0 So jvb. d: HALIFAX, 'X. C. FRIDAY, AUGUST G, 1824 VOL. L THE "FREE PRESS," By George Howard, s published every Friday, at liiKfcE, DOLLARS per year, consisting of 52 numbers, and in the jime proportion for a shorter pe riod. buDscnbers at liberty to dis continue at any time, on paying ar rearagcs. Advertisements inserted at fifty cents per square, or less, lor the first insertion, and twenty-five cents cacn continuance. Letters addressed to the Editor must hi-fiost laid. Advertisements. Forty Dollars Reward, FOR GEORGE and ISAAC. George ran away the first Sep tember last; about 5 feet 10 inches high; tolerable black; spare made; thin visage; some teeth out before; about 20 years of age. He has a wife at Speercofield's quarter, on Fishing creek, and is well known as a rascal to the citizens in the neighborhood he visits. He was caught at Speercofield's quarter when brought home last, and no doubt is lurking and harbored in the neighborhood. I will give Twenty Dollars for his delivery to mc, or I will give FORTY DOL LARS for his head, and no ques tions asked. ISAAC went off the 12th instant; is about 5 feet 4 inches high; of a pumpkin black color; well made; active and lively; expert in wrest ling, running and jumping; about 23 years of age; has a wife at Mrs. Applewhite's, and I am confident is in that neighborhood. The said negroes I purchased at Sheriff's Sale of the estate of Wm. Lowrv, deceased. I will give Twenty Dol lars for Isaac, delivered to me, or fifteen if confined in jail sc that I get him. Milliard Fort. July 23, 1824. 19-tf GEN. JACKSON IN LOUISIANA. Mrs. SWEDE tf, HAS the pleasure cf informing the inhabitants of Halifax and the adjoining counties, that she has opened a fashionable assortment of MILLINERY, in the house oppo site Messrs. J. Halliday & Co.'s store consisting of Leghorn and Straw Bonnets, of the newest pat ternsartificial flowers, wreaths, and bunches gimps, black, white, and colored curls, caps, turbans, xc. &c. Mantua-making done in the most iasluonable stile. Halifax, June 9, 1S21. 12-tf NOTICE THIS. ON the 3d Monday in August next, at the Court-House in Halifax town, will be exposed to public sale, nineteen likely NE v'ROF.S, to which unquestionable titles can be made. Terms of sale made known on the day. Jas. C. Faucet , Adm'r of Sally Barnes. ISth July, 182 1. 18-4t NOTICE. rAVING qualified, at Halifax i February session, 1824. as F.v ecutor to the last will and testa ment of the late JOHN WILKES, deceased, this is hereby to notify all persons who have any claims or de mands against the estate of the said John Wilkes, that they present them duly authenticated for pay ment, within the time prescribed by law, otherwise this notice will he plead in barr of their recovery-. Those who are indebted will make payment without delay, as the es tate will not admit of indulgence. Henry Wilkes, Ex'r of John Wilkes, dee'd. Halifax, 30th April, 1824. 7tf Jllank Warrants for sale AT THIS OFFICE. Printing neatly executed AT THIS OFFICE. From the New-Orleans Advertiser. Jim r At a meeting of the friends of Gen. ANDREW JACKSON convened by public notice, at Davis' ball rnnm Tar ni ' j i.iLi-um:au, on the evening :of the 5th June, N. Girod, Esq. was called to the chair as President, a nd A r vnvn TTvw v t? c aou. oeuieiary. The meeUng was opened with eloquent and appropriate ad- , J Hei, z.sq. a. uavezac, jesq. and Gen. Kip- ley; after which the following ADDRESS, reported by . T. 1 elcrson, Esq. chairman of the committr.fi annnlhU r u4. . 11 41 t.v-i tut ma i. r 7 ,ao "ainmousiy adopted and ordered to be printed Citizens Of Louixinnn' Tho t? called upon to think seriously on the choice of a Chief Mads trate. 1 he choice of a Chief Magistrate! transcendant privilege. turns: ine time lias passed away when kings, as stupid as Uieip original clay, were born to rule you, or prone by nature to ;vc7 v"-e ana instinctively averse to every virtue. Alfred, of y vva: a Sieui .ana gou King; but look through the lon JlSt 01 illS Successors for ten npntnriW or.,1 ,u:Lr wards, the Richards, the Henrys, or the Georges, was a great ana gooa Kins.'' .Louisiana of Bourbons Liberty abhors that name: it has dyed France, ?pain and Italy with the blond tries with the bones of patriots. It was a necessary result; be cause your kingrs were born in thf rnnrt, nf fi .m uavagance. iney saw nothing but the thoughtless, use- .. mU jivus ana sunsmnro nt JhPir cnh nK 'I'l,., were taught tyranny alone, because to learn the prerogative of rp P uic ole eaucauon 01 tne lieir apparent, lo choose vour chief maorjstratp fli lege. How did we conquer that privilege? It is half a century oiuHumu ut uueny was raised in Amenca.Kings and nobles, and wealth and power, would have hewed it down, and destroyed all who sought its nrntepti nn Tt woo nnf tlio ourv - O I . nut lllVi OUUI mer soldier nor the sunshine patriot,, who rallied in the cause of freedom nn-sinst cnK m;kf., ti. l'.i i i - o- unguis uuus. il was a nine oana, with vasiiington at their head, with i. i i ' wnom the vlctorious army of despotism naoivyu uy uieir Dicoa through the snows of Ncw-Jersev. It M1v, uiavc pcasaiury oi me uaroimas, who, rather than wear the yoke of despotism, ab - w- ..tv uiiu liuiuii;ii t,u ucavun, anu uieir nomes to the enemy, and fled to the moun tains or slept in the swamps. But "the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong " Tim Ond nf T .! hrrttr 4linf nnimn tea the patriot hearts nfnur fntVirc nf QntA t.., o : united the heroes of the north and south at Yorktown, and there tciuiiuciteu uie struggle ot lreemen in the triumph of freedom, amidst the blate of victory and glory. A grateful country has bestowed all its honors on the heroes and statesmen of those "times that tried the souls of men." Is there one left on whom we can pour out the swelling tide of our gratitude, and wash from the page of history the slander that republics are ungrate ful? There is one; but, melancholy reflection, Gen. JACKSON is the last. The blood of his very childhood was mingled with that of the heroes who becran the political emancinntion nf thn world. Sacred drops! each one spilt in the holy warfare ex- "1C pieiensiuns oi an tne other candidates lor the rresi dencv. Since the Revolution, Gen. Jackson has devoted to the service oi nis country a Hie ot ardent, energetic and incorruptible integ rity. He was among the hardy pioneers of the west, who with the rifle in one hand defended themselves against the savage, and with the axe in the other felled the forest. He assisted in forming the Constitution of the state he had assisted in creating administered her justice from her highest tribunal, and repre sented her in the Senate of the United States. There he was no time-server of the powers that be, but sacrificed himself to truth, to virtuo, to republicanism. In 1806, when treason gathered in the west, and Louisiana was its destined victim, Jackson was among the first to warn the Executive of the danjrer, and animnte us tn rvsnrtmn Tl nounced the traitors, prepared his brave volunteers to march at a momeni s warning, ana placed at their head a corps of revolu tionary invincibles. In the commencement of the late war, his unobtrusive merits were unknown to the government; but his towering genius and restless patriotism did not remain inactive. As a volunteer, he threw himself between the war-whoop of the savage and our de fenceless frontier. He conquered their peace and security by sleepless nights, by toilsome marches, by the dreadful battles of Tallushatches, Talladega, Emuckfau and the Horse Shoe. In these campaigns, his agonizing difficulties would have broken an ordinary heart, and the sufferings of his brave volunteers could not have been supported in any other than the cause of mothers and infants exposed to the tomakawk. Danger and death are fronted on such plains as Chippewa and Niagara, because victo ry is crowned with laurel; but self-sacrificing patriotism alone can animate the hero to rush on greater danger in savage war fare. In 1814, the enemy invaded the heart of our country, and marched against the capital. The whole union looked with con fidence to the patriotism ' and valor of its defenders. None doubted that our triumph would be signal, and that even if the numbers of the enemy should prevail, the brave men charged with the deposites of the nation, the sacred tomb of Washington would at least unsheathe their swords, throw away their scab bards, and die gloriously at their posts. It was not so: all was ignominiously lost. The capital was nothing; but patriotism A honor Were blotted.from the page of American virtues N0 thing but a triumph so transcendantly glorious, if possible, than our disgrace was infamous, could save us from the last of evils self-destruction That triumph was reserved for Gen. Jackson' Intoxicated with their success, the conquerors of Europe, their numbers and preparations doubled, directed their mightiest ef forts against this weak and extreme part of the union. Even hope for our safety was extinguished. Our destruction was re corded in the public journals No calculating man could believe it possible for three thousand new and undisciplined militia to . resist fourteen thousand of the best troops the world ever saw: and the soldier, while laboring at our feeble breast-work if he paused to think, must have reflected that he was dic-in2.h;sown grave. J3ut the ardent soul of Jackson dissipated such reflec tions.; He encouraged the fearful, inflamed the brave to mad ness, inspired all with confidence, and when the roar of artille ry and the columns of moving arms announced the combat no cheek blanched with fear, but the eager hearts of all panted for the contest. And there was achieved a victory unparalleled in history The pass of Thermopylae was the grave of patriots, but on the plains of Bienvenue equal virtue achieved virtue's re ward, and proved more signally than it was ever demonstrated before, that freemen defending their i soil, their firesides, and their families, against despotism, arc invincible. The deepest detractors of Jackson admit that no other man in America could have effected this great result, and the pious believe that a super intending God raised him up for our special preservation Compared with Jackson's services, what are those, great as they are, of the other candidates for the Presidency? In warm quarters, blessed with every comfort, with powerful minds sto. red with ancient and modern knowledge, and warmed by pa triotism, they have deeply studied and developed the interests of their countrv. Delightful OCCUnation! it rnrricc nritU . than its own reward. But look at one moment of Jackson's life the ODDOsino-. the nnnnnnl armloc ta.r.n, : ii . . y r o' 7 ;n .. lu iiiuuuu; me prize lor which they contended in view; it was our beauty and our booty At one point they met, and, relinquishing the idle warfare of powder and ball, crossed their bayonets in direful contest All depended on the single soul of Jackson; if he could have thought of himself for a moment, it would have been that this moment was his last. He thought only of his country and victory. You saw him in that scene. You saw him who, the slanderers say cannot control his passions, in those circumstances, where events occurred not to excite passion only, but despairing rage; you saw him as cool, as unmoved, as calculating, as if he had been direct ing the pieces on a chessboard. That single moment of his life exhibited more self-devoted patriotism, and conquered greater advantages to ourselves and posterity, than all the other candi dates. If Louisiana had bten conquered, heaven only knows what part of our happy Union would have been severed with it If the war had terminated with the disgrace of this capital, our people would have disowned their own country; but the victory of New-Orleans is a letter of credit to Americans, which brave ry and virtue will honor in every quarter of the globe They say he is not only passionate, but ambitious. " You saw him in the midst of a greater triumph than ever fell to the lot of any other man. But in the midst of all his glory, when am bition would have spurred him to the capital, and vain dory de manded a crown, you saw the mighty conqueror, the humble Jackson, fall before the altar of our church, and in praye- and thanksgiving acknowledge that Almighty God, in whose hands he was but the humble instrument to save his country That was not ambition They say he is a tyrant, and tramples on the Constitution and laws of our countrv. Vnn ; u:L . f , . j- in xxiiu uie vie- tim of those laws, on that day when he could have looked the very temple of justice into atoms. But he restrained the ponu larrage with his eyes, and reverenced even the abuse of justice Would tn hpnvon UA . u x juaucc. Wli " o jwu iiiuiu oucii uy ranis ; They accuse him of inhumanity, and affect to sympathize with Arbuthnot and Ambrister, the miscreants who lived by instigat ing savages and negroes to scaln children, blacker with guilt and cruelty than if they had beeS dragged from the bottomless pit. Curse on the affectionate, for political purposes, of sympathy with such incarnate Sends. And irom the representations of some as to the private charac ter ot our candidate, one would expect to meet a ferocious ti-er terrible to all around him. Rntnn .,;r,j j . . uv.iuiiiiiig owjuotuicu Willi Jackson we are first struck with the humility, the simplicity and chlld-litp innnprnn r 11 u: i.r HT r ', . wv.o ui an ucuons. luauy men m eleva ted stations affect this; he is incanahlnf affectation. .md r,Q,i.,ii f 1 7 HHUUli est eye discovers the thoughtless sincerity of every look, every word, every action of his lif TTpnre no man rmr,rv,oj i 1 rr . V -""iaiiU3 SO strongly the affections of all around him. He is the best hus band, the kindest relation and neighbor, the father nf iU u " and the friend of the helpless. ine inendsot General Jackson have studied every act of his life. In the great and trvinff situations in ivV;t, u u. u o j iic iias ueeii placed, they know of no act which they do not deliberately ap- Pv,c " ueueve aiurc uy ms conscience and his God. He mav ha-e erred; but even hi Pnom.'o 1,0 w,a j - - vuvtitij dgl cc ma. ci - rors were the excess oflove for his country and zeal in her cause TM ! U U mafrroA In 1 1 - -r i i , . xxiey snoum uc 11.5 m uis spienaia merits. 11 ne nad been our enemy, they would have been forgives and forgotten; but he is our best friend, and has shed more lustre on the American name and rendered greater services to the republic than any M"tae un our tun 1 jjugc.j

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