r Hems Good Advice:.Try a Herald Want Ad-They Pay h T% Cents a Word (This Type) ?K’- First Insertion One Cent a Word for Each Suc *<- ceedjng Insertion. Twenty-Five Cents Minimum Charge. ii Cents a Word (12 nt.) (This TvDe) 3 Cents a Word (14 : , pt.) This Type. Blank Space and Paragraphed Want Ads 30c Per Inch |o insure proper classification Want Ads should be in' .office liondays and Thursday by 10 IM- ° All Ads Signed “Care Herald” Strictly Confidential. For Sale BANANZA TOBACCO seed fc pale. 4 acres of this tobacco sol for $1892.34, clear check, thi year. Chas. D. Stanley, Smithfieh Route 1, after January I. • FINE Jersey heifer for sal See Hogan Smith, Smithfielcf, I SALE pine stove wood. Ir „jjC. Whitley, Wilson’s Mills, N. ( W)ute 1. TjpREE RABBIT dogs for si •pT. E. Powell, Garner, Route rjOR SALE Bananza tobacco seed; JjgTaded by State Agricultural De ffijrtment; 1927 crop from this va riety averaged Si’Tents^pyice $2.50 par pound. E. B.’WaUr, Shithfield, f.ute 1. > M3CAN-S, FRUIT, trees, ornament al als. Set now and sav& a year’s ime. For prices, etc., write J. B, [fight, Cairo, Ga. jjOBACCO f?EED—Improved Da vis Special and Bananza. Seed teen graded. Best that money car |(uy. 25c per spoonful, $3.50 pei ■ound. Mellie Johnson, Smithfield C., Route 1. TOR SALE...one light six Buick motor No. 834691 under me chanics lien.' Will "be sold at twc //clock ‘on January 21,^ a Motor Co., Garag^P^-uiceton w> -' r CTION ,SALE: at my farm miles southeast of Smithfield o: ■January 5, 1928—5 registered An b?us cows arfd heifers; G bred Du •foe Jersey s(rw&j 15 bred and ope Wilts; 25 feeders and shoats; 2 $rade Shropshire sheep, lloope iKanders. f‘ jt Farms For Rent ^SEVERAL £OOD farms for rer |*i in Snjjt&field -ant), Clayton tow.r ifiip. See W. H. Austin or R. I* ^ I ^Whitehurst. , p'OR RENT a good twojiorse fan with two dwelling houses an of out houses; also a goo. ham. Will rent for stand shares. Will fur l ot tenant furnish hi J. D. Lee, Wilson’ iRuute 1. shares- two two inns; two dwellings ant r.v outbuildings. Man win ■it plant otbaeeo need not an Office Supplies PIN TICKETS any size at Herald j Office. LEDGERS, DAY Books, large and small at Herald Office*.^ NIC®} LITTLE Portable 'Royal typewriter to take to school on sasy terms. W. M. Gaskin, at the Herald office. PAPER FASTENERS at the Herald Office. SECOND SHEETS at Heralil Of fice. Call 10. * I AT A bargain one good second ! hand Royal typewriter at $45.00, easy payment plan. W. M. Gaskin, I at Herald office. (MARKING TAGS any size, at the i Herald Office. POPULAR BOOKS of all kinds at the Herald Office. 4 YOU CAN get the Ribl^ you want at the Herald Office. Houses For Rent FOR RENT 7-room hojjse ./with water and lights one block from ** business district. Apply to Mrs. J. C. Bingham. ’_Flowers FOR SALE sweet pea seed, and ‘‘ pansy plants. Mrs. C, *y, Jafin ’ son & Co., Smithfield, N. ‘ j Radio Repairing RADIO INSTALLING and re „ pairing. C. Dwight Johnson, ^ Smithfield, N. C. Printing * F IT’S printed (or engravotypecf) social necessities, we can save ou money on that order. Mail or ers solicited. Paul Humphrey, c-o lerald, Smithfield. "Chevrons” Continued from page three “Le Corneau!” cried Eadipj so Hint all the men turned do* look-at him. - “There must be some mis take. Why, I’m just oql of hospi tal. They told me I was going “There’s no mistake,” observed the officer. He got out the ophei to make sure. “Yes, he re ✓'ft is Fa die, Robert, Sergeant ‘A J /Seven ty-ninth Field Artijlor/r, and at tin top of thcj)r£ojfyou see, ‘The fol Jpw.Tfj," l^ameil enlisted men to re port to commanding ofHeer, F. A II. II.. Le Corneau Glronad ” “Ah, tin -” muttered Eti die. “She knew it all the time. Then he mounted the train In si lew**. MORE NEXT ISSUE RE-SALE OF VALUABLE LANI Under and by virtue of tin power and authority contained in ? rertain deed of trust made by F A. Cheatham, et als, to J. W. Bunn trustee, of date, June 2, 11*24, an< recorded in Book 159, page 350 Johnstcn County Registry, the $on tents of said deed of trust not hav ing been complied with, and upoi the request of the said F. A Cheatham, and other parties of thi lir$t part. 1 will offer for sale am •ell to the highest bidder or bid lers upon the terms of one-thirc (1-3) cash and the balance iji one wo and three year's, deferred pay nents to be secured by deed ol rust on the property, at the court louse door c^f Wake county. Nort! Carolina, on January 14, 1928, al 2 o’clock noon, four (4) tracts ot and situate in Johnston county md known as the Dr. H. M. Whit ey home place, and described as ollows: rirsi: 0^11111111^ ai a siaKO, northeast coiner of Lot No. 12, in a division made by the Atlantic Coast Realty Company, October 20, 1918, and running thence, north 07 degrees East 950 feet to a cedar stake, corner of Lot No. 2 on this map; thence with line of Lot No. 2, South 13 deg*. East 3020 feet to a stake, corner of Lot No. 2 in J. S. Medlin’s line: thence with said Medlin’s line South 77 deg. West 940 feet to a stake, corner of aforesaid lot No. of the At lantic Coast Realty Company; and thence with said lot North 13 deg. West 2860 feet to the beginning, containing 63 % acres. Second: Beginning at an iron pipe, J. W. Harris’ corner; thence with said Harris’ line South 79 deg. East 1819 feet to a stake, coiner of Lot ,No. 15, as modified by a line run 'by H. A. Chappell, November 23, 1920; thence with said modified line'' of lot No. 15, South 13 deg. East -1558 f©et to a stake, new corner of lot No. 15, in line of lot No. 16; thence with said line of lot No: *16, South 7G deg*. West 1507 feet to a stake, new corner of lot No. 16, made in sur vey of *H. A. Chappell; thence with new line of said survey South 13 deg. East 897 feet to a stake, new comer of lot No. 1G, of said sur vey; thence with new line of said survey North 77 deg. East 1646 feet to center of the road leading from Clayton to Wendell, in a line with a stake on its west side, new corner ot lot No. 16; thence along said road in a* southwest direc tion about 671 feet to a point in the center of said road, corner of lot No. 3, in J. S. Medlin’s line; thence with said Medlin’s line to and with line of lot No. 7, now said Medlin’s line, also South 77 i West 1631 feet to a stake, corner of No. 13, in line of lot No. 7; thence with line No. 13, North 13 deg:. West 3020 feet to a cedar stake, corner of lot No. 7; thence! North 12 deg. East 666 feet to the beginning, containing 114% acres, imore or less. There is excepted,.! 'however, from the above described tract, 8% acres, which has been j previously sold to J. S. Medlin. j j Third: Beginning at a stake in J. W. Harris’ line, a new corner of lot No. 14, made in the survey by H. A. Chappell, November 23, 1020, of lots No. 14 and No. 15 of the division of Dr. Whitley’s farm, by T. B. DuTrow, on Novem ber 1, 1918; thence with said Har ris’ line South 79 deg. East 2439 feet to the center of the road lead ing from Clayton to Wendell, cor ner of lot No. 1; thence along; said road with line of lot No. 1, 870 feet to a stake on the East1 .side of said road, corner of lot No. 16; thence with line of lot No. j 16; south 76 deg. West 1516 feet; jto a stake, new comer of lot No.' 14; thence with new' line of lot! No. 14, North 130 deg. West 1558 I to the beginning, containing 50. | acres, more or less. There is ex-1 cepted from the above tract, how j ever. 4% acres, previously con-, jveyed to J. W. Harris. I Fourth Tract: Beginning- at a ’stone on the East side of road j leading from Clayton to Wendell, .comer of lot No. 15, in line of lot j No. 1, of the division ot the D:\' Whitley land, made by T. B. Du-‘ jTrow, November 1, 1918, for C. C. and F. A. Cheatham; thence [with line of No. 15 to and with line of lot No. 14, South 76 deg. West 30.23 feet to a stake, new’. corner of said lot No. 14, made in ; modification of the same in the' survey made by H. A. Chappell, November 23, 1920; thence with the new line of Lot No. 14, South 13 deg. East 897 feet to a stake,! new comer of lot No. 14; thence with the new line of lot No. 14,1 North 77 deg. East 1646 feet to the center of the aforesaid road, in line with a stake in its West side, new, corner of Lot No. 14, j in line of lot No. 3; thence along! said road with line of Lot No. 3,' and with Lot No. 2, to and with! j line of Lot No. 1, about 1609 feet, ito the beginning, containing 50 ae-1 res, more or less. J. W. BUNN, Trustee. ' December 28, 1927. - --j •; IN U1 lL ti - -* Notice is hereby give^m^ffiat pur suant to a resolutJ'dn passed by the Board of pr>mmissioners of John&ton couj^Cy on December 19, under authority of Section 5 of the Co^/ity Finance Act that John ston* ‘county will on Monday, Jan j>Ary 9, 1928, sell one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars John ston county six months notes the i same to be dated January 15, 1928, and to mature July 15, 1928, and bearing: interest at a rate not exceeding five per cent (the bidder to name the rate of interest). Said notes are issued for the (purpose of paying the principal or interest of bonds or notes issued for necessary expenses and due or to become due within four months and not otherwise adequately provided for, and in anticipation of the re ceipt of the revenues of the next succeeding fiscal year. Sealed proposals only will be re ceived by C. A. Fitzgerald, chair man of Board of Commissioners of Johnston county, until 10:00 o' clock a. m., Monday January 9, ,1928, at the courthouse in Smith field, N. C., for the purpose of the above described notes. NEIL BARNES, Clerk. v'1 ivo-ortuii wr i\ ij NORTH CAROLINA. JOHNSTON COUNTY, i Jn Superior Court Before Clerk i In the matter of G. T. Peacock ! Guardian of Nancy W. Johnson, lunatic. Under and by virtue of the au thority contained in a judgment I and order of the^ Superior Court made in the above entitled pro-' ceeding the undersigned commis sioner will offer for sale at pub-' pi(* auction for cash at the court house door of Johnston county on ! Saturday, January 14,t 1928, at 12 ‘o'clock .noon the following describ ed real estate, to-wit: [Beginning at a stake, the corner ; lot No. 4 and runs N 88 W 33 Ms jioles to a stake in Beasley line near a fence; thence his line N 2 K 47 poles to a stake in Johnston line; thence his line S 88 E 15 poles to stake in a path; thence his line N 2 E 39 poles to a stake; thence with the fence S 88 E 18 < I . _■ _ poles to a stake, the comer of lo No. 4; thence that line S 2 W1 8> poles to the beginning, containinj 15 acres, mom or less. A deposit of 10 per cent will b required of the highest bidder oi day of sale. This 28 day of December, 1927. G. A. MARTIN, Commissionei NOTICE The undersigned having quali fled as administrator on the estat of Jacob Hood, deceased, hereb; notifies all persons having claim against said estate .'to present th same to me duly verified on or be fore the 3 day of January, 1928 or this notice will be pleaded i bar of their recovery; and all per fons indebted to said estate wi! make immediate payment. This 30 day of December, 1927. H. D. ELLINGTON, Administrator. L. E. WATSON, Jr., Attorney. NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA, JOHNSTON COUNTY. In the Superior Court. Paul D. Grady, Trustee for th Bank of Kenly, and the Bank o Kenly. J. M. Maden and wife Effie Mad en, Jarvis V. Narron and wife M E. Narron & Armour Fertilize Works. The defendants, Jarvis V. Nar ron and wife M. E. Narron, abov named, will take notice that an ac tion entitled as above has bee; commenced in the Superior cour of Johnston county upon a con tract of conveying certain lands b the defendants Jarvis V. Narro: and wife to M. E. Narron to J M. Maden and wife Effie Maden ai)d that the defendants will fur ther take notice that they are re quired to appear before the Cler of Superior Court of Johnsto: county at his office in Smitihfielc N. C., on Monday, January 3( 1928, and answer or demur to th complaint in said action or th plaintiffs will apply to the cour for the relief demanded in sai complaint. H.' V. ROSE, Clerk of Superior Court of Johnston Countv. ^ NOTICE The members of the Federe *cand ’iiahK '^c'^pciation from th Smithfield AssociatioiT \\1tr- ■*£!£< : Tuesday, January 10, at 11 o’cloel over postoffice. I L. T. ROYALL. NOTICE OF RE-SALE OF REA j ESTATE j The bid at the prior sale of t> real estate hereinafter describe having been raised, the undersig? ed will in accordance with the la in such cases made and provided i cases 'of upset bids, and under ar by virtue of the authority and tl power veste'd in us by that certai inortgfage deed executed by J. J\ Stancil and wife Zelphia Stancil ; Tansy Peacock Gayior, and unde date of November 15, 1022, sa: .mortgage deed being duly recordc di Bobk No. 120, at page 72 of tl Johnston County Registry, havin been given to secure the paymei of the notes and default havin been made in the payment of tl notes' the undersigned will purs* ant to the power contained in sa mortgage deed, offer for sale ar sell to the highest bidder for ca.« at the courthouse door in Smitl field, N. C., Monday, January 16t 1928 between the hour of 12:00 i and ^:00 p. m., the following di scribed real estate, to-wit: Beginning at an . iron stake o the west side of the Kenly roa< Henry Watson’s corner and rur with his line South 62% degs. ^ 213 feet and ten inches to a stak Mrs. Barnes Watkin’s corner; an thence with Wiatkin’s line N 2 degs. W 102% feet to L. C. Rr per‘s corner; thence N 62% deg E with said Raper’s line 211 fet to the Kenly road; thence S 28\ degs. E with said road 102% fee to the beginning, containing one half (%) acre, more or less. A ten per cent deposit will be re quired of the highest bidder on sal day to show good faith in bid. This the 31 day of Decembei 1927. MRS. PANSY PEACOCK GAYLOR, Mortgagee. PAUL D. GRADY, Attorney. ur AiMiiiJNU J J.VIbrJK By virtue of authority vested i: me under a mortgage from Wil bur M. Lee dated Non ember 2t 1927, registered in book 197, pag 531, default having been made i: payment of the debt thereby se cured, I will, on tihe 1st day o February, 1928 at 12 noon at th courthouse door at Smithfield, N k. offer for sale at public auction : to the highest bidder for cash all > the merchanteable timble which is : situated upon that certain tract of land in Bentonville township, ad 5 joining the lands of L. V. Massey,1 i ■ Carson Hayes and others, begin ning at a black gum on Mill Creek, j Carson Hayes’ corner and runs • i North 144 poles to a pine, Carson Hayes’ corner, then East 36 poles • to a stake in Buzzard Pond, J. M., . Massey’s corner thence with his' > I line north 23 Wiest 34 poles to a; r stake, J. V. Massey’s corner, and jithence south 16 east 202 poles to » a stake on Mill Creek, thence down .•the meanders of said creek to the ^beginning, containing 89x/4 acres, i more or less. -j Together with the right and l (privilege to enter upon said lands jand to cut and remove said timber for a period of one year from and i after the 16 day of November,1 |1927, and also to exercise all such j !rights and powers as were conferr jed upon said Wilbur M. Lee under, Ja timber deed from W. A. Massey • and wife which is registered in book 175 at page 292. j Dated this December 30, 1927. j J J’. H. FUSSELL, [•! Wilmington, N. C. Trustee. | R. C. LAWRENCE, Attorney for Trustee., Lumberton, N. C. I j LANDS FOR SALE AND RENT | 14 acres, 9 cleared, on good road,; .$1,000.00; $200.00 cash, balance to! ’ suit purchaser. 27 acres, just off, . but in sight Benson-Garner-Ral-; l jeigh road, all in wood and timber, - but fine land and easy to clear— $1,000.00, $200.00 cash, balance to, (suit purchaser. . I 23 -acres on Benson-Garner-Ral ; eigh road part in old fields, with | - growthy young pines—$500. Cash [ | or terms. J! 35 acres, on Smithfield-Willow1 J Springs road, 15 to 20 cleared good , jland. Three room house and stable. • I have ten $270.00 notes against . this farm, running 10 years, any-| l lone taking up these notes gets i:. i ; This is a bargain to some good tenant. Just pay rent 10 years and [the farm is yours. Two other fine farms, 50 and 65 acres at a higher price, but [ easy terms. Several for rent or » will consider exchange for town J.yvmertvv L. H. Stephenson, Wil [low Sprjnl>.>, ^ou^e ^ NOTICE ‘ V1 The undersigned having quali fy fied as a Iministrator on the es itate of Vick Austin, deceased, b jlercby notifies all persons having ^ claims against said estate to pre v sent the :-ame to me duly verified n on or before the 9 day of Decem d ber, 1928 or this notice will be & plea Jed in bar of their recovery; [ rnd all persons indebted to said o estate will make immediate pay r ment. • 1 ^ j; d | This 6 day of December, 1927. “ ERNEST AUSTIN, -y Administrator. ? | NOTICE ® | The undersigned having quali j fied as Administrator on the es d tate of Emma Mumford, deceased, h hereby notifies all persons having ' claims against said estate to pre [ sent the same to me duly verified . on or before the 20 day of Decem ber, 1928, or this notice will be j1 pleaded in bar of their recovery; J and all persons indebted to said / estate will make immediate pay % ment. This 19 day of Dec. 1927. [\ C. G. MUMFORD, Administrator. t PARKER & MARTIN, Attorneys. 11 NOTICE | - NORTH CAROLINA, v JOHNSTON COUNTY. - A. J. Thompson, Guardian, for Daniel Thompson and Thurman (Thompson, ,' vs. Richard Almon Rose, George Ed Ward Rose, Bertha Jane Rose, Wil liam Daniel Woodard and Alice1 Edwards. Under and by virtue of the, j powers of sale contained in a; i judgment in the above entitled •jcause, the undersigned commis-1 , ;sioners will sell at public auction,! - 'for cash, to the highest bidder, at1 i,the courthouse door in the town! ■ j of Smithfield, N. C., on the 16th : jday of January, 1928, at 12 o’clock •!M., the hereinafter described tract} of land, which tract of land is bounded as follows: Beginning: at a stake in Atkin son’s line P. G. Rose’s corner, an< runs said Rose's line N 63 E 113 V, poles to a stake, said Arthur Lang ley’s corner; thence his line N 4! W 77 poles to a stake in the field thence N 40 W 43 poles to a pine thence S 66 W 50 poles to a stake thence a line of marked tree about S to the beginning, contain ing 60 acres, more or less. Terms of sale, cash. This is a very valuable tract o land and we especially invite pros pective purchasers to call on Wil lie Woodard, about 5 piiles wes of Princeton who will show then this tract of land. This December 14, 1927. A. M. NOBLE, and WM. B. WELLONB, Commissioners. NOTICE The undersigned having quail fied as administrator on the es tate of Rena R. Allen, deceased hereby notifies all persons having claims against said estate to pre sent the same to me duly verifiet on or before the 29 day of Novem ber, 1928, or this notice will b< pleaded in bar of their recovery and all persons indebted to sai( estate will make immediate pay ment. This 28 day of Nov. 1927. W. J. A. KINSEY. MORTGAGE SALE OF VALUA BLE PROPERTY Whereas, on the 1st. day of May 1919, the Veneer Products com pany executed a deed of trust t< J. J. Broadhurst, trustee, to secur< certain indebtedness due F. K Broadhurst by said corporation, a; evidenced by bonds of even dat< and set out in said instrument which is recorded in Book No. 51 page 142, Registry of Johnstoi county, and Whereas, the bonds evidencing said indebtedness have not beer paid and the conditions of saic deed of trust have, therefore beer broken, and i the holders of sait bonds having made demand on th< undersigned trustee to execute th trust and foreclosure said deed o trust in order to satisfy the in debtedness secured thereby, Therefore, the undersigned trus tee as aforesaid, will on Monday January 16, 1928, at 12 o’clock M in front of the courthouse dooi in the town of Smithfield, N. C. offer for sale at public auction foi cash all those certain lots, tract: or parcels of land lying and being in Smithfield township and town o: Smithfield, bounded and describee as follows, to-wit: First Tract: Beginning at 5 stake in the right of way of the A. C. L. R. R. Company’s cornel dl the tract of 1 find containing 5M acres md sold jy Seth Wo^d-sdl, t H. Walters o.; trvjeti reworded i the Registry of Johnston county i Book “W” No. 4 page 468, and run thence as the line of said trac N 4% W 19 3-4 poles to a stak< corner of said tract; thence 30 3-4 W 16 4-5 poles to a stak in W. L. Woodall’s line; thence a his line S. 65 E. 18 1-2 poles to stake, said W. L. Woodall’s corne on the right-of-way of said rail road; thence as the right of way o said railroad N. 41 E. 10 poles t | the beginning, containing 1 2 aeres, more or less. See deed i: Book “J” No. 9 page 75, and dee in Book “R” No. 7 page 268 Reg istry of Johnston county. | Second tract: immediately ad joins the above tract on the Soutl beginning at a point in the origin al B. A. Woodall line, Seth Wood al’s corner and runs S. 30 W. t the northern edge of the stree extending from the public road a J. A. Lee’s and running to A. C. I R. R., and passing immediately i: front of the house of Brooklyi Mfg. Co.; thence along the stree extending to the right-of-way o the A. C. L. R. R., southern lin of above tract, originally the E A. Woodall line, to the beginning containing a fraction of an acre. Third Tract: Lots Nos 1 ani 2 in Block “J” according to i survey and plot made by E. F Lore,1 C. E., and recorded in Plo Book No. 1 page 26 Registry o Johnston county. Also, any and all brick, iron o: other material, and all machiner: or other property on said lot lef after the fire, and conveyed ii said deed of trust. This December 15, 1927. J. J. BROADHURST, Trustee. F. H. BROOKS, Attorney. NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA, OHNSTON COUNTY. In Superior Court. W. T. Valentino and W. K. Bal ontinc, trading as The Valentine Motor Company vs. VV. C. Carter and R. W. Vincent Loe S. Allman, Atlantic Surety Company and United States Fidel • ity and Guaranty Company. To all persona concerned: * : All persons are hereby notified »i that the above named plaintiffs have commenced an action in the : Superior Court of Johnston county ; against the above named defend . ants for the purpose of collecting $210.52, consisting of materials furnished and labor performed in the construction of Project No. ' '238 of State highway No. 91, run . | ning through Johnston, county. . This notice is published as by law [required and for the purpose of | permitting all persons, firms or Corporations who have claims against W. C. Carter, R. W. Vin cent and Lee S. Allman for ma erial furnished and labor perform d in the construction of said proj ect to make themselves parties to this action and assert their rights ' under the law. This 26 day November, 1927. W. T. VALENTINE and W. K. BALLENTHNE, trading as Val-> j entine Motor Company, By W. K. Ballentine. . T. VALENTINE, Attorney.' NOTICE 4ORTH CAROLINA, JOHNSTON COUNTY. Under and by virtue of the pow er and authority contained in a certain mortgage deed, made, ex ecuted and delivered to the under signed on January 4, 1919, record ed in Book 53, of Mortgages, at page 180, by James E. Lewis, de fault having been made in pay ment of bonds thereby secured, the undersigned will on the 16 day of January, 1928, at 12 o’clock noon, at the courthouse door in the town of Smithfield, oJfert*for sale, for cash, to the hig-hest bidder,* that lot or parcel of land lying and be ing in the town of Smithfield, John ston County, North Carolina, and more particularly described as fol lows, to-wit: Being that certain lot situate in the town of Smithfield and begin ; ning at the intersection of Third Street and the street or alley north of the Julius Lee tract of land and runs Eastwardly with said street or alley to a stake in a line with the Western edge of Fourth street; thence with ' Fourth street to a corner of lot No. 14 in plan of said town of Smithfield; thtepe*< with the line of Lots Nos. 13 and 14 to a stake in line with Eastern edge of Third street; thence wMh the line of Third street to the ba^ ginning, containing 7-9 of i*£ti acre, more or less. E. J. WELLONS, >w Mortgagee. j This 15 day of I)e<;«mber. 'YSGTZ,* t NOTICE a. , NORTH CAROLINA. Ur 5 JOHNSTON COUNTY. t j Under and by virtue of the pcfta jer and authority contained in ***« 5 certain mortgage made, executed ? and delivered to the undersigned j on the 13 day of January, 1922, by t J. A. Holley, recorded in Book Nt>. 105, Qf Mortgages, at page 26??, . Registry of Johnston county, de ll fault having been made in pay ment of the bonds secured there : by, the undersigned will offer for J sale to the highest bidder, for | cash, at the courthouse door in ■the town/ of Smithfield on Monday, ‘ January 16, at 12 o’clock noon, those tracts or parcels of land ly ‘ zing and being in Ingrams town ’ ship, Johnston county, described by [ metes and bounds as follows: ‘I 1st. Beginning* at a stake cor ; ner of Lot No. 10 ana runs north . ;4 E 157 poles to a stake; thence S '186 E 103% poles to a stake; thence •*S 4 W 157 poles to a stake; thence 1 N 86 W 103% poles to a stake the 1 beginning, containing one hundred ; one (101) acres, more or less. ;! 2nd. Beginning at a stake, Geo. HW. Blackman's corner and runs S • 6 W 133 3-4 poles to a stake in • said Blackman’s corner; thence S 82 E 16 poles to a stake in Canna ‘ day’s Lee’s line; thence N 3 E 1 120 poles to a stake in the run of • a small branch; thence up said ; branch to the beginning, contain ing ten and one-half acres, more or less. 1 j Less and excepting herefrom a , tract twenty-eight and forty-eight one hundredths (28.48) acres hereto fore conveyed from said tract by E. J. Wellons and wife to J. R. .Rhodes and his wife, Lizzie Rhodes, by deed dated November j 5, 1921 and recorded in the Reg istry of Johnston county. Leaving eighty-three and two one-hundredths acres to be sbld, s more or less. December 16, 1927. E. J. WELLONS, Mortgagee. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE By virtue of the power sale contained in that certain mortgage deed, executed on January 20, 1920, by W. F. Watson and wife, Emma Watson, to Barnes-Lamm & Con* pany, recorded in Book No. 208,. all pag-e 13, publfc. Registry of John J |ston county, default having beenw made in the payment of the in-l debtedness therein secured, the un-1 dersigned mortgagee, will offer fori I sale at public auction for cash onl Monday, Januai*y 23, 1928, be-1 | tween the hours of 12 M. and ll I o'clock p. m., in front of the court- 1 j house door in Smithfieid, N. C., I the following described real es tate: ' A town lot situate in the town of Kenly, N. C., and being Lot No. 1, in Block A. B., of Plat No. 2, town of Kenly, of the J. C. Grady, subdivision of the lands of Lottie ; Watkins. Said lot having a- 70 feet, frontage on Railroad street, and running back to the Watson line 125 feet, said lot being a corner ' lot on said street, and being the identical lot conveyed by J. C. Grady and wife to W. H. Pittman, the deed to which is recorded in i Book H, No. 13 at page 233, John- ] ston County Public Registry, to j which reference is made for moreJ accurate description. This December 19, 1927. V BARNES-LAMM & COMPANY^ Mortgagee. NOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the powers and authorities conferred upon the undersigned, in mortgage from Haywood Sanders ahd wife; dated Jan. 29, 1924, recorded in book 143, page 7, Registry of John ston county, I will offer at. pub lic auction to' the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in Smithfield on Tuesday, January 10, 1928 at 12 o’clock M., the follow ing described lands: In Pleasant Grove township, be ginning at a stake in Mrs. S. G. Austin’s line I. H. Stephenson's corner, and runs S 89 E 20.50 chs. to a stake in the run of Mill Branch thence down the run of said branch to the canal, thence down the canal to the run of Middle Creek, thence up the run of said creek to a birch, Mrs. S. G. Austin's, de ceased, corner, thence’up a bot tom or gulley 5.85 chains to a muf befry ti’ee, said Austin’s corner, thence S 33 West 25.50 chains to a stake, said Austin’s corner, and thence S 26 WJ 6.84 chains to th^ beginning, containing 80 more or less.” Place of Sale: Courthouse doe! in Smithfield. Terms of Sale: Cash. Day of Sale: Tuesday, Januad 10, 1928, at 12 M. This December 10, 1927. LEONARD H. STEPHENSONJ Mortgagee. WINFIELD H. LYON, Attorney ./for Mortgagee. NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA, JOHNSTON COUNTY. In Superior cuort Clerk. - Before tfl J. L. Langdon, guardian of Jo| M. Lee, Jr., incompetent, vs. Mrs. Hunter Lee, Edgar Lee, Onii Lee Langdon, and husband,. J. Li Langdon, Roby Lee, et als. To Mrs. Hunter Lee: | You -will take notice that yol are required to appear at the fice of the Clerk of the Superio Court within 40 days from da hereof and answer or demur to t! petition fildd.herein in which it ; alleged that * you are the wife John M. Lee, Jr., and that y Shave abandoned him without ju 'cause and that you are now living | separate and-apart from him, ana j since said abandonment you have ; committed adultery and are not I entitled to any rights, title or ini ;terest in and to his real estate or. ; other property. Unless you so ap« pear and plead your defense, if [any you may have, the plaintiff | will apply to the court for relief , demanded in the petition filed herein. *1 H. V. ROSE, Clerk, Superior Court. , i This the 12 day of December) ;i927. . ! -I il FIRST & CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK, Smithfield, N. C. f! f ^he annual meeting of the stocky holders’ of the First & Citifce$$ National Bank will be held at iff banking house at one o'clock p.* lfo on Monday, January 9, 1928. \ \ This Dec. 10, 1927. , M C. F. GORDON, Cashier. ; FARMERS BANK & TRUST ' COMPANY, Smithfield, N. C. I The annual meeting of the stocks holders of the Farmers Bank and Trust Company will be held at banking house at 3 o’clock p. on Monday, January 9,^1928. This December 10, 1927. F, C. SWEENEY, Cashier. an! . ( DOROTHY D ARM IT By Charles McMantt* WH*vT KIND Of A DOG IS THAT little girl.?. HE $ What l_ 't'ou CALL / A HOQoKEN meat hound* I y~ 1 WHERE Do YoO KEEP HI*! ? , OP \tJ < MY ROOM ITS UNHEALTHY TO KEEP A BOG IM ■youR Room ! WELL WE've | HAD HIM SirJCE HE WAS A PUPPY. So