JOHNSTON CO. WELL REPRESENTED U.N.C George Ragsdale Sends Ac count First County Club Feed of the Year Chapel Hill, Nov. 17.—The Johns ton County Club, composed entirely of Johnston County men attending the University, held its first informal feed of the year here last night. Al most all the men from the county who are in attendance here attended the gathering, which was a most enjoy able one. After a short business ses sion the refreshments were served, which consisted of cakes, grapes, bananas, and oranges. After that, cigarettes and bottled drinks were served by the refreshment committee. The first meeting of the year was held last week and the officers elect ed. Those elected were W. J. Bare foot, president; G. Y. Ragsdale, vice president; and B. B. Ray, sec. and treas. It is the plan of the C%ib to holl meetings several times during each quarter, and to have at least one feed each quarter. By doing this, the boys will stay in closer touch with one an other, and it is felt that they will be come better acquainted with each oth er at each meeting. The following men from Johnston County are in attendance: W. J. Bare foot, Benson; N. C. Barefoot, Benson; W. M. Sanders, Jr., Smithfield; C. E. Williams, Benson; J. O. Elling ton, Jr., Clayton; S. E. Hobbie, Clay ton; E. C. Jernigan, Benson; G. Y. Ragsdale, Smithfield; W. J. Talton, Selma; B. B. Ray, Selma; L. P. Liles, Wilson’s Mills; Herman Easom, Sel ma; J. R. Temple, Selma; S. W. Wor ley, Selma;. W. H. Massey, Princeton; R. L. Ray, Jr., Selma; Clarke Fitz gerald, Micro; Kenneth Coats, Smith field; Frank Pearce, Micro; J. P. Fields, Selma; Mr. Hales, Kenly; Mr. Poole, Clayton; Hiram Gerald, Micro. G. Y. RAGSDALE, Reporting Clerk. The Parables of Safed the Sage. I journeyed in the Land of the Big Red Apple, where they raise fruit as delicious as that wherewith Eve tempted Adam. For Eve knew her business, and the Apple is Some Fruit. And I saw the trees laden with fruit, and the ground beneath them growing green with Alfalfa. And I asked, Whence cometh the water, wherewith these trees are nourished? For the clouds dry not their rain, neither is there melting snow upon the distant hills. And they showed me a deep well that went down an hundred cubits. And at the bottom I saw an Engine that worked with Hlectrik I^ower, and rested not day nor night. And the engine lifted the water in* a Mighty Stream so strong that when it reached the surface they ad to hurl it against a wall to take away its violence and divide it into smaller streams lest it tear up the very ground. And the waters flowed unto Many Orchards and watered the trees. And they brought forth fruit in their season, neither are there any years when the crop faileth for lack of water. For there is a Mighty River that floweth uifder the ground, and its flow is perpetual. And everything doth grow, whither-so-ever the river cometh. And when I saw these things I said, Behold there be many men whose lives are Sterile and Barren of good works who might Grow and Blossom and Bear Fruit. For there floweth under the feet of every man str<3aiT