ONE GROUP Consisting of 29 Only d* LADIES WINTER «P COATS and DOLMANS 00 Val. up to It’s tough to sell these coats at this ri diculous low price, but we are game and are taking our loss cheerfully. Materials: Velour, Velvet, Kersey Cloth, some have fur-fabric collars. Colors: Navy, Brown, Black, Wine, tan —all sizes. W. L WOODALL’S SONS “Smithfield’s Shopping Center V SMITHFIELD, N. C. j Loaded With! Merchandise PERCALE PRINTS light or dark Colors Per Yard I’ll flatly refuse to sell this Percale to people who make me think they are buying it for resale. Every yard was bought for the benefit of our customers and friends and-SO HELP ME, THAT’S WHERE IT GOES! A Startling Community Sensation—We Break the Backbone ot the H l. ot L. LADIES VOILE WAISTS HANDSOMELY MADE CHILD’S EZ UNION SUITS Sizes 2 to 14 up to 85c VaL 4ow at only«tlt. $3.50 Value Well Made Ladies House DRESSES $1.79 35c Value Outing FLANNEL Light Color Per Yard 14c Beldings” Guaranteed TAFFETA All Colors $4.00 Value Per Yard $2.45 36-In. Bleach ed INDIAN HEAD 50c Value Per Yard 27c 9 STOCK UP ON STOCKINGS IHMMk a* Ladies black cotton hose, 35c val. all sizes.. Ladies silk Lisle hose 75c value, now at_ 14c 39c CORSETS The famous “LACAMILE” and R. & G. Brands $1.25 CORSETS 7$C Now $3.00 CORSETS Now - $1.98 Now -- - $8.00 CORSETS Now - $10.00 CORSETS Now __ - $5.85 $7.25 THESE LOW PRICES .WILL TURN THINGS T OPSYTURVY I CAME HERE clear from Minneapolisito fulfill my contract with Woodall s Sons to sell $35,000 worth out of their $80,000 stock within 15 days, and -_ - - - - WATCH ME DO IT! Selling is my business for 28 years, and 1 believe in true value giving. I never knowingly misrepresent or mistake a value. \Vnen I state a former price as in this double page aniiouncement, it means that it formerly so at that price. I do not exaggerate valuesj. I would not lend my name to any sale; there is not enough money in Smith field or anywhere else to tempt me. L. Woodall’s Sons have built up a reputation during the past 33 years on the foun dation of honest dealings, honest advertising and the handling of only first c jS| merchandise. I therefore believe that hoUiesty is the best and safest policy an am truly going to give you the best merchandise values possible. , _ NOT A SELECTED FEW, BUT EVERY; ARTICLE IN THE HOUSE ON SALE Many of the so-called sales now on offer' only a few selected items as BAH , marked low to get you interested, the resfi of the stock is being sold at regular price. Not so here. Everything, and when we *ay “everything” we mean all the word conveys. This mighty sale should pack 'this store. Y ou are not going to buy mer chandise at retail prices here. You are buying at factory and wholesale prices. Yes, in many instances even lower. COME—Feel the pulse of the low prices. 1 you haven’t the money, borrow it! j ; SJEFAN 81x 90 BLEACHED-SjjEAMLESS _ 36-In. Heavy Grade, Light or Dark PERCALE 50c p*,l"ArJ0W18c A. C. A. Best Feather TICKING 75c Value. Grab it quick at, per yd. i 40c Value Hickory SHIRTING Per Yard 17c 30c Value PLAIDS Per Yard 15c 30c Val. heavy weight LL Sea Island un bleached SHEETING 13c 36-In. Good BLEACHING free of starch 40c Grade now BLANKETS PRICES TUMBLE 66x80 Wool finish BLANKETS. $6 val. $3.75 72x80 All Wool Plaid BLANKETS Worth $12.50 $6.95 PETTICOATS ENORMOUS SAVINGS $3.00 Value best Sateen PETTICOATS $1^79 Now Up to $15.00 Finest Silk PETTICOATS ©/» Qff Now_«f 362 PAIRS OF LADIES HIGH GRADE DRESS SHOES $8.50, $9.00, $10.00, $12.50, $15.00 Value Lace, Kid or Gun Metal, French or Military Heels; Gray, Tan, Brown, Black, Fieldmouse All sizes—All Widths. Phenominal Values at J. P. COATS COTTON THREAD White or Black All Numbers Per Spool T t 30c Good Grade Turkish TOWELS 1 Georgette Crepe, Crepe de Chine, Chiffon Taffetas All Colors, $4.00 Val. $1.85 Per Yard CHILD’S WASH DRESSES, Boys Wash Suits 1-2 PRICE 56-In. All Wool Storm or French SERGE All Staple colors $5.00 Value Now per yard $0.98 LADIES! You Must Hurry Here to get This 150 Pairs of Ladies, and Child’s PUMPS AND OXFORDS Per Pair This lot contains values up to $6.50—Lines we are going to discontinue. Boys Shoes Sizes 9 to 2 $4, $4.50 Val. Boys Shoes Sizes 21 to 6 $5, $7.50 Val. Boys Shoes $2.75 $3.85 Everything in Our INFANTS DEPARTMENT 12 PRICE Kiddie-Koops, Coats, Wraps, Hoods, Bonnets, Bands, Blankets, Hose, Booties, Underwear $50,00 FREE ‘ JUST GIVEN AWAY! IN ORDER to arouse your friendly interest in this mighty SALE we will give away to first 50 grownups who enter our store when the doors are , thrown open at 9 a. m. on THURSDAY morning a coupon, good for j $1.00 in trade. You don’t have to buy a penny’s worth, if you don’t want to. It will pay R. R. fare for quite a distance and IT’S FREE. Hop in to your trading clothes and be here EARLY!!! THIS IF FOR THE “EARLY BIRDS” Sweaters For Ladies, 4 • And Children I W 1^M| g% f\ Beautiful Jl I Ivv Selection LADIES OF SMITHFIELD AND SURROUNDINGS-THIS IS YOUR CHANCE— $25,000.00 WORTH OF THE NEWEST COATS, DRESSES, WAISTS AND SKIRTS Are going to be sold here in the next two weeks. How? Prices are—that’s the secret. There is not a garment in the lot that is not marked far below what was paid for it. Many of these garments have just lately been received. It makes no difference, they are going and going fast. The price is the thing, and I have slaughtered the prices on these garments until every one of them will be gone, and that quickly. Each of these lots con sists of several garments. I am not wasting space advertising one garment at a ridic ulous price to get you here. Every lot has a run of sizes, and if you hurry you will re ceive the bargain surprise of your life. _Come down and look them over. COTTON GROWERS-READ!! WE WILL PAY YOU FOR YOUR COTTON, MIDDLING OR OAp ABOVE, PER POUND___ IN EXCHANGE FOR MERCHANDISE. This startling announcement surely will bring tears of joy to you folks who have quantities of cotton on hand, for which other buyers have been offering 14c and less. Just Think what itmeans, to get top prices in addition to our competition- de fying low sales prices—it means double Savings for you. We are making extraordinary concessions in order to let you all participate in this sale. LIBERTY BONDS TAKEN WAR SAVINGS STAMPS DIxIlNCi ALL taken at market value in ex YOUR COTTON change for Merchandise. at market value in exchange for Merchandise. CA| p STARTS Oil JL—* L* RAIN OR SHINE THURSDAY, JAN. 13 NINE A. M. SHARP $1.25 Value Child’s ^ UNION SUITS All Sizes W. L. WOODALL’S SONS, Remember: Thu. 9 A.M. Sale Starts! Hitch Up Early. Let Your Breakfast Dishes Go