Communications? FOR THE FREE PRESS. Mr. Editor There is no sub ject which can more properly claim the attention of the ap proaching Legislature, than the better arrangement of the Eastern j Judicial Circuits. There is no person who has observed the pro ceedings of our Superior Courts at the Fall Terms, but must be convinced, that there is some de fect in the present arrangement. It is a lamentable fact, that the Eastern counties are unhealthy, and more particularly so in, the month of September. It is in my humble opinion hazarding the lives of many valuable citizens, to confine them for several days in succession, nay for weeks toge ther, in a crowded Court-house, enduring great labor of mind and body in this unhealthy month. During this month Jodgcs and Lawyers contract diseases that in capacitate them from attendance on their duties for the most of the Fall Circuit. The administration of justice is thereby impeded, and the law rendered odious to the ci tizens, which could easily be pre vented, if the Courts were so ar ranged as to avoid this unhealthy month. From my experience, and it is not the experience of yes tcrdav, I have lon entertained the opinion that the great com plaint of the law's delays, extrava gant bills of costs, and of the un willingness of men of talents ' to accept the office of Judge, pro ceed in a great degree from the circumstance of our Courts being holden in the most sickly season in a very unhealthy climate. Such is at present the state of.things in those counties where the Courts are holden in September, .that no one expects or can expect, with substantial reason for it. , How ever great may be our veneration for the .present arrangementqr however fearful we may be of in troducing confusion by an altera tion, we must forget the one and encounter the other to remedy evils which are so destructive to the best interests of the commu nity. The present arrangement if venerable from age is not for its utility, and no arguments can be adduced which can demonstrate that confusion cannot be avoided in introducing a new arrangement. This alteration does not involve! any innovation on the principles of our excellent Court system, the effect of which 'might be problem atical, but is a mere matter of fact question, whether it is better that the laws "should be administered in a healthy or unhealthy season of the "year J A question which a large majority of the eastern - citi--zens are prepared to decide by a continuation of their suffrages to those Representatives who shall effect an alteration which they consider will prove so beneficial. But, it will be asked, how is this alteration to be made! Simply in tlus way let the Circuits com mence on the first Mondays of A pril and October, and then pro gress as they now do, leaving all the Superior Courts in the same relation-to one another as hereto fore. This can produce no con fusion, for in the few instances that it will interfere with the County jfrimgrt From Europe. Our dates both from Liverpool arid Havre are to thc 20th August, Whether in fact there has been any change for the better in the general situa tion of affairs in Great Britain, as confidently affirmed in the latest letters and papers, wc think ad mits of some doubt; altho' there are' decided indications that the government 'intend . to-. take no steps of its own in the matter, not even to call Parliament together, the Ministers concluding that as a radical remedy was beyond .their means, they were bound net to en courage false hopes, but to. tell the nation in plain terms that the evil must work ittf own cure. Up on jthis determination, Lord Liv erpool, Mr. Canning and Mr. Peel have actbd with becoming candor in "all their recent interviews with Qtnnp.ft of her, having receive kj v . - " v-n 5 new 'Uonsntution irom the &ra cious hands of her legiti Lord, Don Pedro of Brazil,,, companiea Dy uie gut ui ms mfaill daughter, Maria Gloria, aged a. bout seven years, to reign overt Portuguese. JLho Jrloly Alliank Ijad exhibited signs of displeasure not that the Queen was too yoUlfJ irw n II A vrv oil I ir1irfct -u ,? tor rulers, as any oiners in thtir eyes-r-but because the Charter although framed by an Emperor was deemed by the royal brother! hood . much too liberal in its fea. tures. There were r umors in fact of an intention on the part of France to put it dotcri; and it wag whispered that the King of Spain himself, in his palace at Madrid had uttered sflrne indistinct ex pressions about the prcsumption of his neighbors but we think Charles X. not disposed at this time to emulate the fame of predecessor, in undertaking j kingdom. These gentlemen were' l u l"a" , certainly in the rigjit they doubt-;clicck ic banditti cYi less now scc the malady of their !Satcy of Madrid, it will mde Courts, that mischief can be re medied by changing the time of.quenccs the most to be deplored holding those Courts. The time of convening the Legislature hav- tlir rrmmittnrs nnnnintnd on behalf of the commercial and!FX0llc expecuuon across inery. manufacturing interests of the'renee1s5 'aiKV'lS Fernand, if kingdom. These gentlemen were' "uiu iu u ... . 1 KtPlri d the 1 1 lv nf their!aiGS o luaqrija, n win muecdbe country in its true form and all its surprising. alarming realities, it is a gan grene, in the shape of the cnor mous National Debt, which has long preyed upon the extremities, and is at this time approaching the vitals of England- to attempt to cut it out would indeed be too hazardous an experiment; but yet, permit it to remain, and conse- TUESDAY, OCT. 3, 182G. ing been changed by an Act of! the last Assembly, will make this a r rangem en t p er fe ctly p ract i cabl c ; andthe advocates of that change will have the consolation to know, that in its effects it will prove more advantageous to a large sec- tion of the State, than any other follow with lamentable certainty. mi. . l i i i i lie Avorm looivs wun awe on me To Correspondents. We must dc suflerings of a great nation, and clinc publishing the extract from the awaits the result 111 anxious soil- ."Reformer," as requested; as it wouii CJ1; C probably lead to a religious discussion, 1 liming to .the European con- which h(nvevcr gratifyinS to some, tincnt, hnssm appeared , quiet m doubt not would Wdispleasing to the the north, and the Emperor Ni- gcncrality of our readers. We are led cholas, having punished capitally to this conclusion,' by a determination to .i-iiumui i ui uiu cuiibpiiuiuis a- avoid as much as nossible ;nterferin? A 7 0 any kind of certainty, that a cause law they could have passed. This 'gainst his government, , seemed firmly seated on the throne. Be tween Russia and Turkey, all dif ferences were in a train of amica ble adjustment; and the Emperor and the Sultan, who for the last ten years have been at "dagger's draw," .will in future be good friends, if not allies in the humane work of butchering the Christian Greeks. Of the.lattcmamed peo ple, brave tho' unfortunate, there has been but little said recently; though we trust that Lord Coch rane, on his arrival in their seas, will .create a stir by doing some thing which will add new lustre to his own name and prove benefi cial to, their cause. If, as a Paris Gazette hints, it is his intention to blockade Alexandria, or to land there, the movement would doubt less lead to the recall of Ibrahim, the Hannibal of modern times,who for two years has carried fire and sword .through the Morea and this would be a great point gained at once. The Pacha ' of Egypt, who probably loves his cotton bags as much as he does the Grand Seignior, would Jiardly think of continuing the war so far off for a secondary object, when he found his commercial operations stop ped, and iiis power threatened in its strong-hold. In the south of Europe, Portu gal appears to be the principal ob ject of attention, from the -circum- which requires the attendance of several witnesses will be tried at the Fail Term. It is known to many, that suitors in those coun ties frequently consent that their causes shall stand continued from one Spring Term to another; thus having, and from necessity too, the benefit of but one Court per annum. In addition to this, Judges and lawyers are frequent ly prevented by sickness from at tending to their professional du ties. This subject is of great im portance to the citizens of the Eastern counties, infinitely more so than any other which will claim the attention of their Representa tives. The administration of jus tice, and the speedy administra tion of it, is of vital importance to the prosperity of every country; and that Representative is inat tentive to the interests of his con stituents, who makes it second to any other subject. It is admitted that the principle upon which cur Courts are organized, is as well calculated as any other to protect the rights of the citizen; why then is it that .this beautiful system should not realize in .practice the expectations which it so fairly promises in theory! Why, in other words, convene the Courts at a season of tho year when they cannot attain the great end of their design? There can be no! arrangement will avoid confusion and meet the wishes of all inter ested, except probably some one or two County Court lawyers, who may be under the necessity of exchanging one County Court for another, and this can only hap pen where they are not sutlicient ly serviceable to the citizens to induce them to change the session of the County Court to suit their convenience. This. Mr. Editor. is of little consequenccto you and me, and the other plain people of the country, it is indeed a mat ter of indifference to us, whether we are wheedled out .of our mo ney by Lawyer Clip-purse or by Lawyer lake-all, lor certain it is that some of the fraternity will scent out the game. iseing unaccustomed to scrib bling, and having an aversion to seeing my productions in print, I have to request that you will give the subject some reflection, and bring it to the nGtice of our Rep resentatives in a more appropriate style; as I am induced to believe that the suggestions of an able Editor will have more weight with them than those of A FARMER. Hooping-cough. .It is said that a plaster of gum galbanum, appli ed to the chest, will cure the hooping-cough. with the division of sentiment which so unhappily distracts a numerous bodycf Christians in this vicinity. We cannot present the subject allud ed to by "A Farmer," in our preceding columns, in a better manner than by giving his own words. We will only state by way illustration, that during the Fall Term, 1623, of this Circuit, Judge Norwood was prevented by sickness from attending many of the Courts; and we learn, from the last Raleigh Regis ter, that in the present Term, 4 Judge Magum was prevented by indisposi tion, from holding Court in Nash and Johnston counties;" and doubts are en tertained whether he will be able to at tend the Court for Wake county, this week. Washington, Sept. 22. In an nouncing last week, Gen. Wm. A. Blount, as a candidate for a scat in the next Congress, it seems we were mistaken. We wrere led in to this error by a, misconstruction of some expressions which un guardedly fell from the General; those expressions were unfortu nately construed by us into autho rity from Gen. Blount to an nounce hinf, and near half of our paper was struck off before the error was corrected. It is un known tO US wllOthpr flirt " '-r lll'J VJI 11J V will yield to the solicitations of his friends in becoming a candi date or not, to say the least of it

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