a hope was expressed, that no one juHit be suspected of his "death, as jt was produced by his own hand. A dose of Arsenic was also disco vered in his pocket-book. The probable cause which influenced him to the perpetration of this un natural act, was apprehended em barrassment in his pecuniary af fairs. He has left a wife and one child to sorrow for their premature bereavement. ib. Norfolk, Oct. 2. A very salu tary change in the weather on Thursday night last,' has greatly abated the sickness in our town, & we have heard very little since of any sickness at all, even among those remaining in the infected district, the sick" in that quarter being all convalescent. We know t-f no dangerous case at present, Our lioarclot Health, nave made tl talitv Nco York. At a Convention of Delegates from nearly every county in the state, lately assem bled at Utica, Do Witt Clinton was unanimously chosen their can didate for Governor, and Henry Huntington for Lieut. Governor. There was to be an opposition caucus Kentucky currency. A Lex ington paper mentions that the Commonwealth Bank paper is cur rent in the state at seventyfive cents tor the dollar. This indi cates a great improvement in the credit of the Banks. 11. Johnston, MERCHANT TAILOR, Dr. R. II. Hclme has issued proposals for publishing a new YITISHES to inform his friends and paper in Raleigh, to be called the the public generally, that he has "North Carolina Independent Ad just returned from New-York, with his vocate," weekly, at S3 pdr an full supply of newly imported GOODS, num r 25 in his line of business; such as : SunP.r-fi.np. fUnfhe n f fht vnnst Atohfnii vV j i. . . M able, colors, do. cassimeres do. a " men Bysiem...tJlaS8ti. handsome assortment of Ves tings also, a complete assortment of Most splendid Scheme in the U. States. trimmings, qc. 1 curifcJN'S urJtlUfc, Baltimore,' All of which he is determined to sell J . Sefitemberl 1, 1826. $ ' f - . 1 ' J-TD I I .1 ..lit 1 r" a 1 T 1 A low for nK. A.cV.f t nnnM,,9i U r u naer auinoniy oi me Lrcnerai as Customers. Hp trp nnnt rillPS nt u:al'MJf wic uiiuiyii& ajiiiuuiii octicuic Five Dollars Reward. STRAYED from the Sub- Iluntsvillc, (A.) Sept. 8. Great Cotton Picking; On the cJ8th and 29th ult. Dr. David Moore, whose plantation is in the vicinity of this town, picked out heir monthly report of the mor- Wlth 7 hands, the enormous quan alitv in September, anticinatinir tity of 8921 pounds of seed cotton the period allotted for its publica-heing an average of 330 to the 1 .1 ! 1 I .1 llr.,1 K ,1 T7 - tion oy tne oramance,wnicn istne l,ul,u IU u.u iu u nays, r .second Monday in every month, hands, viz: Caswell, Willis The deaths by the malignant fever Lewis, UulTm and Gilbert, picked j again, or deliver him. to David Barnes have not averaged one a day. The out inlno two days &1UU pounds utmost pains have boon taken to Lewis picked in one day 237 insure correctness in the report, pounds. and it does not fall short of the The Doctor assures us that the estimate of those who have form- work was wcl1 lonc: hut that the cd any calculations of the number hands wrought under great excite- of float lis within tlio nnrinil nnniod. mcnt. He added also that it was! We understand the Board have Mexican cotton, which bears very large bolls, and that it was beau tifully onencri. tn cfo,i 1 .u is presented to the Public, to be drawn house, where he will thankfully receive ou M1F KJUU 8 aiaiiMvi, in all orders'in his -line of business, and pledges himself to execute the same in U" the most fashionable and neatest manner. ,d, V1111 ". T1' m , , unuer me suDenmenuence oi me uom- Tarborough, Oct.-6," 1526.- 7 Lissioners annointed bv the Goimrnor and Council, on the 15th of November Next. tflGvand State Lnttprii rei iiUKSi'., aoout 4 leet 1U OF Md....The holder of two Tickets or inches high, supposed to be about 12 or two Shares, will be certain of ob- taining at least One Prize, and may draw THREE! 13 years old. with a small wen on the right side of his nose. Any person who shall find said horse and brinfij him to J me, or confine him so that I can get him ! I .1 1 1 . T -111 n Tarborough, shall receive the above 850,000, 30,000, 20,000 reward. HIGHEST PRIZES: CULL IN AD JIMS. October 4, 1S26. determined to publish the deaths weekly. Of the malignant cases which occurred, very few have died who A List of Letters, Remaining in the Post-Office at Halifax N. C. on the 1st October, 3826, which if not taken out before the 1st of January next, will be sent to the General Post-Office as dead letters. Atkins John These facts are highly favora-'Aaron Henry ble to that description of cotton. Mien Samuel 2 . irown i.uzauein had the benefit of prompt medical whir!l wo should be glad to see attendance and irood nursimr Herald. iour planters. The bill of mortality states, that from the 1st to thc3Uth Sept 1) T 1 I r more generally cultivated anions n v' " 15oswe.ll Srwh -- Reliz'toiis.- Uriant Millison or The. annual meeting of ler heirs Roanoke Union Uyn urn Jesse A inclusive, 57 persons died of hc membcr: of, ,hc, Koan) Union ynn Jesse 1 n- r i- r Societv, will take place al Whitakcr's Burgcs Doct. thcfj 2tc ,re Jitahnant tcvcr,;Cha K in ,IaIifax lCQllni on Frid(Uh crowell R II :ukI ot bilious fever. the 13i ()f October. As measures fur Daniel J J a I a State Convention will he adopted, to- Daniel U 15 Colonization Socictif. OnFri-: cether with other business of impor- Dopgett Win day last, a hi?hlv resnected Mem- l:incc ,l ,s noPC(l wiji oca mil . v vmj IVPLemore J II Morgan Patience Manly Willis Powell Solomon Pelt way M II 4 Powell Isaac 2 Polly Wm l'ullcn Eaton Pope Nancy Kicks Isaac Richardson Nancy Rainey Wm Reeves Henry Smith James N R SCHEME: 1 prize of $50,000 is $50,009 1 prize of 3Q,000 is 30,000 1 prize of 20,000 is 1 prize of 10,000 is 1 prize of 6,000 is 4,000 is 1,000 is 500 is iOO is 1 prize of 10 prizes of 10 prizes of 50 prizes of 100 prizes of 125 prizes of 250 prizes of 17500 prizes of 50 is 20 is 12 is 20,000 10,000 6,000 4,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 2,500 3,000 9 is 157,500 Brethren of the Methodist Edmunson Wm ri?: i meeting:. ISrethrcn .uwiy ui i iiViiu.,iium Society at a distance, are respectfully Ferguson John L,u"7' 'J;.' invited to attend. J There will be public Grant Thos l.'er of the IuiIford cou m the U. . liranch liailk 111 tills poaching on the two succeeding days. Garrett Henry town, to the credit of the Ameri-. Communicated. "Gladish Jas D can Colonization SocieU', beinr aj mmn i oim uonauon irom inc oocieiy oi. MARRIED r rienus in iortn Carolina, j ne in nn Tuu nmn- ii.,, . same Society made a similar dona-; last, by James Downing, Esq. Mr. Lcm-AUW Whitmill J tion of -S'800 a few years since. ! itel Lawrence to Miss Grace Staton, : Hawkins Wyatt I Gordon Thos Soutball Daniel iGrynslead Thos Y Turner liedford 2 Clary Henry W Taylor Wilson We have been requested to ask, what has become of the Fayette ville Auxiliary Colonization Soci ety! Are there no officers, no members, no money in its Treasu ry! Fayeltcvillc Obs. Securing game in a large way. The following is a list of anim als, fowls, reptiles, etc. caught on the farm of an eccentric and fun ortnr planter in this county; which he assures us has been done in the course of the present year (1826) by means of 200 Log Traps, which it is the duty of two servants exclu sively to superintend, viz. G92 Squirrels, 8 Crows, 15 Tur- kies, 10 Oppossums, 12 Racoons, i lares (Kanmts; 4 .Dims oi various kinds, 37 Rats, 5 Tar ra ping, 2 Foxes, 4 Lizzards, 1 Wea sel, 3 Moles, 1 Snake, 1 Bull Frog and 1 Huzzard. This modern Nimrod adds, that they "would have caught an old daughter of Wm. Staton. Vricc Current. SEPT. 29. Bacon, H randy -Corn, Cotton, -Coffee, Flour, family, Iron, . Molasses, Rum, New-Eng. Sugar, brown, - loaf, Tea, Young Hyson, Imperial, -Wheat, - - -Whiskey, - - per PetersJg lb 9$ 10 gal. 75 100 bu'h 75 80 lb 7 10 17 20 bbl 550 600 ton $105 112 gal 38 40 40 45 lb 8 12 18 25 - 100 112 150 165 bu'l 80 85 gal. 37 i 40 York. 10 11 70 e$ a Hardin Marv Hawkins R J Hays Jesse Harris Martha Hill Rebecca James Reuben H Jones Willie 'Jones Frances ' ."J1 lfi Kelly Jane 500 525 Long James M 90 100 Mocock Susan 30 33 More David 37 ?o Matthews Isham 91 JAS. SIMMUJXS, 1J. M. 17 18 75 100 110 130 76 90 33 36 North-Carolina Bank Notes. At Petersburg, 3 to 4 discount. At New-York, 4 i discount. Lost, or Mislaid, A BOND for about $IG0, given to John Muray by Thomas Speight, Samuel Vines, Asa Daniel, and others, names not recollected; which Bond was transferred to Arnold I3orden & Co. and by them sometime lat winter placed in mtr VnmU fnr cnllpf.tion. Anv informa- Buck, but he was too nimble,") tion respecting said ttond will he thank- 18051 prizes am'nting to $308,000 ftj The whole of the Prizes paya ble in CASH, which as usual at Co hen's Offices, can be had THE MOr MENT THEY ARE DRAWN. Tickets, $10 I Quarters, $2,50 Halves, - 5 Eighths, - 1,25 SturdevantEd orJno To be had in the greatest variety of numr bimmonsJno W - bers (Odd and Eren.) at Stricklin Douck I .-v ..nnT.rN Smith Elisha 13 . UUUJWS Shepherd John S Tnflmmnd Miiiim nffinr SmithWm -v y o u Sketchlev Thomas I No. '114, Market-street , Baltimore; Where J3olh the great and magnificent Capital Prizes of (hie Hundred Thousand Dollars Each, were sold in late Grand State Lotteries, in Shares, all to DISTANT ADVENTURERS, and where both the Great Capitals of THIRTY THOU SAND DOLLARS and TEN THOU SAND DOLLARS, drawn in the last Grand State Lottery, were also sold.... and where more Capital Prizes have been obtained than at any other OJJice. in America. ORDERS from any part of the Uni ted States, either by, mail (post paid) or private conveyance, enclosing the Cash or Prize Tickets in any of the Lotteries, will meet the same prompt and punctual attention as if on personal application. Address to , J. I. COHEN, Jr. 4- BROTHERS, Bait. Sept. 1826. Baltimore. T.ylor Wm Tumblin Samuel Turner Jas R Turner Miss Martha Vaden Jeremiah Vaden Eliza Vinson Peter Webb William Wilkins Edmund Win born John 2 Wiggins II J Wilcox Littleberry Wilns Lewis Waller Lucretia Zolicoffer J II Zolicofifer Ann Twenty Dollars Reward NOTICE is hereby given to all persons, that I have a negro woman by the name of Chane, that has been stolen or taken (TpCOHEN'S "Gazette Lottery Register," will be published immedi- c i t ii r ately alter the drawing, and will coi away from me, and I therefore ,hDfficia, L- , f Prizes....it contain will iUlCtVUIlI till UtlOUIl UI IC13U1I3 llUill I r J 1 l l I r- j r u be forwarded gratis, to all who pur- harboring, luring, or trading for the their tice(s J C0HENS '0F. saia nejrro woman Ciian.e, unuer ine pe- P,np , , -f . . . , . VT r i TL- i MCE, and who signify their wish to 11 t . .... u .. icceive it. ana yeii maue, very uiacn, wiuj very having fairly escaped the fall ofj the 1 rap, while in full view of one 'f the keepers. Warrenion Re.pt fullv received by ;. PRICE. Siantonsbiir:;. Oel. ?. 1S26. 7-? short thumb nails, and has a vtry flat foot; she is about 22 or 3 years old. Any person or persons that will deliver the said negro woman Chane to me, 1 will cive them the above reward of twenty dollars. LUCRETIA JOHNSTON. September 21, 1S?6. Q-3 TICKETS AND SHARES IN THE Grand State Lottery of MaryVd, For sale, in the greatest variety, by JAS. SIMMONS, P. M. No. 98, corner of King Sc Shop streets. Halifax, 12Ui Sept, 1S?6.