15 IcLe! jfj lV; ;:v: 7ioZ Ab. 108. TMiBOllOUGU, jyv ft TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 19, 1826. . THE "FREE PRESS," ' JBy Geo.ILjivard, Is published weekly, (every Tuesday,) at DOLLARS per year, (or 52 num bers,) if paid , within one month after Sub scribers commence receiving their papers Xijo Dollars & Fifty Cents, if paid within its. months and Three Dollars at theexpi raticn of the year. Subscribers at liberty to continue at any time on. paying arrears. Advertisements not exceeding J6 lines will he inserted at 50 cents the first insertion, and 25 cents eacl continuance. Longer ones at that rate tor every 16 lines. ' . " Letters addressed to the Editor must be fast fiaid. ; J7Janies Simmons, Esq. postmaster at Halifax.is our general agent for that vicinity. Homes and Lots in llalifaccx 'FOR. SALE. rpIIE Subscriber intending to remove to the westward, early in the ensuing year, offers her Houses and Lots in the town of Halifax for sale.- There are three .half acre lots on the front street, with a large and handsome dwelling, store, and lumber house, and other ne cessary out-houses; with a large ma chine intended to run two cotton gins. There are also two new gins, 'which will be sold with the Lots. . . M2RY STITIL Halifax,. Aug.: IS2G. 2 .MUHntry JIantua-making. pS. SNEADER respectfully in. forms the inhabitants of Halifax and vicinity, that she still continues the Millinery and Mantua-making busi ness in Halifax, and has on hand, as as usual, a general assortment of Ladies fancy good?. Persons indebted to her are earnestly requested to call and settle thpir accounts immediately, as she is de sirous of laying in her fall supply as early as possible. ' Halifax, Aug. 15, 1826. Dr. II. B. Hunter, WAVING selected Nashville, as his future residence, respectfully offers his professional services to the citizens nl Nash County.. He boards at Wood's Hotel, where he may, h'e found whenever his services are required. Aug. 27, 1S26. 2-4 Thirty Dollars II eward. RANAWAYtVom the Sub scriber, on Sunday night, the 12lh of March last, a negro wo man, named POLLY, about 28 years old, nearly five feet high, yellow complexion, spare made, has v mild look and genteel appearance, . (for a negro,) when well dressed; she is an expert hand at roguery, and is well cal culated to deceive unless tightly and closely examined. She was seduced a vay by a black free negro. Carter Neiv som by name, a shoemaker by trade, who is about 30 years of age, 5 feet 6 or 8 inches high, thick set, has a pleasant countenance and very white teeth, which he shews very much when speak ing or laughing: he is strongly suspqet ed of being a runaway slave. In my former advertisement, I stated that from threats which the wench made prior to her elopement, they would, by chang ing their names,, and getting forged free papers, endeavor to make their escape to some free state: since that time, they have been lurking about Halifax town, in the vicinity of which, they probably are at this time. All persons are for -warned from harboring or carrying off said negro under the penalty of the law. The above reward, With all reasonable charges, will be paid for securing said woman in any jail, so hat I get her again, or for her delivery to me. Lunsford IF. Scrlt. Halifax co. N. C. August 15,1326. 1-tf tfpothtcary fy Drug Slore. . . R. S. kll. F. STUBBS, Respectfully inform the public that they have opened, in the town of Halifax, a general assortment of Medicines, Paints. Dye Stuffs, &c. which1 they will dispose of, on reasonable terms. Among the ar ticles the following ma' be enumerated; Sulphate quinine Spirits turpentine Arrow root Sago 1 apioca Pearl barley Mace Gloves Lone nenner Turmeric Oingci Nutmegs Alum Borax Sal animonix Pearl ash Annatlo Indigo Logwood Gum shellac Anna fort is Oil vitriol VctFdieris Sweet oil Linseed oil Lamp oil Lancets Nipple shells Breast pipes Court pi aster India rubber Putty Copal varnish White lead, dry and in kegs Paints of every kind, Paint brushes and sash tools Camel's hair pencils Tooth powder Tooth brushes Snuff boxes Snuff m jars & bottles Soda and Seidlitz pow ders Cheltenham salts Superior shaving soap Macassar oil Antique oil Ottar of roses Cologne water Durable ink Ink powder Wax tapers Trusses Teeth extractiuz in- I ' mi t struments White wax Itch ointment Seating wax, &c. ytc. Together with a complete assort ment of Medicines. ' Physicians arc informed, that they can be supplied with tresh and genuine Medicines, at the Petersburg prices. Any orders from them will be thankfully received, and the medicines put up with earc and dispatch. -. :- Dr. R. S. Stumes will likewise prac tice in the various branches of his pro fession. Due attention will be paid to every call. Halifax, N,C.rug. 182G. 2-4 Twenty-five Dollars Uavnrd. I WILL give the above re ward of twentv-five dollars, for apprehending and securing in jail, or otherwise, negro Isaac, lato. so that I get him tigain; and will pay ajl necessary expences if delivered to me at my place of residence, in the county of Edgecombe, about two miles east of the stage road leading from Tar borough to Enfield, and about eight miles from the latter. Isaac is a bright mulatto; sprightly, possessing much im pudence, has a bushy head, and well proportioned in his form; his size I am not prepared to say, not .having seen him for near twelve months his age 1 imagine about twenty. This negro, 1 understand, absconded on Monday 14th inst. from Dr. Landon Clanion, of the town of Halifax, to whom he was hired for the present year. It is highly pro bable, that this boy has obtained a frau dulent pass, and will endeavor to pass for a freeman; a circumstance which goes to support such a conclusion is, I am informed he went off with a free man of color, named Napoleon Cabar rus, who resides in .or about Edenton, N. C. and that they have been seen to gether beyond Pollock's ferry, on Roa noke. Masters of vessels and all others are hereby cautioned against harboring or carrying off said negro Issac at their peril. ELI B. IVIIITAKER, Edgecombe Co. NX. ? Trustee, &c. Aug. 2S, 1626. S 2-3 Virtue is a bond which unites men to a mutual confidence in each other's transactions. Vice, on the other hand, breaks the uni son, and occasions men to view with suspicion every transaction of life II Drs. Dancij & Bovkiiu AV1NG entered into Cn.nnrf nrr shin, hez leave to inform thp citi zens cf Edgecombe, that they are prepa red to enter into the practice of the va nous branches of their professional du ties, (viz.) Midwifery, Surgery, and the Practice of Medicine. Orders left at their residences or at their shop, will be prompily attended. They also inform the Public, that they have furnished themselves with a fresh and plentiful supply of Medicines. and intend keeping on hand a like sup ply, which they will sell at wholesale or retail, upon as low terms as they can be purchased in any part of the State. Tarboro', Sept. I, 1S26. 3 Apply immediately, or you vill miss the prize! N Wednesday, the 27th inst. will be drawn in the Citv of Richm oik . The Grand State Lottery of Virginia, where will be distributed the Capital prizes of S20,000, $8,000, g 1,000, 5 of Si, 000, &c. &e. &c. &c. &c. &c. &c. &c. In which Lottery, (being the odd and even system,) by the purchase of two tickets you are certain of a prize, and may draw three, with all the chances for a Capital. Certainly those who are not already supplied, will delay no longer, but ap- These were the wealth and sin new of your countrythey are the citizen-soldiers, who appreciated, above all earthly blessings, their liberties achieved by their " forc fathers, and had sworn to hand them down , unimpaired, to their childr.cn, or die in the attempt. With such an army your rights could not be infringed, nor your property molested. In the ranks of such men,' order, discipline and strict subordination were easily introduped and maintained. It was the prowess of ; those citizen soldiers that . enabled me so promptly and effectually to termir nate a savage war to meet and vanquish their more savage allies, the British, at New-Orleans, which gave security to your borders, and peace to the nation. I; sir, was only an humble instrument in thq hands of a wise and superintend- ! ing Providence, for the accom? plishment. of those important and beneficial objects. My humble efforts in the service of my country, whether in the field ply and obtain a Prize of the Subri- "f VauiluJl 1 n icanui, are 100 jber, who has sold more prizes than any11 lPh appreciated by yoi. l ean other vender ot tickets in the United vviui canapr, However, declare, Districts of Halifax County where can that ill every situation, to which I ouian.ee prizes in any oi me incite- nave been called by my tellow-ci- 0 ries now offered to the public. Whole tickets in the above Lottery, S5 halves, $2 50 quarters, Si 25 eights 62$ cents in the greatest varie ty of numbers for sale at SIMMONS, P. M. No. 98, corner ot King & Shop streets. Halifax, 12th Sept. 1826. Tplt will be seen bv the above Scheme and price of tickets, that for tizens, my best judgment has been exercised and unceasing exertions been employed, to promote the best interests pf my country. How far I have succeeded, is evidenced by your approbation. You, sir, have been pleased to pass in review my conduct in the '" iivim- uuu jji itc Ul iii:ict3, null JOT J . 62h cents S2500 may be obtained. J'S. -'ate presidential contest. I trust juu win ueueve me candid, wnen II assure you Lhavc too long prac- ! tisetl the pure principles ol reptib- The Maltese Jack, Sancho, ILL stand at my nlantation. four initio iiuitii in i ai iiuruusrii. hip uuuioiu iu (IIJiLiiiiiiii i iii-iii 211 hum 'fall season, at Six Dollars the season.1 late period of my life. I have al- an icn jjuuars 10 nsure. dancno s ways been tau?jlt to believe that celebrity as a sure foal cetter, his large ! : i size and muscular powers are so well lf1"8 a government based upon known, that it is rWmi ..nnp.PcH. Uie WI1 ol the people ana esUvb- say any thing further. lished for their prosperity till Tarboro', Sept. 182G. Commit. JOS. BELL. 3-4 Gen. Jackson. In replv to an address delivered to him at Fay etteville, Tenn. on celebrating the Anniversary of our Independence, the General said "Your cordial welcome is grate ful to my feelings. It recals to my recollection the urbanity and hospitality which were extended to me and my troops by the citi zens of this town and county, 18 J3, while encamped in its vicin ity, on their n;arch to protect our southern frontier fromlhe ruthless savage. Sir, the orderly conduct of the brave men I had the happi ness then to command, was hon orable to them, to me, and to their country. Those high-minded men yliom patriotism alone had led to the tented field, to defend their country and their country's rights, could not trespass on, or infringe the rights and privileges of their fell ow-ci tiffins? nf I?nvnttr ville and of Lincoln county. happiness exclusively. In the a dpption of our Constitution, the I people secured to themselves the j right of choosing their own agents jto administer the government a- greeably to their own icill. as ex pressed by the voice of majority C5 these important rights, th ey ought to be left to the' dictates of their pwn unbiassed judgments. Act ing, sir, in accordance to these fundamental principles of our go vernment, and having laid it down as a rule from yvhich I have never departed, "never to seek,' nor de cline office when freely offered by the people," I cannot interfere-in any manner whatever, in that con test, while either before the peo ple, or the people's representa tives. Your approbation of my course is, therefore, truly gratify ing, and particularly so, as my conduct on that occasion was dic tated by my best judgment. For the kind solicitude you have expressed for my promotion in the estimation of my fellow-citizens, I tender you my sincere thanks. Andrew Jackson.