mm Whole No. 107. TARBOllOZJGU, JV. C. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1820. Vol III, m. 3. PROPOSALS, For publishing in the town of Tarborough, (N.t.j a wecKiy newspaper, called the FREE PRESS. The Subscriber respectfully in- Jfbrms the patrons of the Free IPunss, and the citizens of Edgc (combe county and vicinity, that lowing to unexpected difficulties lie found it impracticable to re--move to Tarborough so soon as he originally contemplated, and con sequently was compelled to sus pend its publication (or a short ftimc. Having, however, procur ed additional materials, stock, &c. jhc purposes issuing the lirst num- Jlgcncy at Ualifua;. AN arrangement having been made IA- by the Editor of the Free Press, with J A MRS SIMMONS, Esq. of Halifax, persons in that vicinity dispo sed to patronize the establishment by subscription, advertisements, or job work, will please apply at the Post-Oi-flice, where Constables' Blanks will constantly be kept for sale, -and orders received for any kind of work connect ed with the Printing business. Mr. Simmons is also authorised to receive any monies due the etablishment. Tarborough, Aug. 1S2G. Iber of the third volume at Tarbo j rough, on Tuesday, the 2 Id inst. I being the second day of the Quar terly Sessions of the County Court of Halifax, and the week preced ing that of the County of Edge combe. As doubtless a number of the subscription papers which were formerly issued, have been either destroyed or mislaid, he has tho't it advisable to issue new proposals, requesting a repetition of the friendly offices of those persons who kindly exerted their influence in the first instance, and have not retained the subscription lists. The paper will be sent to its for mer patrons, excepting those who have signified a wish to the con trary. Geo. Howard. CONDITIONS. The Free Press will be issued weekly, at TWO DOLLARS per year, (or 52 num bers,) if paid within one month after Sub scribers commence receiving their papers 1vo Dollars if Fifty .Cents, if paid within six months and 'JViree Dollars at theexpi ratirn of the year. Subscribers at liberty to discontinue at any time on paying arrears. Advertisements not exceeding 16 lines will be inserted at 50 cents the first insertion, and .2.5 cents each continuance. Longer ones at that rate for every 16 lines. Tarborough, August 14, 1826. Lottery Office. rpIIE Subscriber having established a r Lottery Olllce in the Town of Ha lifax, will at all times be ready to fur nish Tickets in any of the Lotteries that are managed by Messrs. Yates & M'ln tyre or J. I. Cohen, Jr. & Mothers. I am at present unable to boast of bavin sold any great p.-izes, as my Office has but recently been established; but it is possible that there are now many good prizes in it remaining unsold. Therefore, if there are any who owe more than they can conveniently pay, and whose nrospects from the nresent ir's crops are gloomy, would it not be Houses and Lots in HuVfiuv, FOR SALE. rjMIE Subscriber intending to remove to the westward, early in the ensuing year, offers her Houses and Lots in the town of Halifax for sale. There are three half acre lots on the front street, with a large and handsome dwelling, store, and lumber house, and other ne cessary out-houses; with a large ma chine intended to run two cotton gins. There are also two new gins, which will be sold with the Lots. M4RY STITII. Halifax, A us;. 1S2G. 2 Domestic. ve Millinery & Manlna-makni. TItS. SNEADER respectfully in--LT forms the inhabitants of Halifax and vicinity, that she still continues the Milliner! and Mantua-making busi ness in Halifax, and has on hand, as as usual, a general assortment of' fancy goods. Persons indebted to her are earnestly requested to call and settle their accounts immediately, as she is de sirous of laying in her fall supply as cany as possiDie. Halifax, Aug. 15, 1S26. well for them to call and obtain a mize If the mechanic is a little jn hi business, and would live a little more at! hi professional services to the citizens l)r B. B. Hauler, IjAVING selected Nashyillc, as his future residence, respectfully offers T7venty-jtve Dollars lleivard. I WILL give the above re ward of twenty-five dollars, for apprehending and securing in jail, or otherwise,' negro Isaac, so that I cet him iijrain; and will pay all necessary expences if delivered to me at my place of residence, in the county of Edgecombe, about two miles east of the stage road leading from Tar borough to Enfield, and about eight miles from the latter. Isaac is a bright mulatto; sprightly, possessing much im pudence, has a bushy head, and well proportioned in his form; his size I am not prepared to say, not having seen him for near twelve months his age imagine about twenty. This negro, I understand, absconded on Monday 14th inst. from Dr. Iandon CJanton, of the town of Halifax,1 to whom he was hired for the present year. It is highly pro hable, that this boy has obtained a frau dulent pass, and will endeavor to pass for a freeman; a circumstance which goes to support such a conclusion is, I am informed he went olf with a free man of color, yarned Napoleon Cabar rus, who resides in or about Edenton, N. C. and that they have been seen to gether beyond Pollock's ferry, on Roa noke. Masters of vessels and all others are hereby cautioned against harboring joy carrying off said negro issac at their peril. ELI B. tVHITJlKERy Edgecombe Co. N.C. Yruslee, &c. Aug. 28, JS2G. J 2-3 his ease, let him call. If the merchant has heavy payments to make, and but little prospect of meet ing them by collections and sales, he should certainly call. Voting ladies particularly are invited to call and buy a package in the combi nation and permutation. All others who think that money would in any way benefit them, are re spectfully invited to call and obtain a prize of J.1S. SIMMONS, P. M. No. 98, corner of King fc Shop streets. 14th Aug. lS2t-. . of Nash County. He boards at Wood's Hotel, where he may be found whenever his services are required. Am 1S2G. 2-4 P. S. The Virginia State Lottery will be drawn the 27th of next month. the returnable to October Supe nor Lourt. acceptable about that time. Sulphate quinine Arrow root Sago Tanioca Money will certainly be ' carI. arley J. S. riw Long pepper Turmeric (iingcr Nutmegs Alum Horax Sul ammonix Pearl ash Annatto Indigo Logwood Gum shellac Aqua fort is Oil vitriol Verdigris v Sweet oil Linseed oil Lamp oil Lancets Nipple shells Breast pipes Court plaster India rubber Thirty Dollars Reward. RAN AWAY from ihc Sub- cJiWscriber, on Sunday night, the 12th ol March last, a negro vvo- i nni i v o.. man, uauitui x wjju i j iiuum rrv-it years old, nearly five feet high, yellow complexion, spare made, has ? mild look arid gqntcel appearance, (for a negro,) when well dressed; she is an expert hand at roguery, and is well cal culated to deceive unless tightly and closely examined. She was seduced a way by a black free negro, Carter New som by name, a shoemaker by Jrade, ?ho is about 30 years of age, 5 feet G or S inches high, thick set, has a pleasant countenance and very white teeth, which he shews very much when speak ing or laughing: he is strongly suspect ed of being a runaway slave. In my former advertisement, I stated that from threats which the wench made prior to her elopement, they would, by chang ing their names, and getting forged free papers,' endeavor to make their escape to some free slate: since that time, they have been lurking about Halifax town, in the vicinity of which, they probably are at this time. All persons are for warned from harboring or carrying off said negro underthe penalty of The above reward, with all reasonable charges, will be paid for securing said woman in any jail, so that I get her again, or for her delivery to me. Lunsfurd W. Scott. Halifax co. N. C. August .15, 182 0. . A-U Qpothtcary & Drug Store. II. S. & R. F. STUBDS, Respectfully inform the public that they nave opened, in the town of Halifax, a general assortment of Medicines, Paints, Dye Stuffs, &.e. which they will dispose of, on reasonable terms. Among the ar ticles the following may be enumerated: Spirits turpentine rutty Copal vaxaish. White lead, dry aial in kegs Paints of every kind, Paiot brushes and sash tools .Camel's hair pencils Tooth powder Tooth brushes Snufif boxes Snuff in jars 8c bottles Soda and Seidlitz pow ders .Cheltenham salts Superior shaving soap macassar oil Antue oil Ottar of roses Cologne water Durable ink Ink powder Wax tapers Trusses Teeth extracting in struments White wax Itch ointment Scaling wax, &c. 8cc. with a complete assort- Medicines. Phvsicians are informed, that the- can be supplied with fresh and genuine Medicines, at the Petersburg prices. Any orders from them will be thankfully received, and the medicines put up with care and despatch. pr. R. S. Stubbs wilj likewise prac tice in Ihe various branches of his pro fession. Due attention will be paid to every rail. Halifax, N..C.rAug. 1S2G. 2-4 Kentucky tragedy. The Pitts burg Statesman has given some further particulars respecting tho late dismal tragedy in Kentucky, which arc interesting, and mate rially aggravate tho conduct of CoJ. Sharpc. It is stated that peauchamp was a student at law in the office of Col. Sharpe and that Ann Cook (Mrs.. Beauchamp) was an orphan girl, living in his family, and under his protection. While thus situated, he succeed ed in seducing her and accom plishing her ruin, and then Jiad the address to induce Beauchamp, his student, to marry her, and to pre vent the girl from disclosing her situation, until it could no longer be disguised. Before this time she had succeeded in gaining the ,allections of her husband, so that the knowledge of her blighted vir tue did not shake his attachment. Subsequently, Sharpe being a can didate for the legislature, the sto ry of his seducing his ward was blazed abroad, and to counteract it, he caused a fale report to be circulated that the jchiid was a black one, and he, accordingly inr nocent. '1 his last stab at her al ready wounded honor, from tho hand of her despoiler, it. was, that aroused the slumbering vengeance of the injured woman, awakened every direful passion of herself -.11 l 11 HI". ana nusuana, ana called into ex ercise those energies which did not cease to exert themselves, un til death closed the horrhj scene upon all three. Together ment of . B. Desha, the murderer pi Baker, died on the 13th ult. in consequence of the wound inflicted on himself some few weeks ago. Horatio Cozens, a distinguish ed member of the Bar of St. Lou is, was assassinated in that place on the 13th of July, by Mr. French Strother. The circumstances ap pear to be these: Mr. Cozens wa? engaged as counsel against Mr. Strother: the latter, finding the cause going against him, asked the former to step aside, as he wished to speak to him. Mr. Co zens did so, and Strother stabbec! him with a dirk repeatedly and killed him instantly. Strother was cornmitted to prispn. It is said, that in Massachusetts, where there is a population of up wards of 600,000, there are only 300 who are unable to read & write. Blacks. Tt is computed that the blacks increase about 60,000a year in this country, and that the Coloni -zation Society remove 1000 a year. A great haul The Postmas ter of New-York advertises that tlje entire newspaper mail from the south was robbed in Newr Jersey on Thursday last. What a valuable assortment of news and wrapping paper has falieu into the hands of this wholesale dealer in literature! He cannot want a fresh supply for six months to comc.-if1ay. Qbs,