BANNER WAREHOUSE OPENING SALE— Tuesday, September 7th, 1920 For 23 Years the Leading Warehouse in Johnston County. NOW we are in better shape to serve you than ever before. Bring us the first load you sell and we will see that you get the HIGHEST PRICE possible. Your friends PATTERSON SKINNER SMITHFIELD, N. C. P. S.~Keep your tobacco dry, handle it nice and don9t sell to pinhookers. n With the PHILCO Slotted Retainer1 Guaranteed For Two Years MOST Automobile Starting and Lighting Bat teries are not guaranteed at all. Some are guaranteed for short periods. Others are guaranteed by the Service Stations that sell them and ,not by the manufacturers. Nona o$ these gives you the business-like protection and assurance of continuous, satisfactory service that you should have. Mind you, we do not claim that there are no other good batteries—for there are. But we do claim that the Philadelphia Diamond (irid Battery, with its two exclusive engineering features—the Diamond Grid—built like a bridge for strength —and the Philco Slotted Retainer, is more than a “good ” battery— It it a battery whose engineering betterments justify the manufacturers in backing their confidence tn it by its Two Year Storage Battery Service Station Smitheld, N. NEW BATTERIES For sale, rent or exchange and guaranteed eighteen to twenty-four months. OLD BATTERIES Recharged, repaired and rebuilt and guar anteed six to eight months, at EXCLUSIVE STORAGE 1IA the TTERY SERVICE STATION JAS. H. KIRKMAN, Mgr. ESTABLISHED 1910 SMITHF1ELD, N. C. FULL SUPPLY on HAND. Flour, Meal, Chicken Feed, Hay, Oats and other feed stuffs always in stock. Fancy and Staple Groceries. Canned Goods and Package Goods and other good things to eat can always be found here. Come and bring us your country produce. Turnage & Talton Smithfield, N. C. TuaiaiaiaigcignintJHiHliilaiBfaBtiejilnirdfaiaiHfBraMiiliaBig*! Reed Estate FOR SALE If you want to buy or sell farm land or city property see J. A. CORBETT Selma, N. C. Agent for Kennedy Moye Realty Co. !jp Office over |*2 Corbett & Woodard Store Selma, N. C. m £*«*»***!« If you want Engraved Busine ss Cards, or Engraved Visiting Cards, latest styles. Engraved Wedding Invitations, leave your orders at The Herald Office, Smi th field. SS Si S| bl £ HR *i ‘li & Si Si Si ifi RELIABLE GROCERIES In the select line of groceries which I carry the pub lic will find quality of the highest order and the lowest prices that the goods can be sold for. If you have not alrea \y given me a trial come to see me today. All phone orders given prompt attention. Phone 208 and 237 E. A. Johnson PHONE NO. 208-237 SMITHFIELD, N. C. PHONE NO. 208-237 Notice We are about to finish the complete overhauling of the for mer Lizzie Cotton Mill and Vil lage at Selma. This now makes a completely new Plant and Vil lage. We have new Overseers and will strive to maintain the best of working conditions, . maintaining a high Moral Stand ard. We will use the best of Cot ton, keep things in proper shape and pay the best of wages. Rent and Electric Lights free to those working with us. We are very anxious to secure several good Families of Help in starting up. We will be glad to hear from anyone interested by letter, over the Phone or in person. We have a fine Truck ready to come for you. w SELMA, NORTH CAROLINA. ifi | Eastern Mfg. Company | ifi £ FARMS FOR SALE s ifi £ ifi ifi ifi * £ Several Fat ms For Sale. It will pay you to see me Before You Buy. E. F. Boyett Smithfield, N. C. £ a S Hi if a ic if 1 If if if tf if if if if if ifilfiifiiRifiifiifiifiifiifiifiifiifiifiifiSifiifiifiifiifiifiifiifiifiifiifiifiifilfilfi if