Whole No. 118. Tarborough, Edgecombe County, N. C.Tuesday, November 28, 1 82(5, Vol. Ill, -JVto. 14, THE "FREE PRESS," i5i (7ro. Howard, 1 Is published weekly, (every Tuesday,) at TWO DOLLARS per year, (or 52 num bers,) it" . paid within one month after Sub scribers commence receiving their papers 'frjo Dollars Fifty Cents, if paid within fix months and Three Dollars at thcexpi raticn of the year. Subscribers at liberty to discontinue at any time on paying arrears. Advertisements not exceeding 6 lines will be inserted at 50 cents the first insertion, and 25 cents each continuance. Longer ones at that rate for every 6 lines. Letters addressed to the Editor must be lost fiaid. 7 James Simmons, Esq. postmaster at Halifax.is our general agent for that vicinity. . Johnston, MERCHANT TAILOR, T171SHES to inform his friends and " the public general!, that he has iust returned from New-York, with his full supply of newly imported GOODS, in his uneot business, sucn as Superfine Cloths of the most fashion able colors, do. cassimcres do. a handsome assortment of Nestings also, a complete assortment of Trimmings, $?c. AU of which he is determined to sell low for Cash, or on a credit to punctual customers. lie yet continues, at his late stand, nearly opposite the Court house, where he will thankfully receive all orders in his hue of business, and pledges himself to execute the same in the most fashionable and neatest manner. Tarborough, Oct. 5, 1S2G. 7 Notice. AS stolen out of the house of the Subscriber, somp time in December ast, a double cased SILVER WATCH, Made by J. Williams, London, No. 4015 the outer case is rather large for the nner case, and much thicker. FIVE DOLLARS reward will be given for such information as will lead to the re covery of it by Joseph Barring ton. Tarborough, Oct. 19, 1S26. 11 l)rs. Dancy & Boykin, AV1NG entered into Co-partner ship, beg leave to inform the citi zens of Edgecombe, that they are prcpa red to enter into the practice of the va rious branches of their professional du ties, (viz.) Midwifery, Surgery, ant tho. Practice of Medicine. Orders left at their residences or at their shop, wij be promptly attended. They also inform the Public, that they have furnished themselves with a Ircsh and plcntuul supply oi mzuicuics and intend keeping on hand a like sup- dIv. which they will sell at wholesale or retail, upon as low terms as they can be j purchased in any part oi tne oiaie. Tarboro', Sept. 1, 1826. 3 CabineUmakins:. Mrs. Sneadcr, AS just received a part of her fall supply of articles in her line com- )rising a general assortment of Leghorn and Straw Bonnets, silk and satin do. fancy colored Grosde Naples silks do. silks and satins superb belt ribbons, ostrich feathers, curls, necklaces, &c. &c. She has also received a few elegant PAT TERN BONNETS, direct from Ncw- ork, which she considers worthy the inspection of the ladies in this vicinjtv. Halifax, Nov. 1, 1S26. B. Richards Co. SAP STORE, IN Td II BO HOUGH. rpllE Public won- i i ij Thirty Dollars Reward. Jtt, It AN AWAY from the Sub (scriber, on Sunday night, the 12th of March last, a negro wo- I TrT T V I . OO man, nameu jtujuij, auuui o .years old, nearly five feet high, yellow complexion, spare made, has a mild look and genteel appearance, (for a negro,) when well dressed; she is an expert hand at roguery, and is well cal culated to deceive unless tightly and closely examined. She was seduced a way by a black free negro, Carter New som by name, a shoemaker by trade, Nvho is about 30 years of age, 5 feet 6 or 3 inches high, thick set, has a pleasant countenance and very white teeth, which he shews very much when speak ing or laughing: he is strongly suspect ed of being a runaway slave. In my former advertisement, I stated that from threats which the wench made prior to her elopement, they would, by chang ing their names, and getting forged free papers, endeavor to make their escape to some free state: since that time, they have been lurking about Halifax town, in the vicinity of which, they probably are at this time. All persons are for- warned frnm hnrhorincr or carrying off said negro under the penalty of the law. The above reward, with all reasonable charges, will he paid for securing said woman in any jail, so that I get her 5gain, or for her delivery to me. Lunsford IV. Scott. Halifax co.N.C. Angyst J 5,1S26. 1-tf arc informed that the ers nave lately returned from New-York, with a fresh supply of Dry Goods, Groceries, &c. Which they are now openinj? at the Store belonging to Mr. Parker, and di rectly opposite Mr. Pender's Tavern, all of which will be offered at their usu al low prices. At present may be found among many others, the following ar ticles: Irish POTATOES COFFEE, TEA, Muscovado SUGAR Loaf do. CANDLES MOLASSES, N. E. RUM W. I. do. French BRANDY, Holland GIN Country do. WHISKEY, TOBACCO ALLSPlCE-PElTER, INDIGO SNUFF PQWDER SHOT. DRY GOODS. Superfine blue, black, mixed & olive Cloths; Superfine Cassimercs; blue, mixed, green and drab Plains; Sattinctts, Bombazctts and Bombazines; White, red and yellow Flannels; rose and point Blankets; Cotton and woolen Stockings; cotton and woojen Socks; Northern manufactured Negro Cloths; Dark and light ground Calicoes U Chintzes; Furniture Calico; cotton Cambricks, Muslins; Jaconett do. Muslin Robes; Book Muslin, plain & figured; Irish Linens; Lawns; r rench Cambric; Cotton Shirting; Domestic Cottons, white and colored; Canton and Italian Crapes; Green, pink and white Florences; Laventees; Sarsenetts; Sinchews; Canton Crape and' Silk Shawls; Cassimere, merino, muslin & cotton Shawls; Silk, muslin, linen & cotton Handkerchiefs; Furniture axid narrw&fortiea liimiiy; Russia Diaper and Diaper 1 able Cloths; Oil Cloths; Bed Quilts and Bedticks; Ladies' Leehorn and Straw Bonnets; Gentlemen's fine Hats; Children's leather and roram do. Ladies' dress and walking Shoes; Gentlemen's Boots, Bootees and Shoesj Ne gro Shoes; Gentlemen's Plaid Cloaks and Plaids; Carpeting; cotton Bagging; Osriaburgsj Trunks; Cordage for packing Cotton; Sewing Silk; Thread; cotton Ball; Pins; Needles; Ribbons; thread Lace; Hair Combs, larere and small; A large assortment of Coat Sc Vest Buttons; Cotton Cards; writing 1'aper; mums. Also, 3000 bushels Turks Island Salt, which will be sold in large or small quantities very low. 70 ASH given for Naval Stores, Cotton in the seed, and baled Cotton, Beeswax, &c. Those who are disposed to purchase, will find it to their interest to call at the above described Store. Tarborongh, Oct. 1326, 10 Turning, &c. riHE Subscriber having erected a A complete workshop for the above business in all is various branches, re spectfully informs his friends and the public in general, that he is now prepa red to execute any work in his line that he may receive ordprs for, viz: Sideboards, China presses, secreta ries, book-cases, bureaus, tables, wash-stands, candle-stands, gentle zne?i's and ladies' wardrobes, ladies' and gentlemen's cabinets, cylinder- fall desks, portable and common do. and bedsteads of all descriptions. The work in general will, be well execu ted, and of good materials. also, the TURNING BUSINESS, Will be carried on in all its branches, viz: I Food, iron, brass, ivory, fyc. Carpenters who may want turning done, can be accommodated, with the turning of columns, newel nosts. ballesters. drops, corner blocks, rosettes, &.c. The above work will be executed as cbeap as the times will admit of, and in as short time as it can be done. LEWIS LAYS SARD. Halifax, Sept. 1S2C. 5 KING & GAT LIN, TAILORS, TI7TSH to inform their friends and the all the necessary improvements, a report was made to the Secretary of War, agreeably to the act of Congress. Upon inspection of the report, it was approved, and the Stock4 subscribed for by the Secretary of the Treasury. The President of the Dismal Swamp Canal has now competent author ity to check for the wholp amount of the loan authorised by Con gress, wliicti is $I5U,UUU. And we presume this important work will be commenced early in the next year. public generally, that they have re cently entered into Co-partnership, and taken for their stand, the house opposite the shop of Doctors Hall & Sugg, next door above the store of Henry Austin, b$a. and a few doors below the Post Officewhere they will thankfully re ceive all orders in their line of business, and(bavingjusl received a general assort ment of tne best Inmmtngs that could be procured in New-York) pledge them selves to execute their work ia the most faithful, neat, and fashionable manner. In doing this, they hope to merit a share of public patronage. V Tarborough, Oct. IS, 1S2C. 9 Thls Lake, which is about 15 miles in circumference, derives its name from its discoverer. It is situated within the limits of Virginia, about a mile from the borders of North-Carolina, in a Swamp almost impenetrable, from the innumerable quantity and thick growth of junipers; of which the water of the. Lake is strongly impregnated. It is used altogether by persons residing near, and is considered conducive to health. An abundance of water is con ducted by the feeder from the lake, and emptied into the canal about the centre; which' being considerably higher than either end, the water separates, and gradually moves each way, a sufficient quantity being retained by the locks for transportation. Eliz. City Star. Domestic. Survey of the Dismal Swamp Canal. It appears by a letter from a gentleman in Norfolk, pub lished in the Danyille (iat) Tele graph, that a minute survey and examination of the Dismal Swamp Canal has been made by a detach ment of Engineej-scomposed of Col. Gratiot, the principal Engi neer at Old Point Comfort, and three Cadets from West Point, lieutenants in the army. They sounded the Canal from the north ern to the southern extremity; then returned, and ascended the Feeder, a distance of 3 miles, to Lake Drummond.1 By the pro cess of levelling, it was und that the surface of this L.'in- four feet and seven-tenths above the surface of the water in the Canal, affording at all times an abundant supply of water for the Canal. The Engineers next descended the North West River, about two miles, to ascertain the practicabil ity of connecting by a short canal the navigable part of this stream with the main canal. This river empties into Currituck Sound. The survey and examination having been finished, and a map of the Canal, the Lake, &c. pre- creck.... An arrival at New York lately brought the melancho ly tidings of the: loss of the schop ner Perquimans, of Hertford, Win. Thomas, master. She was fallen iri with at sea in lat. 28, Ion. 66, bot tom up, scuttled, and a man found dead in her run; from which cir cumstances there can be no doubt the whole crew perished. The Perquimans was a new vessel built by an experienced workman of the best materials, on her first voyage, bound to St. Lucia with a cargo of stave and shingles, and owned partly by Mr. Leml. C. Moore, merchant of this place. She was insured for 4,000 dollarsl There were five white persons on board including Mr. Wm. Fletch er, a respectable citizen of Per quimans County, who had "gone as passenger for the purpose of regaining his health. He has left two children and a large number of relatives and friends" to mourn his untimely death. Capt. Thomas was for many years an able ship master from this port, and sustained the char acter of an industrious, sober, dis creet man, and a man of strict in tegrity: By his death a wife and several children arc bereft of their main support. The others were residents of this place, and have also left widows and children de pendent on them for support.... lb. Egyptian Cotton.... Accounts from Egypt, as late as July, give intelligence of the failure of the new Cotton crops. Twelve ships were lying at Alexandria, but the quantity of Cotton there was not sufficient to load a quarter part of them. The fundamental qualities of true pared, with the probable costs of; friendship arc constancy & fidelity .

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