LILNTONVTLLF. Route 1. .Mar. 6.—The jventhfr has made con siderable change for the last lew days. Surely Mr. "Ground Hoy" knows his onions. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Massengill. of Mill Creek section, were visi tors at Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Lam bert's Sunday. Mr. Tom Rose, of Penfielri. Pi., is visiting friends and relatives in our section. Mr. W. J. Hill had I,he misfor tune to yet his barn and stables burned Sunday morning. He lost, about 100 bales of hay and about 35 barrels of corn. His mules were badly burned. Mr." Hill had no Insurance on the barn. Mr, and’ Mrs. Frank Hose-, of Gojdsboro. were visitors at Mr. and Mrs. G., F. Seymour’s Sun day. Miss Sadie Mozingo spent last, week visiting reLi Lives at Brog fien. Mr. Tom Itpse and Mrs. G. F. Seymour spent Monday with Mfs. Walier Adams of Dobbsvilie. Mr. Gumie Hood was a visitor at St an ton sburg Sunday. Mr. and' Mrs. Herbert Minion • • • all smiles —it’s a boy. Mr. Mullie Pennington killed hogs ?vIo?nl;.y Mr. Pennington has killed some fin*- porkers this v. j nt e r. The club met a! Mrs. O. F. Seymour’s last, Thursday to do some demonstration work. The county show, was held at OranthamV last ‘Saturday night and .some very interesting pic tures on 4-H club work were shown. Miss Christine Aswell spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs, FmmiH Lynch near Snow Hill. • Several from our community attended the funeral of Mr. Leonard Hollowell near Mount Olive Sunday. Mi. and Mrs, James Bordeaux, of Mount'Olive, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Best on Sunday. CORBETT HATCHER SELMA. Route 1. March 6.—Mr. and Mrs, G. J. Sullivan and .son. G. J. Jr., of Mount Olive, spent last we^k end here - with • their parents. Mr. and Mis. J. Tv. Sul livan. Miss Catherine James spent the week (fid et her • homo mar Bethel. Mr. and - Mrs. Jim Price and family visited relat ives . in Wii aon GuncUy.afternoon, Mrs. R. L. Fitzgerald uj.«! daughter, Janie Belle, and Mr Thomas Edwin and Alton Fitz gerald.- of Line Level: were vi- i • lors here Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. I). T. Batl.-y and family spent Sunday with idatives at Thanksgiving. Misses Nome Johnson Me Gefuhy and Mrs. J. It. Sulliv-.m • hopped in Smith field Saturday. Mr. and. Mrs. \V. B. Parker and family, of Tarooro. spent Sunday here with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Parker. Misses Bertha Uatelur and Mamie Bailey attended sev/.c at the Preshytei ian chutch m Selma Sunday night. Preaching services at Fair view Sunday evening a l 7:15 o'clock. Everybody is cordially invited. Sunday school at ten o'clock a. m. and Junior C. E. at p. jn. SMTTHFIELD. Route 1. March 10.—Miss Louise Biz/dl. o' Dur ham. spent the week end with Miss Inez Barhoin. Mr. and Mrs. A N. Johnson and children and Mrs. Sallie Johnson of near the county home spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. J. W, Adams. Mr. and Mrs. J. L*. Laughter, of the Smith .section, visited in our community Sunday evening. Mi*, and Mrs. J. R. Janes and children spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Johnson Messrs. Aaron Green and Wade Johnson of the Little Creek see the visited friends here Friday night-. Mr and Mrs. L D Pierce and family, of Clayton, spent Monday fi' the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Adams Messrs. Jesse C. Barbour and J. W. Adams went to Smitlifield Tuesday on business. Mr. L. P. 3. Lee. of near Four Oaks, is visiting ins daughter, Mrs. J. P. Jones. Mr. G. F. Bizzell and daugh ter. Marvel, of near Willow' Springs, spent a short while in ‘our midst leceruly. Miss Leone Adams was cailyd home Wednesday from a visit to her aunt on the account of the death of her aranimother. Mrs. J. T. McLeod, whf died Tuesday night near Willow Springs. Mr. Carl Phillips wrent to Smith field Saturday afternoon. HEPZIBAH PHTNCr’TO J Rouse 1 March 10.—Mi Rot ert Peedin, of Ral. eigh, spent the week end at home. Mins Thelma Braswell spent the week end with Miss Ethel Bras well of the Royall school section, j Mr Albert Woodard, of near I Progress. spent the week end In1 this secuqh with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Starling and little daughter, of Royall, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.] vK .Iffr?i• • Vr ecn Cre.-vh A’lioo! '•ovtiof, .spent 1;:' Thursday r-i^lA with his istrr. Mrs. Wi 1 Lie* Thompson. Mr. Jimmie Woodarti and Lu ther Starling 1 of l.h.* Corbelt Hatcher .section were v isiiora in thin vicinity .Sunday. Mi. and Mrs.1 J. D: Thomas and little son. L D. Jr., and Mr. Frank Deans of Kenly spent last Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. .J. W. Holloma n. Mis;. Rosa Lee Holloman is spending this week with her si> ’<•1. Mrs. I. D. Thomas oLK -niV Rev. L. 1 . Godwin filled his regular appointment at Htp/.ibah Sunday afternoon. ; • Among those who attended church at Hepzibah, Sunday from other communities were Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Daughtry of Princeton; Mr. Lester Godwin of Sardis, and• Mr, Noyman (uxtwin ol Bethesda. i SELMA. Home 1, March 10 — Mr. and Mrs. Heflin Batten and 1 Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Driver. I of near Wendell, vi&iteu Mr. and Mrs. Luby Batten, The friends of Mr. Vernon ’Hodge are pb.d to hear that he i. slightly improving after b*inv very ill with pneumonia for the past two weeks. Mr. Norman Creech, who for the past five months has been j making his home With his broth er in Durham, is how" with" Mr. Wiide Creech near Creech’s church where he will farm this year. Mr. and Mrs. Luby Batten went to Wendell Tuesday evening. Friends of Miss Annie Bailey surprised her last PYitiay night with .a party. Many wuo pres ent. on this delightful occasion. Miss Alma Creech, ha*. lx$np **-11 with her arm from taking the smallpox vacci-nat:*:pi -ft!at—•> not able to a h on rT‘church" Sun day. Mr. C’.rover Bfarinari has re turned to Ids home in Hopewell Va.. aft►>r spending a few days near Atkinson’;, mill. We an- sorry to know that Miss Leona Hodge is ill and un able to attend school. A iarge crowd attended serv ice* at ’Creech's church Sunday morning. ■Mi.- and Mrs. Luby Batten shopped in Wilson Wednesday! By MRS L C. FCTuFM PINE LEVEL. March 7.— Mr.' and ivLrs. "Edwin Creech, of I.aur idlwirg, visited their parents'.1’ Mr. and Mrs. C, E. Creech Sunday. Mi Si. Rose Grantham spent the past week and at her home? *ir Smith field. Miss Elina Lew ter and Miss Mildred C reach spent Saturday ir’ Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. J. C Strickland spent Sunday with Mr. and Tvlrs. L. S Thompson at Fitzgerald. Mr.,. D. N. Holt and clPUreu spent Friday afternoon m Child > Mrs. W. H Strickland. \>i Selina is spending several days with her daughter, Mrs. Odis Strickland Miss: Minin- Evans, of Four Oaks, spent the past, week with her sistei. Mrs. S. Massengill. Mrs. D. S. Brown and children ispent Sunday with relatives m Sunders Chapel section. Miss Evelyn Hinnant. of Micro, spent the week *-nd with Ruth Sty ron. | Master James Nobert White of [stancil Chapel. spent the week end with hus grandparent?;, Mr. and Mrs. r. F. White. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Massey.’ of Norfolk, Va., visited friends ’in town Sunday. Mr Elmer Brown, of Charlotte, spent the week end at home. The friends of Miss Thelma Creech will learn with interest of her marriage to Mr. R. R. Cole of Raleigh last Saturday. The marriage which was a very quiet one war performed in Raleigh. Miss Creech is the attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Mi. Bob Randolph, of Raleigh, was a caller in town Sunday. Mr . a. F. Failed and Mrs. Kd Boyette shopped in Raleigh Saturday. The Pine Level basketball girls coached by Misses Mildred fill vn 9f\mes arid only Idsirv" ! hrr :*. We certainly fec-l proud oi , our team and lh*j efficient work of the coaches. The faculty play given last - Thursday evening was especially enjoyed by aii present. This play was coached by Mrs. George Si rickland. The Woman's Missionary So ciety is observing the week of prayer for heme missions this week. T met witn Mrs. A. Strick land Monday afternoon at her hc»me. A very good program was Mrs. P. ( Price and little soil. Blake, have re limit d home after spending several days with rela i ives in Lan.sciown, Pa - Mrs. B. Godwin is spending this week in Clayton with her daugliter. Mrs. Jesse Austin. Miss Sara Oliver, who has been at horn** < sick for the past i lew days, was able to resume her i duties in Wilson’s Mills school on j Monday. •The .Just Two' club was en- i fcrtaiie-d by Mrs. K C. Wood- j ard this month her new home i near town. The home was artistically dec- j • orated with pot plants. As the iguest.. trrivi-d they were invited in to the spacious living room where special entertainment was . furnish'd during the evening.: The hostess then invited her i guests into the living room where delightiu! refreshments won- j served. Those enjoying Mr;.! Woodard s hospitality besides t'nei club nrmlru.-: were lilt* Pi no | ol faculty. Cl AY TO Vi. Flout" 3. Mfinh 7.— Mr. and Mrs. Poley Poc/ie, of i Sdma., visited friend-* in this sh-- I tion Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Capps visited Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Capps in the Sandy Ridge sec don Sunday. Miss Thelma Cox. of Smith-1 field, visited her aunt, Mr-'.. Bo - ! si: Gordon. Tuesday i Messrs. Luther Godwin. Elbeii ; Snipes, and IIulxiT Price, oi Bc Lhesda, visited at the home of Mr. H. Cr. Alle.n Sunday evening, i Mr. Tliel Allen visited friends i In SnuthXield Saturday evening. \ Mr. Turner of Raleigh, was a justness visitor here Monday. Mis:. Lottie Williams, of Sandy ; Ridge, visiled Miss Ercell Medlin ' !-imday afternoon. Rev. li. u. FaLreloth, of near' -rnith field, visited Mr. and Mrs.! Ham Medlin Sunday afternoon. 1 Mr. Battle .Stupes visited Mr.; 'ostph Wallace in the Bethesda j • ot-ion Sunday. Miss Nina Mae Kennedy, m i r h »1 * Creek, spent ;he week end t lure the guest of friends. Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Jones, of1 1 Clayton, were m our vicinity on ] | Mr. and Mrs. Alt on Wood, of j I Sandy Ridge, visited Mrs. Wood’s; I mrenis. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Bar *iour Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Hodge I of near Clayton, were here Sun jotoy. ; Mr and Mrs. Jim Jones and | I children, of Clayton, v isited Mr. 'and Mrs. Will Parrish Sunday. Mr. Ivan Carroll, oi Garner, 1 visited here recently. Mrs. R. G. Aden and Sim Bat ten made a business trip to Smithfiild Tuesday afternoon. We are sorry to announce that Mrs. Cornelia Allen has be- n conlined to her room for some It is no disgrace to Lave the itch but it is a disgrace to keep it when you can get a bottle of C. J. Lotion, the guaranteed remedy for itch. Creech’s Inc., Smithficld Selma Drug Co„ Selma E. V. Woodard, Selma Godwin Drug Co. Pine Level Aaron’s Pharmacy, Mt. Olive Corner Store, Four Oaks Vinson’s Drug Store Palace Drug Store Goldsboro Peacock Drug Co., Benson E. T. Thomas Co.. Erwin !the SOUTH ADVANCES! Are You Keeping In Touch With Its Development? Readers of the Manufacturers Record have before them constantly authoritative information about the trend pf Southern business. This paper for near ly fifty years has been devoted to the upbuilding of the South- It is recognized as the authority on the resources and development of your section. As one reader puts it, “The Manufacturers Record presents a broad, panoramic view of whatever of impootance in the way of material development is taking place throughout the South.” | May we send you a sample copy? | MANUFACTURER’S RECORD I BALTIMORE, MARYLAND Wr - !-• ;v*li oou bo M.\ l'aT'1 1 wOOIxtiy vi&it cl near Beihcsda. ounday school at Powhatan very Sunday morning at. ten •‘clock. Everybody invited to at end. Mr. Charlie Benson, or Clay on. called here Sunday. Rev. D. C. Johnson will >reach at. Powhatan Freewill baptist church Sunday morning, tfarch 23. at eleven o’clock. Ev erybody is cordially invited to .Jtend. BEN’SON. Romo 1. March ti. - VIa and M'.s. Thadeus Barbour ;pent Saturday in Raleigh. Mr. Jeptha Benson attended "urt in Smkhfield Tuesday. Mr. Sydney Barbour made a uusines.-: trip to Raleigh last. Sa: • .! relay. Mi.s^ Minnie Wheeler spent the .•'•e-S e nd in Four Oaks with Miss Ruth Barbour. Messrs. Harvey and Glen:: I'utL-r and Joe Biggs, of Fay etteville. were visitors in nm section Sunday. Mr. Zeb Creech went to Dum Iuescia,\. Miss Mamie Capps visitec friends near Selma Sunday. Mrs. H. F. Glover of Selrm spent last week with her dau m nr. Mrs. .1. k. Capps. ‘Vic- Z. V. -Jn e h und im • • I . - iw , «/;•!)( ?. :vpr-nf TUoSdj; n Four Oak: with Mrs. CretvL parun'j. Mo u’ici Mr.-. J. r. ai Mr. and Mis. Charlie Steven and Mrs. J. R. Cupps vUu ■ uds near Selma Sunday. iviicn Je.plha Benson look ho m'!]h daughter. Jcneii. who ho U-«:r suffering: with a h<*acl t.rou !>ie for the last few days to Di Martin at Dunn for treatmen last Tuesday. Miss Mamie- Capps gave • iv;jt.y Saturday night which w.r 1 n.ioyec' b\ a large number c. .'• '.•trig folk:' in this section. Then 'voe several prf.sem '•from <»:* s ommunitioe also. Quite a number yf young folk: uave Mr. and Mrs. Jeptha Ben ■ on and Mr. and Mrs. Z. V Creech a storm party at tin beme of Mr. Benson on Saturday night. Rv MRs. T. WOODARD SELMA. March 10.—Mrs. N. P Alexander, of Jamestown, spcnl jasi. week end here with hei mother, Mrs. J. R. Straughn whe has been ill for three weeks, but is somewhat improved at thi; writing. Mr. James Everette spent last week end in Ayden with relatives Me:;. F V. Woodard and chil dren visited Mr. and Mrs. P. H u.*i ru in Durham during the .k end. Mr. Woodard joined ■ hem Sunday. Mrs. Frank Humphrey, who was quite ill last week, was able to return to her school Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Holliday, have returned from a visit to relatives in Jamesville. Mrs. L. C. Pharo. of Norfolk, Va.. who has been visiting Mrs. A. J. Holliday, left Saturday for a visit in Concord before return ing to her home. Miss Carrie Nicholson, of Bur lington. arrived in the city Tues day to visit Mrs. P. A. Holland and Mrs. J. M. O'Neal. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Woodard :: .roivd i-o Wilson Tuesday. Miss Dorothy Adams has re turned from Richmond. Va.. where she was called last week on account of the serious illness of her brother. At this time his ondition is considered satisfac tory. Ai-sdames Carl and Paul Gard ner, of Smithfield, were guests f Mrs. P. A. Holland Sunday. FOUR OAKS NEWS FOUR OAKS, March 6.—Mrs. Alice Adams spent the week end with friends in Raleigh. Mr. B. B. Adams spent Wed nesday in Wilmington. Mrs. W. P. Sanders, Mrs. Wil liam Adams and B. I. Tart Jr., wrc:it to Raleigh Thursday after noon. Mrs. L. H. Weeks, Miss Lula Page and son, Douglas, of Elm City, spent last Tuesday with their sister. Mrs. R. B. Strick ■and. They were accompanied home by their mother. Mrs. Fred Page, who spent several days here with Mrs. Strickland. Mr. Vance Page, who wras pitcher for the Piedmont baseball league at Dur ham last year, was sold to the Pacific Coast League at Holly wood, Cal. Mr. Page left Sunday for Hollywood. Mi*. Tom Patterson, of State College, Raieigh. spent the week with B. I. Tart Jr. Mr.-. Macon Grey Williams and Grey Jr . and Miss Holer Eatts, of Richmond, Va„ Mrs Neva Roy all and Miss Hortense Batts of Smithfield, spent Fri day here with Mrs. Joe Richard son. Mrs. J. W. Sanders spent Sun day in Farm vile and Greenville with her daughters, Mrs. Sterling Gates and Miss Marvel Sanders Mrs. Jeff Lassiter. Mrs. W. A Massengill and Mrs. R. C. Can ada v spent Thursday in Raleigh 666 Tablets Relieves a Headache or Neuralgiz in 30 minutes, checks a Cold tin I first day, and checks Malaria ii j three days. also in Liquid ANNOUNCEMENT Dr. T. T. Spence of Raleigh announces that tie Ires arranged With Dr. O. N. Donn.ihoe ol' Asheville . pe •talist in the new curative non-surgical treatment of varicose' veins and varicose ’tteers to hold a clinic for the examination and treatment of Ihe.-n conditw at his office during the week of March 24th through 29th. 19:50. Appointments are being made now. All e: iminafions and treatments conducted privately. No charge for interview or examination. 401 Mnsonic Temple Telephone 798 T, T. SPENCE A PERSONAL INVITATION To Men and! Young Men to meet the Representative from the great STYLE EXPERTS Schloss Bros. & Co., Inc. Designers and makers of Fine Custom Tailoring for Half Century Specialists to the best clientele among men and young men who desire something better and different from the ordinary Custom Tailoring Display March 14 and 15 • V7# Mrs. J. H. Strickland spent several days last week in Farm ville with Mrs. Sterling Gates. Mr. R. V. Page, of Rocky Mount, visited Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Strickland Sunday. Mrs. Carl Lewis spent Satur day in Raleigh with her sister. Mrs. J. M. Woolard. Mr. Horace Smith, of Newport News. Va.. is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Creech. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lewis spent Sunday in Kenly with relatives, Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Shade Lassiter will be glad to learn that their little daughter. Mar gie. who has been seriously ill ir Rex Hospital, is slowly improv ing. Mr. Charles Creech, of Wilson was in town for a short while Wednesday. ; Mr. Lexie Barefoot, student a' U. N. C.. Chapel Hill, spent th< week end at home. NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA. JOHNSTON COUNTY. Under and by virtue of I lie power and authority conveyed upon the undersigned in a cer tain mortgage deed executed on January J. 1026 by D. H. War ren. iavoided in tile Registry of Johnston county, in Book HU. page 149 default, having been made in tire payment ol the bond thereby secured, the undersigned will on Monday, April 7. 1930 at 11! o'clock noon at the court house door in the town ot Smith - field, offer for sale for cash to the highest bidder that lot or parcel of land in Selma township, described as follows: Beginning at a stake in the building line of Anderson street as extended in the town of Selma. N. C.. at the comer of the Ethel Cotton Mills lot and runs thence S 36 West 140 feet to a slake 'on the edge of a '-’0 foot space set apart for an alley westerly along said al parallel with Anderson feet to a stake; thene east HO feet to a st:r< building line in said street; thence easterly street. 00 feet to the point, and that identic: ty this day conveyed j Warren by Van Eason j recorded in the RegU Johnston county. This | .deed is hereby executed! livered for the purpos curing a part of the money of the above premises. This m™*-* - 1930. VAN EASON. Mort E. J. WELLONS. A M. S. Burnette of Sea con county sold 13,000 cabbage for $1 a h/undi .patch. Why take a chance on tiresl ; i All Types All Sizes All Prices ALL GOODYEARS There are scores of different brands of tires on the mar* ket—they all look pretty much alike—everyone claims he has the best— there are all kinds of “spe cial offers” floating around —it is no wonder car owners are confused Here is one sure way to play safe. Buy a genuine Good year Tire from us—they cost no more—frequently less. Our service is always in your interest—Prompt— Expert—Courteous. W. T. HOLLAND GARAGE Smithfield, N. C. ictoriously Proven • • • in performance, economy and durin n» 'B"' lalleng\ er wc SPLLD: 72 Miles per hour RELIABILITY: 50 Miles per hour all day ACCELERATION: Quick get away ECONOMY: 19,2 miles per gallon gas Prove What Every Essex Can Do I "in. r.'U a ml, wjur-cll Know hy -’‘I'f'.-m , Ii ,i t|„s brilliant Ncu r.-ssi-x ( Ii jllt-Myei can <1,, It, exploit, ot ( ’I,all, nge, Wc k have NWc-pt llu couiirry Kxm-x ok n. ts led tin- (lemon,t, .n i,n, | |u , „ S(l UI,W' '"I!"" "I -mil a,ded In pil|,|„ P-ctu ‘ P-it ion dial u e arc conn mini., i In 111V1 .ii 11. i 1. 1,1' — |!u|i— u 1,1. i " l"« ;-!:tv in ■ninii:i. f;rit>u\ l.ssr'x I(.i •ir.ptrd in dny rai wore climbed by Essex in high gear. | Remarkable economy proofs were ] established New acceleration mark* were made Mom,i ,,i ,|| _ Challcnijei 'Vrck . mmMLrd motorists drryivhi'rf lful ri-prrsrnts rh<- i>rratrM d0||ar lnr valut- in cat satisl action that lhr ''rv ..Hms W, u,,|| j,|.„j|y Kjv(. uni a p rsonal H.-monstration nf anv r>ru,.U ninth KssrxHal ‘ -Mahl'sh, il Smithfield Motor Compa Hudson-Essex Dealer Phonfj

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