Johnston County’s Oldest and Best Newspaper-Established 1882 48TH YEAR THE HOME NEWSPAPER SMITHFIELD, N. C„ TUESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 14,1930 SIX PAGES TODAY NUMBER t Simmons Enters Senatorial Race States That He Will Not Make Campaign But Leave Outcome In Hands of friends ji Formal announcement w„s. iin Washington Saturday or the camdiidacy of F. M. Sim mons to succeed himself as son altar from North 'Carolina. In the j statement made public Ihe s*iu that this campaign would be oia last far the senate. The veteirm Senator 'stated that he would not imake an active primary contest but would leave the outcome in the hands of hiifs friends. The ebat&merit of Senator Simmons in full was as follows: “Metre than a year ago I «n notunced that I would1 be a candi dte foa* (re-election to the United States senate and, pursuant to that declanatiion, I shall, iin due tint©, file notice of my candidacy for the democratic ncindnation in the primary of June 7, 1930. ir offering for renommation I fen it is due my friends and supper> ers to adviise them of the reason* why I shall not be able personal ly to conduct or finance an active (primary camp align. |L “Ira the first place, the congress. \which is now tin session, will n. t its work until af ter (the pr nxarty\*bintest is over. The party and my democratic colleagues in the senate have honored me (important nespomslilbilitfies, anj I (regard it as imperative that no personal considerations shall be allowed to interfere with ‘ho proper dfechartge of these of filial duties Iin the interest's of my con - stilbuenits, party, and country. i TO LOAD I’OILTRY CAR AT SELMA ! iSELMiA, J • }. n.—A poultry j car will be loaded at Selma next : Saturday, Januar y 18, a>nd t! * loading will be anode at the A. diaimtiic Coast Line freight dep-*t. Thiiisi change was made because o* the ccnveir.'icnccs in baJ weather These poultry cans were started in this county by the -Selma Ki iwanis club four year's ago, and Oi't tannage has gradually incr eased tu the, point that $30,000.00 was paid out 'here last year for poultry. This .tremendous outlay of money fear cue year was due to the fuli eofc'peratticin. of the Kiwanis ciuo, and merchants of Selma with the i State Division of Markets and I Rfeser & Rabinowitz, buyers of ! the poultry. Cash pi ices which will be pail sit the car door next Saturday are as follows: colored hens, 22c per pound; Leghorn hems, 19c; color ed chicks, 20c; Leghorn chicks, 15c; ducks and geese, 12c; st rgs, ioc; roosters, 10c; turkeys (young) 25c; turkeys (old) 18c; guineas. 15 cents each. Annual Meeting B&L Association Report of Secretary Shows Asso ciation to Be In Excellent Shape —Choose Directors For YTear Tiro annual meeting of th: shareholder.? of the Smith field Building and I>can Asso ciation was held yesterday morning at ten o’clock in the Commissioners r oom of t’r i ctooirthic'u&e. Wli.'Lliam Li. Wc1. 3'cns wns made temlpoirary cha’rir.lan. Local Bank Adds Trust Feature First-Citizens Bank & Trust Co., Starts New Department Jan. 1, With C. G. Dahlgren in Charge; 3 New Directors Severn.!' outstanding futures w :iiie traveling m Europe, he had nude in Florence, Italy especially for cm school, a beautiful book in which a permanent record is to te kept of each pupil who ru* wen 'Oti* will win a miedai in uie ccuteisit. Or.a unique feature of th.e book is that it >is pefovtioed with a lock and key. This gif: has caused an unusual interest in the annual spring contest. In or der ito give the 'boys and girls ad- j L’tiOnal practice in public speak ; ig, a contest iis also being plan • j 'cd for Friday evening, Fobvu-! iry 7. W hen the pupils were weighed! *t the end of last month, a con- f >iderablc gain in weight was r.-J .:ced. The following pupils uinial in weight: Person Jones, ;"lulus Johnson, and Robert Hafch »r Jr., from the first grade; Jas. ( hnson, George VV. Capps, Sa-u Jari,ish, Junior Stall im-g and rl etcher Lamm, from the second; ; . erna Stallings, in the sixth, and i ihanie Stallings and Lola Mao, ohi?son from itho seventh grade. • ihose gaining a's much as three ! •cimds when underweight or ios-j, r g three when overweight', were:! '* Hard Johnson, Earl Stan til, j s'.va Bailey, Vetrnen Stand 1, Vi la 'Parrish, Turner Stalling and J volta Mae Johnson. The rcscioaxl of Farmers Bank Has GoodYear In 1929 I Add New Director, D. W. Parker. | ^ at Stockholders’ Meeting Held I Yesterday T h e a mu a 1 stockli old J v & (meeting cf the Farmers Bank j a-iVl Tins: Company was li*M ■ ycssterday afternoon at three !, <> deck with 303 shares out of i ■' total of 412 represen'el in person or by proxy. I The bank has shown growth 1 during the past year. On De i cerriber 31, 1929 the r^ounes were shown to be $368,033 71 , as compared with $215,2o *.6? < on December 31, 1928. The capital stock and' surplus to tal $32,600. The bank showed earnings during the year of •28 per cent on its capital ■stock. Two semi-annual divi dends of four per cent each were paid stockholders during the year. At the meeting yesterday afternoon the number of di rectors was increased from ten to eleven, D. W. Parket halving been added to the list of those who served last yea:. The ether directors are as fol lows: R. C. Giilcitt, W. T. 'Holland. J. E. Woodall, J. E. Gregory, W. J. Huntley, W H. Flowers, C. M. Johnson 1 D. W. Peterson, George f iScctt and Dr. J. H. Fitzger ald. I Birth Announcement. Mr. ai d Mrs. Andrew Hill o; < i'our Oaks loute 4, announce the < Jnlih of a daughter, Carrie Lee 1 Hi1! on January 4. Mrs. Hill I •as btifoiie her marriage Miss < 'bowr-ilc Masseng'ill'. ! State And Nation News Paragraphs Edward Bok Dies at His Florida Home; Wake County To Vote on Eight Months County Wide Term Edvtand Bctk, for years edit r of the Ladies llcme Jeumal’, dieu at his Mountain Lake home ’ri | Florida Thursday following only | four days'* i'Mneiss with a heart at tack. Bok, a poor Dutch immi grant boy, came to uhis ccunti" ait the age of 13. He became i successful journalist, working his j way to the top. He retired *.ei years ago as ediitca* of the Ladi \s I Home Journal. He is well known for his philanthropy particularly in Philadelphia where il*e spent moit of hiiS life. He set ut> u •? 10.000 annual award for the nu.i cr woman who performed the best act for the city. He became wii ?• ly known for his donation cf a ?100,000 fund for a plan by wrick tihe United States might cocpet ,:f with other nations' for the atti.i nont ‘and preservation of pea^'j. tie is ailsio well known for his au :oh'.cgraphy, “The Americanizj dem cf Edward Bok.” The body c: ihe fambus author, editor a i i /nilantheicpist was placed in special crypt at the base of the ;lihig;ng tower at Lake Waih, 'lorida, which tower with its lariilon of 71 be'llis, Bok gave to America as a gift because of the uccess which this country ►rought to him. The voters cf Wake county utsidc of Raleigh and Wrake For est will cn February 13 vote on he question. cf a special tax not o exceed 45 cants on the hundred Do Hal's wort- of property for the lurpose of providing a count'. - ride eight months school!1. If car ied, hire election will mark tir n!d cf it he co.nsicilida.ticn prcjgiraa ARMORY IS OFFERED AS A SKATING \l\ sK Yesterday: Captain Horace L. Johnson came into our of fice and gave us an announce* ment that is sure to be hailed with delight by the children of Smithfield. He offers the armory to the boys and girls I of this city on Saturdays as ■ a skating rink. From nine m j the morning until, seven, at night on Saturdays they will be allowed the use of this commodious building. The Moor is cemented, and Cap* tain Johnson states that the floor space will easily accom modate a hundred couples at one time. The town board recently ' passed an ordinance forbidding skitinr oji the streets, •-•nd this offer is particularly tint*? ly* Unique Still Is Found In Beulah Deputy Jesse Yelverton, Single Handed Takes Copper Outfit Equipped With Oil Burner; Brings Man to Jail What was considered by connoisseurs as a rather per fect specimen of a mode* n , whiskey still wais broug1 t to the courthouse here yesterday ^ by Deputy Jesse Yelverton of « Beulah township. It was brand new, had never been fired up, but ten barrels of beer wer.v . found, by the officer, waiting to be distilled, and sevc.i J dozen fruit jars in whicu to ,* dispense the finished product. j The outfit wais brought in complete—an eighty gallon , copper affair to be fired with * an oil burner. Quite a crowd z •gathered around to see the officers hammer .it to pieces South Natural Home For All Livestock ! Speakers At Meeting of Southern Livestock Association at Stnl College Pleads For More Live stock | Uecause of its mild winii • | long growing season, ease of p.v dating forage and feed crops, »r,: ■atk of need! for expensive ho-: • inu. North Carolina and the ar." is the natural home for all class< of livestock. No other section ■ : •-he world can compete wit'- tin south if fanners will take tl> .natter seriously and go into th business. This was the tenor of all dis cussions at the 17th annual race' - ir. g of the Southern livestock As ■ siKit.liioni toeW at State College on January 7, 8 and 9. Homier Han :.-ek, president of the associath i rnd former commissioner of Ag riculture for Tennessee, ddiverc ! -he keynote address. He plead U> ■he production of more livestock t; vuse the profits from southern 'time, to make the soils more ter ile and to ultimately raise toe far,cards of living in rural see inns. He gave as his own exper encc that a livestock program ha: i men followed for more than 80 ears on the farm that he now wns anti as yet no morfcgtage ha I vet been placed upon the land. Commissioner W. A. Graham nd others speaking before ;h» ssoeiatiioai pointedl out that the outhem farmers must continue t, row the caish crops1 with which tey are acquainted but that also vestock is needed to furnish r. larket for surplus feed and to rovade a 'better living. Neither would my physical strength, which must be (conserv ed dfoir the effectual discharge of my duties in the senate, be suf ficient to cany, at the same time, the added burden of an adt'ive campaign .on my part. 1 ‘Furthermore, having spent the j best years of my life (in the public service, I now 'haive no money to fftnarccc ai state-wide campaign. In | tihefse circumstances and for these' aeaiscns, I aim obliged, but quite content to leave my candidacy in the hands of my friends and the' pedpi-oi? Nor til Carolina. ' With profound .gratV.udc to my state, I enter this, any last pri mary contest, promising oily consecrated -senvice, guided and directed by conscientious devo tiion to duty an earnestly indulg • ing the hope that nothing ma\ occur (in this campaign which might create or revive division or (discords tin the ranks of th democratic party in North Caro lina; 4*I have been fin active political life for the past 40 odd years My record during those year-, is an open book and 'is known to the people of North Caro lina, and I am entirely ©atrisfed thus to leave it to them' to s?y ■whether or not they vvo-h me to remain in this senate longer th? n my present term.” apathy and to the pcopio of my jo&ian w » Dane) ui “<*■ digh, who announced his can didacy for the senate c.n Jun iviairy 2 made tuo coninnortt uipon (hearing c:f the announcemer: t ictf Senator Sim moms Saturday %J,ght. rIJh -stated Saturday that Avithin a few weeks he would appoint a manager and id'evortte hiawsdlf to canvass!". * dho state. He 'has .not decided whether or net he will wake many speeches during the coming campaign. MISS ORACH LEE II.1. WITH MENINGil.t' Mfe Grace Lee, lC-yc®rol TOTAL _ $241,866.3.) A mciminaitmig ecimiiri’ti m posed of W.' II. Lassiter, L K. Jordan, O. A. Martin and I}*. W. J. B. Orr was named by the chairman and these men 'retired and1 later brou'gh; in the fcllowiing names for di rectors': W. M. Sandetrs, W. B. Welkins, J. E. Gregory, W. D. Hood, H. B. Marrow, R. R. Holt, J. P. Regers, C. F. Gordon and R. C. GlPieit. The report of the nominatiinig com mittee way adopted uitani moudy. The directors. will hold a mee'iug at an early date and elect the officers for t&e com stockholders*, .the percentage gained peaiitrcal houses iz gwine to give out afo’ dey rocks does and au wid sum peiiiticad edy cat wid dey perlitical pie and dey gwine ic" d*raip it night smack in some ’Pub licans motif. Hit won’t be de fust time ’Puiblikans hez sot on d' fenCa amvn' djfmmyctat convex shams and watched ‘em ™ dt/ camplaign fer ‘em. Dey oat tc* make Norf OunLina safe fea* de mocmcy iby jining ban’s over di scalaes of dare burnt difference and voices in dat gud ole maltin' ©ong ‘Bill Bailey, Won't Yu Please Cum Home.’” „ pcarancc «t coun t u> wjbvtjc . chaeigea tjt violating (tic jr-} Hrl»tion .H« is }5 40 ‘gr&rs of i1 -