PUBLIC SCHOOLS AND COMMUNITY LIFE. Conducted by Miss Elizabeth Kelly, Assistant Superintendent. Miss Nell Pickens, County Demonstration Agent. More About Group Commencement*. As before stated, our country school groups will have commence ments at the following places and times: Glendale Group, March 29. Royall (Elevation) Group, March 30. Piney Grove Group, March 81. Meadow Group, April 3. Archer Lodge Group, April 4. Thanksgiving Group, April 1. New Hope Group, April 5. Baptist Center Group, April 16. Royall Group, April J 1 . Following is the general order we suggest for group commencement program : 9:15 Initiatory Services. ?:30 Contests (Declamations, Read ings, Music). 12:00 Address. 12:30 Dinner. 2:00 Spelling. 2:30 Story-telling. 2:30 Athletics. We wish to remind all teachers in a group to send, as soon as possible, the names of their contestants togeth er with titles of selections to the teacher in charge of their group cen ter school. This is that the program may be arranged carefully and to the the best possible advantage. For the spelling contests at these froup commencements the fifth and sixth sections of "A Spelling Book" will be used. No declamation or recitation may be longer than fifteen minutes. It will be much better if they are not so long as fifteen minutes. Please plan to begin programs on time and let each representative in any contest be ready for his part as called for on the program. Last year's group commencements were in almost every instance car ried out without any lagging pro grams. This was entirely due to care ful planning and execution of plans by wide-a-wake teachers and pupils. * We expect nothing less this year. (?roup Winners' Contest*. Final contests for winners at group contests will be at Smithfield on April fourteenth. This will take the place of former County Commencements bo far as the part taken by our country schools is concerned. We have found that regardless of every precaution and plans however well executed, County Commencement and Field Day is too crowded for comfort or enjoyment. Then, too, our country schools have not had an op portunity for any final athletic con tests. This year we are going to try the plan of giving all of one Saturday to winners and athletics from our coun try schools und the following Satur day will be given to the town group of schools. We hope to see every one of our teachers in the country groups at their respective group commence ments at which time we will discuss with the many questions they may ask concerning the general contests on April fourteenth. ? ? ? Plans for the Town Group Con tests on April twenty-first are being worked out and will be in the hands of teachers in these schools at an ear ly date. In the main these plans will in clude former contests of this group and in addition will have the Story tellers' contest. Supt. Archer, of the Selma Schools, will have under his direction the spelling contest of the town group of schools. Rules and regulations will be mailed out to each school in the group. Supt. M. B. Andrews, of Keniy School, and Supt. R. G. Fitzgerald, of Benson school, will arrange for Ath fetics for this occasion. Each school is this group may fur nish a speaker, a reader, two spell ers, a story-teller, one piano solo, and one chorus. | Definite plans and programs for this meeting will be printed in an early issue of The Herald. ELIZABETH KELLY. Superior Court Sentences. The Superior Court adjoumey Fri day. The following were given sen tences in prison or on the roads: Simeon Barbour two and a half years in the penitentiary for the killing: of Hubert Gowcr. His boy, Walter Barbour, who did the shoot ing, was Sent to the Stonewall Jack son Training School. Everett Eason, who killed Harry Cook, was first given a sentence of 5 years and one day in the peniten tiary. This was reduced to three years and a day in the penitentiary. Charley Hicks, untm?r j ittiUinmt (Dprntug v ?] inrftursiiatj auii (Ilutrabay 5 fflarrh 21st anii 22ni) Ij .< 4 4 4 j alir fC^ryrst iCiuc turr i5>lunun iirfurr 1 A J 4) 1 Also we will have a great line of jj i ?j Suits and Dresses on Display < 4 BON TON The Ladies Store New Business I have just opened a new business in the new brick store near the D. E. McKinne old stand and will keep Fancy Groceries, Ice and Soft Drinks. I ask your patronage. J. S. Edwards Princeton, N. C. PLENTY OF OLD PAPERS NOW on hand at The Herald Office at 5 cents per bundle. COTTON SEED CLEANER AND GRADER. We will have one of these Grad ing machines on exhibit in Kenly at Watson's and Alford's Hardware Store, Saturday, March 24th. Do not fail to see this machine. Grade your seed and your increase in lint will be nothing less than 10 per cent. COTTER HARDWARE CO., Smithfield, N. C. I THE SMITHFIELD BUILDING A Loan Association has helped a. number of people to build homes. It will help others, and maybe you. New series of shares now ope*. See Mr. J. J. Broadhurst. YOU MAY HAVE AN ALMANAC, but you need a North Carolina Al manac which is better. You should buy a Turner's ? worth 10 cents. Beaty & Lassiter, Smithfield, N. C. WANTED TO EMPLOY THREE OR four good sawmill hands. R. Y. Penny, McCullers, N. C., R. F. D. No. 1. Shakespeare's Plays SCHOOL EDITION We a rew copies of the school edition of Shakespeare's Plays at 25 Cents each. Ivisg Richard III. Four . Copies "Arden" Edition and three copies "Temple" Edition. The Taming of the Shrew. Tw? copies "Temple" Edition. Othello. Two copies "Temple" Edi tion, and one copy "Tudor" Edition. Macbeth. One copy "Altemus" Edition. These are Bargains. HERALD BOOK STORE Smithfield. N. C. Money To Loan On Ten Years Time! We are now in position to make long time loans on First Class Farm Property for periods of \ Five Years Seven Years / ^ 5%; And Ten Years ^ To Suit Your Convenience. The cheapest money on the easiest terms in State. If you wish to make a loan see us. CREECH & POU, Attorneys-at-Law SMITHFIELD, N. C. ??????? ?> ?> * -h.+<.+4.aj