" ' . S i: if hole A o. 125. TarborongK Edgecombe County, jY. C. Tuesday, January .16, 1827. Vol UL No. 21. v t 'I TIIK "FREE PRESS, n Ihj Geo. Howard, Is published wceklv, (every Tuesday, at TWO DOLLARS per year, (or52num lers,) it paid within one month after Sub scribers commence receiving their paners Two Dollars i? Fifty Cents, if paid within six monthsand Three Dollars at theexpi yatk n of the year. Subscribers at liberty to discontinue at any time on paying arrears. Advertisements not exceeding 16 lines will be inserted at 50 cents the first insertion, and S3 cents each continuance. Lunger ones at that rate for every 16 lines. Letters addressed to the Editor must be p)t J i aid. j'Janies Simmons, Esq. postmaster at Halifax, is our general agent for that vicinity. Notice. E7TLL be sold on Saturday, the 20th inst. at the late residence of Doct. David Dancv, all his slock of HOUSES AND MULES: Amongst which are two fine brood mares, and two Sancho mules, very likely and ready broke for service. Six months credit will be given , I he pur chaser giving note with appmved secu rity immediately upon the delivery of the property and if any purchaser "foils to comply with the terms of the sale, the property will he re-sold, and the first purchaser held liable for any deficiency that may take place by such' re-sale. ROB'T JOYNER, Special Mm' r of the late Doct. I). Duncy. Tarboro', 2d Jan. 1827. 20 Cabinet-making, Turning, ire. fjMIE Subscriber having erected a complete workshop for the above business in all its various branches, re spectfully informs his friends and the public in general, that he is now prepa red to execute any work in his line that he may receive orders for, viz: Sideboards, China presses, secreta ries, book-cases, bureaus, tables, wash-stands, candle-stands gentle men's and ladies' wardrobes, ladies' and gentlemen's cabinets, cylinder fall desks, portable and common do. and bedsteads of all descriptions. The work in general will be well execu ted, and of good materials. ALSO, THE TURNING BUSINESS, Will be carried on in all its branches, viz: Wood, iron, brass, ivory, frc. Carpenters who may want turning done, can be accommodated, with the turning ot columns, newel posts, ballesters. drops, corner blocks, rosettes, &c. The above work will be executed as cheap as the times will admit of, and in as short time as it can be done. LEWIS LAY SS ARB. Halifax, Sept. 1326. 5 State of JVoith-Carotina, EDUECOMBE COUNTY". JUSTICES COURT. Isaac Braswell, Jr. ) Original Atlach vs. - ment, returned NathanG. Braswell.) levied on hogs corn, and sundry other articles. TT appearing to the satisfaction of the Justice of the Peace, that the defen dant, Nathan G. Braswell, is not an inhabitant of the County of Edgecombe: It is therefore ordered, That publica tion be made in the Tarborough Free Press for thirty days, that the defend ant, Nathan G. Braswell, appear within that time, answer, plead, &.c. or judg ment will be entered up against him as confessed, and execution issue accord- DAVID WILLIAMS, J. P. Dee. 12, 1S26.1S Price adv. S2:25. Very Valuable Property, FOR SALE. N Monday, the 22d day of January next, the Subscribers beino- fniu- authorised for that purpose, wilf sell on the premises, at Public Auction, that highly valuable TRACT OF LAND, Now owned and occupied by Thomas B. Eaton, containing about ThreeThou sand Acres, Lying on the South side of RoanoUe River, in the County of War ren, near the Ilaljfox line, adjoining the Lands of William Eaton, Win. P. Little, and William Person, Sen. The Low Grounds are extensive and Rich. The improvements thereon consist of a com fortable and convenient Dwelling House, together with every other necessary out building. Also a. valuable OVERSHOT MILL, Newly built, Gin House, Cotton Gin, &c. Likewise, upwards of ONE HUNDRED NEGROES, Consisting of Men, Women, Boys and Girls, as likely as an in the State together with a large" Stock of Horses, Mules. Cattle and I logs Household and Kitchen Furniture Plantation Utensils and other effects, all of which arc of the best kind. This property will be sold on a Credit until the first day cf November, next, with interest from the date. The Sale will positively take place and he continual from day to dav until the whole is disposed of. Bond's with undoubted Security will be requi red before the property is delivered, and should any purchaser fail toromply with these Terms, the property will be re sold, and the first purchaser held respon sible for til c deficiency. Any person wishing a further descrip tion of the above Property, can obtain it by reference to William Eaton, William P. Little, William Person, Sen. of War ren, or to Col. Joseph Hawkins, in Ral eiirh. HENRY FITTS, GORDON CAWTHORN. Warren County, N.C.Dec 2f, 1S2G. Blank Warrants for sale. AT THIS OFFigjJ. Wot ice, LL those indebted to the Subscriber, are earnestly requested to call im mediately, and have their accounts clos ed by note or otherwise. Those whose accounts are of more than one year's standing, are desired to call before the first of February next, or they will find their accounts in the hand of an officer, as longer indulgence cannot be given. D. SNEADER. Halifax, Jan 3. 1827. Original Attachment: State of .jYortli.Cui'olinu, EDGECOMBE COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, November Term, 1S26. Joab P. Pitt vs. Edmund Bulk ley, Joseph Belly Robert Joyner, Joseph lAickcy,and Abraham Crane, sum moned as gar 7i isher.s : j"T appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that Edmund Bulkley. the defendant, is not an inhabitant of this State: is ordered, That publication be made for six weeks in the Tarbo rough Free Press, giving notice to the lefendant, that he appear at the next County Court to be held for said County, at the Court-House in Tarbo- rough, on the fourth Monday of Febru ary next, then and there to answer, plead or demur, otherwise judgment will be taken pro confesso, and the same set for hearing ex parte. Witness, Michael Hearn, Clerk of the said Court, at office, the fourth Mon day of November, 182G. MICHAEL HEARN C.(?. ( Wm (rreenaivalt, j WATCH AND CLOCK MAIMER, j HALIFAX TOWN, N. C. "RESPECTFULLY informs the citi zens of Halifax and the adjacent Counties, that he repairs all kinds of Watches and Clocks, and will be thank ful to the Public for their patronage, as nothing shall be wanting, (as far as lays in my power,) to give satisfaction. Dec. 26, 182G. 19-3 Notice Private Academy. rpHE Subscribers respectfully inform x- the Public, that they will open A PRIVATE ACADEMY, On the 22d of January, 1S27, (being the fourth Monday,) in the county of Hali fax, North-Carolina, about four miles west of Halifax town and that they have engaged, as Principal of their In stitution, the Rev. Sidney Wteller, A. M. who presents the most satisfactory testimonials, that his qualifications, and experience as an Instructor, are of the nrst order. As a teacher of Kno-IUL h UAb stolen out of the house of the! ,lurilt r n T 's1'3"' liy U n..u. c ;1UU9C Ul tIU- taught for some time on the Lancaster - Subscriber, some time in December ! last, a double cased SILVER WATCH, an and Monitorial plan. He has had charge of three different Public Acade mies, from all of which are adduced, . r ... ..... " Made by J. Williams, London, No. 4015 certificates of his abilities and success as (Kn .. .. ' .1 I f I lln FncfKimtn. lT I 1 . the outer case is rather I arse for the inner case, and much thicker. FIVE DOLLARS reward will be given for such information as will lead to the re covery of it by Joseph Barrington. Tai borough, Oct. 19, 1K20. 11 Stale of Xorlb-CaroUnn, EDGECO.MHE COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, November Term, 1S2G. Jesse C. Knight, ) vs f Original Edmund Bulkley, Attachment:' Joseph Rett. Robert Joyner, Joseph Lackey, and Abraham Crane, sum moned as garnishees an Instructor. He presided over the Washington Academy, in Salem, Wash ington county, New-York, (his native state,) about five years. For the twelve months past, he held the Presidency of the Rappahannock Academy, in Virginia. In the above stations, Mr. Weller fit ted a number of young gentlemen for entering advanced classes of Colleges. Mr. Weller took his degrees in Union College, state of New-York he brings recommendations from distinguished in dividualsamong other papers of favor able notice, are those from Doct. Nott, President of Union College; from Doct. Proudfit, one of the three, composing the examining committee of that Col lege, and President of the Board of Trustees of the Washington Academy above named; from De Witt Clinton, Governor of New-York, who had a son ,.. ;.; , . ,., ,, ""I son. ol I-'redericlcsbnrg, Virginia. Male. t.t (riietxtt, 1 hat nublirition ti ' em . he made fr six weeks in the T a L o ! , J e,'m'l f Ton, for the scho u v n . lastic year, of ten months, will bo as ron-h rec Press, giving notice to the: follows- . 'V"is, wi.i DC as defendant, that ho annear at ihp novt . .. . be held for or Greek, or French languages, - - . $25 I innttr I ...... 1 . I 111 n v.uuui vuuu io oe netu tor sairi County, at the Court-IIouse in Tarbo- r ... it.,, c. .1. u i . . . rorttie rough, on the fourth Monday of Febru ary next, tnen and there to answer, plead or demur, otherwise judgment will be taken pro confesso, and the same set forbearing ex parte. Witness, Michael Hearn, Clerk of the said Court, at office, the fourth Mpn day of November, 1S26. MICHAEL HEARN, C. C. 16 6 higher branches of En- A List of Letter 8) Remaining in the Post-Office at Tarbo rough, N. C. the 1st day of January, 1827, which if not called for and taken 'out be fore the 1st day of April next, will be sent to the General Post-Office as dead letters. Adams Henry Hart Robert I) 2 Atki nson M A Mrs Hodge Allen Alsobrook Micajah Hardy Allen Dell Dennetts Hobbs Isaac Drown Mary Jenkins John Barns dwin Little Jane Miss Burrows Benjamin Luper Martha Baker Moses Lee William Barrington Joseph Milbcrn Stenhp.n Campbell F Miss2 Morgan Henry 2 iioman vvutiam 31av Drurv Collins Grissy Dancy Francis L Drake William Diiprey William Darden Elisha Edwards Wm V Edwards Si lev Evritt Edwin Ferrand P Esq .Mc Williams Mr Mooring William Mewberes William Parker Theophilus Plum Mr Porter Eli Pender Sarah Mrs Kobins Jacob Randolph F Miss Fountain Sarah M Stalling Elizabeth Foxhall William Stallincs Jamrs ' o Flemmon Benj Garrett John Hawkins John Hat way John Harrison Richard Hadley Weeks P Harper Stephen Stringer Guilford Sorey Robert Sugg Reading Wooten Levi Williams Richey Wilkinson Benj 19-61 & R. LLOYD. P.M. glisi education, - - $20 Board, (including washing and lodg ing,) may be had in our own, or other respectable families in the neighbor hood, convenient to the Academy, at $6 per month both Board and Tuition, payable at the expiration of each session. For the advantage of classing in each study, a uniformity of books is required: Mr. Weller will furnish at store nricps. when called for, such approved authors in cacn study, as are adopted in the In stitution. From the tried qualifications of their Principal, the local situation of their A cademy being considered one of the most healthy, and moral neighborhood? in the county and the moderate char ges for Board and Tuition; and from the wholesome by-laws, and regular, public examinations, which are to be carried fully into effect; the Subscribers autici patc tne most favorable result. JAMES BISHOP. RICE B PIERCE. JOHN PUR NELL. Halifax County, Norlh-Caro lina. Dec. 26, 1826. N. B. It is earnestly requested that, those favoring our Institution with their patronage, would enter their youth on or before the time of opening the School; as much depends on members of classes beginning together. Mr. Weller proposes conducting, ac cording to the Hamiilonian system, a class commencing the Latin and in the course of the year, by the same plan, another in the French. By the above system, youth acquire an acquaintance with the elementary au thors of the languages, without any ma terial interruption of their English studies. 19.3 Printing neutly executed, 1 i ii 5,, f 1 n f i i