KAl.KHJH'S inaugural pAV Four Thousand See Our New Gover nor Take Oath of Office In City Auditorium. Governor Bickett De. livers Powerful Address Outlining Program. Other State Officers Take Oath of Office. (News and Observer, 12.) Hon. Thomas Walter Bickett took the oath of office as Governor of North Carolina shortly after noon yesterday and in an inaugural address devoted to an enunciation of his four years' program of progressive ad ministration wrung a deluge of fre quent cheering from four thousand North Carolinians who packed the city auditorium. Chief Justice Clark administered the oath that made Governor-elect Bickett Governor Bickett, after he had sworn in Lieutenant-Governor O. Max Gardner and after Associate Jus tice W. A. Hoke had given the oath to Insurance Commissioner James R. Young, Commissioner of Agriculture W. A. Graham, Corporation Commis sioner W. T. Lee, Commissioner of Labor and Printing M. L. Shipman, Attorney-General James S. Manning, Superintendent of Public Instruction J. Y. Joyner, State Treasurer B. R. Lacy, State Auditor W. P. Wood and Secretary of State J. Bryan Grimes. The ceremonies of inauguration fol lowed the welcome Governor Bickett received at the union station when hs arrived at 11 o'clock under escort of the legislative committee appointed for the purpose. The welcome kept up, for the incuguration was succeeded by Governor Bickett's acceptance from Governor Craig the keys of the exec utive office and the temporary owner ship of the Governor's mansion. With those acts, Governor Craig officially passed out of Capitol life and Gover nor Bickctt entered. His first official appearancc after the inauguration was an hour later at the luncheon given by the legislative commitec at the mansion. Last night he received the public generally in the inaugural reception which gave way at 10:30 o'clock to the ball in the city audito rium. GREENBACKS TO APPEAR AGAIN New Issue of One and Two-Dollar Bills, Which Were Discontinued 30 Years Ago, Authorized. Washington, Jan. 10. ? A new issue of one and two-dollar greenbacks of Civil war days, discontinued more than 30 years ago, will be put into cir culation, probably about February 1, displacing similar United States notes of larger denomination to pro vide relief from the unprecedented de mand for small paper money. The treasury department announced to night that the issue had been decided on because silver certificates of one and two-dollar denomination, could not be issued under the law in suffi cient quantity to meet the demand. A limit of $346,081,016 to the amount of outstanding federal notes was fixed by law in 1878 after the greenback had become an issue in politics and had resulted in the birth of a new national party, backed largely by the farmers of the west and south. No greenbacks have been issued since 1885, and the amount of outstanding $1 and $2 notes of that variety now is slightly over $3,000, 000. There is, however, $102,445,300 outstanding in United States notes of $10 denomination and higher and a portion of these will be retired and canceltd, dollar for dollar, to meet the new issues of small denominations. Goes to Two Dollars a Year. The Henderson Gold Leaf, a semi weekly newspaper published at Hen derson, has advanced its price to two dollars a year. It also announces that it is poingr to be run on the cash-in advance plan. This is the best plan and every newspaper that adopts it does a wise thing. Johnston County Local Measures. The representatives from Johnston were able to pet through several local measures during the first week of the General Assembly. A bill introduced by Representative Barnes relating to extra pay for the County Officers during the busy season was passed. A law was also passed taking Johnston out from under the provisions of the primary law for the nomination of < ounty Officers. OUR STATE CAPITAL LETTER. The Passing of the Day of Little Bill. Legislature Busy On Tuesday Night With Local Measures. Johnston's Representatives. (By Llewxam.) Raleigh, Jan. 11. ? In memory of my oldest legislative friend, "Little Bill," I beg leave to gladly announce his exit from the legislative stage to that realm provided by the newly adopted Constitutional Amendment. To every legislative reporter his "passing" means the removal of much drudgery in his Jine of work and the opening of the way to devote more thought and care to preparing intelligent reports of the proceedings of the General Assembly in its larger and more important bearing. Little Bill's last hours were the busiest of a long and troublous ca reer and ended only with the expira tion of the time limit which com pelled his withdrawal from the halls where he had for so many years been unwelcome and a constant source of annoyance ? to put it mildly, and say nothing more harsh. The Senate was kept in session till the wee sma' hours bordering on midnight Tuesday night because of Little Bill's lingering presence and he finally had to be incontientljt kicked out, figuratively speaking, of the chamber and down the stair steps leading to the first floor of the State House building. While pressing im portant legislation, that should be transacted before midnight in order to amend the Constitutional inhibi tion, was pressing for consideration, one of the charter measures which will not hinder legislation next ses sion clogged the legislative machine for hours and got everybody on edge. It was finally defeated and laid on the table. If anything was lacking to convince legislators of the wisdom behind the ney amendment this ex perience amply supplied it ? and the law-makers were not different in ex pressing their opinion to that effect. Legislative Personalities. The Republican Senators who rep resent the County of Johnston as part of their district are showing up pretty well, barring politics. Senator Parker has figured on the floor sev eral times already and handled him self well. But, as is to be expected, he is often on the losing side of propo sitions. One of these instances was when he attempted to get in an amendment to the Governor's salary bill so as to fix it at $6,000. Senator Benehan Cameron, of Durham, got in his first speech on the floor Tuesday night, while the question of adopting the minority re port of the committee on the charter ing of the Henderson and Wilson Railroad was under consideration. His speech amplified the situation at once automatically (so to speak), shed a large beam of light on the general questions involved and the situation involved that was seriously lacking in the persistent line of argument passed out by the others engaging in the debate. A man of large business affairs and long experience and some thing of a railroad promoter and builder himself, he readily informed the Seriate of some things which were very pertinent at the right moment. Representatives Sanders and Barnes are on the job here on time every day and all day, and the in terests of Johnston County are in good hands in the House branch of this General Assembly. The alacrity and unanimity with which the resolution inviting Hon. Wm. Jennings Bryan to address a joint session of the Legislature was adopted, was in striking contract with the treatment similar resolutions met with in at least two previous Legislatures. The inauguration today of Gover nor Bickett and other State officers is the paramount event here, and the law-makers are devoting more thought to that event than to law making. A great crowd assembled in the City Auditorium and listened to the eloquent Governor's inaugural address. Rooks and Reading. Mr. G. T. Whitley, of the Turling ton Graded School faculty, has pre pared a series of articles on "Good Reading for the Home." The fi*st of these appeared in The Herald of Jan uary 9th. Others will appear from time to time. Those interested in the best books for the home reading should clip the articles as they appear. [BUFFALO BILL PASSES AWAY. He Played 'High Five* As Death Drew Near. The Famous Soldier and Scout Accepted His Fate Like a Stoic and Died Wednesday. Denver, Col., Jan. 10. ? Col. William Frederick Cody ("Buffalo Bill"), sol dier, hunter and scout, died at 12:05 p. m., here today at the home of his sister. Buffalo Bill, the idol of juvenile America, fought death as he often had opposed it on the plains in the days when the West was young. "You can't kill the old scout," he would tell his physician whenever his condition would show improvement, but near' the end he accepted his fate like a stoic. "Let the Elks and Masons take charge of the funeral," he said to his sister. Then he turned to his business affairs, making suggestions for their continuance. "Let us have a game of 'high five,' " he said after he had talked with his family. And every one joined, the Colonel laughing and joking because he was winning. Since January 5, when he was hur ried back to his sister's home in Den ver, Col. Cody had surprised all who knew his real condition by great pow ers of resistance and recuperation. On January 8, however, his system broke down entirely and from then on it was a question merely of time. The body of the famous plainsman will lie in state in the capitol build ing here frm 8 a. m. till noon next Saturday, and funeral services will be held Sunday afternoon. The body will be placed in a receiving vault in a lo cal cenetery until spring, when it will be transferred to a tomb hewn in the solid rock on top of Lookout Moun tain. Col. William F. Cody, hunter, sol dier, scout and showman was for many years known to nearly every man, woman, boy and girl in Amer ica through his wild west show with which he toured this country and Europe. He was a picturesque type of the pioneer frontiersman and lived to see large cities built where he once hunted the buffalo and fought In dians. Col. William F. Cody was born in Scott County, Iowa, February 26, 1846. His ancestral stock was Span ish, English and Irish. Cody's first employment was as a courier between the freight wagon trains operated be tween the Missouri river and the Rocky Mountains. In turn he became wagonmaster, trapper hunter, pony express rider and stage coach driver, all giving a varied experience in a school, the graduation from which left the scholar an adept in every possible line of frontier activity. An exciting experience in the Union army as a soldier and susequently as a confident and scout of his com manders in the desultory and guerilla warfare of the southwest left him at its finish welP known as an all round frontierman, competent to advise, guideand to lead. These qualities soon brought him to the attention of such distinguished commanders as Gen. W. T. Sherman, Lieut.-General Phil Sher idan and Generals Crook, ( uster, Merritt, Carr, Royal, Miles, Dodge and others and secured his appoint ment as chief of scouts in the Unit ed States army during its numerous Indian campaigns in the west. His career in this line identified him with the great fighting epoch be tween the red man and the white man waged by Gen. Sheridan after the Civil war that temporarily ended in 1876, but was effectively finished in the Ghost Dance war in the decisive battle of Wounded Knee in 1890-91 campaign with the Northern Sioux. Duripg the construction of the Un ion Pacific railroad young Cody at tached himself to a camp of United States troops protecting the laborers, and won his sobriquet of "Buffalo Bill" by taking a contract to supply , the entire force with fresh buffalo meat for a certain period, killing | under one contract 4,280 buffaloes. ] On one occasion he killed the noted i Cheyenne Chief Yellow Hand in the presence of Indians and troops. ? ( Greensboro News. Harry K. Thaw, who was released i 15 months ago from an asylum for the insane where he was sent after i he had killed Stanford White, was indicted in New York Tuesday charg ed with kidnapping Fred Grump, Jr., of Kansas City, Mo., a youth of 19, and assaulting him with a whip. AT THE CAPITAL OF BANNER. Death of Two Small Children Noted, lienson Loan and Trust Company Soon to lie Opened. Many Personal and Local Items. Benson, Jan. 11. ? Mr. Walter Mas scngill, who has held a position as Cashier of the Elcn Bank for the past two years, has moved his family back to Benson and will make his home here in the future. Mr. and Mrs. Tom R. Barbour spent Saturday and Sunday here visiting relatives and friends, returning to their home at Four Oaks Sunday night. Janie Gray, the six-months-old child of Mr. and Mrs. Claud Canaday, died last Friday night at their home here and was buried Saturday after noon in the Benson Cemetery. Rev. J. T. Stanford conducted the burial services. Mr. Eli Baggett, of Dunn, was a visitor to Benson Monday and Tues day on business. Mr. W. C- Lassiter spent a few hours in town Tuesday afternoon on business. Mr. Lassiter is one of the most up-to-date farmers of Johnston County. Mr. U. P. Britt and family has mov ed back to his farm near Benson where he will make his home the present year. Mr. William Canaday, who holds a position in Richmond, Va., recently spent a few days here with relatives. Mr. Fisher has moved to the resi dence on Church Street recently va cated by Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Godwin. Rev. J. T. Stanford left today for Fayettoville, Maxton, Laurinburg and other places where he will spend a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Parrish and Miss Daisie Bryant left Sunday for New York City where they are spending the week. Mr. J. J. Rose, of Lower Johnston, spent a few hours in town Monday on business. Mrs. Callie Royal, who has been spending several weeks with her mother, Mrs. M. C. Benson, left for her home at Emporia, Va., Sunday. A baby boy, J. H. Godwin, Jr., was born Monday night to Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Godwin of this city. Mr. R. U. Barbour, Walton John son, N. T. Ryals and others attended the Recorder's Court at Smithfield Tuesday. Mr. J. R. Woodall and Mr. Junius Peterson, of Smithfield, were visitors to our city Wednesday afternoon. Messrs. S. F. Ivey and D. M. Ray nor went to Durham yesterday to at tend the burial of Miss Alice Ivey, a daughter of Joe Ivey, who moved to Durham from Benson a few years ago. Mrs. J. C. Stancil and children and Mrs. Heber Creech, of Smithfield, were visitors to our city this week. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Denning died at their home near Benson Tuesday night and was buried today at the home of Mr. D. B. Denning near Benson. Mr. Seth Allen, who has been in the Highsmith Hospital at Fayetteville for an operation for the past few days, is improving and will be home soon. Mr. W. L. Burnes was a visitor to Tarboro Tuesday on maters of busi ness, returning home that night. The office of Benson Loan & Trust Company, a new concern which is be ginning business here, will be on Main street in the building recently put up by Mr. S. E. Williams. The new concern will do insurance, real estate and loan business, and will be under the management of Mr. Walter Massengill who formerly held a posi tion with the Farmers Commercial Bank here, and who for the past year has been Cashier of the Bank at Elon, N. C. Miss Livia Williams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Williams, gave a birthday party to a large number of her friends last night, the occasion being her eighteenth birthday, at the home of her parents on Main street. Those present were Misses Nelia Bar ber, Ina Johnson, Virginia Lee, Lu eile Lee, Ruby Hobbs, Velma Good rich, Claudia Wood, Maggie Wood, Pansie McLamb, Lumie McLamb, Christel "Lucas, and Orn Johnson, and Messrs. Harvey Guiley, Henry Coats, Clarence Britt, Casper Jernigan, Aaron Penny, Dalma Wood, and Carl McGee. Various interesting games were engaged in and the time Lpent pleasantly. The contest which has been going ED. JUSTICE MAY GET BIG JOB. He Is Said to Be Slated for Assistant to Attorney General Gregory at a Handsome Salary. V The following from the Greensboro News was written by its Washington correspondent, Parker R. Anderson: E. J. Justice, of Greensboro, who is now handing a hundred million dol lars land suit for the federal govern ment on the Pacific coast, is said to be slated for even a bigger and bet ter place than he now has. He will be offered, according to well founded rumors, a position as assistant to At torney General Gregory, and placed in charge of all of the public land litigations now before the department of justice. As Mr. Justice is now receiving a salary of a little over $12,000 a year and in addition a liberal expense ac count, his friends here say that he would not likely accept a federal judgship, even if it was offered to him without a contest. Mr. Justice is expected in Washing ton before the end of the week. It is said his visit to Washington at this time has to do with the promotion which Attorney General Gregory is said to be ready to offer the Greens boro lawyer. It is understood that Mr. Justice will make some statement with re gard to the judgship before he re turns to the Pacific coast. GENERA L NEWS ITEMS. President Wilson, as President of the American Red Cross Society, has issued an appeal for renewed sub scriptions to enable the society to car ry on its war relief work, which is in serious danger from lack of funds. F. L. Dell, a traveling salesman, of Philadelphia, and L. C. Garrett, Jr., an automobile demonstrator of Jack sonville, N. C., were instantly killed shortly after noon Tuesday when the automobile in which they were riding was struck by Atlantic Coast Line passenger train No. 63 at Woolvin's near Holly Ridge, in Pender County. Both were about 33 years old. British exports of yarns during December totalled 11,000,000 pounds against 14,835,000 pounds last year. They brought the total for the season up to 171,907,000 pounds compared with 188,178,000 pounds the previous season. Exports of cloth were 499, ,000 yards during December against 374,209,000 last year, making the to tal for the season 5,255,143,000 yards compared with 4,748,904,000 the pre vious season. American gold coin to the amount of $25,000,000 from Canada was de posited in the Sub-Treasury in New York Monday for the account of J. P. Morgan & Co. This is the first shipment of gold from Canada in 1917. A single shipment of $25,000, 000 was made on December 28, fol lowed by a second shipment on the same day of $8,000,000. Since Janua ry 1 $3,350,000 in gold has been ship ped from the United States to South America. The Senate gave place in the Sen ate chamber at noon Monday to the North Carolina Presidential Electoral College. N, A. Sinclair, of Fayette ville, was made president of the col lege, the nomination of Woodrow Wil son was most eloquently done by Cameron Morrison, and D. E. Hender son, of the Third Congressional dis trict, was chosen as special messen ger to convey the solid vote of North Carolina for Woodrow Wilson to Washington for the National Elec toral College. Governor Manning's message to the 72nd South Carolina general assem bly, which began at Columbia Tues day, contained recommendations for election form, statewide compulsory education, and legislation to settle the situation caused by recent with drawal of many fire insurance com panies from the State. The Gover nor also urged preparation for an invasion of boll weevil, a careful study of the State's financial' system, imposition of an inheritance tax and granting of greater power to the gov ernor to enforce laws through sheriffs. There isn't a parallel of latitude but thinks it would have been the equator if it had had its rights. ? Mark Twain. on at the Benson Drup Company's Stor? for the past several weeks, closed last nifrht. The prize was an eijrhty-dollar graphonola, which was won hy Mrs. E. H. Dixon. THEY CAN "DKY" THE STATE. Under the Webb-Kenyon Law the Legislature Can Prohibit Even a Gill of Liquor From Coming Into North Carolina. May Make a "Dry" Drive. (Greensboro Daily News.) Washington, Jan. 10. ? If North Carolina really wants prohibition she can have it now, providing the legis lature, which is dominated by the dominant party in the State, has the nerve to declare that the State must be dry. Under the ruling of the Su preme Court of the United States Monday in the Webb-Kenyon liquor law, North Carolina can prohibit even a gill of whiskey from being shipped into the State, if she desires real pro hibition. The highest court in the land has ruled that whiskey cannot be shipped into dry territory in violation of the laws of the State. Under the present law only a quart every two weeks can be shipped into North Carolina. But if North Carolina now says no whis key shall be shipped into the State, the Supreme Court of the United States has ruled that it is legal for her to do so and unlawful for the ex press companies and railroads to ac cept the shipments for interstate commerce. - Prohibition leaders here are very much gratified over the decision of the court. Dr. E. E. Dinwiddie, head of the Anti-Saloon League here, and who does the same kind of work around the national capitol as Dr. R. L. Davis does in Raleigh before the Legislature, told the Daily News cor respondent tonight it was but the natural thing to expect the prohibi tionists tg make North Carolina as dry as dead man's desert A It is understood that immediate steps will be taken to have such a law passed. How far they will get, however, is a question. There are peo ple who believe such a move would result in the State voting "wet" if the entire population is given a chance to vote. When Mr. Average citizen finds out he cannot get his little "tod dy" there is a question what he will do even though he votes for prohi bition and takes his toddy when he gets into wet territory, such as Wash ington and other cities where "thirst parlors" thrive. But it is now up to North Carolina. If she wants real prohibition she can have it. Have it so tight that no one can bring into the State. What is the Legislature going to do about it is the question uppermost in the minds of many loyal Tar Heels here. Both "wets" and "drys" are interested. An effort has already been started in West Virginia to prevent any amount of rum being sent to the State. It is said there is a good chance that the bill already prepared with that end in view will pass. THE GOVERNOR GETS $6,500.00. Senate Increased Pay of Other State Officers to Have House Refuse. Last Tuesday the Senate passed a bill to increase the pay of the Gover nor from $5,000 a year to$7,500. Sen ator Parker, of Johnston, offered an amendment to make the salary $6,000 a year, which was defeated by one vote. When the matter came up in the House the $7,500 a year would not go. An amendment was offered making it $6,500. This passed and was accep ted by the Senate and now is the law. A bill was offered in the Senate in creasing1 the salary ?f the Secretary of State, Treasurer, Attorney Gen eral, Auditor and Superintendent of Public Instruction to $4,500 a year. This was amended by making it $4, 000 a year and passed. But when the measure reached the House it had no friends and was promptly refused passage, and these officers will have to serve their new term at the old price or resign. The House Busy at Work. On Tuesday afternoon and night the House was a busy place. There were hundreds of local bills that had to be passed, enrolled and ratified be fore midnight when the amendment to the Constitution went into effect. Speaker Murphy was in the Chair, and he kniws how to dispatch busi ness in a hurry. For sometime the House passed local bills at the rate of two a minute.

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