VOLUME 36 * SMITH FIELD, N. C., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1917* Number 81 AUTONOMY FOR JERUSALEM. Palestine to Be Part of British Empire Under Protectorate. U. S. Influence To Be Felt. Thousands of American Jews Now There and Many More Going. Gen. Allenby Holding Terri tory in Strong Force and Occupa tion Is Believed to lie Permanent. No independent Jewish state in Pal estine Is now contemplated, as a re sult of the success of the British campaign which has wrested the Holy Land from the infidel, but not only an autonomous government under ap propriate protection, such as is en joyed by many communities as a part of .the British empire. This is all that Zionistis have ever desired at any time. A temporary military government of occupation is now being established under the protection of British arms and will be maintained until the end of the war, when the final settlement of the Palestine question will be made at the peace conference, along lines already determined by an understand ing between the allies, including the United States. The permanent gov ernment will be started under a Brit ish charter such as that given origi nally in Rhodesia, and similar to the colonial charters in America. * * * American Influence factor. That protectorate presumab^ will be British, but it is certain that American influence in the new Pales tine will be second to that of no coun try. Many American Jews are al ready there, among the pioneers in the great emigration that is expected to take place from all countries having large Jewish population, and it is be lieved that thousands more of Ameri can Jews will go. These will be Jews who have immigrated into our own West and who are expected to carry with them into Palestine the Ameri can spirit and the characteristics of American settlers. No doubt exists in Washington as to the permanency of the character of the British Success in the Holy Land. Gen. Allenby is in great force, with a double-track railroad on cement bal last extending all the way from Suez to Jaffa. * * * * 100,000 Jews in Palestine. The return of the Jews to Palestine, after an enforced exile of nearly 2,000 years, will be one of the wonder ful romances of all history. It was in A. D. 70, when Jerusalem was de stroyed by Titus, that- the dispersing began. A century ago, it is estimated, there were only 3,000 Jews in Pales tine. The Zionist movement, begun 40 years ago and actively encouraged for the past 20 years, had taken there about 100,000, settled in some 50 com munities, and this was the Jewish population at the outbreak of the war. They enjoyed local self-government by the passive permission of the Turks. The Jews suffered terribly during the war, although the massacres of which they were the victims were in dividual rather than general, The old Jewish communities, in the larger cities, and comprising devout Jews who had gone to Palestine to die on holy soil, were exterminated. The agricultural colonists suffered less. Another Flight Into Egypt. Nine thousand of these dramaticaf ly repeated the story of Jewish his tory by a flight into Egypt, preferring exile in the land where Pharaoh reign ed and Joseph flourished to embracing Ottoman citizenship and bearing arms in the cause of kaiserism. These 9,000 children of Israel are now ready for the second Exodus, 3,117 years after their first homeward migration. This time the british gov ernment will be the Moses who will lead them into the promised land and "give to a people without a land a land without a people." Palstine, that could support, and if the dream of tfie Zionists, now in a fair way to realization, comes true, will support, a population of nearly 4,000,000 prosperous people, is today, after twenty centuries under the yoke of foreign masters, a wilderness al most uninhabited. Federal Reserve System Gains. Gains of $20,400,000 in gold reserve and $21,900,000 in total cash reserve, together with ^ncreases of $54,200,000 in investments and of $31,800,000 in net deposits, were indicated by the weekly bank statements issued by the Federal Reserve Board at the close of business on November 23, 1917. RICHARDS TELLS OF THE JACOB JONES DISASTER. Washington, Dec. 12. ? The first sur vivors' story of the sinking of the American destroyer Jacob Jones, told by Lieut. J. K. Richards, was made public today by the navy department. It shows that only two small boats and three life rafts floated clear of the wreck. The men on these were picked up after 17 hours of exposure. An official summary of the lieuten ant's account follows: "Lieutenant Richards said the de stroyer was proceeding towards port, after holding target practice, when; at 4:20 p. m., a torpedo was sighted by the lookout. The commanding officer, stationed on the bridge, ordered the rudder hard right and engines full steam ahead. The torpedo struck the ship on the starboard side, abreast of torpedo tube number 3. This tube with torpedoes was blown 200 feet in air. The radio was wrecked and the main mast brought down. "Guns were manned immediately, but no submarine was sighted and the vessel began to settle by the stern. The captain gave the order to abandon ship. Whaleboats which were got out capsized. The motor sailer could not be got out. A wherry and motor dory managed to escape safely. Three life rafts floated clear. "The vessel sank at 4:29 p. mk Depth charges aboard exploded, ap parently blowing off the stern of the ship. "No survivors, except those on the boats and life rafts, were found after a thorough search, Lieutenant Rich ards said. After 17 hours in the water, the men on the rafts were picked up by a British ship. "The submarine, which was seen after the Jacob Jones sank, appeared to be about 150 feet in length, with three inch gun forward and two peri scopes." The Cafes to Observe Three Wheatless Days. New York, Dec. 12. ? A recommen dation that three wheatless and two meatless days be observed each week in New York restaurants was adopted unanimously by the New York Society of Restaurateurs today. This is one more wheatless day than the govern ment is advocating. Patrons of cabaret shows and not the proprietors must pay the war tax, the restaurateurs declared. For every dollar spent for refreshments at such places an additional charge of two per cent will be levied to cover the tax. The Need of Economy and Saving. When we put a million and a half soldiers in the field, wa withdraw those men from their productive en terprises. They do not while they are actually in training or in service pro duce anything. They do, on the other hand, consume much. There is nothing more expensive on earth than to sup port and maintain a great army in the field, especially if it is on the fighting line. The attrition of supplies and everything else is tremendously great when we have a fighting army in the field. America is the one great remain ing storehouse in the world of supplies and crcdit. We must maintian and make effective as possible our own sol diers and the soldiers of those nations who fighting for us. We must there fore draw as little as possible upon our common store of supplies and money. The more we lessen our do mestic demand, the more we can con tribute to the support and effective ness of our allied armies. Economy is now a national duty, such a duty upon the people at home as fighting is upon those Americans who are bravely offering th^ir lives for the honor of America and the preservation of ^iberty and justice. MAN'S HEAD FOUND IN SHARK. Discovery a Mystery, as No One Is Missing on Florida Coast. Savannah, Ga., Dec. 11. ? A 14-foot shark was caught by a fisherman in a shrimp trawler today off Amelia Is land, Florida. Owing to its size it was taken to Fernandina and dis sected. A man's head and hand in perfect condition and a whole marsh hep "Were found inside the monster. No accidents have been reported from the 200 fishing smacks off the coast of Fernandina. DR. CROUCH MAKES REPORT. Commends Mrs. Thel Hooks for Her Intelligent Interest and Patriotic Service in the Quarantine Work of the County. Dear Editor: Last week the writer made an of ficial investigation of the enforcement of the state quarantine law in John ston County. The enforcement of this law is a matter of great concern ? frequently a matter of life or death ? to the citizens of your county. Many of your readers will be interested to know what I found on my recent visit. I was impressed with the intelligent interest and patriotic service that Mrs. Thel Hooks, the quarantine of ficer, is putting into this work. I found her records neat, accurate and complete. These records show, among other things, the number of contagi ous diseases reported by the physi cians of the county since August 1st to be as follows: Mrs. Thel Hooks and householders 36 cases; Dr. L. D. Wharton 2 cases; Dr. A. H. Rose 1 case; Dr. L. A. Muns 1 case; Dr. C. W. Fqrlonge 4 cases; Dr. Hocutt 32 cases; Dr. G. A. McLe more 1 case; Dr. J. C. Grady 14 cases; Dr. J. F. Foster 15 cases; Dr. G. D. Vick 4 cases; Dr. J. B .Person 1 case; Dr. M. Hinnant 9 cases; Dr. Surlcs 2 cases; Dr. J. II. Stanley 5 cases; Dr. H. H. Utley 1 case; Dr. S. P. J. Lee 1 case; Dr. Oscar Eason 3 cases; Dr. A. G. Woodard 1 case; Dr. James Allen 3 cases; Dr. II. f*. Underhill 4 cases; Dr. G. F. Bonher 5 cases; Dr. Moore 1 case; Dr. Martin no cases; Dr. Parker no cases; Dr. Noble no cases; Dr. J. A. Griffin and son no cases; Dr. E. H. McCullers no cases; Dr. Young no cases. Your readers will note that a num ber of the physicians of the county, men with large practices, have re ported no contagious diseases in their practices during the last eight weeks, during which time measles, scarlet fever, diphtheria, typhoid fever, whooping cough, and infantile pa ralysis have appeared. The doctors of Johnston County, as I know them, are well trained and ethical physicians and law abiding citizens. In their medical schools they have been given a high sense of professional responsi bility for reporting contagion that occurs in their practices; they sub scribe to the code of ethics of the North Carolina State Medical Society and the American Medical Association which is very clear and full in defining the relations of physicians to the pub lic in matters of epidemic control; they appreciate not only the need but the necessity of public management of contagion. Failure, therefore, of a number of the best physicians of John ston County to report any contagious diseases from their practices during1 the time covered by the investigation, does not mean, as might be inferred by some, that these men have only a dull conception of their public respon sibilities as physicians, or that they have wilfully neglected to report con tagion for quarantine in order to gain favor with an ignorant family and thereby take unfair advantage of a more ethical and law respecting medi cal competitor. That many of the physicians of Johnston County have not treated any of the aforemen' tioned diseases is evidenced by the fact that I was personally informed by Drs. Martin and Parker, of Benson, Dr. Noble, of Selma, Drs. J. A. Griffin and son, McCullers and Young, of Clayton (those that I was able to communicate with), that they had not encountered any of these diseases in their practices since August the first. Two physicians Drs. Vick and Per son, of Selma, admitted they had cases of tyyhoid fever which were not re ported. An indictment was made, each plead guilty and paid cost of the court. Yours truly, A. McR. CROUCH, State Epidemiologist. According to Tuesday's papers, the casualtiap in the nfunitions explosion at Halifax, N. S., are as follows: Known dead, 1,280; identified, 940; un accounted for 1,920, wounded 6,000; homeless, 25,000. Th^ city has suf fored the third hlizzjard since the awful disastert The storm delayed the cargo of window glass, hospital supplies, and warm clothing which was being sent from Boston for the relief of the sufferers. The assurances of substantial aid from the United States has been very cheering to the stricken city. HOW HE SAW THE LIGHT. Farmer, Unresponsive to Government is uk {rations. Changes When He Understands Purpose. (Government News Letter.) Out in Nebraska a county agent had experienced much difficulty in in teresting a certain farmer in proposed agricultural improvement campaigns. This farmer, who was of much in fluence in the community, considered his own individual success a proof that Government cooperation with farmers is entirely unnecessary. A special representative of the exfension office of the United States Department of Agriculture who visited <hat section was told of the case by the county agent. He went to the farmer and found him cold and unresponsive. "You are standing in the way of your country when your country is at war," said the special agent to the farmer finally. "Do you realize that?" "No," said the farmer, "I hadn't thought of it that way." "Well, do think of that awhile," suggestel the special agent. "The man who doesn't help his country at this time is hurting his country, and to hurt your country when your coun try is at war is a pretty bad thing to do, don't you think so?" "You bet I do," said the farmer, thawing out for the first time during the first time during the interview. "You don't think I am that kind of a man, do you ? I'll do anything for my country. I'll fight Here's Your Chance. "All right," said the agent. Here's your chance. See that your farm and all the farms in your county increase their yields and their cultivated acre age. It isn't picturesque, but it is service ? real service, great and gen uine service. Nuw that's what the Government wants you to do. That's the purpose of those special county organizations. That's what these emergency county agents, like the one in this county, are urging. What about it? Your conutry wants you to help. Either jo^f will or you won't ? and if you wpn't help your own country, you are indirectly helping the enemy. What your country wants you to do is to plant more land, speci alize on certain crops, and cultivate so as to increase production. It is all figured out to harmonize with a great national program, scientifically and efficiently arranged. The com munity ofganizations, cooperating in each community throughout the United States, are essential to the realization of this national plan ? and that plan is absolutely necessary ^ f accomplishment if we are to win the war. Now we are trying, to organize this county in harmony with this plan. You huve opposed it. Don't you see what that means?" "When is that county meeting?" asked the farmer. "Tonight." "I'll be there tonight and make a speech You are mighty right ? I hadn't thought of it that way. You'y never have another chance to insinu ate that I am not with my country in this war." The Nebraska farmer spoke that nijAt. And by a unanimous vote the meeting arranged for organized agri cultural work throughout that county. ONE BOY'S INFLUENCE. A little boy in Graves County, Ky., is responsible for that county having an agricultural agent, a pure-bred live stock association, and a conse quent improvement in general - agri cultural conditions. A report of the State agent in charge of boys agricultural clubs to the United States Departmert of Ag riculture says that two yearss ago he received a letter from Earl Gary, a little boy at Mayfield, Ky., expressing a desire to join the boys' corn club and so win his way to the State fair. The State agent went to the town in re sponse to this letter and assisted the boy in securing the necessary number of members to organize a club. The State agent called on the county school superintendent to interest him in the boy's plan. The school super intendent became interested in the work of a county agent and the con versation resulted in Graves County securing an agricultural agent. In turn that resulted in the organization of a pure-bred live-stock association, of which the little boy was a charter member. ? Government News Letter. COMMITTEES IN HOl^E APPROVED AT CAUCUSES. Washington, Dec. 12. ? New house committee assignments were approved today at separate caucuses of Demo crats and Republicans subject to ac ceptance at the regular session. The Democrats did their work quickly, but the meeting of the Republicans was prolonged by an effort to recommcnd seven members, with Miss Rankin as chairman of the special house com mittee on suffrage, instead of the six allotted by the majority to thr- minor ity. The plan finally was abandoned. Miss Rankin was narped the ranking Republican on the committee. The Democrats chose Representative Bak er, of California, chairman of ths committee. Representative Sherlcy, of Ken tucky, was selected by the Democrats as chairman of the house appropria tions committee to succeed Represen tative Fitzgerald, who has resigned, and Representatives Sims, of Tenn essee, was chosen "for the chairman ship of the house interstate commerce committee, in place of Representative Adamson, of Georgia, who has been appointed a member of the board of customs appraisers at New York. American Farmers Are Busy Doing Their Hit. The fact that the farmer is doinn: his shsfte to increase production in meet ing the war emergency is shown by the annual report of the Secretary of Agriculture. He estimates that there will be an increase of 1,000,000 bushels in this year's crop of staples, as com pared with the average for five years of the pre-war period. This is an excellent showing, and brings from the Secretary this statement: "The larmers 01 tne nation nave generally responded to the appeals for increased production, and much has already been dono to insure a larger supply of food and feedstuffs." But he adds that this "justifies no letdown in their activities or in those of all agricultural agencies. On the contrary, even greater efforts must be put forth in the coming months." A plenteous food supply, the most vital of all the nation's needs in the war, must be provided, a supply that not onry will keep the people of the United States healthy and comforta ble, but which will care for the neces sities of our allies, whose production has been so seriously curtailed. The farmer has done his bit this year, and done it nobly, but it will be up to him to do still more in the next year, and thereafter if we are to stand up to our full responsibilities in the production of food. Not only is grain but also in live stock has this county made a good showing, acording to Secretary Hous ton's report. There was an increase of more than a million head in the number of milch cows last year, and twice that great an increase in the number of cattle. This is important and very gratifying. The number of sheep declined about 2,000,000 head as compared with the previous year; but the greatest disappointment lies in the report or tne unmber of hogs. The production, which had shown an up ward tendency during the last few years, fell off more than 4,000,000 head last year. We have been in formed by the food administration that pork is one of the greatest 'neces sities of the allies and that nothing we can send them will be more useful than pork fats. In view of this state ment the decrease in the number of hogs is not encouraging. But it is safe to assume that all the govern ment agencies will be exerted toward stimulating the production of hogs and that a better showing may be anticipated for 1918. With the agricultural interests fully alive to the situation and impressed with their duty in the war emergency, they may be depended upon to do their full share in the work of carrying the war to a successful issue. ? Washing ton Post. OUR LIQUOR LAW UPHELD. The United States Supreme Court has ruled that the North Carolina liquor law which requires the 'rail roads and express companies to keep for inspection records showing the liquor shipments received in the State is constitutional. The Seaboard Air Line Railway was convicted of violat ing the act. It appealed to the Su preme Court. This, the highest tribu nal in tho land, has upheld the act. Justice Van Deventer dissented from the ruling of the Court. HARD BLOW AT USE OF LIQUOR. Veil of Secrecy Torn From Personal - Whiskey Shipments by Ruling in S. A. L. Case. Washington, Dec. 11. ? The decision of the Supreme Court in the case of the Seaboard Air Line railway against the state of North Carolina is a hard blow at the personal use of intoxicat ing liquor in the Old North State. Those who believe that they have a right to secrccy in ordering John Barleycorn are wrong. The Supreme Court upholds the law that authorizes railroad and' express companies to permit citizens to ex amine their records of liquor ship ments. The law requires railroad companies to keep separate books in which shall be entered the name of every person to whom intoxicating liquors is ship ped, the amount, kind, date of re ceipt, and so forth, to be followed by the consignee's signature of acknowl edging delivery. The law also pro vides that the books shall be open for inspection for any officer or citizen, and makes failure to keep them so a misdemeanor. OFFICERS TO BE WEEDED OUT All of Them in Regular Army and National Guard Being Put Through Examinations. Washington, Dcc. 11. ? All general officers of the regular army and na tional guard are being examined by medical boards and efficiency boards "with a view of determining the advis ability of sending them for servicq abroad." In announcing this step late today, Secretary Baker said it was neccessary on account of the unusually severe conditions of service in this war. Commanders for American troops at the fighting front are to be select ed only after rigid investigation of their physical rnd professional fitness for their task. Early announcement of the retirement of some of the gen eral officers is to be expected, as med ical boards already have reported against men in both regular army and national guard service. Red Cross at Kenly. Kenly, Dec. 12. ? Mrs. Y. M. Fuller will address an audience in Kenly Tuesday evening, December 16th, at seven o'clock, in behalf of the Red Cross work. A chapter v/ill be organ ized at this time, and everybody is urged to attend. Are You Safely Insured? Are your home, its contents, your farm buildings, their contents, your livestock, your crops, your automo bile and your life insured? All these forms of insurance are important in * proportion to the value of the various things to be covered. Are you safely insured? Are the provisions of your policy being carefully adhered to that there would be no question of settle ment in case of fire or accident? Many policies covering farm barns are rendered void if an automobile is placcd in tha barn even one day a week. They are rendered void when such materials as gasoline, dynamite, and the like, are stored in or near the building. Following a recent fire, in which a barn was totally destroyed, the owner discovered that for several years his insurance had been worthless because he kept his automobile in the bam. The contract was also voided by the presence of a few sticks of dynamite left over from a contractor's job. Read your insurance policy care fully and consult the agent as to the experience of others in making settle ments. A mere policy is not a guaranty that you will get it% face* Value in case of a loss. Settlements are based upon the circumstances con cerning the loss or accident. ? Country Gentleman. It was announced in the House of Commons Monday that Jerusalem after being surrounded on all sides by British troops had surrendered. The capture of Jerusalem by the British forces marks an end with two brief interludes of more than 1,200 yards possession of the seat of the Christian religion by the Mohamme dans. For 6^5 yeais the Holy City has betn in undisputed ownership of thi Turks.

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