GERMAN SUBMARINE WARFARE Peace and Means of Peace Go Glim mering With Announcement of Cen tral Powers' Proposed Naval Policy, and President Wilson Is Brought Face to Face With Gravest Situa tion He Has Been Called Upon to Meet Since World-War Began. De claration Is for Renewal and Exten sion of Submarine Blockade of British Isles Proclaimed Early in 1915, During Which Lusitania and Scores of Other Ships Were Sunk Without Warning. Washington, Jan. 31. ? Germany has declared unrestricted submarine warfare. A starvation blockade of England, the like of which the world never has scon, was announced today in notes delivered to American Ambassador Gerard in Berlin, and to the State De partment here by Count Bernstorff. Thus begins the long-feared cam paign of ruthlessness, conceived by von Hinderburg, it was said here, on a magnitude never even contemplated by von Tirpitz. Again the United States faces sev erance of diplomatic relations with Germany, with all its eventual possi bilities. President Wilson's repeated warnings of "a world afire" and Sec retary Lansing's "verge of war" statements are being recalled in the Capital tonight with feelings of ap prehension and misgivings. Germany's action is the super-crisis of all those that have stirred the American Government in two and a half years of world war. Talk of peace in Europe and means of preserving the peace of the world have gone glimmering. President Wilson, incredulous at first when the unofficial text of Ger many's warning was brought to him, at once called for the official docu ment which had just been presented to Secretary Lansing by the German Ambassador. Mr. Lansing absolutely refused to make a comment. Presi dent Wilson began at once a careful study of the document. What Will President I)o? President Wilson has the task of deciding what shall be the course of the United States. Three immediate steps appear among the possibilities. The United States might solemnly warn Germany against a violation of her pledges; it might be decided that the German warning is sufficient no tice of an intention to disregard those pledges and a sufficient warrant for breaking off diplomatic relations; it might be decided to await the result of the blockade and determine the course of the United States as the actual operations to develop. On almost every side Germany's drastic action is interpreted as an open confession of the effectiveness of the British food blockade. It is re garded as a determination to strike back in kind. German officials in the United States estimate the food sup ply on the British Isles will last a month. Admittedly the plan is to car ry starvation to the doors of England with swift, staggering strokes, as a iuliillment of Germany s announced determination to use every weapon and agency at her command to end the war quickly. She counts on the. operation of an unheard-of number of submarines to deliver blows to bring Eigland to her knees within 60 days. One German official here today pre dicted the war would be over in a month. Conveyed to the world as the an swer to the refusal of the Entente Allies to talk peace, Germany's latest warning says: "From February 1, 1917, within barred zones around Great Britain, I' ranee, Italy and in the eastern Med iterranean ? all sea traffic forthwith will be opposed." ? Associated Press Dispatch. MISS ANNIE IHRIE POU GIVES A THEATER PARTY Washington, Jan. 30. ? Miss Annie Ihrie Pou gave a theater party this nfternoon in honor of Miss Mary < leaves Daniels. Those present were. Miss Mary Cleaves Daniels, Mrs. Gus tavus Reigner, Mrs. Macarthy Hang er, Mrs. Stewart Gaul, formerly Miss Catherine Small, Miss Mabelle Small, Mrs. Carl Houston and Miss Marga ret Attlee Pou. Prussian income taxes for 191 <> were $124,500,000 as compared with 188,500,000 in 1915. 1 BIGGEST BREAK IN MARKET May Cotton Sells Off To 12.50; $25 Per Bale Under Closing Price of Preceding Day. New York, Feb. 1. ? The announce ment of the German blockade caused the biggest break in the history of the cotton trade at the opening of the cot ton market here today. May sold off to 12.50, a new low record for the season, and more than $25 per bale under the closing price of last night before the call was completed. Almost as sudden a rally followed to 17.25 for that delivery, but sentiment was evidently demoralized and later fluc tuations were violent. May closed at 15.14, a little better than midway be tween the extremes of the morning, and the general list closed feverish at a net decline of 211 to 254 points. The report of Germany's new naval policy came as an absolute surprise, after the market yesterday had ad vanced on a more optimistic view of peace prospects. At the start it seemed as though everyone wanted to sell at once. The opening was only 36 points lower on Febyiary, an inactive month, but 261 to 263 points below the last night's closing figures on other deliveries. At the lowest prices reached on the call, present crop de liveries, which contained the largest speculative interest, sold 274 to 516 points net lower, with March touch ing 13.75 and July 13.90. New crop months sold 235 to 266 points lower, with October touching the 14-cent level. The quick rally which followed March and July up to the 17-cent lev el, a recovery of about 300 to 475 points, but this bulge met heavy sell ing orders from outside sources. Liverpool and trade interests were good buyers and the volume of busi ness gradually tapered off, but va rious rumors of diplomatic or ship ping developments put the market in a perfect turmoil of excitement. Fre quently there were fluctuations of from 15 to 25 points between sales, but prices held between the early ex tremes and the close was at a recov ery of about 119 to 264 points on old crop and 24 to 55 points on new crop months as compared with the low lev el of the morning. ? News and Ob server. ' JOSEPH SANDERS THE WINNER. The 1916 Corn Club Record for John ston jCounty. Joseph Sanders, Smithfibld, Route No. 1, has been declared the winner in the 1916 corn contest in a decision rendered by the Agricultural Exten sion Service. This young man produc ed 77 bushels at a cost of nearly 27 cents per bushel, and his total score was higher than any other member in the county, though five boys pro duced a higher yield of corn. Joseph has been a member of the corn club for some time, and has al ways put forth an effort to make a good yield of corn. In making this award the following points were tak en into consideration: Greatest yield per acre.... 30 points Best exhibit, 20 points Best written account, showing history of crop 20 points Best showing of profit on invest ment based on commercial price of corn, 30 points Total s. . 100 points The highest yield in the county was produced by Festus Roper, Selma, Route No. 2. He produced 96 bushels at a cost of 29 cents per bushel. If he had complied with all the require ments of the club, he would have had first place. The average yield for the County was 63 bushels at a cost of 35 cents per bushel. This includes $5.00 for the lent of the land, work, and fertilizers used. The indications are that the boys are going to do even better than they did last year, and with a little en couragement from their parents, and teachers we will have a large en rollment for 1917. The greatest draw back to the corn club work is that after the boys have gone and made the corn, in some cases his father does not let him have the profits from the acre. However we hope that this will not occur again as we want to encourage the boys to stay on the farm. LACY JOHN, County Agent. Increase the value of your farm by clearing off the stumps. ALLIES READY FOR GERMANY. Britain and Allies Would Convoy Every Merchant Ship. Will Keep l'orts Open. To Meet Such a Situa tion, Great Britain Has Been As sembling Fleet of "Sub. Chasers." New York, Jan. 31. ? Great Britain i'nd her Allies are prepared to meet Germany's moves in her submarine campaign, it was authoritatively as serted ir. shipping circles here to night. The ports of Liverpool and Bor deaux will be 1-ept open at all haz zirds, British steamship representa tives asserted, even if it becomes nec essary to convoy every merchantship which crosses the Atlantic. The first ?.t,ep to be taken by the British Ad miralty. which virtually controls the i leichant fleets of the Allies, will be to arm every ship with guns fore and aft for defensive purposes, it was predicted. To meet the emergency, the British Government has been assembling for months, it was said, a large fleet of small, fast cruisers to be used as "submarine chasers." This type of war 'craft has proven very effective against undersea boats, well informed shipping man declared. Agents of British lines declared the Admiralty now has a fleet of 4,000 vessels available to keep the sea lanes clear of raiders and submarines and to act as convoys. The Admiralty has so arranged sail ings and bookings, it was explained, that they can be changed without delay to meet whatever circumstances may arise. The assertion was made that there will be no interruption in the sailings from American ports of ships flying the flags of the Entente Allies. It was considered probable, how ever, that vessels flying neutral col ors will be kept in port until instruc tions are received from their Govern ments. This is certain to be true in the case of Dutch steamships. A marked advance in marine insur ance rates tomorrow was considered tonight to be inevitable. One way rates today of American vessels were seven per cent, whild there was a ten per cent war risk rate on ships clear ing for Mediterranean ports. NEW HOPE NOTES. Hon. Rufus Sanders, who is attend ing the Legislature at Raleigh, spent the week-end at home. Misses Culbreth and Richardson spent the week-end in Selma. Miss Hortense Johnson, of Benson High School, spent the week-end at home. Mr. Z. H. Richardson, of Kenly, spent a few days last week with friends in this section. Rev. J. G. Crocker filled his regu lar appointment at Antioch Holiness church Sunday. Mr. R. E. Lee, of Falcon, spent Monday night in this section. Mr. C. M. Lee, of West Virginia, is spending a few days with relatives in this section. Between January 26th and 29th, some one went to New Hope school house and cut away part of the rope from the flag post. We would very much appreciate knowing who did this. X. Y. Z. $3,000,000 FUR SALE STARTS. Government Will Be Seller at St. Louis Auction. St. Louis, January 29. ? What local dealers say will be the largest fur sale ever undertaken began here to-day. Pelts valued at $3,000,000 will be sold at auction during the week, and more than 300 merchants have sent word they expected to attend. Skins to be sold include 1,250,000 muskrat, 200,000 skunk, 250,000 opos sum, 160,000 raccoon, 48,000 mink, 28,000 fox of ten varieties, 52,000 cat of five varieties, 12,000 lynx, and 3, 300 otter. Two thousand seal skins will be offered for sale by the United States Government. Buyers representing firms in Rus sia, England, France, Germany, Can ada, and the United States are at tending the sale. Before the pious Russian soldier goes into battle he prays that the en emy may have a quick, painless death of it. ? The Atlanta Constitution. Yank out those stumps this Spring and make extra profits on crops from the virgin soil. OUR STATE CAPITAL LETTER. Senate Amends the Divorce Laws of State. A Stricter Miscegenation Law I'ropotM^d in the Senate. The County School Board Question the Livest of All. Other Legislative Matters. (By Llewxam.) Raleigh, February 2. ? The divorce law of North Carolina (one of the strictest of all the States in the Un ion) has been amended by the Sen ate so as to put the wife on the same basis with the husband. This feat was accomplished Wednesday by the sim ple process of eliminating two words ("fornication and") from the existing law, provided for in a -bill by Senator Scales of Guilford. It is understood that the House will also pass the measure and hereafter the wife can (if she desires to do so) secure di7 vorce by proving adultery, simply, on the part of her husband. The law al ready provides for divorce if the husband can prove adultery on the part of the wife. Stricter Miscegenation Law. Another law which is expected to be enacted in a few days is provided for in a bill just presented by Sen ator Pollock, of Lenoir County. It amends the law against the inter marriage of the white and black races, making it stronger, and makes it con form in terms with the school law providing separate schools. Senator Pollock tells me that while the school law very properly debars anv chi'd with a trace of neero blood in its veins (however remote) from the schools for white children, the law as to inter-marriage is faulty in that respect beyond the third gener ation of those contracting marriage. In other words, under the existing law it is possible for a man with a trace of negro blood originating in his grandfather or great-grandfather (or maternal progenitor) to legally wed a white woman. But, under the school law, the children of such a marriage can be debarred from white schools. A case in point caused great trouble in Wake County. Rates for Advertising Legal Notices. The "country newspapers" which have been imposed upon for so many years, will soon secure- some thing like adequate pay for printing "legal notices" ? the class of adver tising best able to pay and which has paid less than the others, according to the terms of a bill presented by Sen ator McCoin, of Vance, the rate shall be in future six (6) cents per pica line (13 ems measure) for first in sertion and four (4) cents a line for each subsequent insertion. These are the rates approved by the State Press Association, I understand, and I hear of no opposition to the measure. Settling County School Board Fight. No issue before this legislature has caused half the argument or provoked as much "feeling" between debaters or consumed near as much time as the attempts (originating in Henry Page's House bill and cuckooed by a half dozen others, including the local bill of Person of Franklin and Burgwyn's Bertie County local bills in the Sen ate) to overthrow the present method of electing the members of the county School Boards of the respective coun ties, viz: by appointment through legislative act. Of all the 100 counties, only six counties have school boards elected in any other way, at present. But there is a mere handfull of counties (only two proposed in the Senate) which have asked to be allowed to elect these Boards by direct vote of the people. It is beyond the limitations to detail the good reasons back of the existing system. Boards, most of us know and appreciate what they are. It is refreshing to be able to say today that after all the turmoil, it is now apparent that the Oates State wide bill (nominating them by prima ry, to be appointed by the Governor) will probably be adopted next Wed nesday when the Senate meets the issue. Legislative Notes. The House made a decisive dispo sition Wednesday afternoon of the Clark bill to allow appeals from the State Corporation Commission's de cisions. The vote stood 96 to 7 against it. Senator Long, of Halifax, has in troduced a bill to amend Chapter 73 of the acts of 1913 relative to judg ments of non -suits in certain cases. The House bill to amtnd the usury law met with a crushing defeat when it reached a vote in the Senate Wed nesday afternoon. The vote was 32 to 13. Senator Justice, of Henderson, voiced the sentiment of others also when he stated that he voted against the bill because the restrictions al ready thrown around lending money were too severe, and because of which the poorer classes have to pay exhor bitant prices for securing loans in round-about ways. Senator Long, of Halifax, declared that further hindrance to the liquida tion of land mortgages might arrest further development of North Caro lina by outside capitalists and invest ors. The legislative session is about half way to the 60-day limit and practi cally all of the proposed most "im portant" measures are yet to be acted on ? including that new iron-clad steel-rivited- wxoughtiron-boiUid-half gallon-a-year "prohibition" bill of Br'er Davis. THE NEWS IN SELMA. Selma, Feb. 1. ? Mrs. W. H. Whit ley has returned from a visit to Cary. Mr. C. S. Powell, of the Sanders Chapel section, spent Wednesday in our town, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Woodard. We are always glad to have him in our town. Our people think a great deal of our old Sheriff, and by the way, isn't he the oldest living sheriff of Johnston, and the only one? I he idea of makihg a hospital out of the old graded school building is growing fast. Keep it up. We hear that work is to commence on the new Union Station as soon as the weather is settled and the days get a little longer. Hon Charles F. Kirby killed about 5,000 pounds of pork on the last cold spell. Among those killed, was a hog weighing 452 pounds. Mrs. N. E. Edgerton went to Wil mington last week to attend the an nual meeting of the Woman's Mis sionary Society of the North Caroli na Conference. She was re-elected Treasurer. The annual meeting of the Associa ted Charities of Selma met in the Bap tist church Tuesday evening. Mr. Geo. F. Breitz was elected President; Miss Mary Hyman, ^Secretary, and Miss Margaret Etheredge, Treasurer. It was decided to let all aid to the needy come through the Association. No more help to be given to those beg ging from house to house. We are glad to have Mr. and Mrs. Alphonse Jones with us again. They found that the climate was too severe, so they moved back. We welcome them to our town. The weekly prayer meetings at the Methodist church are very interest ing. Each meeting is better than the last. Let there be a full house next week. The meeting will begin at 7:30 P. M., sharp, so go early, so as not to miss any. The lot known as the old Vick row has been sub-divided and will be sold at auction to colored people, on Sat urday, February 17th, at 3 o'clock P. M. The monthly meeting of the Needle craft met with Mrs. Etheredge, Thursday. The Civic Improvement Club will meet next Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock in its club room, in the Academy. Dr. R. J. Noble attended the Shrine Minstrels at Raleigh last Monday. He says it was a nice, clean show, com posed of Raleigh talent; and asks why not get them to come down and give a show in our new Opera House as soon as the roads dry off? Should be a good show, as it is said that our new Opera House is a fine one. We are glad to hear of the con tinual improvement of Master George Driver at Rex Hospital. HOG PRICES AT TOP NOTCH. Sales Are Made At Kansas City At $11.77 Vt Hundredweight. Kansas City, Jan. 29. ? Hog prices today reached what live stock men de scribed as a new record when $11.77% cents per 100 pounds was paid for 56 head. Our minds are like certain vehicles ? when they have little to carry they make much noise about it, but when heavily loaded they run quietly. ? Eli hu Eurritt. The longest river in Japan is the Tone, its main course being about 200 miles long. AT THE CAPITAL OF BANNER. Methodist Ladies Succeed With Par cels Post Sale and Oyster Supper. Boy Gets Thigh Broken While at Play on Street. Other Items of Local and Personal Interest. Benson, N. C., Feb. 1. ? Messrs. R. F. Smith and R. T. Surles were in Smithfield Tuesday on business mat ters. Mr. D. C. White, of Raleigh, is in Benson today in the interest of H. S. Storr Company. Mr. Sam Lassiter, of Elevation, was in the>city Monday for a few hours. He is one of the most up-to-date farmers of Johnston County. Mr. J. L. Hall went down to Fay etteville Wednesday to see his broth er, Mr. E. L. Hall. Mr. John J. Rose, of Meadow town ship, was in town Wednesday with his son, Mr. J. H. Rose. Mr. W. T. Purvis, of Durham, rep resenting the Virginia Carolina Chemical Company, was in the city Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. J. H. Hall and little son, J. F. Hall, Jr., are spending a few days with Mrs. Hall's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Ivey. Miss Lottie Thomas, who has been at the home of Mr. J. H. Godwin fvr the past month, left Tuesday for Richmond, her home. Miss Ruth Johnson, of Cardenas, has been here on a visit to the home of I)r. and Mrs. H. H. Utley for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Perkins, of Smithfield, are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Rose. Miss Mabel Barbour, of Elevation township, spent a few days here this week at the home of Mr. O. A. Bar bour. Mr. Ed. S. Abell, of Smithfield, was a visitor to our city Tuesday for a short while. Mr. John W. Wood, of Meadow township, was here yesterday on busi ness. Messrs. A. L. Barefoot, J. R. Mc Lamb, and R. T. Surles we.e in Lil lington Wednesday attending the Su perior Court which is in session there. Mr. and Mrs. Almon Turlington went to Raleigh Monday on business, returning home Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Graves, Jr., of Smithfield, spent Sunday in town with relatives and friends. Mr. A. W. Hodges returned yester day from Loris, S. C., where he has been for the past few days. Mr. Cornelius Hodges was a visi tor to Wilson Sunday and Monday of this week. Mr. J. E. Hobbs, who is conducting his farm in Elevation township was in Benson Sunday and Monday with his family. Mr. J. M. Langdon, a prominent farmer of Pleasant Grove, was in the city Monday for a few hours. Mrs. C. T. Johnson was taken to Rex .Hospital at Raleigh Monday where she will undergo an operation. Her friends hope she will soon be able to return home. Rev. J. M. Duncan, former pastor of the Baptist church here, was in town Monday for a few hours. The two-year-old baby of Mr. and Mrs. Preston Allen who live a few miles east of here, died Monday night and was buried at the family burial ground Tuesday afternoon. Mr. R. L. Flowers left Friday for a visit to relatives in Alabama. He will be away for about two weeks. Mr. M. T. Britt went to Raeford Monday, spending the day there on business matters. Mr. J. G. McLamb was taken to Highsmith Hospital the first of the week for an operation. He is getting on very well at last hearing. Yesterday afternoon while several small boys were playing on Main street here, Vernon Britt was thrown te the ground and his thigh broken. The accident was very painful and the boy will be confined to his room for quite a while. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Britt. The Parcels Post sale and oyster supper given by the Methodist Ladies at the new Williams building here Tuesday night was quite a success and several dollars were raised. What Is Success? Some one has said that "success is often a by-product coming unawares to the man who works for the joy of working." Land clearing is not the hard work it used to be.

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