(^imtfKewy Kenly J KENLY, Jan. 2.—Miss Grace Snipe?, of Dunn, spent Thursday « Aith her aunt, Mrs. H. M. Gxiz- ( :ard. Mrs. D. B. Sasser and daughters, * Margaret, Ruth and Virginia Sas- 1 .cr, of Wilson, spent Wednesday here with relatives. ‘ Glenn Edgerton has returned to Baltimore, Md., where he is study ng medicine. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Adams, of Linden, visited relatives here last week. Rev. F. B. Joyner made a bus iness trip to Wilson Wednesday afternoon. J. E. Jones and family have re turned .from Florida where they •.pent Christmas. iVU?. George K. Walston, of Wil son. spent Thursday with Mrs. W. T. Bailey. Mr. L. C. Wilkinson and daugh ters^ Miss Lillian Wilkinson, and Mrs. W. 11. Winders, of Fremont, Miss' Adna Lee Bailey and Mrs. \V. A. Stallings, of Charlotte, spent Wednesday in Raleigh. Dr. G. B.v Woodard, of Wilson, was in town Wednesday. John L. Broughton has returned from a visit to his cousin in Wil t • • •GRov. and Mrs. H. R. A-shmore, j (.f lucama, wrere the g*uests of Rev. s rind Mrs. F: B. Joyner Wednesday. ( Wilbur Sasser spent the week ! end with Arthur Grumpier. , Mrs. Lily daughter, of B. Fitzgerald and ^ Bagley, the Quests day a.: of Mrs, F. B. Joyner Thurs .j.- a^tcrn-jon. ATiftrvw Bagley, or Linkerston, is spending several days with his sis ter, Mrs. Jane Ayeoek. Ulysses Hardison and chil dren have returned to their home in Enfield after spending the hol idays in Selma and Kenly. Mrs. Deans, of Goldsboro, is }k,o at the bedside of her daugh jter'anti son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J* R. Hicks, who are ill. Mrs. F. T. McDewitt and son, of Washington, are the guests of > A. H. Hardison. 1 Miv and Mrs. N. E. Oliver have1 ft1 .tuned to their home in Wash ington, after a visit tc Mrs. A. H. llardiscn. J. M. Stancil spent Thursday in Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Broughton spent Friday morning in Wilson. Mrs. George J. Hales, of Rocky Mount, is the guest of Mrs. J. G. M^gh. iutd Mrs. A. J. Broughton. C. H. Pulley, of Durham, visite 1 | oi mother. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Wiggs are spending some time with relatives rear Princeton. Miss Margaret Wilson, who teaches in Raleigh, is spending the holidays here with her father. Marshall Uzzle, of Charleston. S. C., is spending the holidays here with his mother, Mrs. Lula Uzzls. Raymond Wilson, of Hopewell Ya.} spent Christmas here with his iamily. Mr. and Mrs. living Jor.es and little Miss Loyce Godwin spent the week end near Smithfteld with Mrs, Jcncs’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe * Gcwct. Mins Odessa Mvisfeey, \\'.io is ‘V ember of the Cleveland -school j iculty, is spending the holidays < ere with her mother. ' Millard B. Parrish, who is in i :hool at Wake‘~Forest College, is isiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ! !. B. Parrish. Carlton Adams, of' Wake For st College, is spending the holi ays here with relatives. Hardee Branch, of near Eliza eth church, was a visitor in town n Friday. _, • Miss Ora Tolley and brother,' Joward Lee, and Mis. John Tol ey, of Pine Level, spent Monday ifternoon with Mrs. S. L. Bar >our. Aubrey Massey, of Spencer, is spending some time here with his mother, Mrs. Clara Massey. Kenlv (Crowded out last issue) KENLY, Do. 28.—Among those :iv)m colleges here to spend the Christmas holidays are the fol lowing: Misses Celeste Edgerton, from Peace, Raleigh; Selma Gr?y Hooks, E. C. T. C., Greenville; Elizabeth Woodard, Black-tone. Va.; Lillian Wilkinson, G. C. W . Greensboro; Eloise Darden, N. ( C. W., Greensboro; Miriam Edg erton, Louisburg College; Marga ret Hooks, Catherine Alford am Virginia Kirby, Flora Macdonald Red Springs; Ruth Jones, Mere dith College, Raleigh, and Ceti Lawrence, Davidson College, Dav : ! ... iv:n:. ITI/wi >ge, Elon; Wilbur Alford, River ide Military Academy, Gainesville ia.j Kenneth Kirby and Willi Voodard, Carolina;. Misses Eisi nd Eloise Grady and Doris Hook roni A. C. College, Wilson; Louis ■oleman from Salem College Vinston-Salem. Miss Mildred Darden, of th William ston school faulty, earn Lome Thursday for the holidays. Mesdames L. F. Faele and J. M Darden shopped in Wilson Wee resday afternoon. Mesdames F. A. Price, R. '! ^ulghum- and Ross O. Edgerto shopped in Wilson Wednesda norning. Mr. and Mrs. Worth W^llian yon, of fit. Pauls, are here spent ng the holidays • with their pa ints, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Edgerto Misses Eleanor Hatcher, Lott CVomite, //-thur Crunj ler ar William Casper spent Tuesday ev ning in Smithfield. Mrs. E. L. Etheridge and Mi: Inez Watson shopped in Wilson < Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. White spei Wednesday evening In Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Edgertf ttended the pageant given by their laughter, Celeste, at Peace Ipsti ute, Raleigh, last Sunday ev2 ling. Miss Nettie Harris and W* A. ''lowers spent Wednesday after loon in Wilson. Mrs. L. C. Wilkinson and daugh ters, Mrs. W. R. Winders and Miss Lillian, shopped in Goldsboro Fri day. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Broughton made a business trip to Wilson on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. W. R. Winders, of Fremont, is spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Wilk Misses Emma Matthews-,, Lil lian Edgeiton and Mrs. H. M. Grizzard went to Wilson Thursday afternoon to bring Mrs. Martha Matthews home from the Caroline Hospital. Miss Adna Lee Bailey, of th< Four Oaks school faculty, is a home for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Jones an. children left Friday for Tampa Fla., to spend the holidays. J. M. Woclard, of Raleigh, i spending Christmas at home wit his family. Mrs. Katherine H. Kirby, o Elise high school, Hemp, is horn for the holidays. Miss Bertha Edgerton, of th Bailey school Jaculty, is speiidin the holidays with her parents, M and Mrs. W. H. Edgerton. Mrs. A. G. Hooks and daugl ters, Misses Mary Lee and Seim Grey, shopped in Wilson Thursdu afternoon. Miss Mary Lee Hooks, a men her of the Micro school faculty, at home for the-* holidays. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Bridger, < Bladenboro, are the guests of the sister, Mrs. H. M. Grizzard. Stephen Hollowell, of t ha riot t is at home for the holidays. -+ Pine Level -—♦ PINE LEVEL, Dec . 2R.-M • and Mrs. H. A. Biddoll and Mi 1 Howard Biddcll, of Pembrok ' were the guests of Mr. and Mi K. C. Woodard Monday. Ashton Doyle, of McKenny, V ' spent a few days at the home '■ Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Gerald tl ’• week. 0 Douglas Creech, who has be ^ spending several days at home, i ’■ turned to Charlotte today wlu he goes to work. s Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Davis, n Durham, spent Christmas with 3 and Mrs. T. 0. Wiggs. >t Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Woods spent Sunday in Clayton, n Miss Dolcic Woodard was t guest of Miss ‘Omega Brown of h Selma, Sunday night. ^ Mewin White has been spend ing Christmas in La Grange with;c relatives. 5 Miss Marie Rae, of Raleigh, is * at home for the holidays. Miss Mayme Leatherwood, of t Waynesville, is spending this week ^ with Mrs. B. L. Godwin. Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Godwin, of £ Raleigh, spent Christmas with Mr. 1 and Mrs. B. L. Godwin. Rev. and Mrs. Luther Davis, and J and Mrs. Mason, of Dunn, ‘ spent a short while in town Sun day with relatives.. Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Fitzgerald, 1 of Smithfield, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Fitzgerald. Fred Gaylor, of Rocky Mount, “is spending the Ohristmas holi days at home. Hiram Gerald, of Raleigh, and Millard Watson are spending the holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. II. R. Gerald. James Hartman, of Raleigh, was > a visitor here Monday. Miss Louise Townsend is spend ing the holidays at her home in M!f.« Clara Fitzgerald, who is ' spending the Christmas holidays at home,'is. now visiting Miss Ruby Rowland at McCullers. Miss Inez Or raid, of Raleigh, ; is home for the holidays. Miss Johnnie Watson is spending the Christmas vacation at home. Mi <| Whiter Baker and ifttb •l daughter, of Raeford, are spending y several days with Mr. add Mrs,. I). B. Oliver. l* Miss Ora Tolley leaves Wedne 4 day morning for Richmond an'i Ci ewe, Va., where she will visit relative*5. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gaylor en tertained as their guests for din ner on Christmas, Mr. and Mrs Johnnie Wellons and family, of Micro; Ed Crocker and- Miss Sadii and John Crocker, of Selma; Jir. Peedin and son, James, of Pm: r* Level. s. Leslie White, of Selma, spem c, Christmas home with his parents s. Mr. and Mrs. T. F. White. The friends of Miss Ffljm u, Strickland will be interested U c>f learn of her marriage to Wile; V? Stancil of Kenly on Saturday eve ning, Dec. 24 at 0:30 o’clock. »n Miss Rosalie Cuthrell, of Green o - ville, is spending the Christma: re holidays at home. Miss Verona Creech, of Wilsor ot is visiting Mrs. W. W. Cuthrell. it*. Major Williams, of Pine Leve and 3VJiss Ora Smith, of Seim: rd stole a march on the young pec pie here Saturday afternoon at lie o’clock when they motored to th >me of Rev. J. G. Crocker and ere quietly married by him. Rev. and Mrs. 1. H. Presley and lildren and Mr. and Mrs. Puckett >ent Christmas with Rev. and [rs. J. G. Crocker. Miss -Clara Hales is spending re holidays at her home in La 1 range. Rev. and Mrs. J. G. Crocker pent Tuesday in Goldsboro ami reipont. Mrs. W. P. Baker and Mrs. W i. Herring spent Wednesday ir ielma with Mrs. Walter Godwin Miss Sara Oliver, of Raleigh, 1 it home for the Christmas holi lays. Ira Hinnant, of Selma, spen Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. M 3. Futrell. W. B. Oliver, who is attendin school at Wake Forest, is at horn for the Christmas holidays. The play, “Flapper Gran: mother,” which was given hei during the Christmas season ui del* the auspices of the Paren Teacher Association, was quite success and greatly enjoyed t all present. Rev. and Mrs. J. G. Crocker spe 'Monday afternoon in Sande Chapel section. TUSCARORA COUNCIL TO MEET IN GOLDSBORO GOLDSBORO, Dec. 2D.—Mem bers of Tuscarora Council of the Boy Scouts of America .will meet at the Goldsboro Hotel at 0 o’clock on January (5 for dinner, with D. H. Bland presiding. Following the dinner the council will be judges at a championship rally to be hs'.d between scouts of Johnston, Du plin, Wayne and Sampson coun ties, at the Wayne County Me morial Community building at l(J wear and millinery store. Mr. Is lasser was with the Hudson-l; ompany for eight years. How a girl hates to have or girt friends admire the man he admires! i Today, Chevrolet Presents the crowning triumph of sixteen years’ continuous progress—a great new auto mobile so impressive in appearance, performance and staunchness that il(raarks the opening of a new era of luxurious transportation at low cost. T \ up\ Built on a 107-inch wr inches longer than before— ger and Better Chevrolet is sively large, low and Fisher Bodies are flushed fi Duco colors and ofl' holsteries and han&oir.e ap ments. Its improved valve-i engine has numera-u imprdssivc features such as alio) “invar«|trut! pistons, hydro-lamiiited caijhshaf: gears, mushroom typj valve tappet-, AC oil filter and AC air cdeaneL. The chassis also hdjs been rede signed. As a result, thc'ncw Chevro let provides delightful smeothnese throughout the entire speed range — a wide margin of power for hills — click-of- th e- heel acceleration—the ability to maintain 50, 55 and 60 miles an hour without the slightest fay inr. J-3y|r."P—flig i kes—-the ily result safety of four-wheel brqik steering ease that can from a ball bearing worn* and gear steering mechanism—anji comfort over all roads at ail speeds due to semi-elliptic shock absorber springs —84% of the wheelbase. Come in—see the car—and learn how Chevrolet has agaiii electrified America by creating a bigger and better motor car and offering prices so low as to be actually amazing! Every feature of advanced design demanded in the finest cars now offered in th. Men- Chevrolet! Read this partial list. Improved valve*in-head New stronger frame 4' longer; wheelbase 107". Thermostat control cooling system. New alloy “invar strut” pistons. New instrument panel, indi rectly lighted. New two-port exhaust. New hall hearing orra and gear steering. Semi-elliptic shock absorbet springs; 84% of whet’ Safety gasoline tank at rear. Larger balloon tiles 30" x 4. SO'. New streamline bodies by Fisher. Alcmite pressurel ubrication. Duco colors. Tljcft-proof steering and i-'nition lock. AC oil filter. AC air cleaner. Nin^le-plate dry disc-clutch. New crankcase breathing System. Heavy one-piece full-crown fenders. Vacuum tank fuel supply. . Improved De.» o-Remy Dls tributor iyniu.n. Combination tail .-.nd stop lii'ht. Large 17' steering wheel, spark and throttle lever* located at top. Fisher “VV”onc-plece wind* shield on closed models. Automatic windshield wip* ers on closed models. Sen-, ^floating rear axle. auci 4-Wheel Brakes Prices Reduced! The Roadster .'495 'I he Touring The The Four-Door Sedan . . . .0/3 The COACH The Sport Cabriolet The Imperial Landau . . ‘665 .715 t tility Truck . . $495 (Chassis Only) Light Delivery . . 5*375 (Chassis Only) (i Chec’ Ihey include t’.. 'ill f rU*r.. i iuil. Michigan jCJievrokt Delivered Prices L.» tf.*l 'aattiaiiny and financing charges I 1 available fl I HAMILTON'S GARAGE Smithfield, N. C. H Clayton, N. C. Q U A L I T Y | A T COST