JVo. 23. HALIFAX, JVT. C. FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 1824. VOL I. THE "FREE PRESS," By George Howard, Is published every Friday, at THREE DOLLARS per year, consisting of 52 numbers, and in the same proportion for a shorter pe riod, subscribers at liberty to dis continue at any time, on paying ar rearajres. Advertisements inserted at fifty cents per square, or less, for the iivst insertion, and twenty-five cents earn continuance. Letters addressed to the Editor .must be fiost fiaid. DOMESTIC. From the National Advocate. Commodore Stewart. Se veral reports unfavorable to the character and principles of Com modore Stewart have been for some time past in circulation, one of which was that he had concealed a royalist General on board the Franklin,and permit ted him to land to the evident injury of the republican cause in South America others that he had been trading in merchan dize, Sac. &c. We have given no currency to these rumours, because we hold it to be due to justice and generosity never to condemn a public officer without a hearing, and fully aware thai we are too prone to censure those who are not immediately prepared to defend themselves. This however we may be per mitted to say, we cannot believe that any American, much less a gallant officer who has done the state some service, would by any act aid the cause of roy alty in a country struggling to be Iree. Without further re marks we publish the following letter from a friend, a public of ficer, who has the opportunities of knowing the facts of the case: Washington, Aug. 6th, 1824. My Dear Sir The absent are always is the wrong,and"he who attacks an absent friend, or who does not defend him when spoken ill of by another, is a black character; do you Ro mans (said Horace) beware of him." I am glad to find by your letttcr of the 30th ult. that you are desirous of seeing the reputation of our estimable friends, Commodore and Mrs. Stewart, defended against those infamous calumnies, which our speculating fellow citizens in foreign countries so readily set on float against all the officers of our government, who will not lend their aid to forward those avaricious schemes for whichwe are so notorious abroad. What you have stated is an old story we had months ago, or at least that the government had, but now they are new varnished, and sent forth by envy, hatred and malice. The very worst construction that can be put Tp on it is this: A Royalist Officer, pursued by his enemy, was it is said se creted on board the Franklin to save his life, without the knowledge of Com. Stewart, who was enraged when he dis covered him; and arrested his First Lieutenant, who also it is said knew nothing of it. It was then said Mrs. Stewart had se creted him in some part of the ship, and sent him things to subsist on from the cabin. ' If be did this it was from humane motives and no other there could exist no other in her bo- som. borne say she took the blame of it to screen a youn omcer irom punishment, which I can readily believe, knowing the purity and generosity of her heart. Uthers more wicked, say sne aid it to get her husband out ot the scrape, who hid the officer himself. It is a trifling incident, ol no moment a hti mane act to save the life of an individual; what our Consul did so often, and so much to his dis advantage in 1815 in Bordeaux, when the royalists where in pur suit of distinguished imperialists he could not stand by and sec such eminent men butcher eu when he had the power to save them, and the verv men who men censureu mm now ii t i approve Jus conduct But the enemies of Com. Stuart and his superior wife, who has been of infinite use to her countrvmen m j in the Pacific, from her perfect knowledge of the language and her charm ins: manners, which caused her to. be beloved in all South America, made a story out of this noble act, which I am astonished any respectable or sensible person should listen to. lou know what our country men are abroad other nations cling together and support one another in foreign countries like Scotch clan, but our people seem to take delight in calumni ating each other. There arc a number worthy respectable A mericans in South America, but generally speaking, our country never before sent so manv j i wretched adventurers as have thronged there. They cannot (conscious of their own iniquity) respect themselves, and measur ing other peoples wheat by their own busheJ, they respect no onc,and use unblushingly the vi lest means to reduce innocence, virtue and valour to their own level lhomo homini lupus.9 The Franklin is daily ex pected, when the whole affair will die away; all I am afraid of is that Stewart will get hold of some one who has been busy in circulating these wicked reports, and some quarrels will ensue. The story was first printed si Hi in an obscure paper in the little town of , and reprinted in that sink of obloquy , and thus circulated. It is perfectly understood here; all our distinguished officers are en raged at it; no one credits it: you will sec our worthy see'ry of the navy while on his tour of inspection, question him on the subject, and he will satisfy you. Like a snow ball as it travelled north it has increased in magni tude, no man of honor, or wo man of feeling, ought to suffer it to be told in their presence. I expect the government has been in full possession of this affan, -nd of all other com plaints made against Com. Stew art, by the contending parties in South America, and by his factious countrymen, and they are satisfied he has done nothing dishonorable to himself or to the government. Let me beg you will say so, and quote me on all occasions when these calumnies so disgraceful to our morality are uttered in your presence by - male or female, knave or fool." Warm TFork.Tha doors of the Police were opened at day-break yesterday, when in rushed upwards of twenty Blacks, male and female sai lors and sweeps, who had been actively engaged the night pre vious, in dancing, rioting, and other disordily practices. The Watchmen found them in a house in Crosby street shrick- ing,screaming and cutting antic capers the thermometer at that period, being near 85, and the atmosphere rather strong and smoky. The brave watchmen, however, broke m upon them, and lodged them safe in the Watch House. They were eel ebrating "Almanacks in the East," or "life in Hell," as Tom and Jerry did, and before the supper was served, the dar keys were all caught. They were severally examined and committed when Dinah Dingy came up crying to the bar pro testing her innocence and good character; and the magistrate believing her storv. nnrmitted her to go, with suitable admoni tions. Dinah, however, had scarcclypassed the railings of the court, when she set up a shriek and howl jumped inordinately high clapped hands, gave such proofs that she belonged to the Bob Logic school, that orders were given to bring her back. She cleared out, with the watch men after her, and having chased her up Broadway, Dinah was caught, brought back, and llanted to Bridewell, as an admonition to all others, not to exhibit proofs of agility in the purlieus of the court. One half of the party in Crosby street escaped. New- York Jldv. Harrodsburg, Ky. July 17. Breach of Promise. On Wednesday last, a verdict of two thousand dollars in dam ages, was recovered, in a suit, in favor of Sophia Richardson, against Garland Withers, for a breach of marriage, contract. The defendant plead non as sumpsit, and non assumpsit within 5 years, which pleas were tried and relied upon, and after every latitude of indulgence in support of . his pleas, as well as to traduce the character of the plaintiff, and her father and mo ther, the effort recoiled upon the defendant, in the just indigna tion and sense of the jury, by the outrage, that may serve as a lesson, not only to the de fendant, but to others, how they sport with female credulity and virtue. The jury had retired but a few minutes until they re turned with their verdict. A motion was then made in arrest of judgment, in consequence of some alleged irregularity, in making the issue upon the plea of the statute of limitation; but the court, in furtherance of its acknowledged regard for justice, and the cause having been tried, as upon regular issues to defen dant's two pleas, overruled the motion for a new trial, Beware of Swindlers. Two men, one named James Dench, and the other Mordicai Lyons, have been for some time in this! place exhibiting their Fire Works, where theyreceived con- siderable sums of money, and where they almost invariably swindled every person who suf fered them to get in their debt. They left here on Tues day morning the 3d instant, for Plymouth, after being imprison- .ed for several days for their ta- I VPin kill rhr l 1J nicy pieau usiwun a win iur iwo youn"" men they did with others who trusted of the name of Hart, brother them) their inability to nnv. Charity for their situation in duced many of the citizens to contribute to their relief. But behold, after they left here, (as was believed by many) they were, found to be in funds. We understand they are in the habit of bilking the public wherever they go. At .Norfolk and Eli zabeth-City, they played off the same game they have upon the citizens of this place: and as they appear to he bending their course to the South, it is expect ed that Editors of Newspapers generally, will give this a place, in order that the public may be on their guard against two such unprincipled and ungrateful vil lains. Dench appears to the principal in the farce; but Ly ons, we believe, is the most arch fellow of the two, as he re ceives the money, keeps the ac counts, & pays off the bills with nsunerable effrontery. Dench is a coarse. rough-hewed En glishman, with a countenance that cannot betray him; and Ly ons we are told is an American, and born in Philadelphia. He has the countenance of a Jew, and appears to possess all the ac complishments requisite for a first rate swindler. EdentonGa. Roads. A subscription has been opened under an act of the Legislature of North Carolina, for stock in a Company to make a Turnpike Road from Ashville, by the vv arm Springs, to the Tennessee line. It is computed that, even now, not less than for ty thousand head of hogs, five thousand head of horses and mules, and a proportionate num ber of horned cattle, arc annu ally driven this road to the Sou thern markets. Death of Mr. Rodney. By an arrival at Baltimore from Buenos Ayres, papers of that place to the 1st July are receiv ed, containing the melancholy intelligence, that the Hon. C. A. Rodney, our minister at Bue nos Ayres, died suddenly on the 10th June, at six o'clock in the morning, and wras buried with appropriate marks of respect on the following day. His family were to take passage for Phila delphia on board the brig Amer ica, captain Ncal, to sail in a few days after the Noble, which brought the papers containing the intelligence to Baltimore. The Buenos Ayres Mercantile which announced the death of Mr. R. was clothed in the em blems of mourning. Senor Bcrnadina Rivadini, ex-minister of foreign affairs, embarked on the 26th of June on board of a British packet for England, on a private mission for the republic of Buenos Ayres The article of flour was quo ted at $9, on board, when the Noble sailed. The French ex- pedition, under captain Duperre, j had made some important dis-; coveries of islands in the racihe ; Ocean. New-York, Aug. 12. Horrid Suicide. A tragic event occurred yesterday alter noon, at a respectable boarding house in this city. While the boarders were at dinner, Mr. Seaman, deputy sheriff called I !iL ' ! A C x ' who had just returned from an excursion to the Springs. They expressed their readiness to at tend the sheriff, and asked per mission to go to their lodging room, for their hats. This was granted, but having remained longer than was expected, the sheriff requested the landlord to ascertain if they had really gone to their room. He knocked at their door, when immediately he heard the report of a nistoL which was followed in a few se conds by another. On entering the room, it was found that both the young men had destroved themselves, having apparently each placed a pistol in his mouth, and literally blown to atoms. the upper parts of their heads. we learn that the young men were natives ol the Is and of St. Thomas, named Ralph and John Hart, aged 24 and 2G years. They had transacted business at Mayaguez, Porto Rico, under the firm of I. & R. Hart. From this place, it is said they ab sconded some months since in a vessel which they had purchas ed and loaded on credit: and af ter visiting Curacoa, Havana, and Jamaica, and disposing of the yessel and cargo, arrived in this city a few weeks since. They returned from the Springs yesterday morning. care for an incurable dis ease. Baron Cramar, a celebra ted German, has found out a method of making the most confirmed tippler have the great est loathing and repugnance to all sorts of spirits and strong li quor. Take one tea-spoonful of tincture of calamba, one tea spoonful of the tincture of cas carrilla, one tea-spoonful of the compound tincture of gentain, a wine glassful of the infusion of quassia, and twenty drops of elixir vitriol; mix, and take twice or thrice a day, and have a jug of cold water dashed over the head every morning coming out of bed, and the feet bathed in warm water every night. Continue this for six or eiht weeks. Dr.Roth,of Swinemun de, has succeeded with this remedy in curing many poor creatures, both men and women, who were killing themselves by continual tippling and drunken ness. Nathaniel Floyd, of Louis ville, Kentucky, was killed on the 20th inst. by Robert R. Moore. The parties had quar relled on Sunday, and meeting each other on Monday, some a busive words passed. Floyd was on horseback, drew out his knife, and appeared to be about dismounting, on seeing which Moore observed, "if you arc for that, I am ready for vou " and stepped into the house for his run, and shot FWrl h was sitting nn Vnc lrco Scolding. I never knew a scolding person that was able to govern a family. hat make. people scold? Because they can not govern themselves. How then can they govern others? : Tlinca rxrVin crnVPTTX Wpll fro n erally calm. They are prompt land resolute, but steady and j mild.

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