.. V. 8MITHFIELD NEEDS: —Bigger Pay Roll. —A Modern Hotel —Renovation of Opera House. —More Paved Streets. —Chamber of Commerce. \--— r Johnston County’s Oldest and Best Newspaper-Established 1882 S- ^ JOHNSTON COUNTY NEEDS: County Farm Agent Better Roads Feeding Highways Equal Opportunity for Every School Child Better Marketing System More Food and Feed Crops —____"S VOLUME 44—NO. 20 * * SMITHFIELD, N. C., TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH 9, 1926 * * $2.00 PFR YEAR Criminal Court Convenes Here Regular Term of March Court Opened Yester day With Judge N. A. Sinclair Presiding zTJhe March term of the Superior Court for the trial of criminal cases opened here this morning. Hon. N. A. Sinclair, of Fayette ville, is the judge presiding and Hon. Clawson L. Williams is the solicitor in charge -of the docket. Judge Sinclair cut in on his charge to the grand jury without any fancy work. He told them that ! they constituted the most powerful i agent of law and order that ex ists under our laws, and he stated that their duties were correspond-1 ingly heavy. He laid great emphas sis upon the need of a carefully revised jury list, which should be done biennially, according to law. And above all he charged that A ,‘"these men should be qualified be fore their names should be enroll d upon the jury list. Two disqual ifications that he mentioned were lack of good moral character and lack of sufficient general intelli gence to know what a juror’s duty is. If these two elements are al-1 lowed to get into the jury box, the fountain of justice will be corrupt ed, and the courts will fail to function. me criminal docket contains nearly a hundred cases. The grand jury went about their duty and the court began the trial of cases,! several cases being disposed Noble, of Selma, spent Thursday j | near Lillington where they visited ! a peach orchard of 1500 trees. The | trees are five years old. Mr. Pow ell is interested in peach growing j and grows some of the finest in I this section. His fruit compares favorably with the Sandhill peaches 9,000 Feet Of Lumber Log Brought To Mill Longview, Wash.,—A log esti-j mated to contain 9,000 feet of lum-' ber was brought to a mill here! from Ryderwood. It was cut from: n Douglas fir and measured 36 feet: in length, 10 feet, four inches at the other. ALLEGED KLAN VISIT RESULTS III DISASTER Troy Munds Is Dead, Robert Flowers Se - riously Wounded and Others Hurt Troy Munds, of Dunn, is dead tnd buried and Robert Flowers is ;eriously wounded as a result of an issault that a masked mob made >n James Webb, of Meadow town ship, last Thursday night, accord - ng to' information that reached lere yesterday. Webb is said to have been a per sistent liquor dealer for the. pa 'j fear or more and it has been ro jorted that the Ku Klux havo varned him to abandon his law essness ^ A large delegation of masked nen, ostensibly members of the <.u Klux Klan, went to Web! ' lome early last Thursday nigh, . rhey went to Webb’s house in th light well armed, and, as the-, bought. completely disarmed tVebb. Then they told him that hi louse must be cleared of his liquor rade. Webb is said to have stay 'd well armed during all the year, md after the white-capped m'> eft-his house he fired into then?, nflicting a fatal wound on Tr< Hunds and a serious wound nn Robert Flowers. Other members o! he mob were, hurt several of whom ire in the hospital. Forty-foii - mpty shells were found in W<£>b ard the following morning. "Webb has not been arrested. ■uneral Of Little Joseph Edwin Johnscv.! The funeral of little Joseph Eastor of the Baptist church, ass isted by Rev. Chester Alexander. >astor of the Presbyterian church, nterment was made in Oakland emetery. The pallbearers were: Messrs. Chester Stephenson, Law encc Wallace, Charles Alford and L E. Humphrey. HISTAKE ABOUT JURY LIST The jury list which was publish • ?d in our last issue was the lit ror the special term of civil cour -vhich will be held here beginnir Vlarch 29, instead of this week. Tb 1st was taken from the records f ;he commissioners proceedin’ md the special term not heir mentioned in conneciton with :h ist, the reporter inferred that was the list for the present ter >f court. We are sorry this err occurred, but since the sheriff i • titles each juror of the date, w' trust there will be ho confusion. The Mirror IS THIS YOUT If the person who answers HtK i description will call at The Herald office they will | receive a free ticket . to the Victory Theatre. You were seen in front Hood Brothers drug store at 3:30 p, m. last night. You wore brow cap, black sweater, brown suit, black shoes, grey tie. John Ennis recognised him self in Friday’s mirror.