jpl jp& jjj 1f ' ' 'g ' ' j jjj I jr.WeJVi. 105. TJKBOIWUGH JV. C. TUESDAY, AUGUST 2 issQ. or PROPOSALS, vt,r publishing in the town of Taiiorough, (N.U.J NvetKty newspaper,.caileu tue FREE PRESS. Tun Subscriber respectfully in- forms me pauons oi uu; x Pusss, and the citizens of Edge i j i . combo county ami vicinity, mat wing to unexpected di meulties u tbii 1 it impracticable to re- m-c to 1 arboi oudi so .soon as he irisinally contemplated, and con- luentlv was compelled to sus pend its publication for a short li'.ae. mvmg, nowevcr, procur ed additional materials, stocl:, &c. ie purposes issuing the hrt num- er oi the third volume at l aiuo- o:vlu on I uesdau, znc zza inst. being the second day of die Quar- ioiIv Sessions ot the Go jf Halifax, and tbe week prcced !:::r that of the County of Edge- ;omhe. As doubtless a number at the subscription papers which were lonneriv issued, have been either destroyed or mislaid, lie h;is tho't it advisable to issue new proposals. questing a repetition ot the inenulv onices ol tiijsc persons V J vho kindlv exerted their influence in the first instance, and have not retained the subscription lists The paper will be sent to it for mer patrons, excepting those who have signified a wish to the con trary. Gno. Howmh). by these measures from three hundred miles of coast. The traffic of the natives is conse quently turned into a new chan nel, ami fowls, vegetables, cattle, and rice, in hitherto unknown a bundance, are now brought to the American Colony. "It is a circumstance," says Mr. Ashmun, "you will learn 4 with pleasure, that all the late emi grants from North-Carolina, of ail ages and habits, have got safely through the slight fever which us' sailed them without a single ex ception. fai A Fanatic-- A fanatic lately preaching in a street in Philadel phia, catching a glimpse of the Delaware," exclaimed, "there is the river Jordan," and immediate ly ran full tilt and jumped into it. His congregation kept up the race at his heels, till he leapt from the wharf, but there they halted. They afforded him assistance, and he was willing on second thoughts to live a little longer. v Monument to Mr. Jefferson. The undertakers nrid 'lnrihfora-fit The Rev. Mr. Holtoil isithe University nf Virmnin Imm advanced in convalescence,) come to a resolution which does and a commodious School house,! ot two ground apartments, is building by the people, for addi tional schools in the Colour. them honor. Having learned that the Executor of Mr. Jefferson "was making preparations for the erection over the mortal remains i -fvC '1'',H V" 0 a'1'1 Cottrc f! of this illustrious patriot of the : - , uuMUDiiiu Murvice. nave re ccntly been upon the coast, and ceased away' almost every Guinea simple and appropriate monument recommended by himself," and 'under the impression that this cir- man, known to be between Sierra cumst. ntt'ornd tn .thnm thn . - vw W vl 1. L K ft. .& .1 A VilU Leone and Cape Palnias. To enviable opportunity of giving in the former officer, the American j diligence to those feelings r of ad Colony is indebted for the liberal miration and affection with which donation ol ott stands of arms, c'! casks of gunpowder, and several valuable articles of provisions." the character of this wise and good man inspired all whose good tort une it was to come with in the wide sphere which his be- Own S'nfri! Wo t J Mv.nm! neyolenee and useiiilncss nervnd- si! the iew Harmony Cazette,' C(l djey iiad a mecting-at which j brutality towards her, the iurv says tne National Jnteiliguncer,;! Lm mun t-tiiiieai wisiij were ot opinion that his intention 1 I , . . . . an iranon delivered ov iiot)ert' lu UUUkVu iu iukc uuuii uieiii- was to kill her. -and hrnmrht in degree lost: at the least, its circu latio'ii is necessarily limited. Salem Gaz. Cotton. A. small Jot of Mexi can cotton arrived at New-Orleans from Rio Grande; the sta ple .was of the finest kind, but it was not well handled. The cot ton growers of northern Mexico are mostly Carolinian and Geor gian emigrants, and ''will become serious rivals in the culture of that great staple, : From the Geneva N.Y. Gazette, July 26. Murder. A coroner's inquest was last week held. in this village over the body of a white woman, whose death was caused by re peated whippings inflicted by her husband James Johnson, a mulat to! They have been about this place three or four years, and tho,v degraded by intemperance, have found employment among an in telligent community who pride themselves upon their morality, sufficient to drag out a miserable existence On the 6th inst. he wTas seen beating her with a large" stick, about two miles from the village, and from expressions he then made and his subsequent Owen, in the Public Hall at New 'selves the erection ofthe proposed Harmony, at the celebration of monument snd they made the the 4th of July, UV2Q. The Ora-i necessary arrangements for car tion is conspicuously presented asj 7ino tl,is desire into effect, containinsr "a declaration of Men- " tal Independence," for which the Jefferson Fund. The Jefferson oration, says the declaration of committee at Richmond having re I'oliticul independence happily' solved "to return his subscription, led the v. This discourse t() any subscriber who may think strikes at the root of all social in-!"0 a "glit to reclaim it, and stitutio:is,as at. prescmt orgaiiizc(l,! wish t0 exercise that right," call ami denounces, and proposes to.ed upon them to ascertain whe rend asunder, some of the ties hi-lther any of them wished to with- crsjdi p!c:vx y;7kA wt-$ i therto considered most sacred in draw their subscriptions: to the 'Subscribers in the first d-.n of the 1 w7A Christian communities. ; honor of the city, no man even The followinir extract from thc;""1'""0 ? tIlG gt to oration embraces in a brief mc&, witnoraw mat which had been g;- CONDITIO.NS. l ac Frer Press will be issued wci-kJv, at TWO DOLLJRS ncr year, (or 52 mm- liers,) i p.ii-.l within one month aft'.-r oub scvi') cui-.v.noncc nxcivinir their D iners J TV' j U-ilkrs Fifty CV;v, if juitl within m;)i;ih and Three Dollars at the expi ring ( t the yeaf. buhicrjbers at lioertv tt G;.iC'inf.nuc nt any time on paying arrears. 1 ...... : - i i- i- .. -it i . kviv vi u.itnienis not exceeuustj 10 line's in he inserted at J0cuts the first insertion, and 2J cents each continuance. Longer ones at tluit rate for every 16 lines. ,---.. . . . . ... ... Lj rtnoiis tioldunf iKthtcriptioii Sub mains County Court for Edgecombe, - us sfio:i ther&tjter as practicable. Ta!inrnrirl. 1 , 1 1 K'CC tlic stun ojI"- tJocirijios it iucul- LIBERIA. ?iom tha Natnal Intelligencer. ij Office of the Colonization $o K t'cty, WaMnglim, July 2, 182(j. iiueuigcnce has been received at this oilico from Liberia, un to the 2-fh of May, representing the Co- j J 1 1'- o tOliy to ho. in nrv hnnlthv nrid " i j prosperous circunjstances. The tjovniment of Sierra Leone has laid ubockadel n the line of eoast reaching frj)5i that Colony to Cape ?iI6uMt, Voich promises to destroy, as it v:$ already sus pended, the Slave Trade, hitherto juried on from; ho Gallinas. flic Apjenl at Montscr yido has interiliitid the trade trom CapG Mount to Trade Town tljbl ground of a qualified jurisdiction, actually held the Colony Mr this- whole "uk;i or ennrf'iH t is tnero- -"M j r i - J ieved that thk? vui.ii I tore confidently u-ious tragic Mr, yen fur such a hallowed purpose. n m.Ti..', t..i ht -I novr Declare, to vc. oncl to the , & uioy pn- ur. -ori, Mat Mtn,uj) to this hour Jms pronounced at Rich- . ' ' . - 1 . I 1 .aI.- "111 I'll been, in all parts oj the earth, a slave to a Tuixrrv of the most monstrous evils that could be combined to inflict mental end physical evil upon his whole race. - "I refer to Private or Individual ; PltOPEItTr AIJSUKi AND III RATIONAL of Religion and Marri age, FOUNDED ON INDIVIDUAL TROPE R their verdict accordingly. It is said by one. who knew her in better days, that her parents, who then resided in some part of Pennsylvania, were respectable people; but, having . crossed the inclinations of their daughter in an affair of love, she became vi cious, and finally formed this un natural and -disgusting connexion by way of retaliation. . The cir cumstance is mentioned as con veying a lesson no less important to parents than to children. TV COMBINED WITH SOME ONE OF THESE IRRATIONAL SYSTEMS OF RELIGION." The typographical style cf the above ex tract is that of the original. The destruction of tins "Hydra of Evils" is earnestly inculcated, and it is denounced in every form of accusation, as being "the real and only cause of all the crime, From the Poughkeepsie N. Y. Tele graph, July 2. Spontaneous Combustion. An instance of spontaneous combus tion occurred in this village last week, in a large body of Virginia inond on the 11th inst. is highly i coal, in the store house of the and justly praised. It has one re-(Messrs. Conklins! Whon dir. commciHiation wincn ley in this quarter can claim: it is short, and may be extensively circulated and read, because it can be printed in two or three columns of a news paper. Most of the orations de livered at the South are of this description: we frequently see them printed in the newspapers. The fault of the orators p our neighborhood is, that their pro ductions are much too long; 'and they arc from this circumstance less read. If they are published at all it is in a pamphlet form, and then it costs us from 20 to 50 cents which can be found in human so- to read them. Mr. Everett's late oration at Cambridge forms a book of 50 pages. It will un questionably- repay a perusal, ciety. -The Orator takes the broad ground, that it should be reputable and authorized by law, to dissolve marriage, "when es teem and afiection can not be re- IVVXt I - n'or banished j taincd for each other. richly: but, we apprehend, that, being from the nature of its de clamation, its effect-is; in a great ered, the mass of the coal was sr hot that it could not be held in a person's hano!, and the floor un der it vyas burnt through in one place. The smoke was seen to issue thro' the side of the build ing, which led to the discovery of the fire. Tn a little time more thtf whole building yould have been in flames. ' The coal wr.s remov ed and the fire extinguished, but not till our citizens wjre alarmed. The coal had beer, deposited in the building aboiiy three months. This should be a caution against putting coal, especially in large quantities, in a wooden building. Fourth of Juh.It has been estimated that about 50 person? were killed in the United States" by the careless firing of cannouA pn the last 4th of Julr. 1 r i