************ | Four Oaks * *********** FOUR OARS, Jan. 30.—Miss LuTfa Lcwi.^ and Mliss Car lotto Fiamee, of China Gwe, spent Sat urday and Sunday as guests of Mar. and Mrs. W. J. Lewis. •Mrs. C. H. Gibson, of Rooky Mount, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Creech. Mr. and Mrs B B. Adams spent -Sunday and Monday in Greens boro. Mr. Adams attended the -stockholders’ meeting of the Jef ferson Life Insurance company. Miss Maggie Tail spent Sun day in Dunn with friends. Miss Bettie Creech, of Smith field spent last week hero with Miss Mabel Stanley. Mrs. 11. B. Johnson, Mrs. J. W Sanders, Mi's. W. F. Sandora an<i Mrs Ralph Talton visited in Ben son Friday afternoon. Mr. Hubert Allen, of Rookj Mount, spent the week end her< •with relatives. •Mays. DaJnut Upchurch, OVtisf Margaret Strickland and Mrs. Hit bert Johnson, of Snvithfield, spenl Monday in Raleigh. Messrs. A Lbc-jtt Keene, Jr. a nr .1 rim Bandy were visitors ir Greenville Sunday. Messrs. Hubert Masse ng ill anc Newel t Williams were in Raleigh Monk! ay. Miss Lillian Wilkerson, member of the school faculty, spent th< •week en<l at her home in Kenly. Mr. Rowland Nash, of Raleigh was a week end visitor of Mr and Mrs. Carson Adams. Mr. Jasper Durham, of Raleigh •Was a week end visitor iit town. Miss Lula Strickland, of Coats is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Robert Strickland. Mrs. Alton Massengill and .Mrs Jesse Stanley went to Fayette ville Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Strickland Mrs. Mattie Harbour and Miss Lula Strickland went to Raleigh Tuesday. Messrs. Shelton Lewi*?, D. P ■Spell Jr., Albert Keene, Jr.. R 1. Tart, Jr., Norwood aa<] Hubert Massengill want to Raleigh Thuas <fay evening. Mrs. Carl Lewis spent the week end with Mrs. Jack Staging's in Kenly. Mr. Reid Adams left ‘Wednes day for Charlotte where* he has accepted a position with the Oc cidental Life In/,uranee company. Miss* Audrey; Moore is visiting relatives in Raleigh. and Mrs. Hairy Wilson and Mrs. MVry Wilson WSIsobi’s Mills, risited Mr.?. 11 ethic Adams Sanday. Mtessrs. Nicmwoo<] M-assengil! ami D. P. Spoil, Jr., visited friend in Reeky Mount Sunday evening. Miss Mildred Brodit*, member cf the school faculty, who was called to her home in Taj boro three weeks ago on account of •the illness and subsequent death cf her- grandmother, returned Tuesday to take up her school work. Mrs. W. H. Brewer ami son, Haywood, of Raleigh, were week omi guests of Mrs. ibjttie Adams. Misses China Adams and Vernie repent the week t*ml at CV»r irita-Holdertlu* gu« jfets of Miss Thelma Keene. Miss Bessie Massetigill, who is a student at Meredith College, Raleigh, is .spending- a few days w -h her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Massengill. Miss Hortense Batts, of Smith f c’.d, visited her sister„ Mrs. Joe R e.iardson, during the week end. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Keene, of Sm...afield. spent Surrlay here with relatives. Messrs. Wade Stanley, Roxie Its/.c fed. and Kifgene J barker, stu det.s l. the X Diversity, r.penr the week cr.J at heme. v Rev. and Mrs. N. Cf. Ye&rby went to Durham Mondfly. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Johnson and ^iLle daughter, of Raleigh, spent .Sunday here with relations. Dixie MHXDLESEX, Route 1, Jan. 30* -=;Mrs. ftoscce Parker and chil dren, of Micro, spent part of Ictst : week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin X a iron. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Johnson and family spent the week end in Kenly with Mr. and Mrs. Wade ' Renfrew. j Messrs.' J. H. Hccutt and N. j G. Hinton made a business trip to S.nithfield Monday. Among: those who visited Mr. and Mrs. Bill Atkinson last Thurs day were: Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe .Parker and children, Mrs. Chartie Parker, of Micro, and Mrs. Janie ! Narron. | Mrs. Milton Narron and daugh 1 ter, 11a Mae, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Felton Johnson ‘in the Oak Grove section. Miss Flossie Davis, of Gladys ; spent the week end with M is? ! Elva Mae Boykin, i Mias Ora Mao Hinton, of Anti loch, was the guest of Misses Swannie and Vila Hinton Sundaj j afternoon. ! Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Narron am children visiteR Mr. and Mrs. I) NcirTon Sunday night, i Miss Suditi Davis, of Middle jsex, route 1, and Mr Ollie Iten froiw, of Kenly, rout© J, wen married last Saturday. Dr. S. V. Lewis and Miss Bes sie Narron were in Raleigh Sun day afternoon. Mrs. Sallie Medlin has move< to Mrs. Emma Hocutt’s where s h will make her home. Tees Chapel SMITH FIELD, Route 2, Jan. 23 — Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Grant, « Enfield, recently visited then parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cliftoi Wlhiitfley. Miss Helen Rain*, of Prince ton, was the week end iguest < Miss Beth Creech. Miss Alice Baker, of Fen Oaks, visited Miss Bertha Wes for the week end. A isihcwer was given at th home of Mrs. Clifton Whitley o: Saturday night in honor of Mr and Mrs. Leonard Grant. Mr. Clyde Davis, of Benson spent the week end -with Mr. I R. Davis. ' * \ Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Davi: spent Sunday aftemloon with thei: parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Overman. We aie sorry to note that Mrs Arthur Hartley is quite ill witi i pneumonia. Wo hoj»e for her i 1 speedy recovery J J*********** * Corbett-Hatcher * * liy MAMIE BAILEY 3 * # * # # # * at .y | SELMA, Route 1, Jan. 30.—'flu. • writer is in receipt of a card fr<;:r i Dr. Wade H. Atkinson, which ir I part, follows: “Luxar, Egypt, Jan j 3, 1930: -100 miles up the rivci 1 Nile in the midst of the great des ert, these people live. It is hou I on the banks of the Nile that King Tut’s torn!) is situated, along with other kings in the valley cl I the Kings and Queens. Also-mam moth temples in ruins are of such • vast size and so extensive or.c van scarcely believe they were •yver built by man. Perpetual sun shine adds to the charm of the i leserf as well as to my feeling j better. 'Die rainy season this year was two showers of less than five minutes each.” -VIr. and Mrs. .1. L. Boyette, ..f jGlendale, spent Sunday with Mr. tnd Mrs. Stephen Brown. I Mrs. Befetie Hocutt is visiting I her daughter, Mrs. Hattie Eason, | at Mr. Oscar Wheeler’s near Thanksgiving. ! Miss Catherine James spent the j week end at home in Bethel. Mrs. Troy Blown and Mrs. Ches ter Brown spent Saturday with Mrs. (ieo. Pittman near Micro. Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Bailes and l family spent Sunday with their , parents at Thanksgiving. ^ Miss Clara Fitzgerald spent the week end in Fremont with rela j fives. Misses Johnson and Alma Sul 1 ivan went to Smithfield Saturday morning. •Misses Myrtle E. Bailey, But I 'er, Arnold, Ashworth and Mrs. Tom Davis, of Wendell, spent Sun day afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. J. W, Bailey. t Miss Sarah McGeachy spent the f week en<l at St. Paul’s with her j father who is sick. c ^ Home demonstration club meet-!1 ing February 5 at the school 1 -building at 2:30 p. m. All mem-!: jibers are urged to be present, j! * * J Pleasant Grove * * Bv CLAUDE STEPHENSON j* * * ************; , WILLOW SPRINGS, Jan. 28.—j ; Friends will be sorry to learn of the illness of Mrs. James Joha ! son. Seveial of our people attended' church service at Willow Springs, Primitive Baptist church last Sun-1 day. Mr. R. C. O-gburn took a trip j to Raleigh last Friday on (busi ! ness. Mr. Wm. A. Lee, after spend-j ing a week with his daughters,] | M es<l a me s G. W. King a nd J. C. ' Ijangdon in Harnett county, re-, \ turned to his home hero the lat ter part of last week. | Mr. L. M. Ogham lias been Ml for the past lew days. We h**p« for bis speedy recovery, j Mr. Uf/mie Stephenson who ha. ( been on th^ sick list for some time is better. •' Misses Gladys Hawks, Mildred ■ Stephens-«n and FJizabeth Web j-ter, of the* faculty of Meadow I high school, spent lust week end * here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Hawks. Messrs. Cling man and R. N. Stephenson were business visitors to the city of Angier last Friday. ! I Miss Alice * Kdniundson. from Smithfield was in cur midst lust Sunday. We are sorry to learn that Mrs. W. A. Love has been suffering' recently with rheumatism. Mrs. Mattie Stephenson, of Smithfield, came up last week and is visiting- relatives and friends here for a few days. Mr. John A. Smith, field agent i of the Johnston county Coopera tive Association, was here one day last week. Mr. Smith is do- j ing some fine work for the cot- j I ton associat ion. Miss iMary Adams, of Campbell College, after spending a few I | days at home recuperating from j | vaccination for smallpox, returned: to Buie’s Creek last Thursday to | resume her school work. I Messrs. K.. V. Hawks and j Claude Stephenson attended the j annual session of the Grand Lodge I of Mason.", at Raleigh last Wed nesday. John Charles McNeil Book Club. Benson, Jan. 28.—Mrs. Charlie Johnson delightfully entertained the John Charles McNeil Book club at her home Wednesday aft ernoon, January 22. The meeting was called to or der by the president, Mrs. M. T. * Britt. Mrs. Paul Brown conducted I chaplain’s service in the absence of Mrs. W. D. Boon. The topic ! for the month was “Power nad J j Transportation in the South.” “Ro- ' i manco of Transportation” and ! j “the Development of Power” were I the subjects of two interesting pa- ; pers by Mrs. J. W. Whittenton and Mrs. N. C,. Woodlii'f. Miss | Muriel Johnson sang beautifully “The World is Waiting For t,h<* Sunrise” accompanied by Miss Sa Irah .Fanner. Mrs. Preston Womt-j all gave u paper on “Southern Power.” Several piano selections were enjoyed by the club, rendered by Misses Sarah Parmer and Mur-j ! iol Johnson. j Following the program the hos-1 i tess served a salad course with j hot coffee. ! Those present ether than club j members were Mesdames II. H. [ | Houston, Eugene Can a day, W. H. j j Denning, C. T. Johnson an<l P. .D. j jJohnson. I notice of sale OF LAND I UNDER MORTGAGE DEED. : NORTH CAROLINA, | JOH NSTON COUNTV. I Under and by virtue of autkor | ity contained in a certain mort- j gage deed executed by John E 1 Harmon and wife, Effie Harmon to Austin-Stephenson Company, on, the 1 day of January, 192G, re corded in Book 191, at page 63, in the Registry of Johnston conn- j ty, and subsequently assigns 1 to Reid-Sanders Motor Co. Local Sales and Service Dealers Phone 28 Smithfield ho Virginia Trust Company, de au/lt having been* made in the ayment of the Indebtedness sv~ uawf thereby, the undersigned rill offer for sale at public auc ion for cash in front of the John son county courthouse door on Saturday, February 15, 1030, a welve o’clock noon, a certain >iece ot tract of land lying at d >eing in Clayton township, John ston county, North Carolina, and inscribed and defined as follows, ;o:wit: First Tract: Beginning at a stake at Barbour’s corner, in the Clayton road, runs N 87 W 1347 feet to a stake, with said A. J. Barbour’s heirs land; thence S *i IV 710 feet to an iron stake; Carolina Folk Play at Brogden. Sec “The Man Who Died at Twelve ‘Clock” and also “The Bootlegger’s Bride” at Brogder school Friday night, Jan. 31 at 7:30 p. m. Admission 15 an<j 25c These plays are given by th< members of Mr. C. MI. Brown’. Sunday school class. thence N 8!) W 2010 feet to an' iron stake to another Iron stake in A. J, Bambour’s heirs line; thence N 4 W 1080 feet to a stake in Rirt-ty Branch- thence tip Branch to the road, as follows: N 81 K 200 feet, S 75 E 140 feet, N 50 E 200 feet, N 28 E 150 feet, ;N 80 E 265 feet, N 5 W 156 feet, S 72 decrees 30’ E 270 feet; N’ 43 degrees 30’ E 200 feet, N 53 E 327 feet; thence up said road to a stake X 40 degrees and 30’ E 622 feet; thence N 52 degree? 15’ E 1870 feet to a stake, as R. W. Sanders’ line; thence 3 38 degrees 8(8 E 565 feet to a stake .-a Pretty Branch; thence as Pretty Branch to a black gum at Tom Hodges' corneT, as follows; N 65 E 250 feet N 70 E 300 feet, S 82 E 275 feet, N 73 E 200 feet, S 86 E 240 feet; thence as Tom Hodges’ line to a stake; thence as said Hodges’ line across the C-.ay ton road to a blackjack; thence S 3 degrees 15’ W 250 feet :o a stake; thence N 87 degrees 30' W 000 feet to a post oak; thenc S 3 degrees 15’ VV 695 feet to a Hake in Small Branch; thenc down •Sp*all Rranch to a pine S! 30 degrees .w* W b«4J foot; thence down said branch S 9 degrees 30’ W 150 feet to a dead pine; thence N 35 W 1090 feet, across the road to a pine; thence S 8 degTo 30’ \V 300 feet to a stake; thence S 24 W 253 feet to the begin ning, containing two hundred and fonty-five (245) acres, more ot less. Second Tract: Beginning at a stake at Harrison and Austin’s corner, runs N 6 degrees 30’ E 2048 feet to a lig’ twood stump, James Poole’s corner; thence N 84 W 1213 feet to Harrison’s Poole’s and Vinson's; corner; thence as J. A. Vinson’s line S G de grees 30’ W 816 feet to a stake ; Vinson’s corner; thence S 55 de grees E 116 feet to a stake, Har risen’s and Harrison’s comer thence S 6 degrees 30’ \V 55 feet to a stake in the road thence as said road S 55 E 1318 feet to the beginning, contain:?ig I forty-five (45) acres, more or less. January 14, 1930. 'I RALEIGH SAVINGS BANK & TRUST COMPANY, Trustee in Bankruptcy for Austin - Stephe n son Company, Mortgagee. VIRGINIA TRUST COMPANY, Assignee. SMITH & JOYNER, Attorneys. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND NORTH CAROLINA, JOHNSTON COUNTY. By virtue of the powers con tained in a certain mortgage deed executed on the 1 day of J mu ary J920, by Ransom Holder and wife, Delia Holder, and duly re corded in the Registry of Johnston county, in Book HO, page 00 ami the terms and conditions of said mortgage deed not having beer complied with the undersigned mortgagee will on Monday the c day of February, 1930 at 12 o'clock M at the courthouse door in the town of Smithfield, sell for cash i to the highest bidder, the follow ling described tract of land: j That certain tract of land ly ing and being in Johnston county State of North Carolina, ir j O’Neals -township, and begins at t (stake in Zeb Holder’s line ant runs S 85 E 3066 feet to a stakes being the comer of lot No. 6, and1 contains 10.19 acres sold to Zeb Holder. And Ijot No. 6 in the C. C. Creech division, con taining 76.6 acres, and being the same tract of land conveyed to Ransom Holder by T. R. Atkinson by deed which Is duly recorded in the Registry of Johnston county, and the description therein is made a part of this description. T. R. ATKINSON, Mortgagee. By ABELL-& SHEPARD, A ttys. j The undersigned having quali fied a.s administrator on the es tate of Lewis Hill, deceased, here by notifies all persons having claims against said estate to pre I sent the same to me duly verified I on or before the 24 day of Janu lary, 1931, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; and all persons indebted to said I estate will make immediate This 23 day of January, 1930. C. T. HILL, Admr. ! This 4 day of January, 1930. NOTICE Mow Beauty for the Mow Ford ANOTHER STEP FORWARfl TOE NEW FORD TOWN SEDAN In the Town Sedan you see a distinguished example of the unbroken sweep of lire which u,hls so mu. h charm to all the new, roomy Ford bodies. Rad, at or. hood, coni, lower roof line, fenders, wheels — every point of design reflects the new stele end beauty that hate been placed within the means of everyone. All of the nenv Ford cats uie finished in a variety of colors. T 1HE introduction of the new Ford bodies has set a high standard of motor ear value. From the new deep radiator to the tip of the curving rear fender, there is an unbroken sweep of linc-a flowing grace of contour gaining added charm from the rich and attractive colors. « «c « « 'Vou will take a real pride in the smart style and fresh new beauty of the Ford just as you will find an ever-growing satisfaction in its safety, comfort, speed, acceleration, ease of control, reliability and economy. In appearance, as in mechanical construction, craftsmanship has been put into mass production. New beauty has been added to outstanding performance. « « « « ' « A feature of unusual interest is the use of Rustless Steel for the radiator shell, head lamps, cowl finish strip, hub caps, tail lamp and other exposed metal parts. This steel will not rust, corrode or tarnish and will retain its bright brilliance for the life of the car. Here, as in so many other important details, you see evidence of the enduring quality that baa been built into the new Ford. « « « « « Roadster, $135 Phaeton, $410 Coupe, $500 Tudor Sedan, $500 Sport Coupe, $530 Two-wiudow Fordor Sedan, $600 Three-window Fordor Sedan, $625 Convertible Cabriolet, $645 Town Sedan, $670 (,411 prices /. o. b. Detroit, plus freight and delivery. Bumpers and spare tire extra.) UNIVERSAL CREDIT COMPANY PLAN OF TIME PAYMENTS OFFERS YOU ANOTHER FORD ECONOMY

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