1051 JHHP qcTT s&n, " :" : ' ... ' ' U" " "mmmm.Ummummmmm No. 38. HALIFAX, N. C. FRIDAY, DECEMBER io, 1824. VOL I. THE "FREE PRESS," Tty George Howard, Is published cverv Fridav, at THREE DOLLARS per year, consisting of 52 numbers, and in the same proportion for a shorter pe riod. Subscribers at liberty to dis continue at any time, on paying ar rearages. Advertisements inserted at fifty cents per square, or less, for the first insertion, and twenty-five cents each continuance. Letters addressed to the Editor must be post Jig id. Sfray Puppies. STRAYED or stolen from the Subscriber, two HOUND PUPPIES, about six months 0d one a yellow and white spotted, the other a black and white spotted. Any informa tion respecting them will be thankfully received, and if de livered to the subscriber a rea sonable reward will be given. J. H. SIMMONS. Enfield, Nov. 29. 37-3t One Hundred Dollars REWARD. R UN AWAY, or was stolen from the Subscriber, on the night of the 8th instant, a bright mulatto woman (slave) and her child, a girl of about four years old. This wo man ran away from the Subscriber, executor of John Hunt, deceased, in the summer -of 1808. and passed as a free woman, by the name of PATSEY YOUNG, until about the first of June last, when she was apprehended as a runaway. On the sixth of the same month I ob tained possession of her in the town of Halifax, since which time she and her child ELIZA have, in compliance with an order of the county court of Franklin, been sold, when the Subscriber became the purchaser. She spent the greater part of the time she was runaway (say about sixteen years) in the neighborhood cf, and in the town of Halifax, one or two summers at Rocklanding, where I am informed she cooked tor the hands employed to work on the canal; she also spent some of her time in Ply mouth, her occupation while there not known. At the above named places she has many acquaintances and friends. She is a tall, spare woman, thin face and lips, long sharp nose, her fore teeth in a state of decay. She is an excellent scam stress, can make gentlemen's and Udics' dresses, is a good cock and weaver, and I am informed is a good cake baker and brewer, cc. by which occupations she princi pally gained her living. Some time during last summer she married a free man of color, named Achrael Johnson, who had been' living in and about Plymouth, and followed boating on the Roanoke. Since his marriage he leased a farm of Mr. James Cotton, of Scotland Neck, (Halifax county) where he was liv ing, together with this woman, when she was taken up as a runa way slave in June last. I have but little doubt that Johnson has con trived to seduce or steal her anc! child out of my possession, ant1 -will attempt to get them out of the state :,nd pass as free persons. Should this be the case, 1 will give Sixty Five Dollars for his detection and conviction before ths proper tribu nal in any part of this state. I will give for the apprehension of the woman and child, on their delivery to me, or so secured in jail or other wise that I got them, Thiriu Five JhUars. 6 I will give Twenty Five D-jIIcltA for the woman alone, and Ten Iff Jars for the child alone. The prolff,name of the woman is Piety, bjjf $ie will no doubt change it as shlrtiici before. I forewarn all ownf-rs of boats, captains and owner ! 0f vessels from taking on board Jor earn ing away this wo man fnd her child Eilza, under the jiemtfty of the law. KIT. HUNT. 7"IW16, ' 23-tf N. Carolina Legislature TREASURER'S REPORT. To the Hon. the General j?. scmbly of the State of iorii-uarolina. . Gentlemen: In obedience to the laws of the State, and in discharge of that part of my offi cial duties, as Public Treaaurer, I do myself the honour respect fully to submit to the Legisla ture the folIowingReport,to wit: The receiots at the TYmsnrv of North-Carolina for the year commencing with the first day of November, 1823, and ending with the last day of October, including sundry pay ments of arrearages and the rmh- lic Taxes of every other descrip tio n, which became due and were paid at the Treasury of this State, within that period, tdsreth- er with the dividends declared by our State Bank, on the stock or shares held in it bv North- Carolina; the purchase-money or! proceeds of the vacant and un-i appropriated lands lately enter- 1 1 1 . cci, ana paid ionn the course of the time abovementioned; and the collection made from the bonds given by purchasers of me puouc lands, near Kaleigh, which were sold in 1820, amount to one hundred and fourteen thousand, six hundred and thirtj-ninc dollars and thirty-nine cents, and five-sixths of a cent, (11-1,G39 39 .5-6.) To this sum, the balance re mained in the Treasurv. on the first day of November, lS23,j and thereafter to be accounted! for, as reported to the last Gen eral Assembly, being added viz: one hundered and nine thou sand, seven hundred and twenty-three dollars, twenty-one cents and five-sixths of a cent, an aggregate amount of two hun-J drcd and twenty-four thousand, three hundred and sixty-two dollars, sixty-one cents and two thirds of a cent, is formed, (224, 362 61 2-3.) From this sum total, disburse ments have been made, within the time fust abovementioned. including the worn Treasury notes, and other monies burnt, to amount of eighty-seven thou-' sand, three-hundred and twenty-! one dollars, Iitty-iivc cents and one-sixth of a cent, (17,321 55 1-6,) the vouchers for which have been handed over to the Comptroller, and passed upon by that officer. This expenditure being de ducted from the asrirrcsrate a mount, abovementioned, will be found toIeavc a balance of one hundred and thirty-seven thou sand and forty-one dollars, and six cents and an half, remaining in the Treasurer of this State, on the first day of November, instant, say on the first day of November, 1S2-1. and hereafter to be accounted for, (137,011 061.)' The Treasurer takes oc casion, however, here to remark, that three thousand, two hun dred and forty-four dollars and twelve and an half cents of this balance, being proceeds of va cant lands entered and paid for, are appropriated by law for the promotion of Agriculture. &c; which being deducted, will, of course, lessen the sum applica ble to ordinary purposes, or the support of Government to that amount. For the several items, form ing the reception and expendi ture abovementioned, the Pub lic Treasurer respectfully refers to the printed statements, pre pared and furnished by the Comptroller for the use of the Members of the present General Assembly. . The State feanfc declared di vidends in the months of De cember, and June last, at the rate of four per cent, which, on the Shares held in it by North Carolina, amounted to twenty one thousand, three hundred and seventy-six dollars: which were passed to the credit of the State, and are, of course, includ ed in the amount of the recipls, at the Public Treasury, first abovementioned. . It is 'known the December dividend was sub ject to a d eduction of three thou sand, three hundred and fifty six dollars, twenty-four cents; being the amount of the interest which had accrued and was pay able by the State to the Bank, on account of the unpaid-for shares of the stock, held therein by North-Carolina, on the first day of that month. And it is likewise known, that the money emitted by this State, in the years 1783 and 17S5, and from time to time redeemed by this Bank, and handed over to be burnt and destroyed, as directed by its charter, is also chargeable to this fund, or the dividends declared in favour of the State. The amount of those emissions, however, which have been han ded over by the Bank and burnt and destroyed, according to law, from November, 1823, to No vember, 1S24, is but small; be ing one hundred and fifty-eight dollars and seventy-five cents, only, (15S 75,) which sum, to gether with the amount of the interest abovementioned, as paid to the Bank, was included in the general account of expenditure or disbursements for the year, Of the sum of one hundred and thirty-seven thousand and forty-one dollars, six and an half cents, abovementioned, as being the balance due and payable from the Public Treasurer to the State of North-Carolina, on the first of the present month, viz: on the first day of Novem ber, 1S24, fifty-eisht thousand. eight hundred and fifty-seven dollars, sixty-two cents, are de posited, & at my credit, as Pub lic Treasurer, in the State Bank of North-Carolina, at Raleigh. Forty-nine thousand and five dollars and forty-six cents, are deposited and stand at my cred it, in like manner, in the Bank ofNcwbern, in. Raleigh. And twenty-four thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight dollars and forty-nine cents, are deposited, in like manner, and stand at my credit, as Public Treasvrcr, in the Bank of Cape Fear, at Fayette vi lie. The remainder is in the pub lic chest, and is formed partly of warrants and other vouchers, paid off and received since the first day of the present month, and partly of cash kept in the office, to be at hand, and in readiness to meet the demands of the day. In the month of November, last, John Patton, esquire, the Commisioner appointed by the Governor, to sell or sunerintend the selling, &c. of the lands be- - x UUUi Ul- I longing to this State, commonly called the Cherokee Lands, or such part of them as might be in demand, paid into the Public Treasury the sum of four hun dred and twenty-seven dollars and forty-three cents. (427 43,) being the nett proceeds of the sales, then lately made by him, and which had come into his hands, in eush, as Commission er aforesaid; and at the same time, Col. Patton paid, addition ally, and as Commissioner afore said, the further sum of fifty five dollars and twenty cents, (55 20,) being the amount of an error or omission in his settle ment, as Commissioner, in the year 1S22; which two sums were forthwith and asrecablv to law, placed at the credit of the lioard of Internal Improve ments; as has been, also, in course of the late fiscal year, the fur ther sum of six thousand, five hundred and fifty-one dollars and forty cents, (6,551 40,) col lected by the Treasurer, from purchasers at the several sales of the lands abovementioned. J The Commissioner, Col. Pat ten, at the same time, made re turn of the bonds taken to se cure the payment of the balance of the purchase money of the lands last sold by him as afore said, amounting to four thou sand, two hundred and forty four dollars, twenty-three and a half cents, the whole of which were placed on file in the Trea sury Office. The Public Treasurer has rendered to the Board of Inter nal Improvements an account of his Receipts and Expendi tures from the first of Novem- . . oer, to tne hrstof Novem-1 oer, 1S24, comprehending the; daily going on with that work sums abovementioned, together .The notes procured are consi with all other moneys received by him which are subiect to its drafts, or disposal, which shews and leaves in his hands an un expended balance of twenty- two thousand, nine hundred and fifty-six dollars forty eight and a half cents yet to be accounted for: a copy of which account or statement accompanies this, and is marked with the letter A. The Treasurer has the honor likewise to submit to the Gen eral Assembly a Statement, showing the condition of the Agricultural Fund, on the first day of the present month; inclu ding as well the amount receiv ed at the Treasurv in tm fisrnl jyearof 1823, for vacant lands entered and then paid for, as heretofore reported: as the a mount of the like lands paid for in 1S24, and now reported; and including likewise all other mo nies appertaining to the said fund which have come to his hands; leaving a balance of six thousand, three hundred and thirty-four dollars, and sixty-; three cents in favor of and to the! credit of said fund: ($6,334 63); which Statement also accompa nies this, and is. marked with the letter B. The Returns, in this regard, made previously to the close of the last fiscal year, were few in number, and the sums mention ed as due in them or which were paid on them, were generally speaking, very small: From! the .returns, however, which have been since, handed in, the prospects of .the current year would seem to brighten, and the Treasurer is flattered with the - im. hope of being able to make a further and a much more consi derable collection, and conse quent addition to this fund, in course of the next month. ;: It may, perhaps, be consider ed the duty of the Public Trea surer to inform the General As sembly, that the Board of Inter nal Improvements made such arrangements or came to such agreement with the Stockhold ers of the Cape Fear Navigation Company in course of the last Spring, as led to its subscribing on the books of the said compa ny, for additional Stock, or Shares for the State, to the a mount authorized by the Gen eral Assembly through their Act of the last Session, entitled "An Act concerning the Cape Fear Navigation Company" Chap. 16th. It is believed, that no addi tional Subscription for account of the State was made by the Board of Internal Improvements for other or more Shares in the Capital Stock of the Roanoke Navigation Company, previous ly to the first of the present month, unucr the act of the last Assembly, entitled "An Act concerning the Roanoke Navi gation Company." A meeting of the Stockholders of that Com pany has lately been had, in which North-Carolina was re presented, but the Treasurer is not yet fully informed of the proceedings of that meeting, nor of its determination as to further subscriptions for its Stock. The Public Treasurer has pro gressed in issuing the Treasuiy Notes ordered by the last As sembly, as rapidly as to him ap- j i j peared expedient, and is still dered neat and strong or dura : ble, and are such, in all respects, as he trusts will meet the ap probation of the Legislature. He has not yet made any actual investment in bank stock of the proceeds of the notes disposed of, but has provisionally con tracted for stock or shares in the Banks, with the current divi dends on, to the full amount of his issues; and a transfer is only delayed for a few days, at his instance and in the hope and ex pectation of thereby becoming better satisfied as to the price or 6um per share, which it is right and proper he should give. This business will be conducted in such sort as shall best and most effectually tend to promote and secure the interest of the state. The surplus money in the Treasury having considerably accumulated of late, it necessari ly occurred to the Treasurer that it might be expedient a part of it should likewise be invested in bank stock; but beins: aware that a very considerable portion ot that surplus is formed of old or worn Treasurv Note.1?. which cannot again be put into circulation; and taking into view likewise the daily and well nigh hourly calls or "drains on the Treasruy, in consequence of the prevailing disposition, or rage, if that term be admissable, for brinsinrr in and exchanging: the old for the new Treasury Notes; and not being able to foresee its limit, he could but hesitate and doubt of the expe diency of any measure which should go directly and consi derably to lessen the ability cf

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