mmkir 'srm . PSSfer) ITF7IGCi' HALIFAX, JV: CL FRIDAY, APRIL 9, i'ss. F0. J. PROPOSALS, Far fiubltekingtin the toivn of Ila.- lijdx, a weekly newviafier, CALLED THE FREE PRESS. : : Experience has so fully test ed the utility of Newspaper pub lications, that the Subscriber deems it unnecessary here to dwell on the advantages result ing to a community from such anestablishment. For the sa tisfaction, however, of those persons who may feel an inte rest in the success of the propo sed undertaking, and also to af ford a landmark for future gui dance, he will endeavor to state, as near as possible, the course he intends to pursue. The following subjects will chiefly engage attention: A summary of the proceed ings of our National and State Legislatures, with occasional ex tracts from the Speeches of our most distinguished Orators and Statesmen. A particular account of all fo reign and domestic events which may be thought generally inte resting. A correct Price-Current of the principal articles of export and import. Also, to encourage Agricul ture and Domestic Manufac tures; to promote Internal Im provement; and to develop the resources of ihe country. To disseminate useful infor mation, whether of a Literary, Scientific, Moral, or Religious nature. And to promote that free spi rit of inquiry, respecting public men and measures, which is deemed the safeguard and con servative principle of Republic an institutions. Communications on aiiy of the above subjects will meet with immediate attention. GEO. HOWARD. CONDITIONS. "The Free Press" vrill he pub lished every Friday, at THUEE DOLLARS' per year, consisting of 52 numbers, and in the same pro portion for a shorter period. Sub scribers at liberty to discontinue at any time, on paying arrearages. Advertisements inserted at fifty cents per square, or less, for the first insertion, and twenty-five cents each continuance. Lists of Letters published at the terms prescribed by law. Letters addressed to the Editor vaust be jiost laid. $jFor the ccnvenicvce of or renfiondents, a box is placed at the cflice dooi', to receive their favors. ffcf Persons holding Sub scription papers, will please forward the names as soon as convenient. GEO. UO WARD, Respectfully informs the inhabit ants of Halifax, and its vicini . ty that he is now ready to execute PRINTING, In all its variety, with ?ieatness and despatch. Blank Warrant for sale AT THIS OFFICE. JYl Carolina Legislature. SPEECH OP MR. WILLIS ALSTON, On the Caucus Resolutions, intro duced by Mr. Fisher. Mr. Alston had hoped, that the Preamble and Resolutions now before the House, would have taken a different course; he wished the motion to postpone them indefinitely had not been made, and that they might have been permitted to have been re ferred to a committee of the whole House, where their me rits and demerits would have undergone a full and fair inves tigation; but as the motion to postpone indefinitely precluded him from any attempt to shape them as he wished, he should vote against it, with a view, should the motion not prevail, to propose such amendments or modifications, as would make them acceptable to himself, and perhaps to others situated as he was. He did not believe with gen tlemen who had preceded him in this debate, that Caucuses ei ther violated , the letter or spirit of the Constitution; for although there was a clause in the Consti tution of the United States, that said no member of the Senate or House of Representatives should be an Elector, it could not be construed in such manner as to prevent them from expressing an opinion, as individuals, who they might prefer as President and Vice-President of the Uni ted States. He himself had been in several Caucuses, and never thought lie had violated the letter or spirit of that Con stitution we had all so solemnly sworn to support. When the contention of parties in this country was at as high a pitch as they ever had been before or since, he well knew, that both sides had Caucused: he alluded to the celebrated contest be tween Jefferson and Adams, when Jefferson succeeded to the Presidency of the United States. He would mention a circum stance which tended to show what he said was true. At the preceding election, Charles Co tesworth Pinckney was run with Mr. Adams, who, at a Caucus, was withdrawn, and Maj. Thos. Pinckney substitu ted in his place. He never con sidered the minority absolutely bound in a Caucus to surrender their opinions to the majority, for he well remembered that a Resolution was once submitted in Caucus so to bind them, and being objected to, it was with drawn. Generally speaking, the will of the majority had been acquiesced in. In fact, he never knew an instance to the rnn trarv: for the obicct of a , j , u Caucus was to harmonize and unite the party, so that a divi sion should not take place, and o-ive their opponents an oppor tunity of taking advantage of their divisions, and place a man in the Presidential chair against the will of the predominant par ty. But, said Mr. A. is there in the present contest for a Pre sident of the United States any thing like that state of things which heretofore existed? Cer tainly not, there is no contest a hout party, nothing like princi ple involved in the question. All the candidates who have been brought before the public arc of the same politics, and all of them had distinguished them selves as honorable and patriotic men, and which ever of theni should fairly be elected, he should cheerfully support the administration of, provided he did not violate the example and principles which his great pre decessors had set before him. Mr. A. further observed, that if gentlemen would take a survey of the United States, they would find, if he might be allowed the expression, that the most high toned of each of the old contend ing parties, were divided about who shall be our next President, and was there any thing strange 111 11113. -1 A O UUIlll,llUt.U HI ell, Illy best, wisest, and most patriotic men in our country, perfectly uniting in principle, may honest ly differ about men. He said, that the present was a contest about men, and not about mea sures. He therefore did think, that any measure calculated to prejudge or bias the intelligent jand enlightened people of the American Republic, in the exer cise of their free choice, at this time, and under existing cir cumstances, useless, unnecessa ry and improper. Leave the! people to exercise their own in dependent will, and they sel dom err. He had no objection to declare this as a legislator or an individual; at the same time, he expressed his decided disap probation of the Preamble and Resolutions as they now stand; but reject the motion to post pone, and you have them per- ' fectly at command, you can al ter, change, or modify them as you please. It does not follow at all, if you reject the present motion to postpone indefinitely that these resolutions are to be adopted : for he should vote him- I self against passing them, unless modified to suit his views. Arc gentlemen afraid to meet the question fairly, openly and man ly? He hoped not; why then not let us have an opportunity of placing the question before the enlightened and intelligent; a few large States combining to public, in the best possible gether, taking with them a few shape of which it is susceptible? Mr. A. further observed, that his great objection to the elec tion's finally going into the House of Representatives had very much diminished, when he took a view of the late Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. Before this Amendment took place, a choice had to be made from the five highest upon the list of those voted for as President and Vice-President of the United States; by the amendment, the House of Representatives are to make an election out of the three highest voted for as Presi dent. Could gentlemen see no difference here? As the Consti tution formerly stood, one large state might bring its candidate within the five highest, and pre vent an election by the people; but now, it would take a com bination of three of the largest states to accomplish that which one might have done before the amendment. Again, in the e vent of no election being made by the House of Representa tives, the Amendment provides that the Vice-President shall be come President You will, therefore, be sure of a President, whether the House of Repre-j sentatives make an election or not. This provision he consi dered of vast importance; for he well knew that an opinion prevailed among "the best and wisest men in the nation, that in the event of no election be ing made, as the Constitution stood prior to the , Amendment', that the Union was dissolved; that we should have been left without guide or compass to steer the National Ship. The gentleman from Beaufort, (Mr. Blackledge) has cmjDhati cally told us, that we are, by this motion, to test, whether we rmnrnvn nr nisnnnrnvp nf th rr ri ' - Preamble and Resolutions as they now stand. Jtiau it not been for this remark, he (Mr. A.) might have been spared from troubling the House with any observations. Now, Mr. Speaker, continued he, can this motion try the question, when so many of us declare that we are opposed to the Preamble and Resolutions as they now stand, but have no objection of ; expressing our opinion as to the propriety or impropriety 01 a . . 1 Congressional nomination? If a Congressional nomination a mounts to an election, as gentle men I have no doubt Believe it will, or why so solicitous for it, he, lor one, would preler, at the present time, when all partylpense of each man in service distinctions were lost, that the j nearly one half. He asked gen election should go into the j tlemen to recollect what had re House of Representatives, ra-,ccntly taken place far up the ther than to be thus made. He! Missouri river: American citi feared nothing from a combina-j zens had been butchered, plun tion of small States. Let any dered, and deprived of their gentleman cast his eye around,: hard earnings; the ground had and take a survey over the Uni-' been stained by the blood of ted States, he would find the 1 white men, by the savage toma small States scattered over this -hawk and scalping knife, and wide-extended continent and in - termixed between the large States possessing totally differ ent interests and views; an uni on, therefore, of small States, to j the prejudice of . the Union, is 'next to impossible; neither had he any tear that corruption would or could find its way in to the House of Representatives. But, on the contrary, in Caucus, I small States, could make an e lection. For instance, let New York, Pennsylvania and Virgi nia combine, and they will fix on you whom they please. And is it at all unlikely that one or n u uwuavuta 111 catu ui uiuac States may sway the balance?! Here, then, you can haveaPre- Isident palmed upon you by a fewer number of members of Congress, than you would be likely to have, if the election should finally go into the House of Representatives? hy,then shall we be deprived, by the present motion, of expressing our opinion in that shape that best suits our views? If the Re solutions cannot be made satis factory to the majority of the House, they can still be reject ed, or even then postponed, it it be the wish of a majority. Mr. A. said, he did not in tend to follow the example of some gentlemen, by making re marks to the prejudice of any narticular candidate: he would, th liberty of statingtothe House, what would be recollected by every member in it, that some two or three sessions of Congress past, a cer tain set of motion-makers had started up in Congress, for their motions had been printed in every part of the United States. calling for information, as he verily believed, to create a pre judice against the present admi nistration. They soon found themselves mistaken, and Ihey changed their mode of attack. If his memory served him, their next attack, Mr. A. said, was directed at the heai of the State Department; but when the doors of his bureau were thrown wide open to the call, and every thing they called for given, clamour on that head was soon hushed into silence. Their next at tack vas directed against the War jDcpartment, , and if one hundrcth part of what was said and insinuated, had been true, he was quite certain that the of ficer who presides over that de partment, would not, in this As sembly, find a man to raise his voice in his favor; but what was the result? that officer, with a promptness that always charac terizes his conduct, gave all that was called for, and completely put to shame those who had made the call. He shewed to them and the nation, that instead of extravagance and waste, he had brought chaos to system, and had actually, by his arrange ment, saved millions to the na tion; He had reduced the ex- ; many thousand dollars worth of property lost, all of which was owing to this party, who pre vented by their motions in Con gress, a force from marching in time to take post high enough up the river, so as to have saved harmless, such of our enterpri- zing citizcns who might have ventured in pursuit of came. It would seem as though the se crctary of War had foreseen the events which have followed; for he had actually given orders to i march an armed force, and to erect a fort high enough up the river, to have prevented what j has occurred, but was prevented by an interference, improper and UUWlScj iu mo iccisl ui iu He should, therefore, unless gentlemen permitted him a fair opportunity of amending the Resolutions, be compelled to vote against the motion to post pone indefinitely. Connecticut forever By the existing laws of the state of Connccticut,all persons between the ages of 4 and 16, are enti tled to a share of the public school money, and are to be numbered annually in the month of July or August for that pur pose. We have the authority of the School Commissioner, (says the New-Haven Register) that there was in the last enume ration a mother and her daugh ter in the north-west part of the state who were both entitled to school money! Beat this who can!! Vermont. It is said that there is one justice of the peace to every 177 souls in this state.

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