ounti] Cott&spondence Seima Selma, Nov. 10.—Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Biggs, of Fayetteville, spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. T. K. Fulghum, Sr. Mrs. Fred Dunston, of Windsor, and Mrs. Lallah Rawls, of Rocky Mount, visited friends in the city ’fuesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Call and Mrs. Geo. D. Vick attended the funeral of Mrs. J. M. Daniels in Goldsboro last week. Miss Becky Short, of Rocky Mount, spent last week end with Mrs. J. W. Short. Miss Eva Richardson, who is in school in Winston-Salem, spent lust week end at home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Rich ardson. * 1 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Moore Noble have returned from a visit to New York City. Mrs. W. L. Scott, of Richmond, Va-, spent last week with Mrs. F. T. Walden. _ . Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Wall attend ed the Clinton fair on' Wednesday jpf last week. Miss Lettic McMillan, of Red Springs, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McMillan. * Mr. anu Mrs. W. A. Nordan vis ited relatives in' Greenville Sun pay. • „ Miss Helen Stoneham, of Molusk, Va., ; pent last week end with Mrs. I. ' W. Mayerberg. Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Person visit ed relatives in Goldsboro Sunday. Mrs. I. W. Mayerberg,- spent last Wednesday in Wilson with her ' Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Whitley, of Raleigh, .spent Friday night with Mr, and Mrs. A. K. Eason. Mr. ana Mrs. Geo. T. Whitley .and little son, of Durham, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. K Eason Sunday. , u Messrs. C. B. and T. R. FuL ghum and families and Mrs. T. R. Fulghum, Sr., and son, Master Harclu, spent Sunday with rela tives in Washington, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Avera, of Smithfield, werg guests of Dr. R. J. Noble Monday evening. Mr. Frank O. Ray, of Southern Fines, who was en route from a business trip to Atlanta, stopped over with his parents in Selma Sunday - n Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Miller an nounce the birth of a daughter- on Saturday, November 6, at the Johnston County Hospital. Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Fitzgerald and little daughter, of Smithfield, visited Mr. and Mrs. H .B. Pearce Sunday. Mr. R. L. Ray has returned from a business t: ip to Burlington and Graham. Misses Ruth Phillips, Frances Clarke, Roberta Spiers and Mrs. William Pugh spent Saturday in Raleigh. Mrs. Lee Sanders and* Mrs. W. H. Byrd, of Smithfield, were in the city Monday afternoon. ; ^Mr. M. J. Cameron has return ed from Swan’s Station, where he , attended the funeral of a cousin. .. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Hughes spent . Sunday in Raleigh Mr. anti Mrs. W. B. Driver have returned from a visit to Richmond, .Va. They made the trip by motor. - -m Mr. and Mrs. Fleming Black and Mr. and Mrs. Beard, of Raleigh, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. WThitley Sunday. • *Mis. A. E. McKeithan and Mrs. Bradley Pearce shopped in Smith $eld Tuesday. Mrs. Lillian Holland, of Buie’s Creek, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. E. V. Woodard. ■ Mr. H. B. Pearce was a business ■ .v|sitor to Wilson Tuesay. Rev. A. M. Mitchell and Mr. W. H. Call motored to Wilson Wed Mi’. and Mrs. P. C. Worley and daughter, Miss Rose, and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Worley spent Sunday at Rock Ridge. Mr. H. S. Wilder returned to his home in Walter boro, S. C-, Wednes day after a visit here to Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Worley. Mr. P. C. Worley is on the sick list this w'eek. /-— Corbett-Hatcher Selma, Route 1, Nov. 10.—Mr. and .Mrs. Effriet Moore and Mr ; *ind Mrs. J. H. Bailey spent Fri day in Durham. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Thornton and family shopped in Goldsboro Wed nesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Bryant Hin- ; ttant and Mr. Robert Hinnant, of Konly, visited at Mr. Jesse W. ' Bailey’s Sunday afternoon. ( Miss r,thel Boyette spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Boyette. Messrs. R. A. and J. H. Bailey, S. E. Thornton and Arthur Deans went to Durham on business Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bailey of Selma, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Ed gar Bailey and little daughter, Edna Earle, of Smithfield, spent Sunday here with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Bailey. Miss Leone Bailey and Messrs. George and Norman Bailey spent the week end in Kenly with their aunts, the Misses Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. Jarmon Sullivan were guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Sullivan, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dalmon Bailey and children, Mary Grant, Keith and Willard, spent Sunday in Fayette-; ville with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Grant and at Fort Bragg. Misses Julia and Rena Grant and Miss Law horn of Thanksgiving, were in this community Saturday afternoon. Mr. Jesse W. Bailey spent Sun day in Dunn with his brother, Mr. LeRoy Bailey. Misses Mildred and Elizabeth Boyette and Mr. Cleon Boyette, of Glendale, were in our section on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Whitley and family were visitors in this community Sunday. Mesdames McMillan, Mozingo and O’Neal and Miss Britt, of Selma, were here Sunday after noon. They organized a woman’s auxiliary at the Fairview Presby terian church. Glendale Kenly, Route 2, Nov. 10.—A very enjoyable Hallowe’en party was held in the school auditorium Saturday night, October 30, in honor of the high school pupils. The girls were attired in dainty Hallowe’en frocks which helped to make the scene more effective. The auditorium was tastefully deco rated with Hallowe’en and autumn colors which also helped to pro duce the spirit of the occasion. From every corner could be seen moving ghost-like forms who ex tended a cold yet cordial hand to all present. Many games, contests and other amusements were in dulged in which kept the guests busily engaged, after which re freshments were served. The guests departed taking with them last ing impressions of the “Chamber of Horrors” and other frightful Miss Clyda Woodard, of E. C. T. C., spent last week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wood ard. Misses Spain and Tyson spent Sunday at their homes near Green ville. Miss Andrea Covington spent last week end in Raleigh. We are sorry to note that Miss *awls who spent last week end it her home in Robersonville, was unable to return to her work Mon lay. Prof. E. T. Boyette, Misses New some. Jones, Davis and Mathis made a business trip to Goldsboro Friday evening-. The different grades conduct chaple on Monday, Wednesday and Friday of each week. Some very interesting programs are > being rendered. The school extends a hearty welcome to all patrons to attend these exercises and also to visit the school at any time. Micro Micro, Nov. 10.—Rev. J. T. Col Her filled his reguluar appoint ment at Taber the past week end. Mies Flossie Wellons, of Prince ton, was the week end guest of Miss Fanny Wellons. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Morgain, of Selma, visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Corbett, Saturday. Mr. P. Hinshaw, of Chapel Hill, was in town Sunday. Miss Lyda Edwards, one of the sixth grade teachers, spent ,the week end in Pinetops with her parents. Pi of. G. M. Moser and a num ber of the teachers, Misses Sadie Boyett, Mae Robinson, Mary Kit trell, Louise Williams and Evelyn Maness, attended a football game at Raleigh Saturday. Mr. Gold Barden spent the past week end in Rocky Mount with his sister, Mrs. T. C. Robins. Miss Monty Gray Farmer, of Wilson, was the g-uest of Mrs. L. O. Paschal Sunday. Mr. James Fitzgerald, a student at Carolina, spent the week end at home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Fitzgerald. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Wellons, of Princeton, visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Wellons, Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Barbour, of Raleigh, attended the funeral of Mr. R. F. Hawkins Wednesday, Rev. and Mrs. J. T. Collier went to Raleigh Tuesday on ljusines. As Mr. J. G. Bachelor, of Rocky Mount, and Miss Bessie Atkinson were leaving town Friday night they had an automobile accident, A car load of colored people from Kcnly ran into their car, turning theirs over and slightly hurting Overdoing? Hurry, Worry «nd Overwork Bring Heavy Strain. MODERN life throws a heavy burden on our bod ily machinery. The eliminative organs, especially the kidneys, are apt to become sluggish. Re tention of excess uric acid and other poisonous waste often gives rise to a dull, languid feel ing and, sometimes, toxic back aches and headaches. That the kidneys are not functioning perfectly is often shown by burning or scanty passage of secretions. More and more people are learning to assist their kidneys by the occa sional use of Doan’s Pills — a stimulant diuretic. Ask your neighbor! DOAN’S *%* Stimulant Diuretic to the Kidney* Footer-Miiburo Co., Cbcuu, Buffalo. N.Y. ril say they fit Stepping Right) Along! Soy Lua, I'm on my second mile now and goin’ strong. These new Florsheimz feci to fine, it’s a joy to walk :n th-m. Got the highest mileage rata for the money of any kicks, I over wore. And pipe their class. They get more admiring loc ks than my diamond pin. I’m not finikin’ the appler.auce when I say Fm mighty glad 1 bought ’em. A USTIA' ’S / “Everything for Everybody’’ wbAs plorsheims at ali. times some of them. Mr. R. F. Hawkins passed away Tuesday, November 1), about 5:30 o’clock after a lingering: illness of cancer of the stomach and liver. ; His death was not unexpected to his many friends as he had been confined to his bed for some time He was a good citizen and had many friends. He will be missed very much. He was a member of the Freewill Baptist church, and Rev. S. H. Styron, of Pine Level, conducted the funeral at two o’clock today. He had been married three times. Surviving* him is his wife, Mrs. Emma Hawkins. His remains were laid to rest in the Micro cem Clayton Miss Gladys Barbour, of Durham spent Sunday here with her mother, Mrs. Fannie Barbour. Mrs. G. A. Smith and Mrs. C. W. Robinson spent last Wednesday morning in Raleigh shopping*. Mrs. Robert Boone is spending some time here with her daughter, Mrs. Jesse C. Ellis. The Pythians held a meeting at the Pythian Lodge here Monday Rev. R. C. White and brother, Rev. Charles White Spent a few hours in Clayton last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Smith, of near Auburn, spent Sunday here with relatives. Miss Genie Thomas, of Green ville, spent the past week end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Thomas. Mr. anu Mrs. J. B. Ferrell went to Greenville Sunday to see their daughter, Miss Elizabeth, who is in school there. Mr. James Clark is improving from an attack of la grippe at his home here. He will soon be able to return to the N. T. S. at Hamp ton Roads, Va. j Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Beddingfield and Mrs. B. M. Robertson motored to Greensboro Sunday and spent , the day with Mr. and Mrs. Carey Mitchell. j Miss Ella Smith, of Raleigh, vis ited relatives here recently. To Mothers! Are your nerves strong ? Does your work get on your nerves ? Do your children set your nerves on edge? Do not become discouraged, relief is in sight. What you need is Dr. Piece’s Favorite Prescription, a medicine adapted to the weak nesses of women, containing no alcohol, made of herbs the Indians knew about years ago. Thousands of homes for fifty years have known the value of Doctor Pierce’s medicines and many testimonials to their worth come unsolicited. Try it now ! Delays are dangerous. ' Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Lee, of Smithfield, were visitors here on Sunday. Mr. G. Clem Bryan, of the Bap tist Center section, was in Clayton Mr. Z. B. Austin, of the Amelia section, was here on business a few days ago. Mr. A. A. Clark and sons, Wil liam and James, motored to Bunn Level last Wednesday and spent the nay with Mr. Clark’s father, Mr. J. A. Clark in that vicinity. Class No. 8 of the Junior De partment of Clayton Baptist Sun day School with a few invited guests, were entertained at a Hal lowe'en party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Turley on last Monday evening. Miss Grace Talton was hostess to more than twenty girls and boys Saturday evening, when she enter tained in the form of a Hallowe’en party. The spacious basement of the handsome Talton home was suitably decorated for the occasion with owls, black cats, witches, au tumn foliage, etc. Here a fortune telling tent was presided over by Miss Hampton, who delighted the youngsters with palm reading and crystal gazing. Hallowe’en games and telling of ghost stories were enjoyed during the evening. The hostess served delicious fruit salad with wafers and gave as favors miniature orange baskets filled with salted peanuts. Royall Piincetun, Route 1. Nov. 8.—Mr. and Mrs. VV. P. Wiggs and Misses M»-rtlc Mao Wiggs and Ethel Mae Era swell wore the guests of Mr. ind Mrs. R. K. Daughtry and laughters, of Progress, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Braswell and laughter, Aldonia, visited Mr. and Mrs. Rogers Edwards of near ; Selma, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Braswell and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Woodard , were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. | J. L. Pittman Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Daughtry, of Raleigh, visited at the home of j Mr. C. A. Daughtry Sunday. Miss Jennie Wig-gs spent the week end in Raleigh. Mr. Alkie Jinnette spent last week in Richmond, Va. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Mitchell, of ; Raleigh, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Wiggs, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Wiggs, of i Massey Chapel, Mr. and Mrs. John- i nie Thompson were the guests of ! Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Braswell Sun- ! day. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Peedin and family attended &ie birthday din ner at Mr. J. W. Thompson’s Sun day. The advantage of adhering to classifed ads is apparent. THE WESTERN HOT SPOT Fred’s Place Hot Dogs” that melt in in your mouth Cold Drinks Candies Tobaccos Opposite Victory Tneatre 15c For Cotton GRADING MIDDLING On Acounts -AT Johnston County Hospital Seven Bearing Crankshaft MOTOR eJhe Ultra Modern Motor "World’s Smoothes7 7ype^ ONLY Nash of all the great motorcar manu facturers offers you the vital advantage of a /-bearing crankshaft motor in every model. This is the motor type that engineering authorities concede to be the newest and highest expression of six-cylinder power plant development. Come drive one of these new Nash models. See clearly for yourself the utter power smoothness and power-quietness that this /-bearing motor gives—hew striking its per formance is as contrasted to older motor types with 3- or 4-bearing crankshaft design. Don’t buy an old-type motor if you’re buy ing a new car. Nash Motor Sales Phone 2440 ' 329 South Blount Street :_: )aiiy RALEIGH, N. C. wwi) If You Are Looking for Re liable Merchandise at Lower Prices Come to Hudson-Belk. 32-inch Dress Ginghams yard_ Dress Ginghams yard Percales yard_ 10c 84c 74c Mattress Ticking yard_ LL Domestic yard_ Cotton Plaids yard_ Pajama Check yard_ 10cand 124c 74c 19c 124c oOO yardsd White Goods yard_ 36 inch Outing yard_ 10c 15c 27-inch Outing yard_ me 48-inch Oil Cloth, best grade, yard_ Ladies’ Hose pair_ Children’s Socks pair_ Fay Stockings pair_i_ 29c 10c 15c 50c Turkish Towels each_ 10cand 124c Pillow Cases priced_ 81x90 Sheets each_ 19cand25c 85c Men’s Union Suits each_ Boy’s Union Suits each_ Beys’ Blue Chambray Work Shirts_ 98c 68cand 75c 48c Boys’ Work Shirts each_ Men’s heavy gray mixed sox pair_ Men’s dress sox pair_ Men’s work sox pair _._ 27x36-inch Rugs each_ Cotton Blankets at_ Chlidren’s Sateen Bloomers each_ Ladies’ jersey Bloomers each_ Chlidren’s Outing Gowns each_ Ladies’ heavy Outing Gown each_ Ladies’ House Apron each_ Chlidren’s Sweaters each__ Men’s and Boys’ Sweaters each_ 48c 10c 10c 5c 98c 98c 39c 98c 75c 98c 59c 98c 98c Hudson-Belk f* -y 'n tompanyii a* - - . .i. “The Home of Better Bargains” SMITHFIELD, N. C.