ounty Correspondence Polenta I Clayton. Route 1, March 29.— | We are very glad to report that | Mrs. S. P. Tomlinson is improv ing after being sick for several v days. | Mr. Percy Wood captured a 30 gallon still last Wednesday morn ing on Middle Creek and found one I barrel of beer. Mrs. E. N. Booker has returned j to her home in this section after J visiting her daughter, Mrs. H. L. Boney in Wallace for a few days, j Mr. and Mrs. Bullock, of Golds ![ boro, were visitors in this com munity last Sunday. We are very glad to report that little Edward Barber is some bet ter and that Mrs. A. M. Johnson i and children are improving. We are glad to learn Rev. A. T. Lassiter is able to be out again. Mrs. J. B. Barbour and Miss Ruth Barber, of Durham, visited in this section last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Jones went to Fuquay Springs to visit their | daughter, Mrs. B. B. Williams, ? last Sunday. Messrs. John Dunn and Edwin Fori, of Wake Forest, visited at Mrs. S. P. Tomlinson's last Wed nesday. Misses Mcinevah Barbour and Hattie Jones visited Mrs. R. MT Bryan in Raleigh last week. The children and grandchildren of Mrs. B. A. Barbour were her guests last Thursday the 18th of March, which was her GGth birth day. iur. aiiu mrs. nai vcy xvyuis auu children, of Benson, were the Sun day guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Myatt. Mr. and Mrs. K. P. Barber and little son, K. P. Jr., returned to their home at Woodland after vis iting Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Barber for a few days. Mr. Robt. King, of Durham, vis ited in this section last Sunday. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Tom Booker is confined to her room. We hope to see her out very soon. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Barbour, of Durham, are spending this week with $[|r. and Mrs. B. A. Barbour. We^sre very sorry to learn that Mr. 1j§f. S. Myatt is in Smithfield hccpiiU for an operation for ap pendicitis. We hope he will soon be out again. Mrs. J. H. Yclvington had as her guests last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brinkley, and daughter, Miss Eliza, of Rocky Mount, Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Barber and daugh ter. Miss Mabel and Mrs. Parrish, of Wilson’s Mills. Mrs. R. A. Yelvington enter tained several of her friends at dinner last Sunday in honor of her mother’s birthday. Miss Addie Barber spen't last week end with Miss Bula Weather;? in Wake county. Mr. J. E. Jones went to Ral eigh on business' last Tuesday. The Christian Endeavor met last Friday with Miss Monevah Barbour as leader. This meeting was held as a business meeting. The following new officers were elected: Mr. Vilas Johnson, pres ident; Nelson Hines, vice-president; Hattie Jones, secretary; Charlotte Barber, treasurer; program com mittee, Monevah Barbour, chair man, Rev. Chester Alexander and Mary Booker; social committee, Lunette Barber, chairman, Julia Wood And Addie Barber. Johnson School The farmers of this section are very busy with their farm work. Miss Lucy Utley of Smithfield, spent the week end with Miss Mil dred Jones. Mrs. Jim llardie and children, of Rocky Mount, are spending this week with Mrs. Hardie’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hardee Branch. Mr. Victor Barbour of Smith field, spent Saturday night with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Barbour. Messrs. Wade Benson from near Four Oaks, and Thel Baker, of near Sandy Ridge, spent a few hours in this section Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ekie Branch of the Polenta section, visited their par ents, $fr. and Mrs. Hardee Branch, Sunday. Miss Ereel Rogers, of near the Baptist Center section, was the guest of Miss Ruby Price last week end. Miss Mabel Lee spent Saturday night and Sunday in Smithfield with relatives. Mr. Alton Wood spent a few hours Saturday with his grand mother in the Sandy Ridge section We are sorry to note that Miss Mamie Johnson was taken to the hospital Sunday to undergo an op eration. We hope for a speedy re covery. ! Mr. Newitt Jones of the Polenta section, spent a few hours at the home of Mr. G. D. Phillips Sun day. Miss'Mildred Jones entertained a few friends Saturday night. Those present were Misses Lucy Utley from Smithfield, Ercell Rog ers, of Baptist Center, Ruby Price, Lucile Wood, Thelma Branch, Mol lie Southerland, Carrie Johnson, Messrs. L. F. Strickland and Vic tor Barbour, of Smithfield, Alton Wood, Wade Jones and Dock Southerland. Mr. J. W. Wood went to Smith field Monday on business. Pine Level Pine Level, March 30.—Miss Maude Hales, of Raleigh, visited he:* sister, Mrs. W. B. Godwin, last week. Mrs. W. II. Westbrook is now spending some time in Selma with her daughter, Mrs. R. W. White. Miss Marie Rae visited Miss Nora Griswold of Selma Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Gurley, of Goldsboro, visited Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Fitzgerald Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Kornegay and daughter, Myrtle, shopped in Ral eigh Saturday. Mr. raui rioit, oi imayton, was a visitor here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Batten were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Creech near town for a short while Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Futrell and ch i drcn,i of Goldsboro, were in town Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Kornegay and daughter. Myrtle, visited Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Langley of Brog ien section, Sunday. The school mates of little Miss Lela Bobbin will be sorry to learn .hat her absence from school is iuc to the fact she is very sick with „;n attack of appendicitis. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Godwin and ‘ittle son, W. B. Jr., visited in Princeton Sunday. | Mrs. J. L. Yelvington and son, ! Charles, of Fremont, spent Sunday with Mrs. R. 1,. Fitzgerald. Mrs. John R. Oliver and Miss Irene Parker attended the funeral if Miss Leone Blackman in Selma vVi dnesday. Mrs. C. L. Gurley of Fremont, s visiting her daughter, Mrs. R. L. Mtsgcrald this week. We shall miss two of the Pine i.evel teachers, Miss Margaret Ware and Miss Mary Crowell, fter the end of the six months term which comes on Friday of this week. Mrs. N. B. Hales, of Raleigh, . isited her* daughter, Mrs. W. B. Godwin Friday. ,, Mrs. Wiley Aycock and Mrs. T. '). Gurley of Fremont, were the quests of Mrs. R. L. Fitzgerald, •iur.day. Easter Monday will be the last boloday observed by the Pine Lcv •1 school this term. J‘- is reported that a very fine ast has been selected for the ."orthcoming school play and that \ “A Poor Married Man” is rap idly getting “his” stride. Mrs. J. L. Braswell and daugh ter. Louise went to Goldsboro on Monday. Mr. ranker Jonnson oi smith field was in town Saturday night. Miss Sadie Staneil from Selma visited Miss Rosa Braswell Sun day. I*. C. More, a colored workman at the Pine Level Oil mill was shot here today by Willie Brown, col ored. The shot located in his hip. He was immediately rushed to Selma to a doctor, while Brown was taken to the lock-up. It is not known what caused the shoot ing. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Braswell vis ited ia Selma Sunday. I Ir. and Mrs. W. L. Creech went to Raleigh on business Saturday. Mr. Wilbert Wiggs from Prince ton, was in town visiting his brother. Mr. J. J. Wiggs, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Creech and daughter, of Sanders Chapel, were quests of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Woodard Sunday. Mr. George Strickland spent the past week end with Earl Creech, of Yelvington’s Grove. ! Mrs. J. B. Creech and children, of Clayton, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Woodard for the past week Good Easter programs with mu sic are being prepared by the Baptist churches of the town for Easter Sunday. Two splendid sermons were preached here Sunday at the Prim itive Baptist church by Rev. Mr. Collier and Rev. Mr. Pittman, of Micro, to a well filled house. Mr. Carl Carr from Wilson, and Miss Louise and Jessie Braswell spent Sunday evening in Selma ! with friends. Mr3. I). N. Holt and Mrs. J. L. Braswell shopped in Selma Satur day. Misses Lela Mae Denning and Magdaline Price spent the week end near Selma. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Futrell spent Saturday in Raleigh. Miss Lora Phillips of Stevens Chapel, spent Saturday night in town with her sister, Mrs. J. E. Peedin. Miss Rosa Braswell and Mr. James Crocker attended the play given at Princeton school auditor ium Saturday night. Mr. Stuart Vann, of Wilson, was a visitor here Sunday. Mr. Jason Shepherd, of Simms, spent the week end here with friends. Misses Verona Creech, Winoma Brown and Mr. Stuart Vann, visited Misses Julia Pilkington and Irene Davis of Goldsboro Sunday. Miss Rosetta Starling spent a few days last week in Bagley the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Mor ris. Mr. and Mrs. Malton Baker, of Princeton, spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Woodard. To take care of the overflow of pupils another year from the out lying districts, two additional class rooms have recently been parti tioned off in what was formerly used as a recreation room in the basement of the new school build ing r.very one appreciates exceuem-e in a student, and we are glad to sec Miss Velma Stout back in high school making honor grades after her two weeks illness with influ enza. We are also very proud to see the excellent care that has been and is still being shown in respect to our new school building this year. We owe this in part to our able principal, Prof. I. B. Talton and all his cooperative assistant teachers. Our school grounds prove too that untiring work is being put forth ! by these teachers. The parents es pecially apreciatc these efforts. Miss Doris Ivey spent the week cr.d in Rocky Mount. Master Rupert White visited Master Billy Pierce of Selma, on Sunday evening Miss Thelma Daughtry, of Sel ma, was the guest of Miss Ruby Batten Sunday. Mrs. Lonnie Mitchell of Massey spent a few hours in town Mon day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Batten and jchildren spent Monday evening in Selma with friends. Mr. Tneo. Butler, of Norfolk, Vu.. was here Thursday. Mrs. Sallie Faulkner, and little j daughter, Helen, of Selma, spent [Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. N1, G. | Wiggs. Misses Mary Pike and Pearl Cieech, of Yelvington Grove, spent Thursday night in town with Mrs. S. H. Styron. Miss Mamie Leatherwood, of Clayton, spent the week end with Mrs. I- B. Godwin. Mr. Fred Gaylor, of Rocky Mount was in town the past week end. Misses Clara Hales and Linda Davis spent the week end at Glen dale with Miss Louise Davis. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Braswell vis ited Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Peedin near town Sunday night. Barefoot’s Memorial Four Oaks. R. F. D„ 2, March 20. —The farmers of this section are busy preparing their land for plant ing. Mrs. Ira Lee and children, of Four Oaks, spent Sunday at the RENEW YOUR HEALTH BY PURIFICATION Any physican will tell you that “Perfect Purification of the Sys tem is Nature’s Foundation of Per fect Health.” Why not rid yourself of chronic ailments that are un dermining your vitality? Purify your entire system by taking a thorough course of Calotabs,— once or twice a week for several weeks—and see how Nature re wards you with health. Calotabs are the greatest of all system purifiers. Get a family package, containing full directions. Only 35 cents. At any drug store. and children, of Allen Cross Roads, spent Sunday with Mrs. Adams’ ; mother, Mrs. W. F. Lee. v Mr. • and Mrs. C. E. Barefoot : were called to Coats last Thursday on account of the illness of Mrs. Barefoot’s father. Miss Millie Norris entertained a number of her friends at her home Saturday night, March 27, in honor of Miss Rachel Outlaw. Those present were Misses Annie and Vena Johnson, Zara and Lexie Lee, Clyda Hayes, Miss Yoder, Maybelle Lee, Elma Register and Rachel Outlaw, Messrs. Roland and Paul Hayes, Jasper and Junius Massengill, James Grady, John R. Upchurch, Albert and Homer Lee, Paul, Mack, and Duncan Register, Elmond and Talmadge Lee, Henry and Eugene Johnson. Sunday school begins the first Sunday in April. Everybody is in vited to take a part and see if it cannot be mhde some thing worth W'hile. JUDGE CARTER TO SPEAK TO PRESBYTERIAN CLASS Judge W. F. Carter who is pre siding over Superior court this week is expected to teach the men’s | Bible Class at the Presbyterian I church here Sunday morning at 10 o’clock. The men of the town are invited to hear this distinguished visitor. SALE OF VALUABLE LAND IN SMITHFIELD UNDER MORTGAGE Under and by virtue of authori ty contained in the power of sale in that certain mortgage deed ex ecuted by R. O. Cotter and wife Fannie- D. Cotter to Simon. B. Jones on the 20th day of March, 1922 the same being duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds in Johnston county in Book 115 at page 135, default having been made in the payment and liq uidation in Book 115 at page 135 the undersigned mortgagee will sell in front of the courthouse door in the town of Smithfield. on the 26th day of Ap ril. 1026, for cash at 12 o’clock M. , the following described prop erty to-wit: 1st Tract: Beginning at a stake on the road leading to the old Mitchiner depot, at (formerly C. Radford’s pasture gate, and runs as Radford’s line N. 66 degress W. 12.10 chs. to a stake; thence with Radford’s line S. 88 3-4 degrees W. 8.48 chs. to a hickory tree; thence N. 51 degrees _ W. 4.35 chs. to a jsweetgum on the W. bank of Buf falo, the Joe Underwood old cor ;ner; thence N. 58V2 degrees W. 116.38 chs. to three hackberries on j the bank of Neuse River; thence | down Neuse River 17-60 chs. to an ash, the Joe Davis old corner; thence the Davis old line S. 87 degrees E. 1.00 chs. to Buffalo; thence up Buffalo to pointers, cor ner of the colored cemetery; thence with the line of said cemetery and the line of North Street in the town of Smithfield, S. 60 ^ de grees E. 16 chs. to the center of the road leading to the Mitchiner Old Depot; thence along said road N. 43 M, degrees E. 14 chs. to the beginning, containing 42 1-5 ac* res, more or less, see deed, J. A. Banish Eczema Now You can find quick relief from Eczema, Itch, Rash, Salt Rheum, Tetter and other skin troubles, in cluding Pimples, Acne, etc., with just a lew applications of Sana-Cutis. It is helping thousands to quickly overcome this affliction. Sana-Cutis is a*pure white, stainless, creamy ointment. Your druggistrecommends and guarantees it. Price $1.00 or send for tree sample to Sana-Cutis Com pany, 81 S.-C., Bldg. Sedalia, Mo. A Real Dinner - —at the— HERRING HOTEL GOLDSBORO, N. C. (European Plan) Under management of Rev. and Mr. W. R. Coats, formerly of Smithfield. America’s First Life Insurance Company— THE MUTUAL LIFE of NEW YORK (First policy issued Feb ruary 1, 1843) We insure men and women with all the new clauses. Ag »s from 10 years to 70 years. Hates on women the same as or men. G. Thurman Smith & Company HUGH A. PAGE, A. Mgr. Clayton. N. C. R. L. Isaacs 312 Commercial Nat. Bank i Raleigh, N. C. i“ Massey to Fannie D. Cotter, Book “Y” No. 7 page 587, Registry of Johnston county; and, 2nd Tract: Leginning at a pine on the W. side of the depot road, the Buck Johnson corner; and runs with said line N. 80 degrees W./ 67.6 poles to a red oak; thence S. 86 degrees W. 66.4 poles to a stake on the bank of the ditch; thence with said ditch N. 3V& de grees W 31) poles to a water oak on the bank of a small ditch; thence with said ditch N. 80V2 degrees W. 46 poles to an elm on the bank of Neuse River; thence down the bank of said river to a hackberry, R. O. Cotter's corner; thence with said line S. 57 degrees E. 84 poles to a stake; thence S. 89M* E. 31.6 poles to a stake; thence S. 66 de grees E. 48.8 poles to the center of the depot road; thence with said road northeast to the beginning, containing 36 acres, more or less, see deed C. Radford and wife to Fannie D. Cotter Book “D" No. 10, page 48 Registry of Johnston county. This the 23 dav of March, 1926. SIMON B. JONES, Mortgagee. J. A. NARRON, Attorney. NOTICE OF SALE The undersigned Administrator having qualified as Administrator of H. M. Jackson, deceased, will offer for sale on the premises of H. M. Jackson, on April 15, 1926. at 10:00 a. m., the following de scribed personal property: 1 wood saw and gas engine. 1 cord crusher. 9 rolls wire fence. One two-horse cut-away harrow. 1 stalk cutter. 3 steel beam turning plows. 1 double section smoothing har row. 1 row harrow. 4 Stonewall plows. 1 riding cultivator. 3 walking cultivators. 1 Cole cotton plow. 1 buggy. 1 mowing machine. 1 John Deere corn planter. 1 riding turning plow. 1 mule collar. 5 pairs hames. 1 pair traces. One-two horse wagon. 1 tobacco setter. 1 scoop. 5 sacks nitrate of soda. 1 Ford truck. 1 Ford tractor, and double disc. J blow torch. 1 set ballances, and 1 pea. This sale was first set for April 6,^ but has been changed to April L. W. JACKSON, Adnir. WELLONS & WELLONS Attys. § Dr. J. H. Fitzgerald & $ v Eye, Ear, Nose and § Throat & SMITIIFIELD, N. C. '■ <£• -'tfV ♦'■<0*. .'•O'*. .**'. .V. ** LET US DO YOUR WIRING and you will bo assured of a work man-like job at a reasonable cost. Our electricians are experts in their lint and no wiring1 problem is too difficult for them. Let us give you an estimate. J. D. Herring “Anything Electrical EDISON MAZDA LAMPS NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of author ity contained in a certain mortgage deed, executed and delivered by The Farmers Merchantile Com pany of Selma, North Carolina, to the Piedmont Fire Insurance Company, on the 29th day of May. 1914, and recorded in Book A-13 page 287, and the same having tee in the said mortgage deed to J. .J Deans, the Assignee as afore said will offer for sale to the high est bidder for cash at the court house door in the town of Smith field, N. C-, between the hours of 12 and 1 o’clock p. m., on April 9, 1926, the following described lots or parcels of land in the town of Selma, N. C., described and de fined a.s follows, to-wit: 1st: Beginning at the corner of Ray-Godwin Co’s, line (S. E. cor ner of store building) in the town of Selma and runs Westwardly with their line 90 feet to an al ley; thence with said alley 28 feet parallel with Raeford Street to Talton’s line; thence with Talton’s line 90 feet to Raeford Street; thence Northwardly with Raeford Street 28 feet to the beginning, and being an exact parallelogram of 2500 square feet and being the same conveyed to parties of the first part by A. V. Driver by deed dated Sept. 19. 1906, and recorded in the Registry of Johnston coun ty in Book “J” No. 9 at page 566. 2nd: Beginning on the East side of the alley above referred to, J. P. Temple’s line, at the Northwest corner of the A. V. Driver store building, conveyed herein, and runs Westwardly and parallel with Anderson street 50 feet to T. H. Whitley’s line; thence Southward ly and parallel with Raeford Street 66 feet to Wm. Richardson’s line; j thence Eastwardly with said Rich 'ardson’*. line 50 feet; thence North wardly at right angles, 66 feet to INSURANCE All Kinds N. L. PERKINS Special Agt. Aetna Life Ins. Co. CLEANERS Ladies and Gentlemen Checked up on your Spring Wardrobe, yet? That dress, coat or suit of last season - - it’s to your advan tage to get full wear out of it. And you can - - with our asist ance. An expert Cleaning, per haps a few minor alterations, and you’ll be happily surprised by our work. Give us a trial— we guarantee satisfaction. City Dry Cleaning Co. C. M. Johnson, Mgr. Phone 267 Ill It is not only what you feed, but the way you feed it that counts. We’ve been in the feed business long enough to find that out. We can help you get better results from your poultry or livestock. One ef your neighbors told us a few days ago that he was amazed and delighted at the increased production he had gotten from Happy Feeds. He fed his cow the way we told hmi to. He saved money by getting better results on less feed. That’s something to think about. We don t want to sell you a bag of tiappy Feed3 unless we can show you where it will save you money. The Happy Way of feeding has been carefully worked out by experts. It is a real help to every feeder. Let us explain the Ilappy Plan to you. . Come to see us J. W. DAUGHTRY Heavy and Fancy Groceries Phone 152-W IHHHF.HHMI 'il II ! I 3-1 the beginning, containing 2300 square feet the same being includ ed in the deed from A. V. Driver to Farmers Merchantile Company as aforesaid. 3rd: Beginning at the Southeast corner of Selma Manufacturing Co's, lot on Raeford Street in the town of Selma and runs West wardly with the line of said lot. parallel with Anderson Street 90 feet to said Manufacturing Co’s, corner; thence in a southwardly direction, parallel with Raeford Street, 28 feet; thence Eastward ly and parallel with Anderson Street along what was formerly A. V. Driver's line 90 feet to Rae ford Street; thence northwardly with Raeford Street 28 feet to the bginning, containing 2500 square feet and being the identical prop erty conveyed by deed from Ray j Godwin Co., to Farmers Merchan tile Company as will appear by reference to Book “W” No. 10 at ; page 210 of the Registry of John ston county. A ten per cent, of the purchase price will be required on the day of sale. This the 10th day of Match, 1920. J. J. DEANS, Assignee. W. P. AYCOCK, Attorney. NOTICE | The undersigned having qualified as administrator on the estate of Burcl Williams deceased, hereby notifies all persons having claims against said estate to present the same to me duly verified on or be fore the 8 day of March 1927, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; and all persons indebted to said estate will make immediate payment. This 8 day of March 1920. JAMES P. GLOVER, ror Health and Delight — HILL’S Ice Cream —Pure and Good HILL’S ICE CREAM S.TORE Manufacturers of FINE ICE CREAM Retail and Wholesale TOBACCOS CANDIES SODAS CONFECTIONERIES Money to Loan! I have some money to loan on farm land in sums of $100.00 to $1000.00 on one year’s time. Also money to loan in sums of $1000.00 to $50,000.00 on 5 to 33 years lime. Interest rate 5Vi to 6 percent, depending on length of time loan desired. A. M. NOBLE SMITHFIELD, N. C. SEED OF ALL KINDS We have a supply of Irish Potatoes for ! planting. We also have a complete variety of seed loose or in package. A line of Groceries that can’t be beat TURNAGE & TALTON ’Phone 48 LZ?_L Hart Schaffner i fit Marx_* This Easter it’s blue, silver gray or cedar $25.00 “>$35.00 It’s Hart Schaffner & Marx and Griffon quality, too, if you want a good suit that will wear and save your money. CURLEE AND SWARTZ MAKE PRICED— Suits of Quality for Every Pocketbook AUSTIN’S “Everything for Everybody”

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