FOUR OAK.5 Four Oaks, Aug. 20. Mrs. R. B. Strickland returned home Sunday from Elm City where she has been visiting: here parents, Her sister, Miss Lulu Pugh returned with her for a week visit. Mrs William Sanders is spending the week in Goldsboro with relatives. Mrs. Garland Alderman of High Point, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Adams, of Washington. D. are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Adams this week. Mrs. D. S. Brewer and daughter, Margaret, of Raleigh were the guests of Mrs, Carson Adams last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Creech of, Norfolk, Va., and Mr. and Mrs. Levinson of Coats are the guests of j Mrs. Laura Creech. Mr, G. A. Thornton of Goldsboro visited his sister, Mrs. W. J. Lewis,, here Friday. Messrs. W, J. lx:wis, and J. H. Austin left Sunday for Richmond, Va., and Baltimore, Md., where they will spend a few days. They were joined in Selma by a party from Clayton. , , Miss Esther Creech, Mrs. J. IL Strickland and Mr. John Shaffer left Saturday for Fallschurch, Va., where they will visit for some time Miss Clyde Sanders, Mr and Mrs. J. W. Sanders were in Fayetteville, j Tuesday shopping. Miss Ona Adams is spending a few I days in Raleigh with Mrs. W. H. Brewer. Miss Sophia Wellons spent a few days in Wilson last week, the guest of Miss Kate Murray. Mr. Rudolph Stanley is visiting his father in Washington, 1). C. this week. He is taking a preliminary ex- j amination to enter West Point. The following boys returned from i Fort Bragg, Saturday after two weeks’ of training there: Messrs, i Gilbert Grady, Rudolph Stanley, I Buster and Hugh Wellons, Clarence Stanley, Julius Strickland and Luby .Royal 1. Mr. T. R. Barbour is in the Cum berland General Hospital at Fayette ville, His many friends hope that he will be out very soon. Mrs, Stephenson, the mother of I Mrs. Ed Stanley of this city, died yesterday at her home near Wilson. The funeral and interment will take place today at two o’clock at Town Creek church. Miss Luna and Mr. Richard Lewis j and Mr. U. B. Strickland motored 1 to Elm City Sunday. SELMA Selma, Aug. 20.—Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Henry have returned from a trip to Asheville and Henderson ville. They report a delightful trip, Mr. and Mrs. 1). M. Willets and children spent the week end in Durham. Mrs. Fred Waters has gone to Chapel Hill where she will spend some time with Mr. Waters. Mr. and Mrs. W’. C. Waddell spent last week at Morehead and other points. Miss Lelia Straughan spent a few days at Pine Level last week. Misses Minnie and Martha Bass ' from Rosewood and Ruth Brewer from Princeton were the guests of Misses Velma and Hazel Brown iast week. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wiggs spent j Sunday in Fayetteville. Miss Mae Straughan is spending i some time in Goldsboro with friends. Miss Vic Kirby spent a few days at White Lake last week. She reports a delightful time. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Woodard are spending their vacation at Asheville and other points in the Western part of the State. Miss Ruby Holland from Raleigh passed through Saturda ynight en route to Birmingham, Ala., and stop- j ped over for a short while with her Bister, Mrs. E. V. Woodard. Mrs. Dora Hamilton and children accompanied by Mr. Charlton Quick Charlie David and Linwood Wade of Clio, S. C., are spending a few' days | with her sister, Mrs. O. P. Rayford. ! They motored through the country'. ! Mr. J. T. Creech and son, Oscar, j left Monday night for Asheville. Miss Lelia Straughan spent Sun- ' day at Seven Springs. Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Woodard and children spent Sunday at Buie’s Creek. Mr. Norman Rayford with his friends, Messrs. Charlton Quick, Char lie David, and Linwood Wade spent Monday in Raleigh. They report a delightful trip. Mr. John Lacy Deans has returned from a visit to his uncle, Mr. J. A. Mitchner, Jr., Mr. Mitchiner return. ed with him for a few days. CLAYTON Clayton, Aug. 20.— Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Gulley, of Simms are visiting in Clayton this week. Miss Dixie Jones, of Goldsboro, is visiting her sister Mrs. Fred Hil liard, this week. Mr. L. L. Slaughter, of Selma was here for a short while Monday af ternoon, Mrs. Loornis Liles, of Durham is visiting relatives here this week. Miss I.alive Vestal, of Siler City, spent Tuesday with Hugh A. Page. Miss Sarah Richardson is the house guest of Miss Louise Wrenn of M(.'Cullers this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Earle of Louis burg, are visiting Mr. and Mrs, J. L. Godwin this week. Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Lowry, of Nor folk spent the past week end with Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Penn. Mr. C. M. Freeman, of Troy, has accepted a position as cashier with the Southern Railway, Mr. B. M. Parrish and family have moved back to Clayton and are mak ing their home on Barbour Street. Misses Jennie Lind, and Nina Bell Lowry of Norfolk, are visiting Miss Pattie Penn for a few days. Miss Winona Hudson, of Oxford returned home Tuesday after visiting Mrs. J. W. Massey for ten days. Mr. H. P. Brown has returned from a ten days vacation .and is back at his post at the Farmers Bank. , Mrs. Chas, G. Gulley and children and Mrs. 1C. V. McCullers have gone to Connelly Springs for a few days. Miss Margaret Arthur has rreturn ed from Islington, Va„ where she has been visiting relatives for the past month. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Murray and children of Lexington, Va., are visit ing at the home of Mrs. J. M. Au thor this week. , Mrs. G. Thurman Smith and Mrs. Jesse C. ICllis motored to Apex Tues day, spending the day with Mrs. It. C. Sears. Master Hugh Page Jr., returned Wednesday from Sanford where he spent two weeks with his grand father, Mr. T. A. Riddle. Mr. W. F. Weathers, assistant cashier of the Clayton Banking Co , and Mrs. Weathers are spending a weeks’ vacation at Lake View. Mr. E. M. Canaday of Richmond, district manager of the Western Union Telegraph Co., was in Clayton yesterday looking after plans inci_ dental to moving the local office to quarters down town within the next few days. NOTICE OF APPLICATION. FOR PARDON Notice is hereby given that appli cation will be made to the Governor of North Carolina at an early date for the pardon, or parole, of M. M. Fish, convicted at August Term 1924 of Johnston County Superior Court of an assault with a deadly weapon and sentenced at that time to a term of six months on the Smithfield roads. This August 28rd, 1924. MRS. M. M. FISH. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION This is to notify the public that I am no longer connected with the Talton & Boykin Garage of Micro, N. C., having sold my interest to B. T. Boykin July 19, 1924. He will collect all accounts and pay all bills. This August 25, 1924. H. L .Talton Micro, N. C. NOTICE The undersigned having qualified as Administrator on the estate of Dallas Lee, deceased, hereby notifies all persons having claims against said estate to present the same to me duly verified on or before the 14th day of August, 1925, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; and all persons indebteded to said estate will make immediate payment. This 14 day of August, 1924. RUFUS LEE. Administrator. NOTICE The undersigned having qualified as Administrator on the estate of J. R. Ellis deceased, hereby notifies all persons having claims against said estate to present the same to me duly verified on or before the 31 day of July, 1925 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; and all persons indebted to said estate will make immediate payment. This 31 day of July, 1924. W. A. OWENS, Administrator. NOTICE By virtue of the authority contain. 1 ed in a Chattel Mortgage executed to the undersigned by J. C. Gordon and dated the 17th day of April, 1923, and duly registered in the Register's Office of Johnston .County in Book I No. 132, page 274, the undersigned j will sell at public auction, for cash, I it the Court House door in the town of Smithfield, N. C., SATURDAY I THE 13 DAY OF SEPTEMBER^ 1921 at 12 o’clock M., the following property to-wit: One three horse power motor, one h md saw, one buzzy planer, one drill pr hr, two forgers. 2 Ames shaftings pulleys, 2 belts and all other tools owned by J. C, Gordon, now in lrs shop. This Glh day of August, 1921. THEL HOOKS, M. D. Mortgagee. NOTICE OF SALE OF VALUABLE LOT Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by that certain Deed of Trust execut. ed to me as Trustee for the Farmers Bank & Trust Co., by C. H. Fort and wife Mary E. Fort on the IDt.h day of September, 1923, and recorded in the Registry of Johnston County in Book No. 12"> at page No. 534 etc., I will under and by virtue of the power of sale vested in me by said Deed of Trust and at the request of the cestui que trust, and for the pur pose of discharging the debt secured by said Deed of Trust, proceed to sell to the highest bidder, for cash at the Court House door in ^mith field, N. C., t 12 o’clock M., on Mon day the 8th day of September, 1924, the following described property to wit. Beginning at an iron stake in the Northern edge or line of Market street in the Town of Smithfield, Oscar Merritt’s corner and runs Northward along his line about 140 feet to another iron stake on the South edge of the Smithfield and Goldsboro road, thence Westward along line of said road, 54 feet to another stake Florence T. Parker’s comer thence Southward along the line and parellel with first line about 140 feet to Market street an iron stake; thence Eastward along Mar ket street 54 feet to the beginning, containing a fractional part of an acre, and being the lot of which the Wilson House is situated and being part of Lot No. 3, in the Fuller-Mas sey Railroad company addition to the Plan of the Town of Smithfield, N. \ C. This the 8th day of August, 1924. R. ( . GILLETTE, Trustee. JOHN A. NAfUlON, Attorney. NOTICE The undersigned having qualified as Administrator on the estate of J. :1. Boykin, deceased, hereby notifies all persons having claims against estate to present the same to me duly erified on or before the Gth day of, Vugust 1925, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; and; all persons indebted to said estate i will make immediate payment. This G day of August, 1924. J. M. BOYKIN and ROSETTA BOYKIN, Admrs. I SALE OF VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY Acting under a judgment of the Superior Court of Johnston County in the matter of Chas. Davis vs. W. Ryal Woodall and R. P. Holding, Administrator of Geo. T. Pool, and Chas. I. Pierce, the undersigned Com missioner will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door of Johnston County in Smithfield, on Monday Sept. 8th, 1924 at 12 M, the following described pro perty situated in the Town of Smith field: First Lot: Beginning at the cor ner. formed by the intersection of Hines Avenue with Caswell Street, and runs thence along the western dge of Hines Avenues W. 29 1-2 E. iOo feet to corner of Lot No. 53, in the division of the Beckwith lands os is piattyd and recorded Book “X”, No. 8, page 400, Johnston County Registry; thence with the F. II. Brooks line N. 60 1-2 W. 132 1-2 feet to a stake; thence S. 29 1-2 W. parallel with Hines Avenue 105 feet to ( aswell Street; thence with the northern edge of Caswell Street S. mi i-2 E. 132 1-2 feet to the begin ning. Second Lot: Beginning at the cor ner. formed by the intersection of Caswell Street with Fifth Street in the Town of Smithfield, and runs thence northerly with Fifth Street 105 feet to stake, corner of Lot No. 34; thence in a line pareflel with Caswell tsreet 123 1-2 feet to a stake, corner of lo t No. 53; thence South parrellel with Fifth Street 105 feet to Caswell Street; thence with Caswell Street to the beginning. Upon this lot is situated a commodious dwelling with all mod ern improvements. This August 5th, 1924. S. & HOLT. Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE OF VALUABLE LOT Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by that certain Deed of Trust cxeeu tcd to me As Trustee for the Fanners Bank & Trust Co., by W. J. Stanley and wife Martha I. Stanley cn the 4ih day of January, 1924, an 1 re corded in the Registry of Johnston county in book 145 at page No 187 etc. I will under and by virtue of pow er of sale vested in me by said Deed of Trust, and at the request of the cestui que trust, and for the purpose of discharging the debt secured by said Deed of T*’ust, proceed to sell to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Court House door in Smithfield, N. C., at 12 o’clock M„ on MONDAY, THE 8th day of SEPTEMBER, 1924, the following described property, to wit. Beginning at B. I. Tart’s corner in Sanders Street, North 280 feet to next street with Tart’s line, thence West 150 feet to Cross Street lead- ] ing from Railroad, thence, South 280 j feet with said street to Sanders1 street, thence East 150 feet to the be- 1 ginning, containing one (1; acre,: more or less. i This the 8th day of August, 1924.: R. C. GILLETTE, Trustee. 1 JOHN A. NARRON, Attorney. School Supply Headquarters A COMPLETE STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND Hood Bros, has been designated official headquarters fo rschool text books, les son papers, pencils and other materials for the pupils of all grades. Good text books and supplies make les sons easier. Start the school year right by buying your supplies from Hood Bros. Smithfield, N. C. ‘Phone 54 & 55. NOTICE OF SALE Lnder and by virtue of the power of sale contained in this certain mort-1 page executed on the first day of: January 1923 by W. M. Rose and wife Annie Rose of Johnston County of the State of North Carolina to Rosa L. Roberts. Miss Bettie Vinson, and Louis Abdollar, which mortgage is duly recorded in the public regis try of Johnston County book 12*3 page .3, the notes herein secured hav-1 ing been assigned to the Peoples In- ; vestment Co. and default having been made in payment of the said i indebtedness thereby secured, the un- ' dersigned will on Monday the 22nd; day of September, 19*24 at or about | the hour of 12 o'clock M at the court- j house door in Johnston County, State ; of North Carolina, offer for sale to i the highest bidder for cash the fol lowing described real estate. Commencing at E. V. Deans cor ner, in the Bend of the Smithfield and Selma road and runs North 19 1-2 West 580 feet to a stake; thence North 22 East 317 feet to a stake; thence Soutn 4 West 1307 feet to a stake, right away of the A. C L. Railroad; thence North 58 1-2 East to the point beginning, containing eleven (11-35-100) acres more or less, and being lot No. 6, the lands of Hilbert Peedin lands. Peoples Investment Co.. Assignee of Rosa L, Roberts Miss Bettie Vinson Louis Abdollar Thorp & Thorp, Attys. Rocky Mount, N. C. 0 GOOD FARM LAND For Sale —ONE 61 ACRE TRACT —ONE 63 ACRE TRACT —ONE 73 ACRE TRACT —ONE 134 ACRE TRACT GOOD HOMES LESS THAN FIVE MILES OF SMITHFIELD H. C. Hood SMITHFIELD, N. C. "-■IIIMH ...| IIHIIIIMII1B_ FOUNDED 1838 CHARTERED 1859 TRINITY COLLEGE DURHAM, N. C. The following groups of study are offered, all leading to the de gree of BacheloY of Arts: General; Business Administration; Re ligious Training; Engineering; Pre-Medical; Teaching; Pre-Legal. Graduate Courses in all departments. Schools of ENGINEERING, EDUCATION and LAW. : REGISTRATION FOR NEW STUDENTS—September 22. For Catalogue and Illustrated Booklet, Address R. L. Flowers, Sec. » ——————_ For Sale AT AUCTION IN FRONT OF COURT HOUSE AT 2 P. M. Saturday Aug, 30 1 Grain Thresher Mounted on Truck 1 Reaper & Binder 1 Seed Drill ALL THE ABOVE IN GOOD CONDITION Call and look them over. See W. M. GASKIN AT THE HERALD OFFICE Smithheld, N. C.