live news items from kenly. Ked Cross Society Enlisting New Workers. Mrs. J. W. Darden En tertains Priscilla Club. Efforts Be ing Made to Sell War Savings Stamps. High School Literary Societies Give Good Programs. Kenly, February 2. ? The Red Cross ?workers of the community are putting forth a great deal of effort at the present time. Mrs. H. P. Johnson, seventh grade teacher, has a cam paign on for the purpose of enlisting every student of the school as a mem ber of the local chapter of the Red Cross Society. A special rally was given at the Sasser Hall Friday night consisting of inspirational addresses, moving pictures dealing with the war, and A variety of refreshments sold for the benefit of the organization. Sun day afternoon at two-thirty o'clock, the colored people of Kenly will be organized. The first shipment of clothing for the soldiers has already been sent to Atlanta, southern head quarters, and another shipment will )u> miiHn wif liin n ftnir /lau? V iiiuuv ~ ? ? v u xv ? ? vtM j ^ ? Tuesday afternoon the Priscilla Club was entertained in the beautiful home of Mrs. J. W. Darden. The guests were met at the door by the de lightful hostess and were immediately ushered into the spacious parlor where they were comfortably seated around a large old open firs platfe. After devoting an hour to fancy work and chatting, the hostess assisted by Mrs. Claude Darden served an ex cellent course of refreshments con sisting of chicken salad, hot coffee, and sandwiches. Immediately there after a business meeting was called, and Mrs. Claude Darden was unani mously elected president to succeed Mrs. R. A. Turlington, who, because of her many other duties had found it necessary to resign. The invited guest? were: Mrs. C. P. Jerome, Mrs. M. B. Andrews, Miss Gladys Wallace, and Miss Augusta McKeithen. The literary societies of the school rendered two splendid programs Fri day afternoon. The subject for de bate in each society was: "Resolved, That the study of Greek and Latin is necessary to a liberal education." The members of the Rollins Society have decided to accept a challenge ex tended to them by the Thalian girls to give a joint public debate at night on Friday, February 22. The public will be invited. On this occasion the two best speakers will be selected to rep resent the school in the triangle de bate. After the program, the Thalian girls will be entertained with a ban quet given by the Rollins boys. Professor Andrews is putting forth special effort to interest the school children in the purchase of War Sav ings Stamps. He has offered a large banner to the class of the high school that invests the largest amount of money in stamps between now and the close of school; the banner will be presented to the winning class at com mencement. He has also announced that he will give a .banner to the students of the room in the elemen tary school who invest the largest amount of money in Savings Stamps this spring. The Farmer In England. Charlotte Observer. What would a farmer in Mecklcn burg County think if a Government agent should come along and pcint out to him the acreage he must cultivate, and failing in obeying orders be ar rested and hailrtl to court, fined or im prisoned or both? That is the propo sition the farmers in England are "up against," as the saying goes. There has been created in Great Britain what is known as the War Agricultu ral Board. It is the duty of this broad to see that every acre of tillable land in the country is put under cultivation. Every idle acre is penalized and the slacked farmers are being prosccuted with typical English court diligence. Both owners of lordly estates and humble croppers are being arrested and brought to account. Free Pumpkin Seed. Mr. Addison Lee, of Ingrams town ship, was here last Saturday and left with us some pumpkin seed which he asked us to hand out free to farmers who .want to plant them. There are four to five seeds to each package of a very fine variety of pumpkin. PERSHING REPORTS ON CLASH. Corporal Erwin March and Private > George A. Kauh Were Killed in Ger man Kaid. Four Slightly Wounded. Washington, Feb. 2. ? Two Ameri- > can soldiers were killed in action and our otii'-rs slightly wounded January 30, the War Department was advised today by General Pershing. Although no details were given, it is assumed that they were the men who i fell when the Germans raided a sector of the American trenches under cover 1 of a barrage fire early last Wednesday 1 morning. The dead are Corp. Erwin March, infantry, Slayton, Minn., and Private George A. Ruah, infantry, New York. One of the wounded is Private John Theron Parks, infantry, Obion, Tenn. General Pershing also reported that one private was slightly wounded in action January 28 and another Jan uary 31st. General Pershing also reported the suicide of an infantry private, the deaths of two infantry privates from accidental gun shot wounds, and that six enlisted men had died from natural causes. GENERAL NEWS. Forty-five persons were killed and 207 injured in the German aerial raid on Paris one night last week. Italians say the Teuton losses in the two-day battle west of the Brenta River last week were between 5,000 and 6,000. The cold was general in the Middle West Friday. At Winona, Minn., tem perature of 33 degrees below zero was registered. Northern Pacific train No. 63, north bound, at Moose Lake Minn., s'rlick a bus in which 20 schoolchildren were riding, Friday, killing seven. America, through the use of the Liberty motor, will decide the supre macy of the air in the world war, ac cording to Major L. C. Eckenfeldcr, of the French military mission. Production of anthracite is now substantially at the maximum point possible with the present working force of 152,000 mineworkers, accord ing to a statement issued Friday by the anthracite operators' committee. Notwithstanding snow interference in coal reginons, the Baltimore and Ohio Friday moved 2,000 more cars than in the 24 hours previous with prospects of a better movement later. There were 230 cars dumped at tide water. A billion and a half dollars' in crease in the value of livestock on farms and ranges in the United States over their value a year ago was re ported Friday by the Department of Agriculture in its annual report. Total value of all such livestock was $2, 265,524,000. Unwarranted price increases in wheat flour substitutes will not be permitted, says a Washington dis patch. Food Administration Friday gave warning to dealers that they must not take advantage of tempo rary shortages in other cereals brought on by the heavy demand the new baking regulations have caused. February started out in Chicago as if it intended to follow the example of the most wintery January the city has ever known. The mercury reached 5 degrees below zero Firday, but slowly worke , back to zero. A blan ket of Fmok kept the city in darkness for three hours, and those concerned with fuel, flour and sugar shortages held Iheir meetings in rooms lighted as at night. Serious conditions which threaten a disastrous flood in the Ohio River were reported to the Railroad Admiri istratic r Friday by the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad management. The riv. r already has forced trains out of th< passenger station at Cincinnati and irt.< rfered with freight movement. Scu ; of Cincinnati, the railway of ficia report, there is an ice gorge, 70 rr lea long and 20 to 40 feet deep, which with the continued rise of water, may cause serious damage. It vas said lower temperature might ivejt t rouble. Farmers can grow whatever they ?? rt to grow, as a matter of course, bu< we arc satisfied that "war bread" will have a great deal to do with what th?y propose to produce this season. ? Wilmington Star. Little services for others that we fref' illy think of as hindrances, may i lw God's highest work for the day. ? Queen's Gardens. AN OLD VETERAN WHITES. Says He Is Willing to (Jo Hungry That Old Glory May Stand Out for World Freedom. Tells of Wheat less, Meatless, (>reasless, Fishless. lieanless and Sugarless Days. Dear Editor: I wish to let my younger friends know a little of ye olden days. Late in the autumn of 1863 while my regi ment was in winter quarters at camp Burgoyne, two miles northeast of the city of Wilmington, it was the custom or rule for the regimental quarter master or commissary to take live or six men and a wagon or two, drive over to Wilmington and bring back a three days' ration of Nassau bacon and flour, which ration consisted of one pound of the bacon and three pounds of flour for three days. If flour could not be had meal was issued instead of flour. We were at liberty to eat it in one day or make it last the three days. We did not get any more till next draw day. t ur tr - ... ?_ a*- T iur. i. w . iviassey a lamer, j.vir. o. D. Massey, was then regimental com missary for the 50th North Carolina at that time. One day he hooked up his team, took his men went to town as usual to get our Nassau. When the wagon came back we marchod up as we diil at other times, but there was nothing in the wagons but coarse corn meal. We said, "Dick, where is our Nassau?" Ilis answer was, "The Georgia soldiers on their way to Petersburg had to have it." He went again, but nothing but meal, nothing but meal. When we saw the situation we stirred our meal into a sort batter and poured it into the baking spider, baked it brown, and ate it up. Those were wkcatless, meatless, greaseless, fishless, sugarless, beanloss, and beef less days. Did we live on that coarse corn bread? Yes, we lived and did not have indigestion either. Nov/, when we are facing the great est crisis and trying to save the World to freedom and lift the burden of tyranny from the shoulders of humanity, we have those among us here and there that are unwilling to sacrifice cne single pleasure that the world may be free. I am 74, but am willing to go hungry that Old Glory may forever stand out to the breeze for the freedom of the world. Remem ber, Valley Foi*ge. Let us be up and doing and with our might and strength rally to the reseuo. J. H. BROADWELL. Micro, Jan. 30, 1918. The Weather Foe. Of all the foes that the United States has to meet the sternest and mest uncompromising is the weather of this winter. When the hope was indulged through a brief thaw that the congestion might be cared for, and, in fact, was being cared for, there set in the great snow of Sun day night that placed the grim em bargo of the blizzard upon transpor tation along the eastern seaboard from the vicinity of New York. Thus the Fuel Administration, thus the government conduct of transpor tation are beset behind and before. The people must, and they will, real ize the insuperable difficulties the weather presents, and they will sus tain without a murmur any measures that may be called forth through the disappointment of hopes indulged ? to some extent disappointment ? when the fuel order was given forth. The American people are giving their manhocd and money for the strife on the other side and are not going to fail in sacrifice and devotion in the onslaught against the congestion that has been so largely induced by the weather. Fighting all other foes, they will fight the weather offset until the worst winter ever ? in its effects upon traffic ? shall become nothing more than a nightmare of the past. ? Balti more American. Title of Emperor of Austria. Charles, the Emperor cf Austria, bears the following official title: "His Imperial and Apostolic Royal Majesty, Emperor of Austria, King of Bohemia, and so forth, and Apos tolic King of Hungary." Cotton Ginned in Johnston. There were 33,120 bales of cotton pinned in Johnston County from the crop of 1917 prior to January 16, TJ18, as compared with 35,251 ginned to January 16, 1917. TO ASSIST IN INCOME TAX. Mr. T. I). Mears, Jr., To lie In Smith field Next \> eek to Help the People Make Out Their Keporls. He Will Also Visit Clayton, Selma and Ben son. ? By order of the Collector of Internal Revenue Mr. Thos. 1). Meares, Jr., In come Tax Inspector, will be in John ston County a part of this week and next for the purpose of informing probable income taxpayers under the laws of the United States of their liability, and also of assisting them in making up their returns. He will have all necessary forms and will be glad to help all who do not fully un derstand the law. If your income for the year 1017 equaled or exceeded $1,000 (if single) or $2,000 (if mar ried) you will have to make up your income report to the Internal Revenue Department. Mr. Meares will be at Clayton Wednesday and Thursday, February Q and <7. At Selma Frday and Saturday, Feb ruary 8 and 9. At Smithfield Monday and Tuesday, February 11 and 12. At Benson Wednesday and Thurs day, February 13 and 14. It is important that these matters be attended to at once, as all returns must be made out by March 1, 1918. POLENTA SCHOOL NOTES. There was a box party at Polenta Friday night, January 18. The boxes were sold well, and the cake for the most popular young lady was pre sented to Miss Dale Weaver, the Music teacher. The boxes and cake brought over seventy dollars, which will go on the payment of the new piano. The girls will begin playing basket ball soon, and we hope to have a good team this year. Owing to the bad weather, the at te lance has not been very good since "CtiHstmas, but we hope it will im prove now. We are very glad to know the patrons are taking so much interest in the school this year. There have been several visitois at Polenta recently. Among them are: Mr. C. T. Young, Mr. J. W. Myatt, Miss Mary Lee and Mr. Wade Brndy, of Benson, and Mr. J. T. Ellington. The teachers' group meeting was held at Polenta January 23rd. The attendance was very good, almost all of the teachers being present. The day was spent in discussion of school affairs, and it was very helpful to the teachers. The teachers and girls organized the Etude Club January 18th. This club will meet twice a month, and it will be a benefit to the students. Mr. Eustance Yelvington visited our school Monday, Jan. 28. ? X. Z. War Savings Stamps. The machinery by which the pur chase of a Thrift Stamp of a War Saving Stamp is to be made as easy and convenient as the purchase of a spool of thread or a pound of nails, in every community in the United States, is rapidly being established. Already 186,000 War Savings Stamp Agencies have been established and by the close of January this number will have been increased by 350,000. In addition to these agencies there will by 1,000,000 "sales stations," which do not receive direct authoriza tion to make the sales from the Sec retary of the Treasury, but obtain their stamps from authorized agents and sell them over their counters at their cashiers' windows, and other places. Fifty thousand post offices now have War Savings Stamps on sale and 29, 000 banks and 8,000 individual firms and corporations have been appointed agents. Nine thousand interstate cor porations having places of business in several States will constitute 115,000 additional agencies. An intensive campaign is now on for the establishing of War Savings societies which can be organized by 10 or more persons in any community, school, club, church, factory or office and can be affiliated with the Nation al War Savings Committee at Wash ington upon application. The corn pone is coming to its own, Mr. Hoover is going1 to make it popu lar and soon everybody will have cracklin' bread, which is the finest bread in the world. ? Wilmington Star. WEATHER SEVERE LP NORTH. So Cold Engine* Freeze To Tracks in New York. Washington, Feb. 2. ? Railways to day received instructions from the railroad administration to take every advantage of the usual Sunday indus trial shut-down and the forced forced suspension Monday under the fuel economy order, to move coal to the big consuming centers in order to ac cumulate small reserves against pos sible emergencies. Little hope was gathered from to day's weather. In northern New York state it was so cold that engines stopped to take water froze to the tracks and it took five other locomo tives to pull them loose. In West Virginia the overflow of streams ham pered the hauling of empty cars to the mines and the withdrawal of l'^ads. The Ohio river, although not rising, was threatening on account of the ice flow, and extention of this condition to other rivers in the middle west was the greatest fear of government railroad officials. Ti?e delivery of coal today waa re ported at about the same low average of the j>ast week. We .Must Feed the Allies. New York World. The British Food Controller, Lord Rhondda, cables to the American Food Administration: "Unless you are able to send the Allies at least 75,000,000 bushels of wheat over and above w"hat you have exported up to Jan. 1, and in addition to the total exportable sur plus from Canada, I cannct take the responsibility of assuring our people that there will be food enough to win the war." Lord Rhondda is a practical busi ness man with great experience in large-scale production. His judgment is confirmed by that of every expert. The trouble that shortage may make in England is already shown by the threatened strike of railroad men on account of food shortages. Our Allies are eating corn and other substitutes for wheat; as Mr. Hoover says, "they must have a wheat foundation for the loaf, just as we ourselves.' They must also have meat and sugar. Very well. Then we must save meat, wheat, sugar, fats or other food in such proportions as may be decided. We must do it cheerfully. We must do it at once. In doing it we need not speak of "sacrifice." It will injure no one to substitute other grains for 30 per cent of his wheat consumption, any of our people would benefit by using less meat and sugar. The sooner war rationing is pre scribed, and if necessary enforced, the better. Let it not be said of the United States hereafter that in the midst of the supreme conflict of civili zation it was too selfish to change slighly the elements of its still abun dant daily food in order that its Allies might be fed. In Memory of a I< riend. It is with a sad heart that I chron icle the death of Mrs. Moses Adams which occurred at their home near Four Oaks, January 25, 1918, at five o'clock a. m. She was born April 23, 1855, making her stay on earth 63 years, 9 months and 2 days. There was never a more devoted wife and mother than she, always ready to lend a helping hand to any one that needed assistance. Mrs. Adams has been a great suf ferer several years with rheumatism and neuralgia. She had been con fined to her bed for six months, but during those long six months of suf fering she bore it patiently. She was married to Mr. Moses Adams at the age of 22 and to their union was born twelve children, six of whom survive her. She has left a broken-hearted husband, six children, and nine grandchildren, three broth ers and a host of relatives and friends to mourn their loss. Mrs. Adams had never united with any church, but she was a strong believer in the Primitive Baptist, always anxious to go to church. She went to sleep as sweetly as a lamb. We feel assured that she is resting and that her sufferings are all over. She was laid to rest in the family cemetery to await the resur rection morn. MAMIE S. Words are either tho handmaiden of thought or the confession of foolish ness. ? Christian Herald. SUNDAY IN THE GREAT WAK. I Allied War Council Sees No Peace and Wants Vigorous War. German Strikers Repressed By Decree of Death For All Who Fail to Report For Work at Once. (Associated Press Summary.) The war is to be prosecuted vigor ously by the Entente allies and the United States until a peace based upon the principle of freedom, ustice and respect for international law is ob tained. This is the decision of. the supreme war council of the countries in arms against the Teutonic allies. The high-sounding phrases in thu recent speeches of the imperial Ger man chancellor and the Austro-Hun garian foreign minister were entirely thrown into the discard by the council at its session at Versailles and it was decided that the war would be vigor ously prosecuted until that time comes when there is justification for the hope theat a peace may be realized in ac cord with the policies laid down by President Wilson and llav id-Lloyd George, the British premier. J Me uermans apparently in earnest, began a "straffing" of the American sector in Lorraine Saturday. I Late in the afternoon they let down a .barrage on the American line on a front of several kilometres, the heavi est in many days, but at last accounts General Pershing's men were answer ing them shot for shot. The casualties among the Ameri cans wore slight when the report was sent and their markmanship had beeiv so offective that several German dug outs had been made untenable. Under the strong repressive meas ures of the military authorities in Germany the general strike continues to deminish in importance and accord ing to semi-official advices from Ber lin, the trouble is expected to cease in the early week. Workmen go Back on Jobs. Already, probably spurred by threats of the military authorities of drastic m action against thim, many workmen ' throughout the empire, and especially ' in the Province of Brandenburg, in which Berlin is situated, again have returned to their duties. In Brandenburg the order of tho military commander telling the dis satisfied workmen that they must re sume their duties was terse and 3iarp and evidently as intended to convey "Employees failing to resume work," said the crder, will be tried by court martial, which is authorized to impose sentence of death, execution to take place within 24 hours of the time the sentence is imposed." The social unrest now has spread to Triest, Austria's principal seaport on the Ardriatic sea. Here also a strike among the shipyard and other workers was declared, the main point of insistence by men, as in Germany, being for peace and better food. On being referred to the premier's recent speech in which Austria's desire for a cessation of hostilities was empha sized, the strikers resumed work. GROUNDHOGS STAY IN DOORS. That is, They Didn't See Shadows. Keeper Routs 'Em. There are two ground hogs at Druid Hill Park, Mr. G. and Mrs. G. All day yesterday the superintendent and several visitors were anxiously waiting ? just to see what the ground hogs were going to do ? whether they were coming out and see their shad ows, and then according to the pre vailing belief, go back into their hole and then let a period of snow, rain and the worst kind of weather ccme, or whether they were going to stay in their hole, and leave the people satis fied that they could expect some good weather in the future. But the ground hogs did not venture out during the whole day, except late in the evening, when the keeper dug them out. Ac cording to tradition, therefore, some pleasant weather may be expected.? Baltimore American, 3rd. Ravages of the White Plague. The National Tuberculosis Associa tion has calculated that one-twen tieth of all the children now in school are doomed to die of that dread dis ease before they reach manhood and womanhood. Some years ago the State of Illinois figured that it was expen ding $1,800,000 every year to educate children who die of tuberculosis beforo they reach the age of twenty. ? Kind Words.

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