% 6MITHFIELD NEEDS: —Bigger Pay Roll. —A Modem Hotel. —Renovation of Opera House. —More Paved Streets. —Chamber of Commerce. J— JOHNSTON COUNTY NEED'S: County Farm Agent Better Roads Feeding Highways Equal Opportunity for Every School Child Better Marketing System More Food and Feed Crops \__ VOLUME 44—NO. 12 v * SMITHFIELD, N. C., TUESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 9, 1926 $2.00 PER YEAR DISSOLUTION J CO-OPS DISMI Suit Brought Against To bacco Growers By Wil lie M. Person Throwi Out of Court Because o] Lack of Evidence. N OF APPEAL fre was ji ,G.—Declaring that Evidence to justify the relief sought ^udge Thomas H. Calvert yesterday dismissed the dissolujjimi suit brought against the AssocitTjgP by for0^Stat9 Sen ator Willie M. Person;of Franklin county. The defendant gave no tice of an appeal to the Supreme t'ourt/^r\N°rth Carolina and will attem^^To get a Hearing at the sPhng term which began this week, on Sapiro./||jfcpd cooperative ley of Chicaiiii^and JjcHiifornia m-esence accounn^/fojr^i good,:@are t*ie larKe ci^Jp which packcfl^^’ond its capacity the Wake ccimr.y court room in ich the hearings in chambers held, was not permitted to participate in the case onfijjption of Senator PersoJ^vhich was up held by J ud rt• But while^Sjf- “Wizard of the West” was denied opportunity to display his oratorical powers^W* was in full control of the prJ^pft Ration of the case fpr the defense *W con/^Kt consultation with affjftWemora|rfa to the two active fibers, J^T. Joyner, of Rajjjigh, associate general coun serepid J. E. Malone, of Louis burg, the association’s local c*6un sel inFranklin couaj^. @ rc&peaking t Buuwhile Mr. Sapir vpeak, neither .4||k his WSSMS? kent that he was in the action and re| that position after the plaintiff who was his own attorog^, bflffL repeated* his arcmnents \gftt 'fcr «as entitled to §Mj|ceivership the ^admissions of ft as defendjin M)ciation in its answer/^d trn? iacts set forth in exhNfilts filgd $n compliance with^he Bl^hnirpgj| order signed ijBpJiK/ Barnhill on January/ Judge Calvert’^ftuling Judge Calvert held that was no evidence of insolvency suf ficient for the court^p make a finding of fact and tttpthere was not enough evidence cd^raud even to submit to a jury^l^ “Had the redryin^Alicy betig insisted upon there have* been something in that, \JjjjpI am p|yubtful on that point and as the *1«itter stands hold that ^■[‘re is not emtfBp evidence of fraud to consider/^ declared the iourt. * MQk re may be evidence of diS^jerality but that is a qote tion fofSgk members to handle for theirSHrs and is not a mat t'MH which the'ccugLis concern^ the absence(|gp fraud.” |j| here are a great many mm charges that have been made that are nnt.mjJjfifrs to us and to which we shoulo^PKe reply, but if Jjj court does not desire to hearnm points of law, we will uot eak,” declared Mr. Joyner, when the court intimated that it was prepared without hearing argu (Turn to page five, please) AUNT ROXIE SAYS— By Me w ti m My ol’ man loss a dollar tuthi day. I’d already tole him uf forty nine things I wanted to buy wi( it if he hadn’t a lost it thet I hai never thought of. • MT AGAINST SSED BY JUDGE Sea Hero IN A\i*fcing storm in mTSKtcean, Captain George FFrFiFedFFFFF Captain George Fried of the S. S. Foose^plt, directed the rescue of the disal,l«l British tfKigffffr Antinoe, recently. For Wee days Commander Fried fought mountainiouMlas to take the the %i«(d ship. Two^hTrftarfmejajiBwashed overboard anaarow Herald Reporters ffir F. H. Jeter ABC’S Of Ne^^) Writing Sut^t of Address At Dinner Meeting Friday Evening. The principal ner meeting of the reguktemr— respondents of The Smitiiield Herald held Friday evening in the Ja- Club, was Mr. F. H. agricultural editor State College, Ralegh. Mr. Jeter called his subject ^He ABC’s of News iriting^ A^uracy, brevity and earn^ipwere sentials to good _ he also told how to “nose for news.” Hi, structive and help asized as es 's writing, and develop a Ik was in land those j present \$j|®preciative of the suggestionVigi^en in regard to re porting news. This was the first attempt at a get-together /c^peeting of the Herald folka|^ have been imposg whileit would e pres ent all who contribute nHi^b our fcpolumns, a goodly numbeHir the |Ular weekly contributors re sided to the inviiaiion. An ap jpetizing menu coiUMp.ng of two ! courses /^ncpared and served as only thc\|pmian’s Clulvjajm prepare and serve, was enjojsjjy Mrs. T. ^.Lassiter was toastmidSkss and tlroMllowing projg^m w^g^-amed ourrlnvigiation bxsPtev. S. L. Mor gan, pa^jp of/jjje Ik^ist church; !wor^‘ wIrs- Lassi Kter; ^fTowM9?m The Tierald Help Jfthe Churches” by Rev. Chester Alexander, pastor Presbyterian ! church; “The Value of jtfj^County ^Newspaper to the SclTjy” by 'Miss Newspaper in , Minnie Lee G E. Wells, rural super ‘schools; 'JSP) County Hoii^by Miss n, county home Bet Mr. 1 agent; “How The Herald M ter Serve the ComnudHiy” >G. T. Whitley, priffl^al of the P^enly High School; “The ABC’s of News Writing” by Mr. F. H. Jeter, ^agricultural editor State I College. Music was furnished by the ■ Riverside Serenaders. Appropriate souvenirs—a note book, and a 'miniature “Smithfield Herald” containing an outline of Mr. Jeter’s 'address, the program and menu— ' were given to each guest. Places were laid for twenty nine on this occasion those pres jent being as follows: C. H. Holt, I Princeton; Mrs. C. W. Pearce, Micro; Mrs. J. C. Futrell, Pine Level; Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Whit ley. Kenly; Mrs. W. T. Woodard, land son Ralph, of Selma; Mrs. ■John K. Sanders, Sanders Chapel; | Miss Monevah Barbour, Polenta; Miss Alice and Mr. Luther Allen Johnson, Meadow; Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Earp, Thanksgiving; F. H. j Jeter, Raleigh; Miss Bettie Lee [Sanders, Mrs. J. M. Beaty, Mr* TWO SMALL BOfS SERIOUSLY KURT Drunken Driver Runs On Sidewalk In Clayton and Knocks Children Down. (§||) IN STATE PRISON Two children MpHted down jp^nd a negro lodged in the VWiijfcite penitential y is the result V^i'the reckless driving of a Clayton Saturday after. As the seven-year-c^|^ son of Mr. and Mrs. Bud Gower and the eight-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Irving Wall sat on the sidewalk near their home playing late Sat urday, a drunken En nis, ran up on th^HerjK and knocked both children down, ren dering one unconscious, according to informati^p^4eceived here yes terday. The&jjjfle boys were se cut aWr bruised about the '^>^3d, but the wounds of the lit tle Wall child are not considered j critical. Mr. Gower’^itlle son was iaIT}S^sca,Ped andQP JSpfcday ha<\|ft regained consciouJfW*?. He was not expected to survive the night. After inflicting these wounds upon the children, the negro did not stop, but went directly to his home. De)J®\Sheriff B. S. Pleas ant was rNSUrced immediately and he went in search of him .Ennis was lodged in the guardhouse at Clayton until Sheriff J. P. Parker could be notified, and later he was carried to Raleigh and lodged. in the penitentiary where he will re main until he is brought here for trial. W. J. BINNING TO OPEN STORE IN MOREOiftD Friends in Smi,thfield will be sorry to learn that Mr. N. J. Bin ning^ who came here about a year ago and opened Rose’s five and ten cent 3tore, has resigned his posi tion with this firm ahd/^jtal mm# his family to Morehead'Wy aYM early date. Mr. Binning will open up a five and ten cent store of his own and expects to leave for New York to buy bjs^stock of goods in a few days, ^jjpind Mr#. Binning have made a number of friends during their short stay here, who will learn with regret that they are leaving our midst. LIMB HITS P. W. BARBER ON HEAD What came near being a tragic accident happened Saturday morn ing about nine o’clock when Mr. P. W. Barber, who in Cleve land township, was sSftk on the head by a falling limb of a tree, rendering him unconscious. Mr. Barber together with his son, Percy Barber Jr., Walter Jones and Claud Banks, was snak ing ]/S^near Creek. Some how ^rpfislodging the logs a tree was jared and a dead limb weigh ing about 20 pounds fell strikm^ Mr. Barber on the forehead.(^^r companions,, who were working some distance away, did not see the accident but saw Mr. Barber prostrate soon after. They placed him on a log cArt and carried him on to the home of his brother, Mr. A. M. Barber, nearby. He soon re- j • gained consciousness, but his I ! brother brought him to Smithfield | j to a physician. The wound which j j bled freely, was only a scalp; wound, and Mr. Barber is getting j along as well as could be expected. | “All’s Well That Ends Well” | I Husband—“What is that you are ! ireading, my dear?” Wife—“A letter from mother.” Husband—“Anything important in it?” Wife—“I don’t know; I haven’t got to the postscript yet.”—Fen ton News. H. V. Rose, Rev. S. L. Morgan,' Rev. A. J. Parker, Rev. Chester Alexander, Mr. and Mrs'. W. M.< Gaskin, Messrs. N. E. and Paul B. Humphrey, Frank Morgan, Miss 1 Flossie Lassiter, Miss Mary E. Wells, Miss Minnie Lee Garrison and Mrs. T. J. Lassiter. 1 Building & Loan Association Meets Unprecedented Enthusi asm Characterizes Ses sion; To Hold Adjourn 3rd, and “unprecedented” the adjective which describes the adjourned meeting r^^he stockholders of the Building and Loan Association held in the offices of the associa tion yesterday. 'Hhe largest crowd in th^fctory of the association accortnlj*' to a statementggyf the secretary, was present. TlSBinual session in January was atfjoumed because of a ?*tme for these folk who have suffering acutely §ce the World War. dack M^Jernigan, here fronj Harnett aBsty recently^j^icated11 to press T^porters thatllffimight throw a monkey wrenchmto the poditical machinery of that “berg” in the approaching demj>cra,tic primary for county officers and a candidate for representative in the “lower house” of the General Assembly by offering himself for legislative honors against Repre sentative Natt A. ToBBend whose name has been proiraKfntly men tioned for the speakership. Tlhe Harnett conj^t will be watched with interes]®j' Mr. Townsend has a wide acquaintance over the state. Pardon Commissioner Sink spent Bjtgjkl; of the week investigating ^jpfAications (for executive clem ency and addressing community or ganizations in Asheville and vicin ity. Among the cases investigated was Alvin Mansel, negro, under sentence for an attack upon a white woman and members of a mob who forced their way into the Buncombe jail some months ago. By appointment of Governor McLean, with the consent of Gpv ernor Peay, of Tennessee, Adju tant General J. Van B. Metts re ceived a commission as Brigadier General in command of the Six tieth Infantry Brigade composed of the 120th Infantry Regiment of the North Carolina National Guard and the 117th Infantry Regiment ] of the Tennessee National Guard. Turn to page three, please Jazz Dances or Minuet? 5 rz SHALL WE off with the new "njylh the old, rejj^ing the well >>HMi axiom? MisSiCina MtfLest of T’ort Huron, Mich., Supreme Commandj^\tf the Women's Bene^ dgvf fit AssociiSJwn seeks to aid the re vival of titfyld-fashioned dances. But Olive wfelle-JIamon, daughter the late JaVj^HamOr^-dently vjnvocatos jazz and /Resents a, b*^ktiful arjjurm^lp <$*' “i School ElectiofP In ForcqpAt Onc^ Supt. ft Marrow Makes Abatement Re garding^ Effect Schools This Yea*,. On The electic^^blle^^t the North Eastern Special School Taxing w etTson Man-overissues this statement: ^ “It lAr been reported to me mat : $ las caused^ome misunderstanding as to the effect j^ivill have upon Lhe schools thyj^ear, and the county superin latent, Mr. H. B. ©' misunderstanding cono*»n ng effect if this election cafJ^i las gotten abroad. /£ome peop' >eem to think that if Section carries the 210Vjfay the 1 :ax. FrgjB^Jke very minute the ?lection'|jMrfes n&M||ol within Lhe Nortl^tWstern niMPrict can charge any more tuition and the/i Board of Education -will have to>i :ruck those entitled to ride until the end of the eight months schools without cost.” bntrolling High Blotad Press latest m^^l “discovery” isa substance, cSrved from the livers of young cattle, which is re ported m»|Lave a remarkable ef fect on Mffi blood pressure in hu man beings. The remedy, if such it proves to be, like insulin, Cornell In it a from fono^o Tf Vi a □ VvomV“ to us from Canada. It has been* experimentally tested at the hos pitals and(KLhe university labora tories at NiWfonto, with hopeful results. The extract is given by injection. Doctor MacDonald of St. CatherinesjgDntario, is the physician who\5as developed thdg treatment, working from some latS oratory researches made by Doe~ tors James and Loughton of Wes^S tern University, London, Ontario. High blood pressure—or arterial hypertension—is exceedingly com mon in middle-aged or elderly peo ple and is the cause of hardening of the arteries, appolectic shock and some diesaoes of the heart and kidneys. It has hitherto been very hard to control.—Youths Companion. Has the Advantage , Two Irishmen were excavating for a proposed building when an interested spectator inquired: “How is it, Pat, although you and Mike started work together, he has a bigger pile of dirt than you?” “Sure,” was the quick retort, “he's diggin’ a bigger hole.”— Judgdf Five Vof^Ebse© ^ School Election, High otQj^al In Benton^ (^ille TchWiship Mun Wait At Least m ar. The uncial school ejection held in>JRentonville timLjiip on F^^iary 2, for thfejur pose of providing a high scl^lf, was^^pfeated by five votes. Xhe number of voters registering was 146. Sixty eight voted for the election and 48 against. _Three dis i tricts, Massey. M&Vrftrove and ) Mil^^reek particijT^kl in the elect,v0 Qj 0 Mr. J/H. Mashfc^-n was regis Wir and Messrs slAl. Lee and J. Massey judges of election. It will be sometime •jb^rs. election could be caH&T tfhiVS/meinis that a hi^^^school in that se^ijiijwill not materialize next yeht>W Don’t Be a Miser u(*$'eas^^ Departmagi esti Dites that there are 8,0to£Aissjfc. A,@,, - - who keep their hod ings merely to gloat over them. Th^Jkstimate is that 000,000 in is hidden awal tressg^ole^ tho^yall. in socks/] in various cA®rr o^^llish place^n instead of being deposited in safjjj Money hidden away and not M it is destroyed by fires, sprats, by the death and forgetfulness of the hiders. It’s an utterly fooljgfes Sing to do—to skjfeaway to eiNg? oney, putting oiS*T lifeblood in to it, and then lay it ‘away to mould or to be stolen or lost. The only money worth having is the money aJSrork. A Paint Glimpse | On the blest January evenings, when the west is brokjijSsnto bars, fend Caesar-like the ^Kden sun gathers his robes/^,out him be fore he der||jtfts f^F^the day, we have a fainr*ffvimpse of the beauty of the Creator of such loveliness. When night, the sable goddess, from her ebon throne, stretches forth her leaden scepter, and the stars, the images of love, quick to obey her command, gather by millions in “the infinite meadows of heaven,” we get some idea of the glory, power and majesty of God. On the bright, crisp morn ings, when all the earth is bathed in the glad sunshine, and when it is a pleasure to live and a joy to breathe, we have some faint con ception of His everlasting good ness and His infinijte mercy to the children of men. Is it not prop er that we render thanks unto Him daily, from whom all bflessings come?—Old Hurrygraph. . Society Has Good Year | Baptist Ladies C ibui $884.42 to Benevc-lei ces; 1926 Program. m C the li-hcd Smithfipld it$ 1925 p rying over'Mnprp; ccmbcr meeting, constituting ti A^fll)nary Unio* very successful fivPKirganizatioi jK^ontributinns ^Wct* ■ upp>.r oil by natij^^unounting to . 12. TI:,' weoXsrf prayer for Foreign .'A sions held in January jaA..Mui.W ed by S0’(#Jthe best eWhold m the historjV*uf the church, marked by deep spiritual interest. This was helped greatly bv two papers of ujrfQkial vt^ House v£? eaflWft,” byG. G ^Licensed Iaunonitiiy in ('*y Mrs. J. l©ipv;Lvs^ The progranrof 'fljfiV.lhsionary Society has been prtpaTed for 1326 (mong its mtai First ready given). r«d disJQkuted Jmi Hers, whSh is a@U! \ephenson, M r eoruary, "larjjvjlessor, the \ Woman LivingstonC^/^ks. O. C. “Tithing, or V*Kireh ' Mrs. Lawrenca. Brovtyj March, “The Wltfpjjjd Ihv of Missions in the /Aiflii'y Scl/ |)Mrs. J. M. Beaty pSftly ExperSwce as a City Missionary,” Mrs. W. T. Dart. /£\ April, “Unite^yr ChSt*,” Mrs. Paul V. Brown; “The Garden of ■the dMMV 'fieart?7 Mrs. LaJlbi/CS McGugan.” M May, “Prayer Meeting— -s. S. I Vorgan. ggS une, “Christian Eu.Kvion— Shall it be in Church, or Public'^ School?” ’litvrik’. W./®kterson_^ Ju&yM®, sh$L,” @ Gra-V August, “Are'^Vti' Pecul-v* Our Mrs. fijT Mrs. E. H. September, “HtnvvJ?^ Bible,” Mrs. JL C. Hemq» s in/jjyttie Moon, SPuoitV* ctober, “G^^ell of Labra(J, November, “Uganda' at Work.’VyJfcrs. N. L. Perkin:. December?' “Persecutions Chiiu^^^lrs., V. V. Hunteh the regular moilSf^&ies, \vn are studied in circles. T” JgK'" to have each paper to :■> the study of a book, and to b asgwtfiany members as possible rXffl the boo^^^l' new church brary, wit£$B.iexcellent den: ment on Missions, is prjndng a moM\VR,|U?Ss aitl t0 the®!: 01 th$p)ciet&&r;d is itselr®neb>cd & the 'rt ihu- c o.uc i. (£h gfrhe f;W n-ogram of the ,wr ^>n “First T«ys First” aimed to m sound the keynote for the entire year, andif|ke program committee in all thtr“nu'etjnv- aims to hold the society to Bran otto, “But the greatest of. thesiOTffiLove.” Welfare Association The United Welfare Associa tion will hold its regular monthly meeting next Thursday, Februra^ 11 at 8 p. m., at the h dgk f M Mattie Pou. All membel^Rrc ujg| ed to be present and visitors \\S be cordially welcomed. The Mirro^ If the person who answers this description will call at The Herald office they will receive a free ticket to the Victory Theatre. ! Tl® Mirror reflects itself on | the young lady who was seen j with two other persons Sunday ! morning in front of Dr. L. D. j Wharton’s residence. She j was wearing a blue dress, blue ! tie, grey coat with red trim j ming and buttons on sides* j white hose, black slippers, rod ; hat. If this* is you, you are en : titled to today’s free ticket to Victory Theatre. Mr. Chester Ogburn recog nized himself in Friday’s Mirror