Our Twentieth Anniversary Sale O Ml [" V Th Only One Ever O Ml TV V ALL I Handed t j Y ou f v ______ Begins Friday, February 16th, 1917 At 9:30 A. M. Sharp? ^Rain or Shine! There have been many sales advertised, but nothing ever equaled this one for good goods at low prices. All new goods will be sold at Old Prices-? Clothing, Shoes, Dry Goods, Notions, Overalls, Ladies Suits and Coats-? all new, bought in the last sixty or ninety days. We have a $75,000.00 stock of goods in our four big stores. Tables, shelves and counters filled almost to overflowing with the best merchandise that money could buy? -and everything goes in this big Sale just as advertised. ? We have 100 Men's High Grade, extra size Suits ? sizes 42 to 52 ? the largest .ready-made Suits even shown in Johnston County ? in pure Worsted ? at Your Price Leading Brands ol High-Grade Clothing: Strouse Brothers - Kuppenheimer's Young Men's Clothes. 400 Men's fine Worsted Suits, sizes from 35 to 40, all colors, at $7.98 All Our Leading Brands of Shoes Will be Put on this Sale-? Such as Stetson, French and Many Other Leading Brands! Coats Spool Cotton ? Six spools for 25c Good Apron Ginghams 8c 200 dozen Pair Boys' Pants at 44c Good grade Bed Ticking 19c 6000 yards White Goods, all kinds and qualities, at Half Price x Big lot Men's Hats 98c Up Lot Men's Underwear 48c 200 Sweaters will go at from 48c to $1.98 f .Free! Free! To every lady making a purchase of $5.00 or more on opening morning, Friday, February 16th, we will give a nice Waist FREE! R. R. Fare Refunded We will refund the Railroad Fare of out of town customers spending $20 or more. It will pay you to attend this sale no matter where you live. Come and See. Take Time By The Forelock % And supply your whole family with the best goods for little money ? as goods are going higher every day. We have all kinds of Summer Goods in this Sale ? Cloth oi all kinds. We will sell you the best grade Ginghams at 1 lc yard. Now is the time to do your Spring Sewing while everything is being sold at a Great Sacrifice. If you have ever visited The Davis Stores you know that they carry the largest stock of Dry Goods, Shoes, Clothing, Etc., in Johnston County ? and our entire stock goes in this Sale. Get in line with your friends and come and see what we are showing. 300 Pair Ladies' Sample Shoes at $1.18 60 dozen Men's High Grade Overcoats from $2.98 to $7.98 Men's best Work Shirts 48c Big lot Good Overalls 98c I Men's good Pants ? $3.00 val ues, at $1.28 Big lot White Homespun 7 7-8c High Class Bleeching at 9c Look For the Big Banners in Front of Our Stores. They Will Lead You to the Right Place Don't F orget the Day and Date, F riday, F eb. 16th, 9:30 A. M. THE DA VIS STORES \ SMITHFIELD, NORTH CAROLINA