YOLUMB>39 SMITHFIELD, N. C., FRIDAY, AUGUST 13, 1920. Number 61. BOX FOR NEW COURT 90USE_AND JAIL. County Commissiohers to be Au thorized to Build'New Court House and Jail for Johnston County—Not to Cost More Than $500,000. A bill authorizing and empowering the County Commissioners of John ston County to issue bonds to build a new court hous4 and jail is to be introduced in the present session of the General Assembly, ifdt has not al ready been introduced.- The first sec tion of the bill reads as follows: The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: Sec. 1. That the board of commis sioners of Johnston County are here by authorized and empowered to have erected in the town, of Smithfield, Johnston County, on'the public square where the present courthouse is now situate, a new courthouse and jail of sufficient size to accomodate the pres ent and future needs of the county, both as to a courtroom, and offices for all the public officers of Johnston County, including a courtroom, at least two jury rooms, judge’s chamber, two consultation rooms, and separate offices or apartments for the clerk of the Superior Court, sheriff, register of deeds, treasurer or auditor, board of county commissioners, grand jury, superintendent of public instruction, and such other officers as in the judg ment of said commissioners may be necessary, which said new courthouse and jail shall cost not less than two hundred thousand dollars, and not more than five hundred thousand dol lars; and shall erect and construct said courthouse with adequate, safe, and suitable fireproof vaults, furni ture and appliances for the use and preservation of the public records, and provide said budding with hot water, steam, or other proper means of heating, so as to avoid the danger of fire incident to the use of fireplaces and stoves; provide said courthouse with proper closets, water and sew erage conveniences and electric or other lights, and properly erect, furn ish, equip, and finish the said court house in a manner suitable, conveni ent, and adequate for the public busi ness of Johnston County. That the jail shall be constructed and erected on top of the new courthouse, and the material used therein shall be fire proof,., and the cells shall be stone. That said jail shall be safe, and suita ble in size and dimensions for the confinement and keeping of all per sons thereto committed. That said jail shall be provided with lights, wa ter, heat and such conveniences as shall make the same sanitary. The second section of the bill au thorizes the board of commissioners to employ a competent and reputable architect who shall prepare and furn ish plans, etc., and after such plans have been accepted to advertise for bids for the erection and completion of such courthouse and jail. The third section authorizes the said board of commissioners to issue not less than two hundred thousand nor more than five hundred thousand dollars worth of bonds to pay the cost of building and completing said courthouse and jail. They are to bear not less than four per cent nor more than six per cent iaterest. Or they are given power, in their discretion, to borrow money and give notes or other evidences of indebtedness for the building of said courthouse and jail. Section four provides for the levy ing and collecting of taxes to pay in terest on these bonds and create a sinking fund not to exceed ten cent on the humdred dollars worth ef prop erty and 30 cents on the poll. The succeeding sections o fthe act amplify and explain the machinery for carrying out the principal provis ions of the act. The Herald will carry a complete copy of the bill as drawn in its issue for Tuesday, August 17. The Geological Survey reports that the soft coal production for the month of July in the United States is 44, 000,000 tons over July 1919. If the miners will go to work and the rail roads can get in position to haul the coal there need be no shortage of coal this winter. ,rii*