yOL. 43 NO. 55 Chamblee Wins Over Thurston By Small Majority For House Total Vote Is Light; Chamb lee Gets 1,137 Votes As Against 995 For His Op ponent Thurston. GRIST LEADS IN COUNTY The second primary, held Saturday July 5, brought out a very light vote, there being only two places to fill— one on the county ticket for House of Representatives, and one on the State ticket, for Commissioner of Labor and Printing. The vote re sulted in a victory for P. B. Chamb lee candidate for the legislature over D. J. Thurston, by a majorty of 142 votes, and victory for Grist, candi date for Commissioner of Labor and Printing, over M. L. Shipman. The total vote in the county was a little above 2000 votes, or about two thirds of the vote on June 7. The vote for candidates for the legislature by townships is as fol lows,: Chamb- Thurs Township lee ton Smithfield 504 22 Bentonville 12 10 Pine Level 45 24 Selma 98 50 Ingrams 59 25 Banner (East) 1 17 Banner (West) 12 97 Clayton 24 389 Beulah 14 74 Cleveland 29 29 Boon Hill 78 52 Meadow 38 33 Pleasant Grove 15 10 Wilders 40 42 O’Neals 123 13 Elevation 7 41 Micro 2 31 Wilson’s Mills 36 36 Totals 1,137 995 The latest reports in the State give Grist a majority over Shipman. With 506 precincts reported out of 1,719, the totals in the race were as follows: Grist 39,146, Shipman 19, 351. These totals represent 43 conn., ties of the State of which only seven were complete. MISS TUTTLE GiVEN HONOR AT CONVENTION Miss Emeth Tuttle, Director of the Bureau of Child Welfare, received a signal honor at .the Natioaal Con vention of Social Workers at T ron to, Canada, when she was appoint or one of the seven members rf the national committee co d chil Iren of the home age, th'Otgh Mothi r’s Aid. Miss Tuttle is the only mem. ber of the committee ■'ro.n ■ So. th en state. The convention this year met at Toronto, Canada, upon invitation of the Canadian Association, rd Miss Tuttle was on the pugrem f • an address on Mother's tV.d work in North Carolina. She n of the convention el id not affect the two-thirds rule or the unit rule. By this action, the conven tion approved the stand of the 15 minority candidates, including Gov ernor Smith. Mr. McAdoo’s counter proposal did not come up for a vote. The text of the resolution adopted by the convention on motion of former Governor Gilchrist of Florida, was as follows: That the time has arrived when in the opinion of delegates, should be and are hereby released from any pledges or instructions of any kind whatsoever touching upon any can_ didacy for the nomination of the presidency. The McAdoo people passed the word that Mr. McAdoo wanted all his people for the resolution as he did not wish to appear as an ob structionist, The result was that the votes in favor of the motion tumbled in so fast that its passage was as sured before the roll call was half over. The effect of the releasing of delegates from instructions and pledges, w'hile retaining the unit rule and two thirds rule, will be de veloped in the balloting immediately BALLOTING TODAY Seventy-Eighth Ballot McAdoo 511; Smith 363 1-2; Davis, of West Virginia, 73 1_2; Ralston 5; Robinson 221-2; Ritchie 16 1-2; Walsh 6;y Saulsbury 6; Ferris 17; Bryan 3; Gerard 1; Roosevelt 1. Two absent. Total 1,096. Seventy-Ninth Ballot McAdoo 507 1-2; Smith 366 1-2; I Davis 71; Underwood 50; Glass 17; 1 Ralston 4; Robinson 28; Ritchie 16_ 1-2; Walsh 6; Saulsbury 6; Ferris 18; Gerard 1; Roosevelt 1; Bryan 3.. Two absent. Total 1,096. Eightieth Ballot McAdoo 454 1-2 Smitft 367 1-2; Davis, of West Virginia, 73 1-2; Un derwood 46 1_2; Glass 68; Ralston 5; Robinson 29 1-2; Ritchie 16 1-2; Walsh 5; Saulsbury 6; Owen 1; Fer ris 17 1-2; Josephus Daniels 1; Bryan 4 1_2; Roosevelt 1. - Two absent. Total 1,096. Eighty-First Ballot McAdoo 433; Smith 365; Davis, of West Virginia, 70 1-2; Underwood 48; Glass 73; Ralston 4; Robinson 29 1-2; Ritchie 16 1-2; Walsh 8; Sauls bury 6; Owen 21; Barnett; Josephus Daniels 1; Bryan 4 1-; Ferris 16; Roosevelt 1. Two absent. Total 1,096. Eighty-Second Ballot McAdoo 413 1-2; Smith 366; Davis of West Virginia, 71; Underwood 49; Glass 78; Ralston 24; Robinson 28 1-2; Ritchie 16 1-2; Walsh 4; Saulsbury 6; Owen 21; Ferris 12; Bryan 4 J-2; Josephus Daniels 1; Roosevelt 1.