Here’s Good Advice: Try a Herald Want Ad-They Pay 1% Cents a Word (This Type) First Insertion One Cent a Word for Each Suc ceeding Insertion. Twenty-Five Cents Minimum Charge. j 2 Cents a Word (12 Dt.) | ("This Tvne) * 3 Cents a Word (14 l pt.) This Type. Blank Space and Paragraphed Want Ads 30c Per Inch To insure proper classification Want Ads should be in office Mondays and Thursday by 10 A. M. All Ads Signed “Care Herald” Strictly Confidential. { Help Wanted—Male ^WANTED A tenant for, a two ■’ horse crop. Will furbish team. 'Can handle tobacco,* cotton and corn. John K. Sanders, Smithfield, «N. C., Route 2. For Sale PURE DUROC Jersey gilts, seven f months old for sale. A. M. John son, Clayton, N. C. 'FOR SALE one Buckeye ineuba 1 tor, 210 egg capacity, good as new, used ome season, price reas onable. Apply to Dock Woodard, I Route 1, Princeton, N. C. POLAND-CHINA shoats for sale, f T. M. Bizzell, Princeton, Route ;3. | TCyBAQCW SEED—Improved Da ♦ wi* Special and Bananza. Seed (been graded. Best that money can (buy. 25cVper spoonful, $3.50 per (pound. ^Johnson,’ Smithfield, , N. C., Route 1. ANTI-SKIPPER Compound will prevent skippers on meat. We guarantee it to please you. Noth ing but praise from people that have used it. Sold by us for three years. Peed in & Peterson, Smith , field, N. C. IF YOU WANT a new spring outfit come to Davis Dept. Store, Sniithfield, N. C. f A BABY CHICKS for sale: White I Leghorns an Barred Rocks, Leg horns $12.00 per 100; Rocks $1\00 per hundred. One-third cash with order. Hatchery one mUe oast of Fine Level. W. T. Woodard, Route 3. Pine Level, N. C. FOR SALE—fifty acre farm for sale two miles north of Selma on Selma-Zebulon highway, one to bacco barn, one paekhouse, dwell ing and other necessary buildings, desirable location. Can' be bought reasonable, possession this year. If interested write or call* H. R. Talton, Erwin, N. C. INCUBATORS, BROODERS, fecd ers^jwaters, and poultry reme dies. We, handle the old reliable lines, all guaranteed to give sat isfaction. Anything for the poul tryman—we have it. Peedin & Peterson, Smithfield, N. C. 1’OR SALE one light six Buick, motor No. 834691 under me chanics lien. Will be sold at two ' o’clock p. m. on January 21 at Lee Motor Co., Garage, Princeton,(< N. 0. I Farms For Rent fOIl RLNT 80 acre farm on high* •way between Siriithfield and Selma; two dwellings and out houses; about 45 acres cleared. Apply to A. M. Noble, Smithfield, N. C. Wanted WANTED IMMEDIATE employ ment; office or store preferred. Would consider other lines. J. A. Keen, Four Oaks, N. SEVERAL GEESE wanted. Write number and price. E. H. Johnson KoBte :l, Clayton. N. €. WANTED BEEZWAX, beef hides, raw fur, scrap metal, all kinds bags. Highest prices paid. Joseph Brown, opposite Union Station, Goldsboro, N. C., 110 S. Carolina St., Phone 703. Lost—Strayed—Stolen J.QST BIRD dog, pointer, white with liver brown spots. Disap peared Sunday night. Reward. E. S. Ibell, Smithfield, N. C. FARMERS— IT COSTS YOU NOTHING TO ADVERTISE HERE —If you don’t get results To better acquaint our farmer friends with the Want Ad columns as a good [means of improving their business, we are going to make them more than a fair offer. For the next days we will print as many want ads as you may desire absolutely free of charge to you, if you find, after giving it a fair trial, that you have not obtained any results from the ad. We know that consecutive and conscientious advertising has paved the Way to success for many, and what it has done for others it will do for you. If you wish to BUY SELL RENT EXCHANGE OR ANYTHING Send in the coupon below: -COUPON Address .. .........._ _ . I Date .|...-.192... I The Smithfield Herald, , Smithfield, N. C. , I agree to your offer made above and am enclosing on I separate sheet-Want Ads which you will please in- 1 sert in the next-issues of the Herald. If no results I are obtained from same it is understood I pay nothing. I If I do get results I agree to pay for ad at the rate I of I Vi cents per word per insertion It is also agreed ' that I am to use my owtn judgment and honesty in mak- 1 ing the decision as to results obtained. I (No ads taken for less than 25c each) I I (Signed)...__ I This offer is made only to those actively engaged in I farming and dairying. Offer expires March 13, 1928. I The More You Tell The More You Sell Radio Repairing RADIO INSTALLING and re pairing. C. Dwight Johnson, Smithfield, N. C. Special Notices I AM now ’located- at Bud BroVn’s barber shop and this is to notify any person or persons,... xfesirins any information whatsoever about me to write Bon Pitt, 801 Fay etteville Street. Durham, N. C. Frank Pitt, Smithfield. MR. CHAS. DAVIS loaves tonight for the Northern markets where he will purch ase a large line ladies ready to wear and millinery, coats, and coat suits for spring. TIME IS drawing near! It will pay you to see mo for your tobacco canvas. First lot of canvas we will have will be the best grade, Will to for 3'Ac per yard. Mall orders Idled in the order received. En dose enough to pay postage. C. II. Brown, Pine Level, N. C.r—“Al ""st Everything for the Farmer." R. S. SMITH, Tailor Exclusive Tailoring Alterations a Spec ialty. Office over Miss Ora V. Poole’s Millinery Shop >ARY CHICKS from my own Hock of Reds and Rocks. $15.00 hun red; than hundred, 1(? cents; y mail 50 cen£s 'hundred extra, ’lace your orders early to avoid disappointment. Oakland Heights j Hatchery, D. \\. Peterson, Owner, Simthfield, N. C. Office Supplieg PIN TICKETS any size at Herald Office. LEDGERS, DAY Books, Large and small at Herald Office. NICE LITTLE Portable Roya typewriter to take to school or tasy terms. W. M. Gaskin, at the Herald office. PAPER FASTENERS at the Herald Office. SECOND SHEETS at Herald Of fice. Call 10. A bargain one good second hand Royal typewriter at $45.00, easy payment plan. W. M. Gaskin,’ at Herald office. MARKING TAGS any size, at the Herald Office. POPULAR BOOKS of all kinds at the Herald Office. YOU CAN get the Bible you want at the Herald Office. Flowers CUT FLOWERS and blooming; potted plants. Mrs. C. V. John son & Co., Smithfield, N. C. FLORAL DESIGNS. Any stylo on short notice. Mrs. C. V. Johnson & Co., Smithfield, N. C. Rooms For Rent ROOMS FOR rent, furnished or unfurnished. Mrs. R. L. Sanders. REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE FARMERS BANK & TRUST COMPANY at Smithfield, in the State of North Carolina, at the close of business, December 31, 1927. RESOURCES Loans and Discounts $ 160,345.50 Demand Loans . 8,150.38' Overdrafts, unsecured. 4.23 United States Bonds and Liberty Bonds . 21,613.54 1 Furniture and Fix tures .4--. 2,202.14 Pash in vault and net amounts due from Banks, Bankers and Trust Com panies . 41,491.56 , Checks for clearing* .. 3,189.41 j TOTAL . •$236,996.76 LIABILITIES apital stock paid in .. 20,600.09 "Surplus Fund .. 12,000.00 undivided Profits, less •urrent expenses and axes paid . 982.(50 Jnearned Discount .... 1,291.58 140.50 Dividends unpaid_... Deposits subject to check, individual . 132,688.10 Cashier’s checks out standing . 3,344.81 Certified checks ....... 42.40 Time Certificates of De posit, due on or after 30 days . 42,4713,3*5 Savings Deposits . 22,989.04 Accrued Interest due de positors .__ 438.19 T0TAL . $236,996.7( State of North Carolina—Count} >f Johnston, January 11, 1927 I. F. C, SWEENEY, Cashier of ho above named bank, do solemn ,\ swear that the above statement s true to the best of my knowl 'dge and belief. F.T. SWEENEY, Cashier. Correct—Attest: H. V. ROSE, 1). W. PETERSON, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before ie, this 11 day of January, 1928. H. R. MeCULLERS, Notary Public— -My Commission expires October , 1928. SALE OF VALUABLE LANDS Under and by virtue of the au thority of the power of sale eon tained in a certain mortgage deed executed by A. W. Hodges' ar.c wife, Sadie A, Hodges to Z. L. L May, on the 18 day of Januarv and registered in Book 173 page 11)4 of the Johnston count} Registry, default having been madt in the payment of the bonds se cured -by said mortgage deed, tht undersigned will offer for sale ti the highest bidder for cash at tht courthouse door in the town of Smithficld, North Carolina on Mon day, the 20 day of February, 1923 at 12 oclock noon the following de scribed real estate: Beginning at a stake on Third street, at the comer of the lot ol the Farmers’ Warehouse, Inc,, am runs with Third street 105 feet to the intersection of Bridge street; thence with Bridge street 210 feet thence south parallel with Thin street 105 feet t othe corner of tin said warehouse lot. thence with the said warehouse lot 210 feet to the beginning, containing one-half (>, i acre, being the place where Z. L. LeMay now lives, and being a part of the lot conveyed to Z. L. LeMay by Flora Hyman, on November 28 1913, by deed, which is recorded in Book No. 12, page 170 of the Johnston County Registry. This Iti day of January, 1928. Z. L. LEMAY, Mortgagee. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the au thority contained in the will of H. F. Peedin, deceased, as set out in Item 2 of said will which is re corded in Will Book No. 8 at page 501 in the office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Johnston coun ty, the undersigned': executor of said will will offer for sale ai public auction for cash at the courthouse door of Johnston coun ty at 12 o’clock noon on Friday, February 3, 1928, the following described lands, to-wit: First Tract: Beginning at a pine, the- Crocker corner and runs N 50 E 3.4 poles to a stake, cor ner of lot No. 1 in the division of the lands of N. B. Hinnant, de ceased, thence with said line S 53 >4 E 117.4 poles to a stake in Buil road; thence with said road S 30 w 17 poles to a stake in John Wigg’s line; thence with said line N 81 W 9.4 poles to a sweet gum; thence S 10 W 11 poles to a stake; thence N 53H, W 116.6 pole. to a stake in the Crocker line; thence with said line N 37 E 25'J Poles to the beginning, containing twenty-three* acres, said tract be ing the lands allotted to Lenor.t Oncal in the division of the lands of her father, N. B. Hinnant. Second Tract: Beginning at a June. Jesse Kean Crocker corner and runs S 5715 degrees E 105.S poll s to a stake in the Bull road; thence with the said road 8 30 degrees W 43 poles to a stake; thence N 531-2 degrees \Y 117.-1 Poles to a stake, Crocker’* line; thence with the said line N 50 de grees E 47.2 jjoles to i in- begin ning, and containing 26 acres, more or less, and being iot number (hie in the division of the* lands ot the late N. B. Hinnant, deceas ed, as recorded in Land Book No. 5 at page 508 in the office of the clerk of tho Superior court of Johnston county to which division reference is hereby made for a further description. Third Tract; Beginning at a stake in the Bull road, in Crocker line, and runs S 5713 K in.2 poles to a stake, Mas.scngdi’s corner; thence with said line S 6 \\ 45.13 poles to a post oak, John Wigg’s corner; them-e with said Luc N 84 M 41.2 poles to a stake in the Bull road; thence with said road N 30 In 60 poles to the beginning, and containing 9.4 acres, more or less. rourin iract: Beginning at a stake in Bull road, John Wigg’s line, and runs with said line S 1C W 47 poles to the bed of the North Carolina Railroad; thence with said railroad N 55.2 poles to the Bull road; thence with said road 78 East 54.(5 poles to the beginning, and containing 7 acres, more or less. . The above described lands are being sold by the executor of H. r. x team, deceased, under the ! power contained in .his will as above stated for division among the devisees named in said will. If any one desires to purchase these lands at private sale on good .terms the undersigned executor I'vill sell the lands, at private sale upon reasonable terms before the the date of the public salt1 as above set out. I The above tracts will foe sold together and the bid will start at $1650.00. This is a resale of this land. This 13 day January, 1928. D. F. PEF1DIN, PARKER & MARTIN, Attorneys. NOTICE The undersigned having quali fied as Administrator on the es tate of Lucy Frances Braswell, de ceased, hereby notifies all persons having claims agaainst to present the same to me duly verified on or before the 20 day i January, 1929, or this notice will, be pleaded in bar of their re covery; and all persons indebted1 to said estate will make immediate i payment. i I This 16 day of January. 1928. 1 J. A. BRASWELL, ' Administrator. 1 NOTICE OF SALE , JJ1® District Court of the Unit-L ed States for the Eastern District! of Norh Carolina— : notice of judicial sale iamTes JL Pl)u, II. S. Ward and L. Corey, Receivers for Tobac co Glowers Cooperative Association vs. . „ Eastern Carolina Warehousing I Corporation. j Pursuant to orders executed by t His Honor, I. M. Meekins, Judge of the Federal Court for the East ern District of North Carolina, and duly filed in the above cause, the undersigned Receiver of Eastern Carolina Warehousing Corporation will offer for sale at public auc tion on the day and at the hour lu reinafter noted the real estate embraced in the description her in'below given. Tuesday, February 21, 1928 at 3:00 p. m., Farmers Warehouse Smithfield, N. C. A certain tract or parcel of land situate in the City of Smithfield, County of Johnston, State of North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Z. L. LeMay, C. W. Mason, Ash ley Smith and others, and bound ed more particularly as follows: Said tract of land consisting of two adjoining tracts nr lots of land, namely: 1st Tract: Being that tract of land in the town of Smithfield, N. C., upon which is situate the old warehouse of Farmers Warehouse, Inc., and the extension thereof, ly ing between 3rd and -1th streets, and Smith (or Bridge) and Mar ket streets, and Beginning at a stake on 3rd street, Z. L. LeMay’s corner, and runs with 3rd street S 29hi* W 105 feet to a stake in (Juanqua ditch; thence as said ditch S 00C* E 420 feet to a stake on ■1th street; thence as 4th street N 29!z* E 105 feet to a stake; thence N GO1*** W 420 feet to the begin ning, containing one (1) acre, more oi- less, and 2nd Tract: Being that lot of land lying on the North side of Market street, and between 3rd and 4th streets, in the town of Smithfield, and beginning at the corner of Ashley Smith’s residence lot on Market street, near a large elm tree, and runs Southeasterly along said Market street 5212 feet to the corner of Ashley Smith’s blacksmith shop lot; thence north easterly along the line of said blacksmith shop lot 210 feet to Quanqua Ditch and the Farmers Warehouse, Inc., line; thence northwesterly along said ditch and line, and parallel with the line of Market street, 52 H feet to the corner of the Ashley Smith resi dence lot; thence Southwesterly along the line of Ashley Smith’s residence lot, and parallel' with the line of 4th street 210 feet to the beginning, and containing one 1 ninth (14) acre, more or less. All of the above mentioned sales will be conducted on the premises described. The real estate described above will be offered for sale as a unit or will be subdivided by the Receiver and offered for sale in smaller units or parcels of a subdivision, within the discretion of the Receiver. The general terms of the sales will be that the property shall he sold for one-third-cash,’ the bal ance payable in two equal install ments, due one and two years-.-from date of sale, the deferred pay ments to bear interest at the rate ' of six per cent from date of con- j Urination, to be secured by notes of the purchaser and standard first mortgage on the property convey ed. High bidder for 4ach parcel of fered for sale will he required to deposit with the receiver certified or cashiers check ftn 10 per cent of the amount of his bid. Ail real estate shall be sold subject to the right of the Receiver to remove from tiie said real estate all per sonal property, including ware house scales, within sixty days after confirmation of the sale. All bitis and proceedings at such sale will he subject to confirma tion or rejection by jhc court. Upon confirmation of any sale, the 10 per cent deposited ' by the bidder shall be applied on the bidder’s re quired cash payment. W. G. BRAMHAM, Receiver, Eastern Carolina Warehous ing Corporation. NOTICE OF RE-SALE OF VAL UABLE LAND 1 Under and by virtue of author ity contained in an order of the Superior court of Johnston county made in the Special Proceeding entitled “In the matter of A. H. 1 Phillips, and wife, Babe E. Phil lips, and others, heirs-at-law of Junius Phillips, deceased, Ex Parte,” the undersigned Commis sioner will on the 31 day of Jan uary 1928 at the hour of 2 o’clock ;P. m. in front of the Citizens Bank 6 Trust Company in the town of Benson, Johnston County, North Carolina, offer for re-sale to the highest bidder for cash at public auction that certain tract or par cel of land lying and being in Ban ner township. Johnston County, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of A. H. Phillips, J. B. Phil lips and others and more partic ularly described as follows, to-wit: Lot No. 8 in the division of the lands of D. C. Phillips, and al lotted to Bettie R. Phillips in said division as shown by refer ence to Land Book No. 5 at page 102 office of the Clerk of the Su perior court of Johnston County, North Carolina. Beginning At a stake, corner of Lots Nos. 6 and 7 and runs S 80 W 13.80 chains to a gum in J. P. Adams line, cor ner of lQt No. 12; thence S 27 L 19.30 chains to a stake, corner of Lots 6 and 7; thence as line of said lots No. 10 E 24.80 chains to the (beginning, containing 13 1 here is excepted from the jbove described tract of land the following described lands eonvev *» to J. B. Phillips by deed re, :orded in Book T No. 12, page 546 >ffiee of Register of Deeds of John ston-county; Beginning at a st&k* n Amanda B. Phillips line, and uns S 10 W 20.95 chains to a take in J. P. Adams’ line; tliencs s his line S 27 E 3 chains to a take, J. B. Phillips’ corner in J. Adams’ line; thence as J. B •hillfps’ lin«„N 10 E 24.70 chains 3 a stake in Amanda B. Phillips’ mie; mence as ner line S 60 W 1.58 chains to the beginning, contain ing four and one-half 4 Ms acres. The bid on this tract of land will start at $614.25. This 1G day of January, 1928. J. B. PHILLIPS, Commissioner. EZRA PARKER, Attorney. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND By virtue of the authority con tained in a certain mortgage deed dated January 1, 1921, from J. E. Stephenson and wife Ellie Steph enson to W. A. Stephenson duly registered in the Registry of John ston county, Book 92, page 276 the undersigned will sell at public -auc tion for cash at the courthouse door in Smithfield, N. C., on Mon day, February 20, at 12 o'clock noon, the following property to wit: That certain tract of land lying and f Old Belmont recorded in Book L No. 8 at page 282, and beginning it a stake in the edge of Belmont Avenue, corner of lot No. 5, runs whence with line of lot No. 5, S 29M> W 100 feet to a stake; thence 5 60Vi E 50 feet to a stake cor ier of lot No. 7; thence with the ine of lot No. 7, 100 feet to the ine of Belmont Avenue; thence -vith the line of that street 50 feet :o the beginning. This is No. 6 ac :ording to Old Belmont represent ng a subdivision of that suburb >f the town of Smit’hfield. This January 20, 1928. EDWlARD HOWELL, Guardian. VELLONS & W-ELLONS, Attys. I NOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND Under ami by virtue of the powers and authorities conferred by law upon the undersigned exe cutors of T. R. Fulghum, in a mortgage deed from Joseph Pitt man and wife, to T, R. Fulghum in book 115, page 214, Registry of Johnston county, the conditions thereof having not been complied with the undersigned will offer fo> sale at public auction to the high est bidder for cash at the court house door in Smithfield, on Sat urday the 11th day of February, 1828 at 12 o’clock M., the follow ing: described land situate in Micro township, commencing at R. 1) Davis, dec’d corner on the Na tional Highway and runs with Da - ns line North 100 feel to a sink- . thence with Davis line parall 1 with highway 150 feet to Main street, thence with said street South 100 feet to the highway, rhence with said highway cast ■vardly 150 feet to the beginning, rontaining a fractional part of an This January 10, 1028 T. R. FULGHUM, JONA PITTMAN, and W. R. BRITT, Executors of T. R. Fulghum, Mortgagee \ INFIELD H. LYON, Attorney for Mortgagee. NOTICE OF SALE \"ORTH CAROLINA, . IOHNSTON COUNTY. Under and by virtue of the now contained in a certain deed of trust executed by P. E. Whitehead to Leon G. Stevens, Trustee, on February 17, 11120, and transferr ed to Win. B. Wollons, Trustee, ■vhich deed of trust is recorded in Book 05 page 384 of the Registry >f Johnston county, default hav ng been made in the payment of he same, the undersigned will of. er for sale to. the highest bidder or cash, at the courthouse door in he town of Smithfiehi, on the 30 ay of January, 1928, the follow-1 Smithfield Cotton and Produce Smithfield Cotton Good middling.. 19c Strict middling . 18 3-4c (Middling . 1814c Shipstuff. Shipstuff .. $2.35 Corn . $1.00 Poultry Chickens, friers, lb. .. 25 to 2714c Hens ... 18 to 20 Turkeys .. 35c ®H» ud Batter .— • ■ • 35 to 40c Butter, country__ 40 to 46c Livestock 1 Fat Cattle, dressed ...,10c to lie Sheep, fat, on foot.... 10c to 12Hc Baum Hams.. 35 Shoulders-25 to 30 Hides, green . lOe Wool . 25c to 80c Sweet potatoes .. 75,, ing described property: A one-half undivided interest in and to the following tracts or par cels of land, lying and being in Smithfield Township, Johnston county, and described more fully as follows: 1st Tract: Known as lot No. 10 in Block “P” in the plan of the town of Smithfield and is more fully described in deed from John Allen and wife, Iradell Allen to W. Ransom Sanders and Paul E. Whitehead, which deed is register ed in book 34, page 177 and ref erence to which is made for full description. 2nd Tract or parcel: Lot No. 1 of the E. S. Edmundson property as platted and recorded in Book No. 1 page 63, also lots 3, 4, 5, 8, 9 and 10 of the Seth Woodall property as recorded and platted in plat book 1, page 26. These fore going lots or parcels of land were conveyed to W. R. Sanders. and P. E. Whitehead by deed from E. S. Edmundson and wife, Margaret, which deed is recorded in the Reg istry of Johnston county and ref erence to which is made for a full and complete description of the said lots. This December 28, 1927. WM. B. WELLONS, Trustee. WELLONS & WELLONS, Attys. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND By virtue of the authority con tained in a certain deed of trust, executed to O. J. Brannon, Trus tee, dated the 17th day of Febru ary, 1927 and duly registered in the Registry of Johnston county in Book 91, page 164, the undersign ed will sell at public auction, for cash, at the courthouse door in Smithfield, N. C., on Monday, Feb - ruary 13, 1928 at 12 o’clock noon, the following property to-wit: Tract No. 1: Adjoining the land of W. E. Creech, W/alter Eason, Pius Bailey and others, being part of old Bell tract and others: Be ginning at a stake the corner of said Anderson’s land running thence South 2!4 W 143 2-10 poles to a stake; thence S 4 IV 27 poles to a stake; thence N 88 W 16.8 poles to a stake; thence N 3'E ' 176 2-3 to a stake; thence S 87tfe E 18 poles to a stake; the beginW "ning, containing 47 6-10 acres! more or less, being the same plot of land surveyed for James H. Anderson, by T. R. Fulghum Co surveyed March 31, 1911, being part of the old Bell tract, and be ing the same land conveyed t Raymond Holder by James H. And erson and wife by deed recorded n Book G No. 11 page 378. This 11 day of January,-1928 0. P. BRANNON, Trustee ABELL & SHEPARD, Attorneys'. NOTICE The undersigned having quali fied as administrator on the estate of Allie L. Peedin, deceased, here by notifies all persons having any claims against said estate to pre sent the same to me duly verified on or before the 13 day of De cember, 1928, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery; and all persons indebted to said estate will make immediate payment. This 12 day of December, 1927, JESSE DAUGHTRY, Adrfff ft A HudsonBelk Co. “The Home of Better Bargains” Ladies’ Coat Suits In Tweeds and Serges $14.95 and $19.75 j Ladies’ Spring Coats ! In the Wanted 5hades $14.95 to $24.50 Ladies’ Silk Dresses A Bargain At— • $5.95 : Ladies’ Crepe Dresses 3 $9.95 $14.95 $16.95 J Ladies’ Sweaters I $1.98 1 Ladies’ Spring Hats In all the New Shades and Styles j $3.95 and $4.95