CLAYTON SOCIAL By MRS. 1- R. RRANIIAM CLAYTON, Feb. G.-Mr. Wil liam Clark, of Rocky Mount, vis-: ited relatives here Monday night I Mrs. J. M. Turley visited her mother at Llncolnton recently. Mr. Charlie Armstrong. of New Bern, was In town Monday night. Mrs. Fred Full-cloth, of near Smlthfield, visited her sister, I Mrs. C. C. Hamilton last Sunday. Mr. Garner Mitchell, of Char lottesville, West Va„ has been spending some time here with his mother, Mrs. H. W. Mitch ell. Miss Oertrude Hamilton. of aarner. visited relatives here on Monduy afternoon. Mr. Bill Wilkinson, of New Bern, visited friends here on Monday evening. Mr. Maynard Hamilton, of Washington. D. C., spent the week end here having been call ed home on account of the Ill ness of Ills lather. Mr. W. H. • Hamilton, who suffered a light stroke of paralysis Friday after noon. Mr. ana mis. Herman wniuey, of Wilson, spent the week end here with relatives. Mr. Swade E. Barbour, Junior member of the firm of J. O. Barbour & Sons, attended a meeting of the Purina feed deal ers at. Atlanta last week. Mesdames Chus. Q. Gulley, Warren Mi-Cullers, C. H. Bed Ulngfield and 11. E. Brooks and Mr. Norvelle Bryan attended a reception in Franklinton last Fi day evening as guests of Miss Geraldine Gower, and assisted in a musical program given in the interest of the organization of a musician's club there. On Saturday evening Miss Helen Southall entertained at a delightful bridge party honoring her house guests, Misses Emma Mae Conn. Hazel Adams, Zip Stallings and Gladys Pritchell. The home was tastefully deco rated with pot flowers. Miss Janie O'Neil won high score. After sev I eral spirited progressions the hos i tess served a delectable sweet course. Mr. Jesse J. Williams, local representative of the Eastern Cot ton Oil company of Goldsboro, has opened an office in Clayton, located on Lombard avenue be tween Robertson's sales stables and the corner of Main street. Mr. Williams has been living m f Clayton for the past year or more and is pushing the sale of East ern goods in this territory. Mr. Turner Vinson is the Clayton dealer for Eastern fertilizers, who handles local sales. A most interesting and instruc tive meeting of the Woman's club was held on Wednesday after noon in the Rotary hall when Miss Myra Woodruff lectured on "Child Feeding,” the program be [ ihg in charge of Mrs. Swade Barbour. A reading by little Miss Bettle Barbour and musical num bers by Mrs. Harry Brooks and Mrs. C. H. Beddtngfield com pleted the program. During the business session presided over by u. A Hocutt. many inter esting reports were made as fol lows: civic department hits plant ed several trees on the school grounds, und five on the club house grounds, the lattrr the gift of J. Dwight Barbour; Education Department has presented nine volumes to the library .and two volumes which suppleirtent the encyclopaedia as well as many school books for need.'- children; the Welfare department has sup plied clothes and food for tire needy; the L. E. H. tfcholarship Fund, perhaps the ctibs most worthwhile undertaking, report ed in addition to $700.00 prev iously expended In educating tal ented Clayton girls, a ttouuiou to the fund; and the tied c>oss conuulttee reported $£■» 18 fiom the sale of seals. Uroup chatrn an und a special committee are to: solicit funds for the club many donations having alrea ly been made including $o0 00 f.c m Mrs. J. W. Massey, chairman of the building committee. Mrs.; Massey heads the special com- j miitce composed of Mesdaci-* C I W Robinson. D. W. BarUnu J.! Dwight Barbour. Otho Oulley and! J W Knowles, from the Seiior' club, and Mrs. Hugh Page null Miss Annie V. Ellis from the 0 in to club. Mrs. J w. Payn isi at work on a play to be liven1 lor the club house fund and a! dinner also is planned. Mrs. K. B. Ellis assisted by I John Talton. H. a Pope Will Weathers. C H Beddingfiald J ' S. Barnes. B. A. Hocuct and Miss Clove Barnes. The Clayton Wo- 1 man's club Is the recipient of a ■ beautiful engraving depicting General Federation Headquarters. i' the club being the wuuier as a JOG per cent subscriber to the General Federation magarme. ■ This splendid inagawne enjoyed by many is the gift of the dubs : popular anu thoughtful presi dent. Mrs. Hocutt. Delicious re- ■ freshments were served. A CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank each and every one who rendered us ar y i kindness during the Illness aj id1, death of our husband and fi .thi-r. Especially do we thank Dr. Per-i; son and the Johnston County'i Hospital doctors and nurse, i. ( MRS. JNO T. STALLINGS !, AND CHILDREN. ! -s-i To stimulate more in'jerest in j y dairying., cream route* 'save betu.i KENLY SOCIAL By MRS. A. J. BROUGHTON KENLY, Feb. 5.—Friends of Clara Hooks gave her a surprise birthday party at the home of Mrs. Willie Atkinson near town on Friday night, January 31. After playing games they were served fruits, candles, popcorn, and peanuts. Those present were: Margaret Pike, Marietta Lee Peele, Guy Edgerton, J. P. Eagles, Jr., Clara Hooks. Bonnie and Ava, Atkinson, und Mrs. Maybelle Edg erton Druughan. Misses Geneva and Annie Rose Godwin spent the week , end in Wilson. i Mr. J. M. Woolard, of Raleigh, was in town Tuesday. He was accompanied home by Mrs. Wool ard and son, Marlon, who had been spending several days with her sister, Mrs. Jack Stallings. Messrs, N. J. Johnson and Paul Hilliard, of Durham, were visitors in town Sunday. Mr. C. P. Darden attended a church meeting In Selma Tues day. Mesdames L. v. urany ™ Oeo. E. Walston, of Wilson, spent Tuesday with Mrs. Jack Stal lings. Mrs. Mary H. Chase, of Ashe ville, spent Thursday with her sister, Mrs. J. W. Darden. Rev. W, C. Cumming. of Hen derson, spent the week end in town with friends. Mesdames Paul D, Orady. I- | E. Hooks und Katie M. Hooks went to Wilson Wednesday to see Miss Elsie Orady who is a pa tient in u hospital there. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bailey ami two children, Mildred and Mar tin, of Rocky Mount, spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. J. G. High. Rev. C. Logan Landrum spent the week end in Henderson. Mi Landrum preached In the First Presbyterian church there Sun day morning and evening. Rudolph Jones. student at I Wake Forest College, has return led after spending several days :here with his parents, Mr. anti 'Mrs. J. E. Jones. Miss Sadie Bailey, Mr. Car' j High and Miss Ernestine Barrow, j of Rocky Mount, spent Sunday .with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Brough ! ton. j Mrs. L. V. Orady. of Wilson, and Mrs. John S. Conabeer, ol ! Asheville, spent Thursday with Mrs. H M. Grtzzard. | Mr. Tom Edgerton. of Cheraw. 1S. C„ spent the week end at I home with his family. J. T. Nlxton and Joint Alford have returned from New York where they visited Justice Hardi son and Ivy Bnllance. Rev. and Mrs. Jas. H. Frlzelle spent Sunday In Bagley with Mr and Mrs. A. E. Fitzgerald. Mr Vaughn Jenkins, of Golds boro, was a visitor in town Sun day. Mrs. Ernest Narron and little daughter have returned from Clinton where they visited rela tives. | Mrs. Mary H Chase and Mrs John tv Conabeer and son. Sonny Boy, of Ashevtle. who are spend ing some time in Wilson with their sister. Mrs. Dora H. Oil built, spent Sunday here with I their sister. Mrs. J. W. Darde.t. I Mr. Charlie Watson, of Wel ; don. spent the week end at home with his family. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. White, Mrs O. M. Morris and Mias Ethel Mor i ris visited relatives itt Goldsboro and Wilson Sunday. Mr. Arthur Crumpler left this week for Charleston. W. Va where he will work for Wilson & company, a meat house. Friends of Miss Debbie Bailey ate sorry to leant about her fall ms during the snow and hurting tier ankle. It is hoped that site will soon be able to be back in the seitool realm. Miss Netde Bailey is near Piv mont nursing her cousin. Mrs M. R. Hooks who is ill witit pneu monia. Mr. Charles H. Orady and Mr H O. Gray, ot Si zithfield. were in town Tue. May. Mr. Leon Crump’ er was a visi tor in Selma Sunday. Miss Elsie Grady, student at the N c. I n.verstty, underwent an Dictation .or appendicitis at a Wilson hospital Monday amt is recovering satisfactorily. " Oman's .Missionary Sociotv. Ben:on. FVb e - The Woman s' Missionary Society oi the Metho tffc.t church met Monday evening at the home of Mrs. W. R. Den nuig. The meeting was called to order by the president. Mrs. W. O fatcltley. The program was open-i ei with a hymn. "Statai Up For! Jesus" by the society. and was billowed by the devotional exer cises conducted by Mrs. L J Uane Mrs W. M. Smith read an! inspiring pater on "Time for; Private Devotion." Two most in-1 teresting talks on "Serving the Foreign Communities" were made by Mrs. Sherrill Utley and Mrs B. H. Houston. Another paper of, much interest to the society was The Sixtieth Anniversary of the '• Organized Women Workers of the 1 Northern Methodist Church." also i by Mrs. B. H. Houston. i Old and new bus ness was dis- » cussed after the program and < plans were made for making : some extra money to take care i rf incidental expenses. The meeting was then turned '■ iver to the hostess who assisted 1 J.v her daughter. M ss Annie Lee. i «nd Miss Iula Fhitt served sand- I etches, doughnuts and candy ’ eith coffee. There were eighteen 1 BENSON NEWS By MRS. SHERRILL UTLEY BENSON. Feb. 6.—Dr. W. T. - rurlington. of Wilmington, spent |c his week end here with friends r ind relatives. j p Mrs. Carson Porter and little j laughter. Peggy, are spending ( some time here with Mr. and t vlrs. N. W. Porter. 1 Dr. and Mrs. H. L. Keith, of j f Wilmington, were the guests ofji Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Denning; Sunday. v Mr. and Mrs. Eh Turlington s ind family spent Sunday in Clin ton with Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Tur- c ington. I Miss Mable Johnson is spend ing this week in Wilmington the i guest of Dr. and Mrs. H. L. t Keith. 1 Mr. L. M. Cavenaugh. of Smith- ' field, spent Sunday here with his ( parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Cavanaugh. Miss Louise Phelps spent this i week end in Raleigh with her ; parents. I IVll^ WWIBUICI UI HWII M to Queen's College. Charlotte, after spending several days here with her parents, having been called home on account of illness Mr. and Mrs. J. Ft. Poole, of Whltcvile. have recently moved here to make this their home Mr. Poole has formed partner ship with one of our well known lawyers, Mr. L. L. Levinson. The firm will be known as Levinson and Poole. Mr. E. B. Bowman, formei manager of the local Pendei store has recently been trans ferred to Clinton. Friends of Mr Bowman will be sorry to hear ol his leaving but wish him much success in his new home. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Tailor spent Sunday in Coats with Mrs Talton’s parents. Mr. and Mrs Tom Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Parrish spent Sunday in Broadway with Mrs. Parrish’s parents. Friends of Mr. VV. Ft. Dennin? will be sorry to hear that he ha; been confined to his bed for th past week with an attack of hig! blood pressure. Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Smitl went to Fayetteville Tuesday oi business. Miss Neta Turlington is spend ing several days in Clinton wit' her sister. Mrs. F. L. Turlington LOWER JOHNSTON i DUNN. Route 2. Feb. 5.—Thf public schools of Lower Johnstoi county are reported to us as pro | gressing nicely. The attendance and punctuality of the Meadow high school with Mr. A. Q. Glenr as superintendent have been un usually fine. We believe the rec ' ord cannot be beaten anywhere the attendance being more tha 90 per cent of all the student enrolled during the fall term, j Messrs. Graden Johnson an< 'Malcolm Barefoot, of Saxnpsoi county, spent Sunday with their mother. Mrs. Margaret Johnson. Noble Jernigan spent Wednes day in Clinton with his sister Mrs. Arthur Hobbs. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Jernigan. o' Dunn, were the guests of Mr. anc | Mrs. C. B. Johnson and family Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Myres anc children recently moved to Samp son county. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hobbs anc children, of Dunn, spent Sundaj here. ! Mr. Geo. P. Lee and childrei had as their guests Sunday Mr Lastus Morgan and family. o‘ Dunn. Mr. Howard Baker and Mis; | Vada Wise were married las- \ week. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Yount | Lee last week, a daughter, Min j me Helen. Mrs. Leffel Lee has greatly im proved after receiving treatment at Highsmith Hospital at Fay etteville. Miss Mary Lou Johnson of neat Benson, spent the week end wit l Miss Hettie Tart. Mr. Lee Barefoot is much bet ter after spending several day* at the Johnston County Hcvspita at Smithfield for treatment. Messrs. Lovctte Barefoot a;u Nathan Jackson spent Wednesday in Clinton on business Mr. P. B. Tart and childrer had as their guests Sunday Mr and Mrs. Ben Schneider anc children of Dunn. Mr and Mrs. Wesley Barefoot of Sampson county, spent Sunday with relatives in Lower John ston. Mrs. Johnson Entertains. j Benson. Feb. 6—Mrs. E. A. Johnson delightfully entertained J U three tables of contract bridge it her home on Main street Fri-1 lay evening at 7:45 o'clock The; reception hall where the tables I vere arranged for the game was Utractiveiy decorated with grow- ‘ ng plants. After several progres-:1 nons it was found that Mrs. W. j - 3. Woodall was winner of topj core for ladies and received a j1 iamty tray and Mr. W. B. Wood- h ill was winner of top score for! iten and received a combination ji omb and nail set. Mrs. Johnson. - .ssisted by her daughter. Julia, j erved toasted sandwiches, cinna- r non rolls and hot chocolate. Those present were: Mr. and ilrs. Roy E. Smith. Mr and Mrs. a V. B. Woodall. Dr. and Mrs. S.1 {. Duncan. Mr. and Mrs. Sherrill Ttley. Mrs. Paul Johnson. Mrs. n V. M. Smith and Miss Clara & VoodaXl. | C CORINTH HOLDERS MIDDLESEX, Route 1. Feb. 5. -The pupils of this school have - ompleted their mid-term exami- i lations and are wishing for |» assing grades. Mr. Charley Parrish and Mr. ] lattis Bailey made a business ] rip to Smithfield Monday. Poe’s Literary Society is to be , leldjn the school auditorium on \ Yiday, Fberuary 14. Wc were very sorry of the bad /cather which kept us from r chool last Thursday and Friday., Mr. and Mrs. Garry Fulghum, if Middlesex, were visitors in the 1 Emit section Friday. We are very sorry to know that!' 4rs. Herman Creech is not im >roving after being confined to ler bed the past three weeks. Ve hope for her a speedy recov ery. Mr. J. W. Vaughn's plantation vas sold and bid in by his son- i n-law. Mr. Will Godwin. on Monday, February 3. The truck drivers are glad thatj >ur principal has recently chang 'd their routes. Miss Mary E. Wells, of Smith ield. visited our school last week ind gave tests to some of the1 rammar grades. All the pupils of this school ap reciated the pencils that Mr. ;onn. the manager of the Con-! unices Exchange company. IncJ f Zebu Ion, delivered to them free ne day last week. We are very sorry that little Edna Creech is sick. Miss Bane's pupils rendered a cry interesting program last Wednesday morning. The school children are wish-' •ig for the grounds to dry o/f n order to practice athletics. The rural mail carrier from •ebulon on route 2 has changed -is route. He now goes all the vay on the newly-built road. Miss Katie Corbett spent last /eek night with Mr. and Mrs Vorley Creech. The Junior class feels proud f their teacher. Miss Iris Yel ington. She usually teaches the •unday school lesson each Sun ay. M'\ and Mrs. W. H. Price. Mr. nd Mrs. C. E. Parrish and Mr. ?attis Bailey were in Smithfield uesday on business. LITTLE CREEK i CLAYTON. Route 3. Peb. G.— ! and Mrs. Lawrence Stewart, : f Raleigh, and Mr. and Mrs. Jo eph Hathaway, of Smithfield. ere guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. Peedin Sunday. Misses Eunice Orisel. Gertrude trickland. Mamie Hathaway and ir. Harvey Weeks, of Selma, ere visitors here Sunday after oon. I Mr. and Mrs. Dan Evans spent aturday afternoon near Pine ; evel. | Messrs. Pete Wood and Golden j ohnson visited friends near ! ’owhatan Sunday night. | Mr. Alvin Casey and cousin, i Annie Mae Peedin spent he week end in Raleigh with j -lr. and Mrs. Ray Casey Mr. and Mrs. J. A Kennedy j .nd Mrs. J. W. Kennedy made business trip to Four Oaks , -fonday afternoon. ' I Messrs. Luther and Oliver Bar >our. Raeford Benson and Lynn \ llliams of near Powhatan were ecent visitors in this vicinity. Mr. Roger Hathaway spent Sat irday night in Raleigh with his ister. Mrs. Lawrence Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Atlas Johnson pent the week end with Mr. ind Mrs. Joe Johnson in the Be hesda section. JOHNSON UNION WILSONS MILLS Fib. a Mr and Mrs. c. C. Wood and arailv and Mr. and Mrs A. W. Wood and daughter. Shirley, of tear Wilson s Mills, spent a short vhile the guests of their mother. VIrs. C. P. Wood. Sunday eve ling. Miss Margaret Wood recently .isited her brother. Mr. C. H. Wood, near Selma Mrs. Retha Parrish has return 'd home after spending some ime the guest of friends and rel rtives in Wilson’s Mills Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wood spent Sunday the guest of their moth er. Mi’s. W. L. Johnson, near Clayton. Mi-. B. B. Boykin and daUgh er. Mildred, and Miss Rosa Hagg d near Raleigh, were in this see ion Sunday Miss Velma Parrish has re-j entlv been visiting friends near’ Selma. Mr. W. H. Wood and mother r.ade a business trip to Smith-: leld Saturday. Misses Robena Gower and Lil le Johnson and Messrs. Willie Pounds and Vernon Vann, of near Playton. were in this section on Junday evening. Mrs. J. T. Underwood, of Golds- ! wro. is spending this week with i elatives here. i Messrs. Johnnie Underwood and - illen Bryant spent a short while n Clayton Sunday. i Mr. Marion Coats made a busi- 1 ess trip to Smithfield Tuesday 1 veiling. Mr. C. P. Coats visited friends t nd relatives in Clayton Sunday. < We are very glad to note that Ir. D. G Gower is able to be a ome again after undergoing a - irious operation at the Johnston c 'uunty Hospital e STEWART CHAPEL FOUR OAKS, Route 1, Feb. 5.1 -We are glad to note that Mrs. j illen Massengill who has been on I he sick list is improving. r Mr. W. N. Lee, of Falcon, has etumed home after spending t ist week in this community. f Miss Pearl Stewart who holds! . position in Raleigh visited in, c his neighborhood recently. \\ Mr. Victor Jernigan. of Benson, 1 vas the guest of his cousin. Lea nan Jernigan. for the week end. i Misses Minnie Wheeler and ‘ Jertrude Benson, of Elevation^ ection, called in this community Sunday afternoon. ;i Misses Mildred Snead and : Gladys Creech, of Pauline sec ion, were the guests of Mr. and / VIrs. Kirby Allen Sunday after- I loon. Misses Alma Barefoot and Edna Boyette, of Four Oaks, were vis- | tors in this section recently. | Mr. Walter Creech, of Pauline section, spent a short while in: this section Sunday. , Those attending the basketball | game at Clayton Friday night | from this section wrere Lester Al- j len. Wilson and Ransom Massen- \ pill and Merle Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Riley Rains, of Clayton, spent a short while at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Lee last Sunday evening. We are sorry to note that Mrs. G. O. Massengill is on the sick! list. BROGDEN SMITHFIELD, Route 2, Feb. 6. —Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Thompson and child, of Lucama. visited their parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Royall, Monday afternoon. Two of the nurses of the John ston County Hospital. Misses Smithie Lee and Emma Strick lard, were the week end guests of Misses Rachel and Virginia Hayes. Messrs. J. T. Overbee and Har ry Corbett made a business trip to Selnui Saturday. Mrs. James II. Daughtry was brought from the Johnston County Hospital Saturday after noon to the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Grant where she will remain for a while. Mrs. Dock Daughtry, of En field. spent the week end with Mrs. J. T. Overbee. Friends and relatives of Mr. Ernest Langley will be sorry to learn of his being ill with pneu monia. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Grant, of Enfield, spent the week end with their parents. Mr. and Mrs I Clifton Whitley. Mr. James Thompson of Roy all section, recently visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hill. Mrs. Alice Edwards and fam ily. of Selma, spent the week end with relatives in this section. THANKSGIVING SELMA. Route 1. Feb. G.—Mr. and Mrs. David Parrish and chil dren. of near Archer, spent last Sunday with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Whitley. The many friends of Mr. J. B O’Neal will regret to learn that he is quite sick at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Murphrey. of Wakefield, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Andrews, of Wendell, spent Sunday with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. Y. Wood. Mrs. Percy Sandlin left her home in Wilmington Wednesday after spending several days here with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Brannan. Mrs. T. E. Talton. of Pine Level, and Mrs. Leon Chamblee. of Zebulon. were called to the bedside of their father. Mr. J. B O’Neal, last week. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Johnson! spent Saturday night with rela tives near Corinth school. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Whitley, of j Wendell, spent Sunday with rel atives in this community. Mr. Sebastian Murphrey. of i Norfolk. Va . is visiting relatives near here. GRANTHAM BENTONV1LLE. Rome 2. Feb.: 6.—The faculty gave a play— Bashful Mr. Bobbs”—at the! school building Friday night,! January 24. Mr. Roscoe Cos and children. Mildred and Ralph, attended the I funeral of Mrs. N. B Stevens near I Smithfield last Friday. The regular monthly show was }tven at the school building last I Saturday night. Last Tuesday night the far- j ners met at the school building; o discuss kinds of fertilizer to; :se. where to use it. and how. On the night of February 14 a >lay will be given by the juniors kt Newton Grove school. The ti le of the play is “Two Days to Jarry." Mrs. Alvin Porter spent Sat urday night with her mother. J irs. George Westbrook, near; fewton Grove. Miss Maggie Price, spent the as: week end with relatives at loldsboro. Nahunta and Grantham played basketball game in the gym- j asmm hail in Goldsboro Satur-; ay night. Grantham was defeat - J a- i FOUR OAKS NEWS By MRS. R. C. CANADAY FOUR OAKS. Feb. 6.—Mr. and , Irs. Lonnie Keene spent Wed esday in Kenly. Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson Lassi sr and son, Earl, spent last week nd with relatives in Raleigh. Mrs. Horace Smith and chil ren, of Newport News. Va.. are ( isiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. ilex Creech. Mr. Bennus Bayou. of Lumber 011. spent a short while here Sunday with his parents, Mr. and ■frs S. M. Boyett. Misses Lucile Stanley, Marvel landers and Annabel Thornton, tudents at E. C. T. C.. Green 'ille. spent the week end here it their homes. Messrs. Wade Stanley and Lexie Barefoot, students at the Uni versity of North Carolina, spent .be week end at home. Mr. W. E. Berkholtz, of Rich mond, Va.. visited his daughter. Mrs. Nathan Keene, during the ■veek end. Mrs. C. H. Gibson returned to her home in Rocky Mount Sat urday after spending two weeks here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Creech. Miss Alice Bell Penny, of Smith field, visited Mrs. E. F. Strickland Monday afternoon. Mrs. Roy Johnson and son, Armand, have returned home after spending some time with relatives in Rose Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Norman L. Penny, of Fayetteville, visited relatives here Saturday. Mrs. Carl Lewis and Miss Jes sie Hines shopped in Ralpigh on Saturday. Mi. W. P. Sanders went to Greenville Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lewis and son. Wilson. Mrs. R. c. Canaday and sons, Ralph Jr., and Bill, visited relatives in Rocky Mount Sunday. Miss Meta Shaffer and Miss Ruby Lee Anderson, students at N. C. C. W„ Greensboro, spent the week end with Mrs. J. H. Strick land. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lewis spent Sunday in Pinehurst with friends. Messrs. Albert Keene. Jr. and Shelton Lewis went to Wilson Sunday afternoon. Mr. Hubret Allen, of Rocky Mount, is spending a few daw at home. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Strickland and guests. Miss Meta Shaffei and Miss Ruby Lee Anderson spent Sunday afternoon in Wil son and Rocky Mount. Mrs. Jack Myers, of Durham visited her mother. Mrs. E. B i Johnson. Sunday. The teachers of the Pour Oaks!1 chooi who went to Raleigh Sat- j irday to visit the state hygiene I aboratories in connection with | he study of health education vere: Misses Ava Myatt. Carrie | tfyrick, Katherine Noel, and Le-' lora Patterson. In Memory .1. H. Cockrell. i It is with a sad and aching leart I attempt to write in mem >ry of my uncle, J. H. Cockrell, .vho departed this life on Tuesday, December 10, 1029. He was 50 years old. It was so hard to give him up although we feel our loss means heaven and everlasting! pe'ace to him. Uncle Jim, was sick only one i week with pneumonia. He bore his sufferings patiently and only , trusted in the Lord to have his way. The day before he died his daughter, Mrs. A Trie Kirkman, was standing by his bedside and tears began to roll down her cheeks and' he said: “Don’t worry about me. Maybe by the grace of God I will get well and if not, 1 am ready to go." He often told his friends, “I aim ready to go; I feel prepared to meet my God.” j A few days before he died he | said he wanted some one to go | for his pastor, Rev. W. M. Ferrell.! Rev. Mr, Ferrell came and Uncle j Jim talked with him and told him j he was not afraid to die, that there was nothing between him and his God. Oh! how happy we1 feel when we only stop to think and realize his troubles are for ever past. All is joy and happi ness now. We mourn his departure but we cannot wish him back in this cold world of sin, sorrow and trials 'of every kind. We can only strive to prepare to meet him when our Saviour calls us. We often think just why he was taken from us. It seems he was needed so -much. But some day we’ll un derstand. We can’t see why it was so, but we know it was God’s holy will. Uncle Jim was a faithful l member cf Holly Springs Free ! w ill Baptist church and always attended when he was able. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. W. M. Ferrell. The active pallbearers were members cf the Junior Order cf the Little River Council of which he was a faith ful member. Why do we mourn departing friends, Or shake at death’s alarms ? j *Tis but the voice that Jesus sends. IY> call them to his arms, nhough lost, he’s lost to eamthi Above He will be found. A,midst the stars aniae, can AC N'T JEMIMA Flour hIc K«KHkAT pkg.25c “For Better looking Be>ult*” CRISCO 22c 3 63c NECTAR TEA 17c si"- 33c H-Ib. Hkg. —Ititm Tkrm NsIMultr ^ 1 COFFEES —Htw Othnd At Vr«-W** Prtacsri 8 O’CLOCK Tht mmU's leaxrst *u*7k-»rad* «x#c« 1 27c RED CIRCLE^ \ bitnA af tht ihoic*MV ' cogets fr.m-n 1 '29* BOKAR oorruc supreme On* of ike couniryVIaadiiu bigK-gradt packet ».« tf-Ty 27c irmrmnrm, Ill MEAL or GRITS 3 lbs. 10 J SPAGHETTI 3 SALAD DRESSING cans 25c Rajah Pint Brand Jar Kt Campbell's Tomato Soup 3 cans 25c Sumter Brand Spinach No. 2 can 10c **