Jroreigtt there is something in (he channel thro which it is received, to make us pause and in the character, hitherto unsullied, of him, now for the first time charged with views at war with all his previous professions, there is much to weigh . . . - . P I . 1. 1. IT asainst the insinuations 01 oauunug iu- We shall wait for proofs. mor. Persia. The account of hos tilities between Persia and Russia, is confirmed. It is stated from Moscow, Sept. 22, that Gen. Pas kewitsch with two divisions of in fantry, and Gen. Illowaisky, with 200,000 Cossacks, arc ordered to the frontiers of Persia. A letter from Moscow of Sept. 14, says, "doubts were sometime entertained at the Court of St. Petersbunrh, whether the hostili- ties committed upon the frontiers ted by. the combined exertions of partments in their call for 4f Karaiskaki,FabvierandPanorias, orin of Government. IhealT,; the restless and turbulent spirit of the hordes which dwell m those countries, or to a positive inten tion on tho part of the Schah; but intelligence brought by a courier that arrived here yesterday, has set the question at rest, and our Cab- Europc. By an arrival at New-York our dates from Liverpool are to the 16th lilt. In this long interval, (says the Pe tersburg Intelligencer,) we anticipated news of interest, but arc rather disap pointed. The reports from the Conti nent are vague and contradictory; and particularly as to the result of the nego tiations between Russia and Turkey, nothing was certainly known. An idea seemed to prevail, that as the Emperor Nicholas could now find employment for his forces against the Persians, and as the 'Sultan Mahmoud had his hands full with the rebellious Janissaries, &c. these Sovereigns would bury the hatch et for the present, although a definitive arrangement may not be agreed upon at Akermann. Meanwhile the Greek Pa triots maintain the war against their Ot toman taskmasters with bravery and fortitude the cruel liedschid had been compelled to raise the siege of Athens, and Ibrahim the mercenary General was fast losing friends in the Morea, May they continue thus to go an from victo ry to victory, still animated by the spi rit that in the bosoms of their forefathers burned if it be their fate to receive no substantial assistance from cither nations or individuals, may they be preserved from such false friends as Russia and the New-York contractors, who, under the specious cloak of benevolence, seek the attainment of their own great and little ends; and may the tide of success he with them, until in Heaven's own good time, by courage and constancy -tUr.tr cl.oll Ytn nnnl,l,wl l . ilRlivpranc.RframTiirkMi rnIi troops to rCillfurCC tllO IvUSSKUl more horrible than ancient Egyptian &rmy i (Georgia, and the revolt of bondage! Glancing at the Peninsula, isome of the frontier provinces. we perceive that Portugal yet holds fast to her free Constitution in defiance ZW.Adviccs from Con of the threats of the Holy Alliance, and f ' i . .i -i i ncV notwithstanding the earl of Kin- UnoVonrii to the 11th of Sept. dinand perhaps as she is so small a felncc tliC dreadful lire which COll speck on the map of Europe, the coali- sumcd a part of this capital, a kind tion of crowned heads may not deem her of tranquility prevails, but the dis- of sufficient importance to be made an tress of the Turks and Armenians, swering enquiries about the health of an ?lum' 18 yond description. It individual in the last stages of the con- !? ,10W out H doubt, that the sumption we can only say she remains nrc was the act of the Janissaries about the same With resntct to th and tl situation ,of Great Britain, accounts mcillberorf, that at the time of rially; tharw;finaTt diS ,o ZZ i '"T BUIProSS iuU the up an opinion as to the reality of those i VUllS . Constantinople With pla improvcmenls in trade, for the confirm-1 Cflrds, in which they threatened ation of which we look witli so much ! the Sultan that they would return solicitude. It is certain that her Alnnn-'nvnn frnni tlm hnttnm nftlm l int iron.' inl ...I I . . i. , V : :L'"U" " " ss ?"F ' to avenge their wrongs. For some late adv small soev ILUlUlOll"'") -- - Rnsphid Pacha to retreat. Letters from Bitoglia, ol ltl. nf Sfntnmlnr. ffive like- wise intelligence of the' raising of the siege of Athens; & those Irom Napoli of the 24th of August, men tion that Colocotroni had gained some advantages, after much hard fighting, in the Morea. India. Accounts from the East Indies bring rumors of a Burmese inifraction of the peace already, & the departure of Sir A. Campbell from Calcutta, to rejoin the armyr gives some countenance to the re port. The Burmese had, howev- i er, completed tneir second corn- nnnoofinfT I ii utnl in p n t hut it i snid of Persia were to be attributed tot'they had been ingenious enough to pay it in coin ueuascci 10 nan its nominal value. The cheat was discovered upon the coin being as sayed at the Mint." has been conducted in the spirit f good order and unanimity. common occupations were not iij. tcrrupted a moment; and all on as though nothing had happcn! ed. A messenger is to he SCftj immediately to Bolivar, who is ex. pected in Bogota the 12th 0T this month, and whose presence win we hope, restore concord to the Republic. We beg leave to con. vey to you our firm conviction that no event will endanger forr; nrnnni-f T in thio fnuiii it Al'i u a Uvt JF ill vixjj uvuuu f , lJclj ever change may take place in form of Government, neither nor our property will be molested and we shall be glad to learn that all who have interests here, fed satisfied under this assurance The present intention of thePct pie. is to give to Bolivar extraor dinary power, to act as he may think proper; the end will proba- Diy bo tnat lie be named rerpctu en juiwmiui. A- uuuus U7S wc are to rriir Asliantrrs. Privntp lfttf?r and documents from the Gold: the cause and marc 1 of libcm inet considers itself decidedly in a Coast to the 20th July, confirm throughout the world, we cannot state ol tormal war with Persia.7' the intelligence ol the movements teip admitting tnat tlie People are Anotlier letter irom the irontiers ol tho King ol Asliantee against;1101 oapauie oi enjoying it, an ol llussia conhrms the intelligence of a formal declaration of war by Russia, in con.sociucnce of the in- jcursionsofthe Persians, the march tite nriusii allies and ions m tnativuum uu muiu nappy unuerarig quartcr. As to the number of the J orous military despotism, which enemy's forces and other details, we are fast approaching to. These the accounts in the letters are va- frequent political movements will I rious and contradictory from 20! w 'ear affect our friends in Lon- to ;0,000 men are the estimates uon, but we do not ourselves doubt of the Ashantee army, and one of that, if Bolivar returns, and acts the letters says, that it is already under the extraordinary powers within thirty miles of Cape Coast given to him, all the creditors of Castle, They all sufficiently do-1 the country will feel the benefit of monstrato the dreadful alarm jit. One of his first measures will which prevails, and which is heigh- j be to re-establish the national crc tened by the previous experience jdit abroad as well as at home, of the savage and formidable cha-j Wc see no evil to apprehend, and racter of the Ashantees. The a great deal of good to result from British subjects and their allies the change." were ordered to arm in readiness Jcrom lJeru....A letter from a to oppose the inroads of the enemy. resumca. uwlnfcss Partially: to avenge their wrongs. For some s at the game time a fact, that the i i- .wiiivy .ance in the price of Cotton, holv. f Pf 1 t,lcfP"'tt eVCll the ever, had not been supported, ! t5Ultan himself, appear more unea- and the article is quoted a shade lower in uie Liverpool market. 2sia. That war has commenced be tween Russia and Persia can no long er be doubted: and however anxious the' Court of St. Petersburg may be to hold! iorth the weaker nation in the IMit of an aggressor, yet, their relative circum stances considered, the world will be slow to believe, that the Persians, semi barbarians as they are, would be foolish enough without just cause to provoke hostilities with the most formidable mili tary power of modern times. The truth is, the Sovereigns of Russia find it ne cessary to maintain a large standing ar my, for which foreign employment must occasionally be provided and the only question is, all Christendom being at peace, whether Constantinople or Ispa han promises to afford the greatest a mount of plunder; or, to use ? phrase of Air. Randolph's, in which direction lies the least "stumpy road." Africa. The Ashanlecs arc again in arms, and from accounts, the British settlements in their vicinity, apprehend jng an attack, were in great consterna tion. They are represented to be a nu merous and warlike, though vnrv nvno-o nationhappily remote from our infant colony in that quarter of the Globe. South America. The news from this portion of our own Continent, which we lay before our readers, we should in deed much regret to insert, could we be jntfuccd to give it pntire credence. But sy than ever, The German papers contain an article, dated Sept. 19th from the frontiers of Moldavia, which, if trucys ol considerable importance. It states, that peace being neces sary to the completion of the Sul tan Mahmoud's grand designs, or ders have been sent to the Com missioners at Akcrrnan to accede to the demands of Russia, and to conclude a definitive treaty of peace between the two countries. Greece rK. vessel sailed from Ancona, on the 17th September, for Zantc, with provisions on board destined 'for 3NTapoli di Romania, and conveying several Bavarian officers, who are about to enter into the Ureek service. These officers are specially recommend ed to the Lord High Commission er of tho Ionian Islands, by the King of Bavaria, in autograph letters from his Majesty, who takes the highest interest in the cause of Greece, A confirmation of the relief of Athens, pn the 24th Aug. is said to have been received at Anconia, by way of Corfu. This ohject is stated to have been effec- correspondent dated in Guayaquil, August the 31st, has this "impor tant, paragraph: "A conspiracy has been discov ered at Lima, directed against the Among the New-York, Nov. 14. Important Ncics....Te announ ced a few davs since, thnt tlm Provinces of Cumana. Quito, and Liberator Bolivnr. Uuayaquil, had joined what was , conspirators were some of the called the Confederacy of Vene-j principal chiefs of Peru, who were zuela, and united in calling for the jail immediately arrested, anil put immediate assembly of a National! in close confinement, the instant Convention. , j the plot was discovered by the ail By way of Jamaica, we now thorities. have advices that the Department FromLaiiim Rvthpsrhno- of Magdalena has also united with ner Gertrude letters have heenre- the above Provinces for the same purpose. Carthagena papers of mo utn ot September, with which we have been furnished, contain the details of this act of the mu nicipal authorities, and a declara tion of the necessity that exists for an improvement in the pres ent state of things . We have also been favored with the following extract of a letter from a very rc spectable gentleman of Carthage na, by which it will be seen that a most important change in the Go vernment of Colombia is about to be made, and that BOLIVAR is to be invested with supreme au thority! Carthagena, 1st Oct. 1S2G. "DEAR Sin? An rrrr,.tiiU.r r fering for Jamaica,, permits us to enclose to you an extraordinary Gazette of this city, containing the proceedings had "and resolutions adopted by the militfcrv chinf municipality, and citizens, of thn 28th and 29th ult. by which you will perceive that VOlir Prnvinno joins Venezuela and the other De ceived in this citv from Lasruira, dated the 17th of Oct. mentioning that tranquility would soon be re stored to Venezuela and things settle down upon the same foot ing on which they stood previous to the revolutionary excitement. A public meeting had been called at Caraccas by Gen. Pacz, where it was resolved- to discharge the forces raised for defence and oth er purposes, and sent three of the most respectable inhabitants to Bogota to represent the wishes ot the province. One of the letters says, "we t have certain- account of Bolivar iS'eing on his way, from what has taken place in at' fairs, and the great intimacy tliaj subsists between Gen. Paez and Madame BoIivaV, some of the vise, ones augur, nay, assert, as a fact, that Paez and Bolivar have a r' fect understanding but that great sacrifices are to be made names arc mentioned, &c. Upon this wc are silent, conoTntn1atinr our selves linoil tho hnrkrw tnrminatiC l A..irw. Wl' ol this affair."

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