v **■ VOLUME 39 SMITHFIELD, N. C., TUESDAY, OCT. 19, 1920 NUMBER 80 MRS. JERMAN MADE GOOD ADDRESS HERE Mrs. Palmer Jerman,' of Raleigh spoke to a large crowd of ladies, witl a considerable sprinkling of men, a the Court House yesterday afternoon Mrs. Jerman is a handsome womar of dignified bearing, and her costum< a perfectly plain coat suit of blue witl large taupe velvet hat, was approp riate and becoming. Chairman George Ross Pou, of th( county Executive Committee intro duced her, and stated that the Repub limans had not been able to secure i North Carolina woman to speak foi their party in this county, but hac been compelled to send out of th< state, and get Mrs. Bauer, of Rhod< Island, to present Republican prin cipies. Mrs. Jerman made a strong presen tation of the principles and aims of the Democratic party, from a woman’s view point and her remarks were fre quently applauded. She spoke of the duty of all women to register and vote, whether they had been in favor of suffrage or not, and referred to the ease and simplicity of the process. She spoke of the San Francisco Con vention to which she was a delegate, and said that the aims of the woman hood of the nation, were embodied in 15 planks, of which that convention incorporated 14 of them into i