1 55355 TUESDAY, NOV. 23, 1826. Presidenlial....Thc following letter was handed us last week, by the Post master at this place: SALISBURY, (N.C.) Nov. 13,1826. S:r: You will have the goodness to re quest the editor of the Press to send mc a simple of his paper, and if it pleases me I vill become a subscriber and remit him the nioncv. It may be necessary to say that I r,m friendlv towards the present administra ticm, and shall continue so as long as its measures are calculated to promote the best interests of our country and the happiness of m:n. The administration is gaining ground in hisnuarter: and 1 can see no rood reason vvhv it should not gain friends every where. Yours, cc. The Postmaster, Tarborough, N. C. We have forborne, in common with most of the Southern editors, touching the ensuing Presidential rJection, as it will probably occasion more excitement than has been exhibited in this country for a quarter of a century past. The peo pic of these United States have been un der the impression that the theory and practice of their government were simi lar.. ..that what was not expressly grant- tus thing to forfeit the esteem and gratitude so recently evinced for former services. In conclusion, we would be pleased to furnish qnr western friend with a paper, 1 the above "sample' of our sentiments on the subject referred to, does not prove an insurmountable obstacle. We pro fess to conduct a Vec P?ess, and its col umns are open to the investigation of a- ny subject, whether the opinions advan ced are at variance or in accordance with our own; still we must confess, that we consider the discussion of the Presiden tial question at present rather premature. countrymen, has certainly done no-ttions contained in the libel was made COTTON. Petersburg, Nov. 21... Owing to the unfavorable nature of the last advices from England, Cotton is not so brisk in our market; the prices given yesterday, however, were 10, 10$, a 0....lnt. Fayetteville, Nov. 22. ..We regret to state, that in consequence of the late news from Europe, Cotton has declined from 10i to 9 8-10 cents. It is combs in pretty freely. ...CM.?. The Fall Races over New-Hope Course, Halifax, commenced on lues day, the 11th inst. and continued four days. First day A purse $200, two mile heats: Wm. M. West's b. m. Margaret Green, bv Sir Archie, 4 y'rs old, 1 1 J. K. Bullock's b. m. Mqll v Walk- in, by Harrod, 4 years old, J. J. Harrison's s. f. Saluda, bv out by the testimony on the part of the Defendant. It appeared in evidence that the Plaintiff had been the object of persecution in Massachusetts on account of his political and religious opinions, which he expressed and asserted with great freedom and warmth; but that his standing, as a clergyman, was respecta ble, and that he had maintained an un impeachable character for integrity and morality. On Saturday morning, the Jury returned a verdict for the Plaintiff, assessing his damages to $1800 and costs of suit. Upon the trial it appeared that there was a variation between the words lsed in the original Libel and the Dec- aration which set forth the defamatory charges; which variation gave rise to a legal question, to be decided by the Judge, (who was, by the urgency of his engagements elsewhere, compelled to leave the city before he had decided the question,) and the verdict of the Jury is subject to that decision. The cause was managed with uncommon ability by the Counsel for both parties, and never did we listen to finer displays of legal know ledge and eloquence. Immediately after the disposal of the foregoing case, the suit brought bv the same Plaintiffagainst the Rev. Dr. Wm M' Pheeters and Judge Henry Potter, tor sending a copy of the above mention ed defamatory letter to Fayetteville, was settled by an amicable reference... Star 2 4 Raleigh, AW 24.... On Tuesday night ast, a white man by the name of Drake in attempting to chastise a free woman, of color, was stabbed nine or ten times, in various parts of the body. We learn the wounds are not considered danger ous....?. 1 imolcon. 3 years old. 3 3 cd in the Constitution was withheld....; Johnson's ch.f. Nancy Ab- but 'the powers that be' have declared j ner, by Sir Archie, 3 y's old, 4 2 otherwise, and the ensuing Presidential Time... .first heat, 4 minutes; second election must determine, whether we arc ; beat, the same. , , 1 Second Day Proprietor s Purse, to be governed by a written Constitution $2Q UyQ mi!(henls. or by 'sufe precee?its... whether thp H. M.Clay's b.f. Sally Magee, by people or the 'selectmen' at Washington Tiniolcon, 3 years old, 1 1 are the sovereigns. The extraordinary J. J. Harrison's ch.f. Sally Walk- and unnreccdented manner in which the1 cr, uy J imoieon, years oiu, Notice. ILL be sold on Wednesday, the 20th day of December next, at the ate residence of Alexander Cotten dee'd, about six miles north of Tarborough, and two miles from Teat's Bridge, that VA LUABLE PLANTATION whereon the dee'd formerly lived... .bounded on the south-west bv Swift Creek, and on . the north-past by the road leading from Tarborough to Enfield and Coffield's Bridge.. ..adjoining the lands of Richard Harrison and Dempsey Bryan, Esqrs. containing about five hundred acres.... Also will be sold on the premises the same day, the crop of Corn, Cotton, Fodder,$c. House-hold c? Kitchen fur niture, work Horses, plantation uten sils and about sixty head of fat Hogs. Six months credit will be given, bond and approved security required. A cor rect survey and plat of the land will be exhibited on the day of sale, and posses sion given on the first day of January, 1827. SPENCER D. COTTEN, Ex'r. Nov. 27, 1826. 14 Notice. Damages.. ..At the hie superior Court ! Wednesday, the 10th of January of Rockingham county, the suit of Sa- J next wilj be -sold at Mooring's rah Linden vs. John Martin, for & . Cross Roads, in the county of Pitt, breach of promise of marriage, occupied North-Carolina, a large quantity of the Court two days, and resulted in a First pate TflTt HIKER LAND, verdict for the plaintiff of thrttlhmu-U . Qn the north side of Tar Rive' and five hundred dollars. Bartlett t J i j r Vr J . ,., tvt i i 'hanasomely situated, and inferior to no i ancey and I urner Moorehcad, Lsars. -t j -j r. c r i r J. r i . .-rr i . ' , 1 , Lands on said River for Corn and Cot- counsei lor piamiui Jonn lwooreneaa tnn T. T , - rpnprallir tV nd Thomas Settle, Esqrs. for defendant .ly known tQ be s represented.. it r r .. c. k i.u. ...... present Executive was shuttled into ot- , , . 7 by . j years ohl, fice, is still fresh in the recollection of M.H.PctltVay's b.f. Nonplus, by an astonished and indignant .people; and ; Sir Arthur, 3 years old, perhaps it would be more prudent to let Time.... first heat, 3m. 51s.; those angry passions, excited by such an heat the same. iminctif,;,h!ft nvfnl. in a manner subside. Third Day Jockey , : . ,. . . 4 , , . $100, three mile heats: before the suhjeclis again agitated: but, Jf Mc,ay,s b h. Monsieur Ton- as we are thus publicly called upon for ; on hy pacolet, 4 years old, a "sample" of our sentiments in relation W.R. Johnson's h.h. Siiakspcare, to the present administration, we freely'- by Virginian, 4 years old, -ivn fliPm....wp do not annrovc of thei- K- bullock's b. c. Nameless, , bv Harrod, 3 years old, manner in which Mr. Adams came into r r J ime.... first heat, Cm. omce; nis views oi tne power oi me ucn dist. dist. second Club Purse, I 1 Fayetteville, Nov. 22.... The Superi or Court for this county is still in ses- beipg the lands that the late John Moor- ins purchased of Josiah Carney, and laying opposite the town of Greenville, acres. 1 here is at this time open land on said tract, sufficient for at least five hundred barrels of Corn. Six months credit will be 'given to purchasers, they giving bond sion. un Friday last, negro JJick, the containing one thousand siave oi it. von, oi aampson county, charged with having committed a rape, was tried. The jury retired aboii sun set, and after deliberating about 19 hours, returned a verdict of "Guilty;" in pur-;with approved securilv....or neeotiable suance of which the Judge proceeded,. paper t0 the State Bank of Newbern will on Monday, to pass the awful sentence: be taken for their accommodation. The pi the law, viz: that he be hung at this -Sale to continue from dav to dav until all are sold... .and probably more than the above quantity will be sold at the same time. JE&SE II. MOORING, Ex'r. 22dof Nov.-lS26. 14 cr;il Government are inconsistent with those of his predecessors, since the days of the elder Adams; his Executive ap pointments are injudicious, and better calculated to subserve party views than "to promote the best interests of our country;" his unwarrantable assumption of power is unprecedented in our an nals, and inimical to the perpetuity of our institutions; finally, his sentiments in regard to the theory of our govern ment, and the monopolizing policy and extravagant projects, which unhappily have lately obtained an ascendancy in our Nationnal Councils, and which are preying on the vitals of the South, are such as to destroy all confidence in the vvisdom or purity of his measures, and plainly indicate their insufficiency to promote "the happiness of man." This is a brief summary of our sentiments, and at present we believe they are in accor dance with a vast majority of our citi zens; who on these grounds see "good reason" why the administration "should not gain friends" any where. The in telligence that "the administration is gaining ground" in the western section oi this slate is new to us. 1 wo years fcince the 'lion of the west' bore proud V the insignia of .another individual; who, if he has not had it in his power wince, to signalize himself in the eyes of 3 dis. ,1s.; second heat, (7m. 7. Fourth A?. ...The Ladies' Purse, S20Q, two mile heats: yV.R. Johnson's ch.f. Nancy Abncr, by Sir Archie, 3 vcars old, 4 11 J.J. Harrison's s.m. LadyLaGrangc, by Sir Archie, 4 years old, 12 2 W. M. West's s. m. Lady Greens ville, byConqueror,4 y'rs old, 2 3 3 T.B.Turner's b.f. Venus, by Sir Hal, 3 years old, 3 dist. Time....first heat, 4m. 2s.; second heat, 4m. 7s.; third heat, 4 m. 14s. New York Election. It is now sat isfactorily, though not officially ascer tained, that Governor Clinton is re-elec ted by a majority of about 2000 votes o- ver hi opponent Judge Rochester. Raleigh, Nov. 24. Federal Court.. ..This Court adjourn ed on Saturday morning last, after a ses sion of six days, being the longest term which it has held for many years. The interesting suit, brought by the Rev. Jon athan IVhi taker: formerly of New-Bed ford, Massachusetts, against the Rev. Frederick Freeman, now of Plymouth, in the same State,; for defamation, which has so lonsr been upon the docket, was commenced on Tuesday, the 14th inst ami forminatnil at a late hour on the nijrht of the Friday following. Counsel for the Plaintiff, Wm. Gaston, Esq. ...For the Defendant, Geo. E. Badger and Hen- rv Seawcll, Esqrs. A large mass of tes- ;mnnr was read on both sides. No J (proof of the truth of any of the allega- placc on Saturday the 9th day of next month. On Monday a white man was convic ted of Perjury, but a motion in arrest of judgement has since been made. The Court this morning entered up on the important suit, which has been pending for several years, ot the State Rank against the Securities of Robt. Raiford, (former Cashier of the Branch in this town.) The trial will probabty occupy several days, and excite much interest, not only on account of the a mount depending (00 or 70,000 dollars,) but also on account of the ability of the Counsel on both sides. For the Plnn tiQ's, Messrs. Seawell, Hogg, and Taylor - For the Defendants, Messrs. Gaston, Toomer, and Henry.... Obs. MARRIED, In this county, on the 19th inst. by Rev. Ichabod Moore, Mr. John Lang, of Pitt county, to Mrs. Elizabeth Ro neve rrAift rf thr latp Stpnhen Rncrprs. v,..ww w. f. :i D 3 deceased. As Isaac and Rebecca give, A pattern chaste and kind; So may this married couple live. And die in friendship join'd. With gifts of grace their hearts endow, Of all rich dowers best; Their substance bless and peace bestow, And sweeten all the rest, Commu d. Notice. mHE Semi-annual EXAMINATION of the Students of Tarborough Jica demy, will commence on Wednesday the 20th, and end on Friday, the 22d December next. Parents and G uardians arc particularly invited to attend. The Exercises of the Institution will commence again on 'Monday, the 1st January next. ROIV T JOYNER, Sec'y. Tarboro', Npy. 24, 1S26. 14 Founds N Timber-street, last evening, about V 9 o'clock, near Capt. Pender's ice house, and nearly opposite the Red Ta vern, at present occupied by Mrs. bim mons & Co. A Fur Hat, of common quality, about half worn, with a cotton handkerchief in it, and a pin in the band near the buckle. The Hat is de posited at the Planter's Hotel, in room No. G, at present occupied by the Sub scriber. The owner is particularly re quested to come forward, prove his pro perty, pay charges and take it away, or otherwise it will be disposed of accord ing to the Act of Assembly in such case made and provided. As I walk'd aut and in again, I saw a man, knew not his name; Quick he stept and down he fell, But rose again and run as hell. PHILO JUNIUS. Tarboro', 27th Nov. 182C. Notice. STRAYED or stolen from Mr. Lewis A. Powell's, in Martin county, in September last, a lisht Bay Mare, 7 years old, trots, paces and canters; goes well in a gig.. ..She has one of her hind feet white, with a small star in her fore head; a short switch tail, and a blemish in her left eye; supposed to be taken by a negro named Allen, who ran away at the same time. FIVE DOLLARS will be given for the delivery of' the mare, or TEN DOLLARS if stolen, for the mare and thief on conviction, by the Subscriber. JESSE F. JONES. Spring-Green, Martin Co. Nov. 2(5, X82G.