" V t X) i Whole No. J32. Tarborongh, Edgecombe County, N. C. Saturday, March S, 182? FoL 111. No. 28. THE "FREE PRESS," By Geo. Howard, Is published weektv, (every Saturday,) at 'flVU DOLLJRS per year, (or 52 num bers,) it paid within one month after Su! fcrilrs commence receiving their papers Dollars & Fifty Cents, if paid within six months and Three Dollars at the expi ration of the year. Subscribers at liberty to continue at any time on paying arrears. Advertisements not exceeding 16 lines will le inserted at 50 cents the first insertion, and 35 cents each continuance. Longer ones at khat rate tor every 16 lines. Letters addressed to the Editor must be ost 1 1 aid. " J7Jaiiies Simmons, Esq. postmaster at Halifax, is our general agent for that vicinity. Domestic. The Speech delivered by Mr. Potter, on the 22d ultimo, (in the House of Commons.) on the hill introduced by him to establish a Political College in this State, having created great excite ment, and lead to much conversation, in order to correct misrepresentations, and procure- a fair construction of his mo tives, he has thought proper to submit a copy for publication. Raleigh Star. REMARKS OF MR. POTTER. Mr. Speaker In submitting the proposition contained in that bill, a proposition so novel in its cha- tune of the people, and the lasting shame of those who have hereto fore occupied the places which we now fill, that duty has never been performed, though occasion ally reminded of it by adventurous individuals of their own body, and sometimes casually invited to it in the annual messages of the ex ecutive, until our present Chief Magistrate, in his recent ctfmmu nication, has pressed the subject and her thoughts should be raised from the habitual contemplation of low and subordinate objects, and fixed upon her manlier and more exalted interests. Would you ask how this is to be done would you ask how "a consumma tion so devoutly to be wished," is to be accomplished! I answer, educate the people yes, let in upon their minds the light of sci ence and of truth confer nnnn them them the capacity of think- upon us with a snliritmln nnd ,.nvi M. J 1 " l,lJVIW V... nig enable them justly to appre-jCty, characteristic of his well ciate their relation to their coim-j known deep and virtuous sensibi llT give them to see and under-1 lity to the best interests of his peo stand their rights and intercsls,: pie. The Legislature from time and the prevailing instinct of na-; to time have sported with the sub ture will impel them to assort ami! ject, by adopting a barren rcsolu pursuethcni. If this proposition,! tion in its favor; but as yet they bearing, as I conceive, upon itsjhave done nothing decisive in re very face the impress of beauty lation to it. They did, indeed, at and of truth, should yet bedeem-jthe last session, set apart some ed to require the sanction of au-j trilling branches of the revenue, thority, I would direct you to the 'which they were pleased to style sentiments of those chiefs and sa-"The Litem ry Fund; " but if not ges, whose valor won, whose wis- added to, t he present generation doin established our liberties. jat least must pass away before it 1 he mail wIllV ivlinil liririfr irwwii Mcriiiniilit c-nf!i..I..t l.r ..4l 1 meter, and, it adopted, so impor-. ved the homage of all hearts, and I effectual aid to the people. Sir taut in its consequences, I trust, whose name like a charm still m-i this is not the way to treat this mt iiouse will bear Willi me a nu- chants the world whose form,! matter it is a subject not to be meat, while 1 open to them some shadowed forth upon the wall, in 'dallied with. 1 would seize upon oi the arguments in favor of it, the altitude of entreaty, would it with the determined eueiW and declare to them the motives seem to beckon and persuade vou with which, if drowning I would winch have impelled me to oiler it., to the adoption of his lavoiite .grapple a plank in thesure. I lo say that the object of this mea-; maxim. That sainted sajfe, in the would embrace it as a measure, on sure, is to elevate and dignify the last words addressed by him to which depended our last, our only character ol North-Carolina, and his country, in lan-uaire'tho most hope, of social improvement, or provide lor the continuance of her earnest and emphatic, invited her political exaltation; and if the mea safcty,and the enlargement of her attention to this subject. These sure 1 now tender vou. be not ac happiness, by enlightening and li-t arc his words: "lis substantially copied, or some efficient system berahzing the faculties of herpeo- true, that virtue or morality is a. for disseminating education a ple that its ultimate scope is no-, necessary spring of popular gov- mono; our people "be not adopted, thing less than the diffusion of od-j eminent. The rule indeed1 ex- I shall set down in despair, over ucation among the mass of her tends with more or less force to the irreclaimable degradation of children, is at ce to announce every species of free government, inv country. But, by heavens,! the magnitude of its importance. , Who that is a sincere "friend to it,, will not believe it 1 cannot be vir, if it be mind which gives to!can look with indifference upon j lieve you will turn away your fa muli the dominion of the world .'atteinOts to sIlJlK-n tllM f'min.l.Hlnn! fi'ml rnfnJn w.'iiw.t f., ,l " it be that which distinguishes jof the fabric! Promote, then, as'approvo this measure. I cannot him from the brutes that perish, j an object of primary importance believe, you will thus impliedly and almost exalts him to an equa-'institutions for the general f diff'udveido that our people are inca'- v uu iiccivuii, men me process, ston or Knowledge, in proportion pabie oi virtue or excellence, and as the structure of a govornmentjthat thev are only jives force to public opinion, it is! Born to cat, and be despised and die. by which its mighty attributes are developed and harmonised, is ob viously an object of paramount consideration, lint forcible and undeniable as is this truth, and tilled noon us from snnrcns rif essential ih;t public ojriiiionshoidd be enlightened. The Congress of '76, whose de liberations were conducted in the oracular sacrcdness, North-Caro- borough which I have the honor nna seems ever to have remained most sadly insensible to it; while niuny of her sister States have ad dressed themselves to the subject with a degree of energy and zeal, which indicate their sense of the vitality of its importance; while they have most liberally devoted their best resources to the deve lopment of the moral and intellec tual energies of their-people, N. Carolina, in this, as in every other eful improvement, has continu al to stumble and flounder on, at a lazy and a lagging pace, behind very other member of the Union. 'lr it is time she were disen chanted it is time she was bro't trj a just and full sense of 4ier de flation it is time that the spell which has so long scaled her en ergies in death, should be broken, to represent, some of whose mem bers were then iresh from the bat tles of their country, and yet reek ing in the blood of her enemies whilst the fierce and furious din of civil discord shook this mighty continent, and the echoes of the ball and the sabre were sighing and shivering in their ears resol ved as fate calm and unmoved as gods, deciding on the destinies of mortals even amidst those terrible convulsions, they were not unmindful of this important subject; and, in the charter fur nished by their deliberations, un der which wrc arc now assembled, thev introduced a provision, en- joining it as a duty on the Legis lature which they then created, to provide for the general education of their people. To the misfor- Kv'n as tbe brutes that perish, save that they Have a more noble trough,and wider sty.' I would invoke the genius of my country to my side, and aid me in persuading you to the adop tion of this measure. Sir, if she were indeed to appear among us if the genius of North-Carolina were now to present herself to you, who are charged with the destinies of her people, instead of the majesty of a guardian god dess instead of a radiant brow, and an eve flashing li xlit and di' mty on this assembly, you would mark her with a pallid front, and "sad and shrouded eye," and in the hollow accents of despair, she would demand of you, in the lan- meet you here from year to year, to scuflle over subjects, unimport ant to the public, and trifling in themselves, or to squabble about the disposition of a clerkship or a judgeship, whilst the peoj)lc, for whom all this is intended for whose benefit government was es tablished, laws enacted, and judg es appointed whilst the people are left to rust in primeval igno rance "rotting from sire to son, and age to age," deaf as the ad der, and dark as Erebus? She would tell you, you were a degra ded and despised community; but only so, because you would be so. She would tell you that North-Carolina was a lion in the net, an eagle without his pinion, fixed up on the earth and gazing at the sun in despair, and she would conjure you to make one generous, one manly effort, to redeem and disen thral herto take, at this mo ment, a firm and noble stand in support of the most sacred rights of humanity- to silence in your hearts the suggestions of every selfish passion, and act with a sin gle eye to the honor and the inte rests of your country. She would remind you of the frailty of life, and the immortality of virtue. She would tell you, that time scoffs and hisses tit the grandest achieve ments of man, and crushes, and crumbles, the proudest monuments of his power; but that fate itself had no control over virtue; essen tially eternal, it should live, like a cherub smiling above the storm, when the frail forms from which it sprung, should have returned to the clod of the valley. She would warn you that the flight of time was rapid and irrevocable; and with a voice, like the music of the spheres, she would implore you to seize upon the passing hour to make it vour OWll. fill I rinrlrji ii j ' " "ivi lUllltl 11 immortal, by consecrating it to patriotism. Cheered and elated at the effect of her admonition, her form now buoyant with hope, her brow brightening and flush ing, and her eye dilating tearing the shroud from her face, and stamping with an emphasis that should wake an echo in every cot tage of Carolina; in a lone of en couragement and command, she would exclaim to you, as she reti red, "Arise! thou can'st and must." Yes, to be great, North-Carolina has only to will to be so. She has moral and intellectual energies, which, if put into action, would command for her an honorable and an enviable elevation in the Union an elevation, where the proudest should conceive them selves honored in her smile. She has, indeed, thouuh all unknown to the world, names dear alike to inius unu 10 science names, sruace of admonition and rrnrnof. i which the all.nnrlnrinrr lmu! r CJ O - I -J j w..vvi 1IUUU VJ "why sit ye here, all the while fame icill inscribe upon the proud idle!" why assemble here from ; est pillar of her temple, and over session to session, and expend which the most approving smiles your time upon ephemeral ob- of virtue have hr.on nonred. Tim jects, while you neglect the very virtues of Henderson alone, might salvation of the republic: why atone for the errors of a vicious n h it ii i i V V 1

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