VOLUME 42 SMITHFIELD, N. C., TUESDAY, JULY 3, 1923 NUMBER 53 11,000 IMMIGRANTS SEEK AMERICA _ j Scores of Aliens Doomed To Disappointment; Ellis Island Crowded. New York, June 30.—Eleven thou sand immigrants from 42 countries tonight impatiently waited on 24 liners in Gravesend Bay for the race into quarantine and admittance to the United States. Scores of aliens who leaned over the ships’ rails gaz ing Wistfully the shores of America, are doomed to disappoint ment, as several quotas will be filled by noon tomorrow. A score or more liners are racing across the Atlantic with other thou sands of hopeful immigrants who must return to the Near East and Asia after spending the savings of a lifetime on the 5,000 mile trip. Each of two ships which arrived today from Greece had more than enough passengers to fill the quota for that country. All passengers on the ship that comes in second will have to be returned. Will Have To Return The allotments for two continents Asia and Africa, and six countries, Greece, Palestine, Turkey, Syria, Memel and Albania will be filled by noon tomorrow, officials said, and people who have travelled all the way here from their distant homes will have to return without setting foot on the mainland. Twenty per cent of the quota from each country will b