rlSlW g Whole Xo, 112. Tarborough, lidgecovibe County, N. C. Tuesday, October 17, i82G. VoLULAo.8. THE "FREE PRESS," i?y Gt-o. J f award, Is published weekly, (every Tuesday,)' at 77 KG DOLLARS per year, (or 52 num ucrs,) if paid within one month after Sub scribers commence, receiving their papers 7Vo Dollars & Fifty Cents, if paid within six months and Th rte Dollars at the expi ration of the year. Subscribers at liberty to discontinue at any time on paying arrears. Advertisements not exceeding 16 lines will he inserted at 50 cents the first insertion, and 25 cents eagh continuance. Longer ones" at that rate for every 16 lines. Letters addressed to the Editor must be pout fiaid. J7 James Simmons, Esq. postmaster at Halifax, is our general agent for that vicinity. a i" ' " ' Millinery & Manlua-mnking. MRS. SNEADER respectfully In forms the inhabitants of Halifax and vicinity, that she still continues the Millinery and Mantua-making busi ness in Halifax, and has on hand, as as usual, a general assortment of Ladies fancy goods. Persons indebted to her are earnestly requested to call and settle their accounts immediately, as she is de sirous of laying in her fall supply as early as possible. Halifax, Aug. 15, 1S2G. A Good 'Bargain fXS Wednesday,' the ISth of October next, will be let, the lie-building the Bridge across Town Creek", near Col. lienj. Sharpens to the lowest under taker. By the Commissioners. September 25, 1S2G. 0-3 Drs )ancy & Boyhin, AVING entered into Co-partnership, beg'leave to inform lhr riti. zens of Edgecombe, that they are prepa red to enter into'the practice of the va rious branches of their professional du ties, (viz.) Midwifery, 'Surgery, and the Practice of Medicine Orders left at their residences or at their shop, Will pe promptly, attended. They also inform the- Public, that they have furnished themselves with a rcsh and plentiful supply of Medicines, ind intend keeping on hand a like sim ply, which they will sell at wholesale or retail, upon as low terms as they can be purchased 'in any part of the State. Tarboro', Sept. 1, 182G. 3 Jailor's Notice. rpAKEN up and committed to the Jail of Halifax county, a negro man who says his name is Gideon, and belongs to Mr. Hichard Taylor, of Granville coun ty, N. C. The said negro is about 5 feet S or 10 inches high, dark complex ion, and appears to be between .50 and GO years of age. The owner is hereby notified to come forward, prove proper ty, pjy charges and take him away, otherwise he will be disposed of as the Uw directs. Dixie C. Fen tier, Jailor. Halifax, 19th Sept. 1S2G. 5 thbinit-innking, Turning, &c. rgHE Subscriber having erected a V complete workshop for the above iiisiness in an its various branches, re pectfully informs his friends snd the public in general, that he is now prepa id to execute any work in his line that le may receive orders for, viz: Sideboards, China presses, secreta ries, book-cases, bureaus, tables, wash-stands, candle-stands, gentle men's and ladies1 -wardrobes, ladies9 and gentlemen's cabinets, cylinder fall desks, portable and common do. and bedsteads of all descriptions. 1'he work in general will be well execu- ed, and of good materials. also, the TURNING BUSINESS, Will be carried on in all its branches. viz: Wood, iron, brass, ivory, &e. Carpenters who may want turning done, can be accommodated, with the turning of columns, newel .posts, ballesters, drops, corner blocks, roettes. &c. The above heap as the as short time LEWIS LAYSSARD. Halifax, Sept. 1S2S. 5 Thirty Dollars litward. . RANAWAY from the Sub scriber, on Sunday night, the 12th of March last, a negro wo man, named POLLY, about 28 years old, nearly five feet high, yellow complexion, spare made, has a mild look and genteel appearance, (for a negro,) when well dressed; she is an expert hand at roguery, and is well cal culated to deceive unless tightly and closely examined. She was seduced a way by a black free negro. Carter New som by name, a shoemaker by trade, who is about 30 years of age, 5 feet 6 or S inches high, thick set, has a pleasant countenance and very white teeth, which he shews very much when speak ing or laughing: he is strongly suspect ed of being a runaway slave. In my former advertisement, I stated that from threats which the wench made prior to her elopement, they would, by chang ing their names, and getting forged free papers, endeavor to make their escape to some free state: since that time, they have been lurking about Halifax town, in the vicinity of which, they probably are at this time. All persons are lor warned from harboring or carrying off said negro under the penalty of the law. The above reward, with all reasonable charges, will be paid for securing said woman in any jail, so that I get her again, or lor her delivery to me. Lunsford W. Scott. . Halifax co. N. C August5, 182G. 1-tf T. Blank Warrants for sale, A Domestic. TjosV, or Mislaid, BOND., for about $160, given to John Murav bv Thomas Sneiffht. Samuel Vines, Asa Daniel, and others, names not recollected: which Bond was transferred to Arnold Borden & Co. and by them sometime' last winter Dlaced in my hands for collection. ' Any informa- tion respectingsaid BbncT will be thank fully received by .x E: PRICE. Stantonsburg, Oct. 2 1826. 7-2 II. Johnston, MERCHANT TAILOR, T7TSHEIS to inform his friends and the nublic cenerallr. that hp hns i i o -j just returned from New- York, with his lull supply ot newly imported GOODS, in his line of business, such as Superfine Cloths of the most fashion able colors, do. cassimeres do. a handsome assortment of Vestings also, a complete assortment of IrimmingSffyc. All of which he is determined to sell low for Cash, or on a credit to punctual customers. He yet continues at his late stand, nearly opposite the Court- louse where he will thankfully receive. and geized Mr m and car 111 rtriln r-f hie linn rl liiKiiinrc nnil i . - - 7 inw auvcicu iinius in n vaggon: 4 An Editor in J Trouble. Not us, gentle reader, for heaven be praised for all things, we are sel dom out of troubles: but some time ago Mr. Miller, editor of the Batavia Advocate, and Mr. Fol lett, editor of the Batavia Times, had sundry disputes in their papers as editors "will sometimes have, and Mr. Miller, among other seri ous charges; declared that Mr. Follett was a freemason, and ad- ded, as we learn, that , he himself was a freemason, but being dis gusted with the, craft was about publishing a book', revealing tho mysteries of masonry, and expos ing them to the contempt of the world. We understand by. a gen tleman jiist arrived in town ' from the west, that several hnndrprl freemasons came into the villa o-q all orders in his line of business, and pledges himself to execute the same - in the most fashionable and neatest manner. Tarborough, Oct. 5, 1S26. he was rescued frnm thorn lmt was compelled to give up his man uscripts. It is further stated that three attempts were made to set fire to his printing office, and that his , friends, after attempting to Fire Dollars Ileicard. STRAYED from the Sub I&TtSf briber, on Tuesday, 7th day a dak -'conceal him, had finally determin- rel HOUSE, about 4 feet 10 a i : n S or ."riches high, supposed to be about 12 or " nu" lo, 13 years old; with a small wen on thet """SV, . Ulken PlaCe' right side of his nose. Any person whoj i which the foregoing is a sketch, shall find said horseand bring him to' We are sorry that the fraternity me, or confine him so that I can get him have taken this: step---it gives again, or deliver him to -David Barnes Ti rrlit an A ;mnnAn : e work will be executed as in tarborough, sliall receive the above diculous threats of the nprnnim times wi I admit of and in reward.- CULL1N ADAMS. a 0Uf Ul5P1alS 01 Ul,e. Pf.011 im- n hZlt ' , October .4, 182G. 7-3 pUcaJed. Silence and jndifTerence Gazette. 1 List of Letters, Remaining in the Post-Office at Tarbo rough, N. C. the 1st day of October.1826, which if nocalled for and tken out be fore the -1st day of January next, vill be sent to the General Post-Office as dead . letters. Allen John, Dr. Kelly Sarah Miss Alsobrook Micajah King Charles Battle Joseph Lee William Battle Cath. A. Miss Lewis James Land Littleberry Morgan John Biggs James Bennett Mark H Brenan James Bedford John . Bennett Philemon Bell Bennett II Bullock John Bryan Dempsey Bass Turner Morgan Joseph McVVilliams George Nittles John Nittles Allen Nittles Jacot? Porter Eli ParkerWilliam Bell Winifred Mrs Pittman Zilpha Mrs Brown Duncan RuffinJackvA Miss2 Carney Patsey Mrs Robins Jacob Cornish William Robins Frederick Ruth Catherine W Sh'ff of EdgecoYnbe4 Schofield I3enjamin ' Sory Robert s bnicer IMoses . Curtis Edward Carney William Crisp Samuel Evritt Edieth r'.i i rni., Edmondson Lem'l Simms Robert Eagles Richard T Toole Geraldus Forman Corn's 2 White William Faithful Lemuel , Gardner William Haynes Wm S'r. Howard Wilson Hearn James Hodge Allen 3 Hart Cath. Miss Hunter Wm J W Knight Eliz'KMiss Williams Josiah KillebrewGeo W4 79 f.-fi. LLOYD. P.M. Ward Jno F Dr. Williford Meedy Webb William Worrell Amos Jr. Whitford David f Whitehurst Arthur, Warters Patsey Mrs Williams lemper'e There are about 650 different J List of Letters, Remaining in the Post-Office at Halifax, N. on the 1st October, 1826, which it not laKen oui Deiore tne it ot January next, ti- i i Tt will be sent to the General Post-Office as j newsPaPers published in the U. dead Tetters. rtkins John Aaron Henry M'Lemore J II JMorgan Patience Manly Willis Powell Solomon Pettway M H 4 Powell Isaac 2 , Puliy Wm Pullen Eaton Pope Pancy i. Ricks Isaac Richardson Nancy . Rainey Wm Reeves Henry Smith James NR Sturdevant Ed orJnp Simmons Jno W Stricklin Douck w Smith Elisha B Shepherd John S SmithWm Sketchley Thomas Southall Daniel Grynstead Thos Y Turner Bedford 2 . ' Urary Henry VV laylor Wilson Taylor Wm i Tumblin Samuel Turner Jas R Tu rner Miss JMartha Vaden Jeremiah Vaden Eliza Vinson Peter ; Webb William . Wrilkins Edmund Winborn John 2 Allen Samuel 2 . BrownElizabeth Bryan Jos II 2 Bagby Nancy v Boswell Sarah Briant Millisor. or her heirs Bynum Jesse A ' Burges Doct. Crowcll R II Daniel J J 2 Daniel R 1 Doggett Wm ; Drew Wm 3 Ed in un son .Wm Ferguson John Grant Thos Garrett Henry Gladish Jas B Gordon Thos Hudson Eaton Hill Whitmill J Hawkins Wyatt Hardin Marv Hawkins R J Hays Jesse Harris Martha Hill Rebecca , James Reuben U Jones Willie Jones Frances Kelly Jane Long James M Mocock Susan More David Matthews. Isham States; which circulate annually upwards of 30,000.000 copies of papers. In Great Britain, there are 284 papers, which circulate annually among 2 millions of peo ple, about 23,000,000 copies of papers. The American are there fore more of a reading commu nity than the British. A'young man while walking on the bank of the Brandywine creek had a black snake creep up his leg under his pantaloons and twist himself three or four times round his leg; this was done in an inst ant, lie grasped it with both his hands and held it nearly an hour till a young man came to his re lief, who cut a hole in his panta loons and cut the head oil the snake. It measured five feet long. If he had notgot assistance, he declares he could nbt have surviv ed much longer. Salem Register. WTiggins II J Wilcox Littleberry Willis Lewis Waller Lucretia Zolicofier J H Zolicoffer Ann pi MS. SIMMONS, P. Mr John Randolph.-Capt. Mac kay, of the London Packet at Bos ton informs that Mr. Randolph was in London, about the 15th of JuT ly, and dined with Mr. King, the American Charge d'Affairs; but that he did not hear of him afterr wards, and presumes he was resif ding in tlie country, .

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