GERMAN OFFENSIVE | ON WESTERN FRONT TEMPEST OF RAGING FIRE ON A FIFTY MILE LINE. German Guns Make Savage At tack on British Forces and Penetrate Front Lines at Heavy Cost to Themselves. Germans Use Gas Shells. Attack Began at Five O'clock Thursday Morning and Five Hours later Launched Against Front Line. (News and Observer, 22nd.) British Army Headquarters in France, March 21 ? (Afternoon) ? The Germans this afternoon launched a heavy attack against the British lines over a wide front in and near the Cambrai sector and the assault bears all the ear-marks of being the be ginning of the enemy's much heralded grand offensive. Hard figthing is proceeding from a point north of Lagnicourt southward to Gauchwood, just below Gouzeacourt. The attack was preceded by a heavy bom bardment from guns of all cali bres, and the duel between the opposing heavy batteries has been rocking the countryside for hours. The Germans have employed gas shells freely, and a constant stream of high velocity shells has been breaking with fright ful concussion far back of the British lines. The bombardment began in earnest at 5 o'clock this morning and about 5 hours later the ene my force hurled themselves on the British front line trenches north of Lagnicourt and Louver al, the latter place lying due west of Boursies. At the same tinje other Ger man forces advanced behind a smoke barrage along the ridge running northward from Gou zeaucourt. It may be said that the attack in this region was by no means unexpected by the British and that they made great preparations to meet the on slaught. The two vast forces have been locked in a bitter struggle over this wide front for hours. The bombardment was of a most ter rific nature, and finally the in fantry drove forward against numerous points in the Cambrai sector. The preliminary bom bardment had extended from a point below St. Quentin north to the river Scrape, and at last re ports sanguinary fighting was in progress as far south as the re gion of Haricourt and as far north as Bullecourt. Trying to Drive a Wedge. The early stages of the battle would seem to indicate that the enemy was trying to drive a wedge on both sides of the Cam be penalized by the Food Ad ministration putting such persons on the black list and forbidding the sale to them of such food products for the period of the war or such shorter time as the Food Administration may decide upon. From the above article it will be noted that the Food Admin istrator "will take prompt and drastic action" against violators of this order. Those persons buying such products and th.- merchants selling him such had better take notice and put a stop to it immediately. If they will not desist from a patriotic standpoint then they had better d? so from a fear of criminal prosecution in the U. S. Courts. I call on all good citizens of Johnston County to assist me in the detection and conviction of all persons buying and seeling food products to be manufactured into bockade whiskey, etc. F. H. BROOKS, County Food Administrator. MAYOR EATON TO BE AT KENLY To Speak in the School Auditorium Saturday at Eleven O'clock on the War and Patriotism. Among- the men of the State who are giving of their time and energy to the War Savings campaign Mayor O. B. Eaton, of Winston-Salem, is one of whose words are telling for the work. He is busy hut ho is willing to do what he can to carry on the great work. To win the war is the slogan of the day and every man who gives of his time and his energies is doing something to win in the groat fight. Mayor Eaton will be in Johnston County today and tomorrow to give his voice in the cause for which his townsman, Col. Fries, is working so hard. Mayor Eaton will speak in the School Auditorium at Clayton, tonight. Tomorrow, (Saturday) Mr. Eaton will speak in the School Auditorium at Kenly. The people of Kenly and com munity should hear him. He is a fine speaker ^nd is throwing his heart in the work. It has been suggested that the merchants and business men of Kenly may close their places of busi ness during the speaking hour. We ar^ in a great fight and every time we stop and lend our aid in any way to the carrying on of the war we are doing that much toward crushing German autocracy. First awards of the new American military cross for meritorious service by American soldiers are announced by General Perishinpr. The men hrnor ed are a lieutenant and two sergeant*, who receive the decoration for extra ordinary heroism in action.