Sfil.MA, Jan 11.—Mrs. Oscar Ka-zcf!. of Gn'dsboro, spent several days in the city last week. Mus Margaret Etheridge has rtUniu-n from Ueky Mount after •vifitbB her Mrs. S. E. Leon ard. for the. past week. Mr. anil M . \V£l<y Barnes, of son. e the guests of Mr. and Mrs. IV. H. Stallings Sunday. lir. K. J. Noble spent Sunday in . t.n^ky Mount. jt. j.nd Mrs. Jesse Fulghum are p.>•(’!*”• some time in 1'iorida. Then. Easoni, of Spring Hope, .pent the week end here with his .'a-a'1;-. Mrs. Sant F. Let son returned Saturday to Spring II pt* h) cv r visit here with ht daught. r, Mr-: M. K. U pint-tail. Mr. and Mrs. 11. E. Earp visiter relatives in the Thanksgiving see Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Ro;ef nl Clayton, j pent Sunday in the city •vrKh iho family of Jim Jeffrie*. V. S. Cheek,' athletic director .n the Dunn high school, ; pent last, v. eek end in Selma. ,\v. T. Woodard was- a business visitor to Raleigh Tuesday. \i 11. ,|. C. Diehl who has been HI at her home U improving:. Mr. and .Vivs. Frank ■ Edmund r-cn, Mis. W, It. Allen. Mr. and Mra. Frank Hay and little daugh ter-. of! Goldsboro, wore guests or Al^l^d Mrs. H. L. Hay Sunday. Virginia and James have returned tq their home in Slant on slhurg a/:«v a vi*U. here to Mrs. 1\ C. Worley.' " ’ ' H)r. and Mrs. V. M. Barnes and dfiMren, cf Wilson, visited Mr. aarf Mrs. P. C. Worley last week. §0.• P. Harper, J. N. Wiggs. J. I»! Mas. •, y, Dr. i. W. Mayer berg ajd X*r. Geo. t>. Vick spent Sat • \r-da* m«Vi Ping in Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs, G. W. Seale's shon nld in Goldsboro Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Norman vis iltd-‘Rev. anil Mrs. L. W. McFar lalul in High Point last week. f.Mf. and Mrs. J. Q. A. Jeff ties '..pent‘‘Sunday in Clayton. : VIr.\>.r.d* Mes. J. C. Warren, of No; visited Mrs. 1. II. Wauvjr last week. .Mrs. Walter Godwin and chil dren" spent Jflrt week in Raleigh wjth Jier mother while Mr. God win was buying goods on the nor ti|ei n pifukets. g Mil's Rosa Waddell has returned from.a visit to relatives in Louis burg. IRETir Guiley and daughters, of Portsmouth. Vu., rpent last week CA/1 with M'- and Mrs. John JelT r|*s. , £.Wis-■ jteerlha Woodard spent Fri afternoon in Smithfield. |Misa Nina Beth Woodruff, of »S|n Antonio, Texas, and Miss Dor orhy Smith, of Kingsville, Texas, spent part of the Christmas holi day' v. iih Mrs. J. W. Short. These ydung ladies are attending school iir Bristol, Tenn. |Mrs. M. K. Hepinstall and chil dfcn have returned from ;a week’s vfet t*> Eafield. ;Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Paschal and James Pasehutl, of Goldsboro, were g&n.ts of Mi. and M.,i;v J. W. Short •- Sunday. Mr;. C. L. Richardson, Mrs. J. \V. Snort, Misses Mabel Oliver and Viv a Blackman shopped in Raleigh "Wednesday. Mrs. Zettie Wheeler from the t ~ Thanksgiving section spent several days last week here with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Eason vis aed Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Whitley, £ rear Princeton, Sunday. Judge and Mrs. W. P. Aycock and children spent Sunday with I>r. and Mrs. Aycock in Princeton. Prof, and Mrs. A. H. Grinshaw from State College, Raleigh, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. A vin tage Tuesday. Edith and Dixon Henry, of Sr.iithfield, rpent the week end f v. Ph Mrs. I. W. Massey. $Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Willetts and children have returned from a visit to Wilmington. .'Mr. and Mrs. Geo. M. Norwood and children have returned from a B vi*‘it to Goldsboro. % “ jJohn A. Mitchir.cr, Miss Blanch.* MUehiivr and Chas. Mitchiner, of i; Alia mi, Flu., spent la«t week end ffv V-ith relatives in Raleigh. V. H. Davider, of Raleigh, was. the guest of Geo. M. Norwood on Sunday. Mrs. E. G. Richardson spent t. Tuesday and Wednesday at Peace | v Institute with her daughter, Miss Eva, who is in school there. Mrs. N. E. Ward spent last week end in Wilson. Mrs. Ora Pearson, of Dunn, and Miss Mabel Johnson, of Benson, spent last week ned with Mrs. E. G. Richardson. \ j Dr. Clarence A. Corbett, of At lanta. Ga., arrived in the city1 Saturday to spend a abort vacation j with hi? parent*, Mr. and Mr?. C. * A, Corbett. Hr. Corbett is an in •ur::o >. the 0,**dy ho I--:,-! 7. Vv; ''1. <*7 . A b. .'if!;':-. a welcome visitor in our midst Mrs. P. C. Worley left Tuesday for Tarboro where she is taking hospital treatment. T. G. Moore spent last week end in Keidsville. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Brown, of Dunn, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Denning last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wade Bran nan, of Dunn, spent Sunday afternoon thr guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. D Blackburn. Miss Eunice Temple returned to Greensboro Iasi week to resume her studies at N. C. C. W., where sh: is a member of the sophomore Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Temple, Miss Berth* Coley and Mr. Burwell Coiey visited Mrs. Alice T. Coley at Hex hospital, Raleigh, last Sun day. Mrs. Coley has been taking trer'mrnt for a week, but is not: sufficiently improved to come home. Rehobeth FOUR OAKS. Route i, Jan. 11.- - M r. and Mrs. Cyrus Coats visited Mrs. Coats' grandmother, Mi Henry Hall, n«-ar Henson. J. M. and W. II. Coats motored to Angier Thursday of last week to see their father, O. H. Coals. M»l. and Mrs. T. P. Byrd and Mrs. I). B. Coats spent Sunday i° Clayton with Mrs. Coats’ siste , Mrs. I. M. Jones. We are very sorry to learn that little Miss Annie Belle Flowers is in the Johnston County Hospital for an operation for appendicitis. thi- week with her uncle. Lon Coats. < f the- Wildwood section. Miss Alice Coats returned home Sunday afternoon after spending last week with her uncle, Lon Castleberry of the Archer Lodg. section. Stough Johnson, ot' Hoyal, and Miss Fiances Lassister, of tin* Smith section, were the guests cf Miss Zilla Coats Sunday after noon. Thurman and Delmer Murphey, of Archer Lodge, were the guests of friends here Sunday afternoon Miss Fleming and Miss Black man, who teach at Barbour school, visited the teachers here, Misses Mildred Snipes and Grace Carpen ter, Sunday. ivilss mary wens, oi curntn field, visited our school Monday. Mrs. J. W. Coatas and Lester Goats motored to Fayetteville on Wednesday to see Mrs. Wyatt Coats and daughter -\yho are in a Fayetteville hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Barbour, of the Spilona section, were tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Coats Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Williford and children, of near Angier visit' od Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Coats Sun day afternoon. Miss Evangeline Castleberry, of Archer Lodge, was the guest of Miss Alice Coats Sunday after noon. Paul Langdon and Milton Byrd and Misses Sallie Byrd and Alice Coats visited Miss Flonnie Mas sengill near Four Oaks Sunday night. Misses Zilla and Vertle Coats, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Lassiter, Miss Velma Lassiter and Fred Parrish were the guests of Misses Pansy and Mabel Barbour of the Bar bour section Sunday night.. Holt Mill PRINCETON, Route 1, Jan. 1.0. —Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Worley anu children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Worley of near Pine Level. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Evans have taken their baby to Raleigh for an operation. Miss Luiia Capps has returned to her home after spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Thomp son near Pine Level. Mr. and Mrs. George Woodard and children have gone to Latta, S. C., where they will spend a few days with their son, Luther Wood ard. We are very sorry to hear that W. T. Hill and family have moved from this section. They now livj near Micro. Mrs. J. R. Capps and children and Mrs. Oscar Creech spent a while Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Woodard of Progress sec tion. Little Earl Woodard, of Latta, S. C., has returned to his hem2 after spending a while with his grandparents. Lul / Worley spent a while Sat urday night with W. T. Hill, of near Micro. Lester W*orley visited Jasper Thompson near Pine Level Satur day night. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Beaty, of Goldsboro, have moved into this Si n, Hi b; rt. p r;; .. • :4'.; ;tb M.. and - lis. «i-.n 1 al ien. Luby and Wilbert Worley made a business trip to Selma Saturday. •John Brady is on the sick list. We wish for him a speedy recov ery. -♦ Corbett-Hatcher SELMA, Route 1, Jan. 11.—Rev. D. F. Waddell, of Richmond, Va. filled his regular appointment a! Fairvitw first Sunday night. While here he was a guest in the he me of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bailey. Miss Clyda Thornton spent Iasi week with her cousin, Mrs. Whit ley, of Wilson. Paul Bailey, of Rustic, Va., vis ited a while here last week wit! his uncle, J. W. Bailey. Mr. Baile; has been in the Army since 1912 Friends of Mrs. Harvie Corbet will be glad to learn she is im proving after a severe case <o pneumonia. Mrs. J. Li. Hatcher and aaugn er, Eliza Moseley, of Dunn, and Miss Eleanor Hatcher, of Kenly, vere week end guests of relatives lere. Mr. and Mrs. Lessie Parrish, cl Smithfield, spent Sunday with Mrs. 3. V. Bailey. Miss Minnie Bailey shopped in joldsboro Tuesday. Misses Boyett and Grant went to Selma Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Sullivan spent last week end with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Sullivan. Edward Thornton went to San ford Sunday. Alton White and Ivey CorbMt went to Raleigh on business S'. J. W. Bailey and son, D. T. Bailey, spent Monday and Tues day in Goldsboro on business. Master Hollis Gilmer White re turned Sunday from Pine Lev; 1 where he has been spending a few days with his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Bailey and son, Rowland, apd Johnnie Brown went to Thompson Kirby’s Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Elroe Phillips and son, Robert Elmore, spent the week end at Princeton with Mr. and Mrs. Ruffin Phillips. Mr. and Mrs. J. Edgar Bailey and daughter, Edna Earle, spent Sunday here with their parent Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bailey. R. A. Bailey went to Goldsbor Tuesday. Micro MICRO, Jan. 11.—Luther Pearce, of Raleigh, spent last week end near here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. I). Pearce. Mrs. L. O. Paschall spent a few days in Fayetteville last week. Minnant Godwin, of Ayden, vis ited his parents, Mg. and Mrs. Joe Godwin, last week end. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Daniel were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Pearce Sunday. Oscar Bagley, of Goldteboro, spent the past week end here with his mother, Mrs. D. H. Bagley. Miss Gertrude Renfrow, of Fay etteville, visited friends and rel atives here a few days last week and surprised her many friends when she and Leonard Garringer, of Norfolk, were married in Ral eigh Saturday. W. T. Ilinnant, of Rocky Mount, was in town Friday making ar rangements to bring his airplane to Micro Sunday, January 15. His landing place will be on W. N. Barden’s place on Number 22 high way, near town. Misses Fanny Wellons, Mary Kittrell and Sadie Boyette went to Selma Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gregory, of Wiilson, were in t>own Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Barefoot and Miss Iva Williams attended the funeral of Mrs. A. L. Bare foot near Benson, Saturday. Gordon Ausley has accepted a Position with the Southern E_*ll Telephone company in Weldon. George Barden left last week for Hampton Roads, Va., where he will be with the Navy. Mrs. Herman Wellons, of Rocky Mount, spent last week end here with her husband. The people in this community are looking forward for the Blackie movie show which will be given in the Micro school building January 13. - ♦ Four Oaks - ♦ I*OUR OAKS, Jan. 11.—Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Thornton, of Goldsboro, visited relatives here Sunday. Miss Adna Leigh Bailey spent the week end at her home in Kenly. Miss Jessie Hines spent the past week end with her parents in Goldsboro. Miss Annie Ford who teaches in the Belfast school spent Sunday afternoon at her home here. The Falcon Orphanage singing class gave a concert in the school auditorium Sunday afternoon. Mr.!':.me- Walter and Okra Keen, of Coats, visited relatives here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Gattis and children, Mrs. M. E. Gattis, of Clayton, and Mr. and Mrs. Ekie Gattis and children, of Enfield, were the guests of Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Austin Sunday. Messrs. J. W. Sanders and Snead Sanders, of near here, spent Tues day in Fayetteville on business. Carl Lewis ar.d Theron Hobbs spent Sunday in Chapel Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Creech and Mrs. J. B. Creech went to Benson Friday afternoon. W. FI. Berkholtz, of Richmond, Va., visited his daughter, Mrs. Na than Keen, during the week end. Mr. Berkholtz has just returned from Montreal, Canada, where he spent several days. Richard Lewis went to Raleigh Saturday on business. A revival meeting will begin at the Baptist church on Sunday, Jan ’ uary 15. Everybody is cordially in L vited to attend. Rpv Charles Stevens, a former pastor of the Baptist church here, was in town Tuesday for a short while. Mrs. J. VV. Sanders and Mrs. Ralph Talton and baby, and ‘Wil liam Sanders went to Raleigh Wednesday. Hubert Massengill has entered Mrs. Albright’s business school :'n Raleigh. The mother of Mrs. C. W. Bandy died Tuesday in Dillon, S. C. . Mrs. Bandy’s friends extend their sympathy to her in this sa l hour. REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE CITIZENS BANK at Micro, in the State of No’th Carolina, at the close of bus'ne . December 31, 1027. RESOURCES Loans and Discounts . $ 32,207.9] Demand Loans .__ 35,000.0 ' Overdrafts unsecured, $1.15 1.15 United States Bonds and Liberty Bonds . 100.00 North Carolina State Bonds ... 3,000 00 Banking Houses $1994.80; Furniture and Fix tures, $2,189.09 _ 4,184.40 Cash in vault and net amounts due from Banks, Bankers and Trust Com panies . 35,510.75 Checks for clearing . . * 25.60 TOTAL _ $110,089.90 LIABILITIES Capital Stock paid in $7,500.00 Surplus Fund . 3,100.00 Undivided profits, less cur rent expenses and taxes paid .-.- 1,322.07 Deposits subject to check, individual ...—. 71,625.94 Demand Certificates of De posit . 25,354.11 Cashier’s Checks out standing* — .. 1,181.78 TOTAL __ §110,089.90 i State of North Carolina—Coun ty of Johnston, January 9, 1928. ‘ I, H. M. FITZGERALD, Cashier of the above named' Bank, do sol emnly swear that the above state ment is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. H. M. FITZGERALD, Cashier. CORRECT—ATTEST: C. A. FITZGERALD, J. A. PEELE, M. HINNANT, Directors.* | Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 9 day of January, 1928. j R. C. PEARCE, Notary Public, | My Commission expires March 19, 1929. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of author ity contained in that certain mort gage deed executed by A. L. Lynch, Mary Ennis and husband. Wlalter Ennis, Bernice Barbour and husband, Howard Barbour and Wade Lynch to Mrs, Mary II. Blandy op the 8 day of December. 1924, which is recorded in Book No. 149, page 100, Registry of 'Johnston county, the conditions therein having been broken in the failure to pay the said bond se cured thereby, or the interest on (the . ame, thereby maturing the said indebtedness: i Therefore the undersigned mort gagee will offer for sale at public auction in front of the courthouse door in the town of Smithfield, N. C., on Monday, February 13, 1928, at 12 o’clock M. those certain par cels or tracts of land, lying and being in Smithfield township, John ston county, described as follows: 1st Lot: One lot containing about one quarter of an acre fronting 80 feet on the extension of Third street, and bounded on the north by the lands of the Rose heirs, and Big Ditch; on the east by the ex tension of Third street; on the south by the lands of G. W. Hath away (formerly J. Tim Barham) and on the west by the lands of the said Hathaway; see deed from W. C. Murchison et als to Mrs. 'Lelia 1‘. Brooks, and being thy lands conveyed to A. L. Lynch by F. H. Brooks. i 2nd Lot: Lot No. 1, Block “F” in the W. P. McRae subdivision of the B. A. Woodall prpoerty plot of which is recorded in Book F No. 10 page 248, Registry of Johnston county, being 52 Ms feet on Fifth street, and running back 157Ms feet and being the lot conveyed to A. L. Lyneh by W. P. McRae. See Book T. No. 12 page 497, Regis try of Johnston county. Terms of sale, Cash, j Tins January 12, 1928. MRS. MARY II. BLANDY, Mortgagee. F. H. BROOKS, Attorney. t REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE CLAYTON BANKING CO. at Clayton, in the State of North Carolina, at the close of busines:, December 31, 1927. RESOURCES Loans and Discounts . 378,562.54 Overdrafts secured, over drafts unsecured . 194.96 United States Bonds and Liberty Bonds . — ... 72,240.05 Banking Houses, Furni ture and Fixtures - 42,382.06 All other real estate own* ed .. 4,643.83 Cash in vault and net amounts due from Banks, Bankers and Trust Com panies —. 71,409.56 Checks for clearing .. 9,663.15 TOTAL .-. $579,096^.15 LIABILITIES Capital Stock paid in $ 100,000.00 Surplus Fund ...—•• 25,000.00 Undivided profits, less cur rent expenses and taxes paid ..— . 5,973.97 Reserved for unearned in terest ... 5,000.00 Deposits subject to check, individual .,— 278,860.40 Deposits Due State of N. C. and any official there of ... 13,369.26 Cashier’s Checks out standing ..—. 4,989.66 Time Certificates of De- I posit, Due on or after 30 days ... 103358.57 Savings Deposits . 42,044.29 TOTAL _._$579,090.15 State of North Carolina—Ccun tv of Johnston, January 9, 1928. ‘ I, JOHN T. TALTON, Cashier of the above named bank, do sol emnly swear that the above state ment is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. JOHN T. TALTON. Cashier. CORRECT—ATTEST: J. DWIGHT BARBOUR, C. P. ELLIS. L. F. AUSTIN, JNO. T. TALTON, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me. this 9 dav of January. 1928. L. T. ROSE. Notary Fublic. . !>'iv Commission Expires June 9 192P. NOTICE OF HEARING ON PE TITION TO CLOSE HIGHWAY RAILROAD CROSSING. The Johnston C-ounty Highway Commission will hear th epetition of the Atlantic Coast Line Rail road relative to the closing of the railroad crossing at the north end of the Atlantic Coast Line station in the Town of Smithfield, N. C., formerly the grade crossing on the .old highway route No. 10. All parties interested will here by fake notice that this hearing will be held at the next meeting of To Toho^t'n bounty Highway Commission in their office in the courthouse in Smithfield, ^1. C., on Monday, February 6, 1928, at 11 This the 11 day of January, 1928. JOHNSTON COUNTY HIGHWAY COMMISSION, W. N. Holt, Ch’m. PAUL_I>. GRADY, Attorney, REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE FARMERS BANK & TRUST COMPANY at Smithfield, in the State cf North Carolina, at the close of business, December 31, 1927. RESOURCES Loans and Discounts $ 160,345.50 Demand Loans . 8,150.38 Overdrafts, unsecured. 4.23 United States Bonds and Liberty Bonds . — 2,613.54 Furniture and Fix tures, . 2,202.11 Cash in vaul and net amounts due from Banks, Bankers and Trust Com panies .41,491.50 Checks for clearing — 3,189.41 TOTAL . $236,996.76 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in .. 20,600.00 Surplus Fund . 12,000.00 Undivided Profits, less current expenses and taxes paid .. 982.60 Unearned Discount .... 1,291.58 Dividends Unpaid . 140.50 Deposits subject to check, Individual . 132,688.19 Cashier’s checks out standing .. 3,344.81 Certified checks . 42.49 Time Certificates of De posit, due on or after 30 days .42,479.36 Savings Deposits .... 22,989.04 Accrued Interest due de positors .. 438.19 TOTAL . $236,996.76 State of North Carolina—Cdunty of Johnston, January 11, 1927. I, F. C. SWEENEY, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemn ly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowl edge and belief. F. C. SWEENEY, Cashier. CORRECT—ATTEST: H. V. ROSE, D. W. PETERSON, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to befori me, this 11 day of January, 1928. H. R. McCULLERS, Notary Public— —My Commission expires Octobei 2, 1928. SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Undsr and by virtue of an orde: (. sa;o entered :n tno »ppc?ai rro ceedir.jrs entitle-: “W. W St wart, administrator of D. L. Tool, de ceased, vs. Mary M. Massengill and husband, Isaiah Massengill and others” heirs at law of the said D. L. Tool, the undersigned com missioner will offer for sale on Saturday. February 11. 1028. a the courthouse door in the town of Smithfk-ld, the following described real estate: First Tract: Known as the home place of the said D. L. Tool, ad joining the land's of W. Henry Massengill, J. M. Massengill, J. H. Moore and others. Second: The timber on a tract of about four acres, which was heretofore excepted from the oper ation of a certain deed made by I). L. Tool to Callie Williford. JJpon the day of sale the com missioner will have a plat of the home nlace showing the exact number of acres, and the way the said lands will be sold. These lands will be sold for one-third cash upoA confirmation and the balance due January 1, 1929, the deferred payment bearing six per cent in terest fiom the date, and secured by a mortgage on said lands. The timber on the four acres will be sold for cash upon con firmation by the court. This 12 day of January, 1928. LEON G. STEVENS, Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND By virtue of the authority con tained in a certain deed of trust, executed to O. J. Brannon, Trus tee, dated the 17th day of Fcbru iU.V, .li7.il CU1U UU1.V . v u »*• the Registry of Johnston county in Book 91, page 104, the undersign ed will sell at public auction, for cash, at the courthouse door in Smithfield, N. C., on Monday, Feb ruary 13, 15)28 at 12 o’clock noon, the following property to-wit: Tract No. 1: Adjoining the land of W. E. Creech, Walter Eason, Pius Bailey and others, being part of old Beil tract and others: Be ginning at a stake the corner of said Anderson’s land running thence South 2 Y2 W 143 2-10 p61es to a stake; thence S 4 W 27 poles to a stake; thence N 88 W 1(5.8 poles to a stake; thence N 3 E 176 2-3 to a stake; thence S 87 V2 E 38 poles to a stake; the begin ning, containing 47 6-30 acres more or less, being the same plot of land surveyed for James H. Anderson, by T. R. Fulghum Co., surveyed March 31, 1911, being part of the old Bell tract, and be ing the same land conveyed to Raymond Holder by James H. And erson and wife by deed recorded in Book G No. 11 page 378. This 11* day of January. 1928. O. P. BRANNON, Trustee. ABELL & SHEPARD, Attorneys. DISSOLUTION NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Shamrock Service Station, former ly owned by T. S. Ragsdale, has been sold to Heath Johnson and James H. Kirkman, Jr., vfho will continue to operate said business under the same name, to-wit: Shamrock Service Station. All persons indebted to the former partnership before January 7, 1928 are hereby authorized to pay the same to T. S. Ragsdale. All per sons indebted to the Shamrock Sc-rvice Station since January 7, 1928 are requested to pay same to JJoath Johnson and James H. Kirkman, Jr., and all creditors of this partnership are requested to present their bills to the said Heath Johnson and James H. Kirkman, Jr., trading as the Shamrock Serv ice Station, for payment in the us ual course of business. This January 7, 1928. T. S. RAGSDALE, HEATH JOHNSON, JAMES H. KIRKMAN, JR. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND U Under and by virtue of the j >o\ver of sale contained in a mort-C sage deed executed by D. A. Lee \ I and wife, Della E. Lee to D, F. \ ] Lee dated the 27 day of December, 1921, recorded in Book No. 105, at page 201, in the Register of Deed's office of Johnston county, default having been made in the payment ;)f the indebtedness thereby secur ed, the undersigned will on Mon day, the 20 day of February, 1928 at 12 o’clock M at the courthouse in Johnston county offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the. following described tract of land, to-wit: Situated in Ingram’s township, Johnston county: Beginning at a stake D. A. Lee’s corner and runs S 71 E 8.20 chains to K. L. Lee’s corner; thence as K. L. Lee’s line S 2V2 W 11.30 chains to a stake, his corner; thence S 88% W 8 chains to a stake D. A. Lee’s cor ner; thence as his line N 2% E 14.15 chains to the beginning, con taining 10Vi acres, more or less. And being that tract of land deed ed to Della E. Lee by D. F. Lee and wife, A. A. Lee, by deed dat ed December 26, 1921, and this mortgage deed is given to secure M the balance of the purchase price of said land. This th 9 day of January, 1928. 1 D. F. LEE, Mortgagee. NOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the powers and authorities conferred by law upon the undersigned exe cutors of T. R. Fulghum, in a mortgage deed from Joseph Pitt man and wife, to T. R. Fulghum in book 115, page 214, Registry of Johnston county, the conditions thereof having not been complied with the undersigned will offer for sale at public auction to the high est bidder for cash at the court house door in Smithfield, on Sat in day the 11th dav of February, 1928 at 12 o’clock M., the follow* ing described land situate in Micro township, commencing at R. D. Davis, dec’d corner on the Na tional Highway and runs with Da vis line No"th 1f>0 feet to a stake, thence with Davis line parallel with highway 150 feet to Main ^WCCk) Ull'lU-t nun saiu sweet South 100 feet to the highway, thence with said highway east wardly 150 feet to the beginning, containing a fractional part of an acre. I / This January 10, 1928. J T. R. FULGHUM, JONA PITTMAN, and W. R. BRITT, Executors of T. R. Fulghum. Mortgagee. WINFIELD H. LYON, Attorney for Mortgagee. A rough practical test for deter mining whether the air is a room is too dry is to observe the inside of windows on a cold day. If frost forms freely on the inside of the glass there is no doubt but that the inside air has sufficient humid ity. If there is no sign of frost the air is likely too dry. s Plant Bed GUANO We have just received several cars of Plant Bed Guano. We also have on hand KAINIT ACID POTASH FISH SCRAP We carry a complete line Oliver Plows and parts. Come to see us and get our prices. Stevens & Ogburn SMITHFIELD, N. C.

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