlers' Convention at Sunny Nook school, Saturday night, January 6, 1917. Prizes will be given for the first and second best fiddler, the best banjo and guitar picker, and best dancer. Several prizes for men and women dancers. TEACHER. Electric irons have reduced the cost of repairing patent leather shoes in a Massachusetts shoe factory from 2% cents a pair, to 1% cents a pair. The saving amounts to $3,437 in a year. "SOMEWHERE ON THE BORDER." To the Tar Heel Brigade on the Mexican Border. I ? . ? . Bounded on the West by the sun kissed hills, And on the East by the Hriny Deep, And 011 the North by the Mother of Presidents; And on the South by the hot bed of secession. To our little band of Tar Heels, Although we are very small, But with the spirit of our fathers Most nobly answered th<* call. The call of our Chief Executive Thai rang from coast to coast, That may cost the lives of thousands, But that is not the most. For what do we care for dying As long as we can see Our noble Flag, Old Glory, And know that she floats Free. We fought her in the sixties, But now she's supreme and neat, For she's the only Flag that flies to day That's never known defeat. And the little brigade of Tar Heels Are awaiting any call, For any of us would rather die Than see Old Glory fall. And we are here to see the finish, No matter how it comes, And if any fighting's started We don't know how to run. For think back under General Lee And remember how we stood, And remember we're the same today, And fighting's in the blood. First comes Colonel Gardner, Colonel of the Hirst, Who saw the hell of one war And is awaiting another curse And then, the gallant Rodman Of the Second and smallest band, Hut we know if any fighting starts He'll be the first to take a hand. Next comes Minor of the Third, And youngest of the three, Hut remember he's a Tar Heel, too, And that sounds good to me. And then the Little General, The most noble of them all, And we know that he'll be with us Until war has claimed its toll. For none of the boys of the sixties Ever a musket slung, That loved Stonewall Jackson better Than we love General Young. And when th4 battles are all over, And the last victory won. As gallant Tar Heel heroes We'll proudly gather home. ? Wade A. Worley. Co. C, 2nd N. C. Infantry. Finch- Batchelor. Selma, N. C., Doc. MO. ? At 1 o'clock, at Selma, Wednesday afternoon, at the home of Rev. and Mrs. C. E. Stevens, the beautiful and highly ac complished daughter ox Mr. and Mrs. Adam Batchelor, of Nashville, N. C., Miss Nancy Mayo Batchelor, became the bride of Mr. Milton Finch, of Bailey, N. C. The bride wore a trav eling suit of blue with shoes, hat and gloves to match. Immediately after the ceremony the couple left for Bailey, where a recep tion was given jn their honor by Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Finch. At 8 o'clock a wedding supper was served, after which the young people asembled in the parlor, where the evening was most pleasantly spent by every one present. The bride was left an orphan very young. Her father being a member of the Masonic Order, she found a homo with loving arms ready to care for her. The Rood and hospitable Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Earp, believing they could make some orphan fool the love and care of a father and mother, they applied to the Oxford Orphanage for one, and in their selection they chose Miss Batchelor, and the writer has reason to believe she has filled the expectations they anticipated. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Webb Finch, of Bailey. He is a young man of noble trains of char acter and is very popular among his large circle of friends. ,Mr. and Mrs. Finch will make their home at Bailov, N. C. Why He Was Given Up. "Sad case, poor old Brown! I know of several doctors who have given him up." "Dear me, I am surprised, and ho looks so healthy! What's the matter with him?" "He never pays his bille." ? Ideas. Paris claims the distinction of first numbering the houses in cities. This was t>ogun is 1512. The system did not become general until 1789. LIVE COUNTY ITFMS. (Clayton News, Dec. 28.) (iowfr-l'urriHh. A marriage that came as a surprise to their many friends was solemnized at Smithfield Wednesday afternoon, when Miss Fula Parrish became the bride of Mr. William Gower. Both of these young: people live i~ Clayton and have many friends here who wish them much happiness in their wedded life. ? ? ? Mr. 1). L. Barbour returned last Saturday night from El Paso, Texas, where he spent several days with his son, Sergeant Norwood Barbour, who about two weeks ago was shot by one of the men of the North Carolina National Guard. Mr. Barbour left his son in fine condition and recovering rapidly from the wound. Sergeant Barbour will be given a furlough as soon as he is well and he expects to spend the time at his home here. ? ? ? Barbour-Parrish. On last Sunday afternoon, Mr. Part L. Barbour and Miss Laura B. Parrish were united in marriage. The wedding party left the home of the bride's parents for a drive. They drove to the home of Mr. J. J. Lee, where the ceremony was performed which made the happy young couple as one. bride is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Parrish, of Garner, route 1. Mr. Barbour is the son of Mr. A. J. Barbour, of Benson. Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Barbour left for a few days visit to relatives and friends. The writer wishes for them a long and happy life. The Amount of Steel In a Battleship. Nearly 151,000 gross tons of steel will he needed to build the 00 various new battleships, destroyers, and sub marines, bids for the construction of which were taken by the United States Navy on October 25, 1916. When these arc added to our navy they will make it one of the most formidable in the world. Some en lightening statistics regarding these naval vessels appear in the January Popular Mechanics Magazine. In cach of the four new battle cruisers there will be 15,025 tons of steel; in each of the four new battleships there will be 13,701 tons of steel; in the 20 new destroyers, .'525 tons of steel each, and in the 30 new submarines, 180 tons cach. A hospital ship and an ammunition ship will need 1,000 tons of steel cach. Taking $70 per ton as the average price of steel at pres ent, these vessels mean an outlay of not less than $10,000,000 for the steel only. OLD BEULAH NEWS. Mr. Millard Holland, of Rocky Mount, spent Christmas at home with his mother, Mrs. Lou Holland. Mr. Kufus Britt, of Sampson Coun ty, is visiting his daughters, Mrs. Wade Holland and Mrs. Lester Smith. We are glad to note that Mr. Pat rick Creech is improving, after tak ing the backset with measles. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Watson, of near Smithficld, have returned home, after spending a few days with their fath er, Mr. Cullen Watson. Mr. Willie Britt, with his bride, of Sampson County, spent Christmas in this section. Miss Cassie Radford, of near Niag ara, spent Christmas at Mrs. Zilphia Smith's. The measles has been in nearly ev ery home in this community, but near ly every one is improving now. Selrna, Route No. 3, Dec. 28, 1910. POPLAR SPRINGS NEWS. The Christmas Tre and entertain ment, given at Poplar Springs last Friday night, was a tine success. School is progressing very nicely under the management of Misses Les sie McLamb and Elsie Flowers. Mrs. Lcacy Morgan continues on the sick list. Mr. Henry Morgan, Jr., of Eleva tion, visited in this burg Saturday and Sunday. Miss Elsie Flowers left Saturday for her home near Bentonville, to spend the holidays. Mr. J. H. Morgan was a business visitor to Sniithfield Saturday. Measles seem to be raging very rapidly in this section. Mr. P. II. Godwin and family spent the holidays with relatives in Eleva tion. Mr. Green Flowers, of near Ben tonville, was a welcome visitor in this section Friday. Mr. Scars, of hear Durham, is visiting his daughter, Mrs. D. B Woodall. M. L Benson, December 28th. Uncle Sam's army holds one patenl right which places it ahead of othei nations in the field of wireless in strunents for use on aeroplanes. II weighs but seven pounds and wil transmit messag ~s seven miles. THE WORTH OF GOOD ROADS. Th?* I'lace of Highway* in National Resources. The question of highways is a ques tion which has interested my thoughts, particularly in recent years because it is one of the few great instrumentalities of our public life and of our communal life with which ' the government is of necessity con nected. The government, is not, in the United Strtes, expected to build rail roads. Railroads differ from other highways, though we often speak of them as the highways of our com tnerce, in this important particular, that only those who own them can use them, in the matter of putting ve hicles upon them ? that a particular set of individuals, by reason of their control of the road, have the exclusive right-of-way over it. We have never doubted that the government had the right to main tain highways. We have never doubt ed that, the government had the right to supply these facilities which pri vate endeavor has never been expect ed to supply. Therefore we are not upon a new ground of theory; we are merely upon a new ground of prac tice, and when I think of what the highways mean, I feel to be thinking of the whole history of the human race. Whenever I used to read stories I remember my imagination was most fascinated when the characters went on a joun\ey and met the rest of the world. On the old highways, partic ularly the old English highways, you met everybody, from the king to the beggar, from the king to the high wayman. You were there in a way to have the adventure, the whole exper ience and adventure of English life, because it was there that English life interlaced and crossed and was fluid, flowing from one region to an other, and by the same token, it is upon the highways that men get to contact;: which result in the building up of public opinion. Value of Koads to Kome. You know how that Roman Empire used to throw its great highways out from Rome until they touched the limits of the Empire ? until they threaded even the distant island of Britain; and it was like throwing thongs out to hind all the Empire to gether. Now the initial purpose of those highways was to afford an open road for the armies of Rome, so that she could throw her power rapidly in any direction. But Rome also, in my imagination at any rate, prepared her own destruction by those highways, because she could not open them to her own armies without opening them also to the people that lived upon their edges, and they could not touch one another without forming an opin ion about the Roman power, without intermingling the influences of differ ent nations, for these roads did not stop at national confines, and the Ro man roads threaded the opinion of the world together into a nexus and pat tern. Roads Hind Communities together. My interest in good roads is not merely an interest in the pleasure of riding in automobiles, it is not merely an interest in the very much more im portant matter of affording the farm ers of this country and the residents in villages the means of ready ac cess to such neighboring markets as they need for the economic benefit, but it is also the interest in weaving as complicated and elaborate a net of neighborhood and State and na tional opinions together as it is pos sible to weave. It is of the most fun damental importance that the United States should think in big pieces, should think together, should think ultimately as a whole, and I feel, in my enthusiasm for good roads, some thing of the old opposition that there always has been in me to any kind of sectional feeling, to any kind of class feeling. The reason that city men are not more catholic in their ideas is they do not share the opin ions of the country and the reason that some countrymen are rustic is that they do not know the opinions of the city and they are both ham pered by their limitations. I believe that the development of great systems of roads is, psychologically speaking as well as psysically speaking, a task of statesmanship. I believe that it is the proper study of the statesman to bind communities together and open their intercourse so that it will flow with absolute freedom and facility. No one argument ought to be omit ted; every class has its argument for good roads and putting them all to gether they form an irresistible mass of arguments, but the result of the whole reasoning to by mind is simply this: the United States has up to this time, simply let the energies of ita people drift. It has thrown the reins on our necks and said: "Now here is a continent of unexampled richness; do what you please with it, we will try to see that you are restrained until you get so powerful that we can not restrain you. We will try to see that you do justice until you so com bine with one another that justice is impossible, but we are not going to lend the aid of the government to the actual task of development." Roads Help Markets. That has been the general attitude of our government up to this time. It 1 cannot be that attitude any longer ? I remember having a very interesting and, for me, enlightening conversatior with a mountaineer once in North Carolina. He tfas very hot against th( l excise taxes, which made it practi ' cally impossible for him, without be> ? coming a criminal, to make whiskej t out of his com, and I discussed il 1 somewhat minutely with him in ordei to get his point of view. His point o1 view was simply this: He had a little ! farm that was a fertile pocket in a remote part of the mountains. It did not pay him to take his corn to the market as corn, because by the time he got to the market, the very horses that were hauling it would have eaten it up, but he could profitably get it to the market as whiskey, and his point was simply this, that it was un reasonable for the government to for bid his getting a market for his corn i in the only way in which it was pos sible for him to get a market. Now, while we might say that it was not | desirable that there should be any ' market at all for the product that he wished to sell, ne\ertheless the illus tration will point my moral, namely, 1 that it is not worth while producing until you can release what you pro- < duce, and that the only way of releas ing it is by the most facile means of inter-communication and transporta tion. ? President Woodrow Wilson. A Prisoner for a Lifetime. Indianapolis Star. What does it profit a man to be released from prison at the age of 62, after he had spent 44 years there? One Michael Cherist, of Con necticut, back in 1872, when he wa? 18 years old, was convicted of kill ing a companion at a roadhouse, to which he had gone with his weck'e wages. He was given a life sentence, and when somebody happened to re member him the other day, and found that his record was good, he was re leased on parole. But what has life for such a man now? He was a boy when he was sentenced, and has had no experience of the world. With the murderer's brand on him, with complete igno rance of modern ways, and with the handicap of age, what chance can he have of living an honest life or of providing for himself? He has, per haps, learned a trade during his years of confinement, but of what service will that knowledge be to him now? Will an employer take him, will other workmen permit him to labor by their side? The paroled man may rejoice for the time in his freedom under the sky, but the likelihood is that he will find it a hard world. POWHATAN NOTES. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Barnes are at tending the Baptist Union meeting at La Grange. Mr. N. J. Allen and son, David Al len, spent Wednesday and Thursday in Raleigh. A small party spent a delightful evening in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Zeb Stephenson Tuesday, December 26th. Miss Lela and Mr. Joseph Jones spent part of the Christmas holidays at Mr. N. J. Allen's. The Powhatan school gave a Christ mas entertainment on December 22, which was well attended by the pa trons r.nd friends of the school. In connection with the entertainment the school and Sunday school had a Christmas tree. The tree was very beautiful and many costly presents were distributed. December 30, 1916. LONDON'S DOG REALLY LIVED Buck, Hero of The Call of the Wild Was Bom in Nevada. (Pittsburgh Dispatch.) Jack London's friend, J. 0. Ro? the literary proprietor of the Hotel Melrose, Los Angeles, knows the dop of The Call of the Wild, written by Jack London, and says: "I saw that dog first in Nevada when mining there. It belonged t?. h mining engineer, and was a spe cially fine collie. But the dog got so unmanageable that the engineer de cided to dispose of it." Mr. London, according to Mr. Roe, was very fond of the dog, and was visibly affected when the owner, in response to an advertiusement for dogs for the North, sold the pet to traders operating in Alaska. "This gave Jack London the germ and im pulse for that wonderful story," Mr. Roe said, "and one can see how he threw his best into the hardships of the dog trained in civilization and then sold into the wilds." iVONDER ISLAM) OF HISTORY Story of Sicily a Compendium of Medieval Romance and Chivalry. (National Geographic Magazine.) Sicily's history is as vivid and pic turesque, as ferocious and creative and destructive, as mythical and in tensely practical as the stories of ali the rest of the world put together. And in beauty of nature, of climate or man and of beast the island is a paradise today, whether or not it was ever the workless, painless, passion less elysium which our first ances. tors enjoyed all the good things of life without having to toil. Nature itself, now in the guise of the misunderstood gods of old, now in convulsion or in quiet fertility that science ha? made plain to us, weaves its mysterious shuttle through the highly colored fabric. And men ? such men! ? tower above their fel lows in the story like Titana, Pindar, Aeschylus, Theocritus. Thucydides, Archimedes, the two great Hierons, Cicero, Verres, Diodorus, Hamilcar and Hannibal, Roger the Count and Roger the King, Belisarius, the great Crusaders ? Richard of the Lion Heart and Louis the Saint of France ? Charles of Anjou, Frederick II. the Wonder of the World, and Gari baldi. Even this partial list reads like a compendium of ancient and medieval romance and chivalry. NOTICE. The undersigned having qualified as Executor on the estate of Thomas G. Allen, deceased, hereby notifies all persons having claims against said estate to present the same to me duly verified on or before the 5th day of January, 1918, or this notice will be pieaded in bar of their recovery; and all persons indebted to said estate will make immediate payment. This 1st day of January, 1917. GEO. P. ADAMS, Executor. Four Oaks, Route No. 3. 1 have more Mules and the best selection, in my stables to select from than any place in Johnston County. Prices and terms right. Come quick and get your choice. Your friend, This is the Largest, Best Equipped Business College in North Carolina ? a positive probable fact. Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting and English taught by experts. We also teach Bookkeeping, Shorthand, and Penmanship by mail. Send for Finest Catalogue ever published in this State, ft is free. Address

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